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#1 |
This thread is devoted to white people who are fully and rabidly supporting anti-white policies whose ultimate consequence is that their own ethnic group dies out. Who are these people? What are their motives? Are they insane? Personally I mostly feel sorry for people I know who entertain such sick views (they are almost all mental wrecks). I understand that some non-whites are anti-white due to Social Darwinist motivated reasons, but these white anti-racists are a bunch of weird deviants. Just look at these freaks:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Defective people who differ from the majority norm has a natural interest in countering the white majority culture through the propagation of all sorts of degenerate minority agendas: "tolerance" "diversity", LGBT and crap like that. One hypothesis is that many anti-racists hate themselves and their ethnicity as a result of traumatic experiences in childhood, such as drug addicted parents, child abuse and sexual abuse. It is conceivable that such intense experiences breed hostile feelings toward the in-group. After all, ethnicity is an extension of family. The Authoritarian Personality is a classic and very influential empirical study from 1950 that measured the degree of ethnocentrism of white test takers. The results showed that people with low ethnocentrism had a negative view of their parents, while individuals with high ethnocentrism (i.e. "racists", "fascists", "Nazis") had a positive view of their parents: Whereas the negative feelings high scorers had toward their parents tend to derive from parental efforts to discipline the child or get the child to do household chores, the negative feelings of the low scorers are the result of feelings of desertion and loss of affection (p. 349). However, in the case of the low scorers, Frenkel-Brunswik emphasizes that the desertions and loss of love are frankly accepted, and this acceptance, in her view, precludes psychopathology. I have already discussed F63, whose father abandoned her; another low scoring subject, M55, states, “For example, he would take a delicacy like candy, pretend to offer us some and then eat it himself and laugh uproariously. . . . Makes him seem sort of a monster, though he’s not really” (p. 350). It is not surprising that such egregious examples of parental insensitivity are vividly recalled by the subject. However, in the upside-down world of The Authoritarian Personality, their being recalled is viewed as a sign of mental health in the subjects, whereas the overtly positive relationships of the high scorers are a sign of deep, unconscious layers of psychopathology. Contemporary developmental research on authoritative parenting and parent-child warmth also indicates that authoritative parents are more successful in transmitting cultural values to their children (e.g., MacDonald 1988a, 1992, 1997a). In reading the interview material, one is struck by the fact that low scorers have rather negative views of their parents, whereas high scorers have quite positive views. It is reasonable to suppose that the low scorers would be more rebelliousness against parental values, and this indeed occurs. Organized Swedish "anti-racists" who were prosecuted and sentenced to prison for aggravated assault of an elected "right-wing populist" politician and his girlfriend (totally unprovoked violence at a subway station): ![]() In the newspapers you could read that at least two of the girls had a documented tangled childhood with divorces, drug abuse, youth care and teenage pregnancy. And it was not due to any "socioeconomic factors" since they are children of the cultural elite such as professors and actors (source). Wiggers can certainly be considered to be suffering from ethno-masochism. Rappers Eminem and Vanilla Ice are probably two of the most famous wiggers: In 1999, Mathers' mother sued him for around US$10 million over alleged slander about her in his lyrics regarding The Slim Shady LP; she won about US$1,600 in damages in 2001. Robert Matthew Van Winkle was born in Dallas, Texas.[1] Van Winkle never knew his biological father, and was given the family name of the man his mother was married to at the time of his birth.[2] When Van Winkle was four, his mother divorced. Afterward, he grew up moving between Dallas and Miami,[3] where his new stepfather worked at a car dealership. Question at issue: Why do you think people become ethno-masochist xenomaniacs? Why is it always whites, and especially WASP/Germanic peoples, who feel an obligation to betray their ethnicity and race? For example, you will never see anything like the University of Minnesota Anti-Racism Campaign with Japanese or Chinese in their respective countries: --------------- Related links to this topic: The Utter Normality Of Ethnonationalism—Except For Whites - |
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#3 |
I don't feel I owe any "race" anything. I'm not betraying any "race" because I don't believe in giving my allegiance to any "race". I believe in free speech. If you want to be anti-racist, go ahead. If you want to be racist, go ahead. As long as you don't harm anyone or take away other people's free speech, I don't care.
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#5 |
I don't feel I owe any "race" anything. I'm not betraying any "race" because I don't believe in giving my allegiance to any "race". I believe in free speech. If you want to be anti-racist, go ahead. If you want to be racist, go ahead. As long as you don't harm anyone or take away other people's free speech, I don't care. ![]() ![]() |
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#6 |
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#7 |
I think resentment from the individual towards their own society, and anti-social attitudes in general, are (in part at least) due to feelings of alienation or rejection, either by family or society in general. Social rejects from broken homes are like lost puppies looking for a master. Although my parents weren't perfect, I am very thankful that my relationship with them was healthy enough to allow me to form my own identity, without needing to fill some emotional void with some weird ideology, group, religious or ideological leader, etc.
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#8 |
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#11 |
A lot of this has to do with failed parenting… absent parents, bad role-models, divorces, single-parenting. Children who mature in life while resenting/hating their parents, tend to become hardcore liberals and Neo-liberals like these. The point about authoritarianism is excellent. Pride is a very important factor for children and families. In the US feminism has attempted to "remove fatherhood" and replace it with abstract forms, excluding and demoting the "nuclear family". Fatherhood is associated with authoritarianism and even fascism, in the politickal sense.
There maybe justified reasons for this. Furthermore, from my own personal experiences, "white" people are educated as children, that we are evil (genocided the Amerindians and enslaved blacks in the South). That essentially is how it's laid-down. There are negative stereotypes for all races/ethnicities though. Blacks are "evil" (criminals). Jews are "evil" (crooks). Germans are "evil" (Nazis). Any group can become slandered and scapegoated. It's about scapegoating. People feel better about associating with groups and hating other groups, instead of seeing people as individuals. Most people seem to be sociopaths, and look at group behaviors rather than individual behaviors. Individualists really do not fall into these same stereotypes… Anyway one major thing I've learned in life is that… because I have white skin, and my ancestors were from European ancestry/origins… that I'm responsible for slavery in the Southern US… wrong!!! I don't even have family connections down there. And my ancestors are Eastern Europeans. So as a "white" person, this is false. And I also get to laugh at the authentic "WASPs" who were the first US colonizers. The term "white guilt" is a scapegoating technique; it (politickally) wants to place the blame on all "whites" ~ even though this is false. As individuals, many do not even have a history associated with such historical atrocities. So it blatantly contradicts itself. It is a hypocrisy. When you think in terms of race/ethnicity/nationality (as most people do), this clouds your mind and judgment. