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Old 11-21-2005, 05:41 PM   #21

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Term limits will not end special interests groups. It will make more excuses on a voting public that is largely inept.
It's the beginning, not the be all end all. That and the abolition of gerrymandering. If you read the thread here, you would see, there is much to be done. There is (no) magic bullet.

Congress has become a (lifestyle)!
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Old 11-22-2005, 01:04 AM   #22

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It's the beginning, not the be all end all. That and the abolition of gerrymandering. If you read the thread here, you would see, there is much to be done. There is (no) magic bullet.

Congress has become a (lifestyle)!
I have never believed in term limits. I do believe that if the public paid more attention to their civic leaders, local, state, AND federal, to their interedts, Congress would be much more paletable.

Gerrymandering has effectively been banned since US vs Gerrymander was established in the 19th century. In most cases, the district lines have moved very little. Only in high growth states, like Texas or Colorado, does the reapportionment become controversial. And that reason is because both sides are playing power politics, not the interests of the public. Do you really think term limits will help solve any of this?
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Old 11-22-2005, 11:15 PM   #23

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I have never believed in term limits. I do believe that if the public paid more attention to their civic leaders, local, state, AND federal, to their interedts, Congress would be much more paletable.

Gerrymandering has effectively been banned since US vs Gerrymander was established in the 19th century. In most cases, the district lines have moved very little. Only in high growth states, like Texas or Colorado, does the reapportionment become controversial. And that reason is because both sides are playing power politics, not the interests of the public. Do you really think term limits will help solve any of this?

Congress has become a (lifestyle), not a job.

I'm sick of letting them leach off of the citizenry, and it must end.

Install term limits, remove the first at the gate two party system, and they will never again have a gig for (life). The banning of gerrymandering "effective"? I don't think so.

Begin to elect people who truly want to make a difference, and not leach off the citizenry.

Then establish a "free market", remove government from the economy as it's not theirs, it's (everyone's).

Abolish Social Security as all it does is make government bigger, while they launder our capital.

Abolish taxes as that's just a way to launder our capital, while they live off of it, and their "special interest's". In fact, I don't ever pay taxes. Very rarely do I, if I can't get away with it.

Then begin to heal the damage they have inflicted on a trusting populace. It's not radical at all, it's freedom.

Force government to relinquish the control of the Nationalization of Globalization.

Force them to need permission to send the military into other countries. It's not their murder crew to use as they please. It's for our (protection).

They have created a free anarchic market for big capital, and the common freemarketeer has been cut off from that.

The only way to have freedom, is with a free unencumbered market.

Ever heard of "planned capitalism"? It was installed in the U.S. in the 1930's. What was real big in Europe in the 1930's? It's forced America into a "command economy".

"planned capitalism" is not capitalism at all. Do you know what it is?
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Old 11-23-2005, 03:03 PM   #24

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Congress has become a (lifestyle), not a job.

I'm sick of letting them leach off of the citizenry, and it must end.

Install term limits, remove the first at the gate two party system, and they will never again have a gig for (life). The banning of gerrymandering "effective"? I don't think so.

Begin to elect people who truly want to make a difference, and not leach off the citizenry.

Then establish a "free market", remove government from the economy as it's not theirs, it's (everyone's).

Abolish Social Security as all it does is make government bigger, while they launder our capital.

Abolish taxes as that's just a way to launder our capital, while they live off of it, and their "special interest's". In fact, I don't ever pay taxes. Very rarely do I, if I can't get away with it.

Then begin to heal the damage they have inflicted on a trusting populace. It's not radical at all, it's freedom.

Force government to relinquish the control of the Nationalization of Globalization.

Force them to need permission to send the military into other countries. It's not their murder crew to use as they please. It's for our (protection).

They have created a free anarchic market for big capital, and the common freemarketeer has been cut off from that.

The only way to have freedom, is with a free unencumbered market.

Ever heard of "planned capitalism"? It was installed in the U.S. in the 1930's. What was real big in Europe in the 1930's? It's forced America into a "command economy".

"planned capitalism" is not capitalism at all. Do you know what it is?
I see I am talking to a Constitutionally challenged individual here. First and foremost, the US does not have a command economy. We have a monopolistic system (look that up) to describe our economic system. Small businesses (assets under $5 million and less than 100 employees) provide about 70% of the labor force, but only 30% of the GDP while midsize and large businesses provide 30% of the workforce and 70% of the GDP. This is called economies of scale (look that up). And although there is regs to determine who, what, when, why, how, and to what extent a business may or may not perform, sell, market, etc, those regs are more like enforced guidelines. Businesses still have freedom, but they make have to pay the consequences for violating those rules. This is called civilization. The rest of the post is laughable on the issue of term limits. Like I said, if the voting public paid more attention to its elected officials, instead of watching the boob tube, then perhaps Congress will do a better job. And your post proves my point.
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Old 11-23-2005, 07:17 PM   #25

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I see I am talking to a Constitutionally challenged individual here. First and foremost, the US does not have a command economy. We have a monopolistic system (look that up) to describe our economic system. Small businesses (assets under $5 million and less than 100 employees) provide about 70% of the labor force, but only 30% of the GDP while midsize and large businesses provide 30% of the workforce and 70% of the GDP. This is called economies of scale (look that up). And although there is regs to determine who, what, when, why, how, and to what extent a business may or may not perform, sell, market, etc, those regs are more like enforced guidelines. Businesses still have freedom, but they make have to pay the consequences for violating those rules. This is called civilization. The rest of the post is laughable on the issue of term limits. Like I said, if the voting public paid more attention to its elected officials, instead of watching the boob tube, then perhaps Congress will do a better job. And your post proves my point.
I am not "Constitutionally challenged in the least. Our traitorous government is.

We do in fact have a modernized "command economy". A "command economy" is controlled by a (central authority), or centralized government. This government of ours wants to (control) organic farming on both sides of the Atlantic. On that basis alone, you are completely wrong. That is a "command economy, by definition".

The sellers have become the price maker's rather than the price taker's. That is a "command economy". I know exactly what a monopolistic system is. That is definitely incorporated into this "command" structure government has installed. There wouldn't be this massive homogenization of legal monopolies in America, if not for this planned structure by the government. "Planned capitalism" is commanding of the economy. Look it up. It was installed here in the 1930's.

The economies of scale are "scaled because of governmental planning commanding their planned capitalist, otherwise known as fascism, period. The government control every aspect of this economy. It's not their's, an they need to give it back as it belongs to (everyone). They have no right making policy in a free economy. That creates this scale, and creates this despotism.

You're going to mince words, and call it "forced guidelines". I call a spade a spade. Force is command. The government making policy for big capital is command as it is no longer free. Businesses have no freedom, and there can be no freedom without a free market, period.

A "free market" is given to big capital corps, and even massive (war) is used to open market's for said big capital, that would other wise be (closed) to the west. They call them "democratic market's" That is not civilized in the least, "civilization" is bullshite. The nationalization of globalization is a "command economy" on a massive governmental controlled scale.

This is called control my friend, and I will have none of it. That labour force you mentioned, is what's used to fuel this Empire, and it's military industrial congressional complex. There is nothing "civilized" about any of that. There is nothing civilized about this Government professing a "war on terror", and "war on drugs", when they are in fact the bringers of terror, and the "drug lords". That is reality.

My post, proves you have no idea what you're talking about, and have bought into the grand delusion of a "planned society" by your plutocratic aristocratic government. I shouldn't say "no idea" as you realize their is a monopoly on capital in the U.S..

If people knew they were being (used), and relegated to worker ants, they would not allow this traitorous government to get away with anything. They would surely pay attention, if not lied to a frequent and daily basis. They can't tell a lie from a truth any longer, and still believe they are being represented. They now only listen to their bad parents bed time stories, it's pathetic. "Mein Kampf", has become a blueprint to US. governmental dominance.

Thing is, people in this country are dumbed down on purpose as they want labour, period. The education system is (made) this way. It's not even education, it's "conditioning".
The U.S. government doesn't teach anything, and (memorization) of their relative revisionist conditioning is the name of the game. It's really the entirety of Mainstream education, not necessarily public schools. It's the system that's broken. When I say broken, I mean for we the people. This governmnet has (fixed) it , in a commanding, and controlling way, just the way they want it.

If this government truly cared about education for our kids, and their bright futures it would be done in a much different fashion. Math, English, Science, languages, (real) history, not revisionist propaganda would all be taught at the earliest age possible. When your a young open mined child you absorb everything, and it would do we the people well to remember that.

High school is a joke, and learning is hampered by people's social inadequacies. Truly teach we the citizenry's children while they are young, and they will be a force to be reckoned with. At 3 years old a child can start learning languages, some say earlier. What are your kids doing, learning how the cow jumped over the moon?

Our government will (never) do that in an easy to learn mainstream fashion. Have they ever? We need to remove education from the grasp of government, period. They want us to forget Spanish, French, German, etc, by the time kids graduate.

Get real, this government doesn't care about any of us or we the citizenry's future's. They want labour, that's what they want. Labor to work in all the wonderful Corporatist walmarts, block busters, circuit cities, home depots, lowes, sams clubs, police and "military industrial congressional complex" I'm sure you can fill in the rest. It's one big farm that's all.

What will you do when they commandingly install the pharmaceutical industry into (all) our schools, it's coming?

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."
~Adolf Hitler Thomas Jefferson:
No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him. That's all from which any bullshite law our traitorous government has made should restrain us, period. That includes (our) economy.

If everyone minds their own business, then we make our own laws, becuae we are our own master's, got it.

We do as we damn please, as long as we do not aggress against anyone else. Anything we damn please.

No man has dominion over another, that's (slavery)!

A free country is not possible without a "free market".

"Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains."
~Thomas Jefferson
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Old 11-24-2005, 07:48 PM   #26

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New or old they're all bought and sold.
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Old 11-25-2005, 06:47 PM   #27

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I used to think so, but I've changed somewhat ...though I'm not 100% sure. I used to think that fresh blood; a government truly governed by citizens regularly recycled would be the best form of government.

However, the founders decided to make this country a republic, not a true democracy. I now think I know why. Government's intricacies require a certain acquired expertise that freshman legislators and other junior pols often seem to lack.

Our government is too big ... for better or worse ...that's just a fact. Term limits, I believe, add a more dynamic element to the process, which would be fine if we were a smaller, less significant country. However, we're clearly the major player on the world scene and experienced politicians add a certain stability.

I think trying to reform the election process to limit the role of money might be more effective. But of course, there are those that argue similarly about limiting money. Perhaps we could limit the length of the campaigns?
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Old 11-26-2005, 02:03 AM   #28

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Shoot I awoken too late for the local liquor stores to be open. Consume the sugar an way preferred (alcohol, opium, or self-sedating opinion) but the required buzz is all that saves (most of us) from the reality of our slavery.
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Old 11-26-2005, 05:54 AM   #29

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Shoot I awoken too late for the local liquor stores to be open. Consume the sugar an way preferred (alcohol, opium, or self-sedating opinion) but the required buzz is all that saves (most of us) from the reality of our slavery.
Freezedried alcohol, AKA Zanax, ain't half bad.

Slavery with a is on the march!
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:38 PM   #30

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Our government is too big ... for better or worse ...that's just a fact. Which is another thing that needs to be fixed, and hopefully term limits would help make that change happen sooner.

Term limits ... would be fine if we were a smaller, less significant country. However, we're clearly the major player ... and experienced politicians add a certain stability. Okay, that's the first reasonable argument I've heard against. Term limits as worded in my earlier post still allow for that stability, and/or for congressmen to cycle back and forth to/from senator if they find the limiting factor too onerous.

I think trying to reform the election process to limit the role of money might be more effective. The only effective way to limit the role of money in government is to limit the power of the government. So long as a powerful entity can invest thousands of dollars to lobby for favorable tax or regulation policies that will save them millions, they will always find a way around any finance rules that can be devised.

Perhaps we could limit the length of the campaigns? That's even more doomed than 'limiting the money'. The shorter the campaign, the more important mere name recognition becomes, the less time is available to rebut any slanderous ads, the bigger the role of 'damage control' (ie it's a lot easier to hide your pecadillos for weeks than for months), and the less time there is to develop, compare, and/or analyze actual positions on issues.
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Old 12-06-2005, 04:46 AM   #31

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Which is another thing that needs to be fixed, and hopefully term limits would help make that change happen sooner.

Okay, that's the first reasonable argument I've heard against. Term limits as worded in my earlier post still allow for that stability, and/or for congressmen to cycle back and forth to/from senator if they find the limiting factor too onerous.

The only effective way to limit the role of money in government is to limit the power of the government. So long as a powerful entity can invest thousands of dollars to lobby for favorable tax or regulation policies that will save them millions, they will always find a way around any finance rules that can be devised.

That's even more doomed than 'limiting the money'. The shorter the campaign, the more important mere name recognition becomes, the less time is available to rebut any slanderous ads, the bigger the role of 'damage control' (ie it's a lot easier to hide your pecadillos for weeks than for months), and the less time there is to develop, compare, and/or analyze actual positions on issues.
Also gerrymandering, and maybe even an IRV, or some derivative. Anything to allow for (real) meaningful choice in the land of the free to do what you're told.

Term limits are only to remove the (lifestyle) that congress has manufactured for themselves. I want people in there who are true working class citizens, who know they are only going to be there for so long. I want them to work as hard as they can to make this country a better place. I'm sick of the 99% incumbency rate, and lavish lifestyle we support them with. It must end.

I want government removed from our economy completely. As it stands now the FED, controls all the capital in the U.S.. A monopoly on capital is not capitalism, it's closer to Nationalized communism. When lawyers in Washington are getting paid to (talk) by the hour, how does anyone expect representation to mean a damn in Washington? I see no need for lobbyists at all. Remove the government from our economy, and wholly cut them off from making policy in the private sector. There will be no need for legal extortion, and bribes any longer.

I don't feel an add should air unless it's straight from the horses mouth. If the potential candidate is not speaking, I don't want to hear it. I don't think any presidential commercials should air unless the potential candidate is in them. Slander adds must stop as they have made our election process a massive lucrative circus every 4 years. also equal representation of every candidate is a must, and none are allowed any more air time then another. I feel the campaign funds should be completely equal. I also feel that from the stump speeches are really all that should air on TV/radio. Anything else, is propaganda, and I will have no part of it.

By the way, I liked your responses Evil_inKarlate.
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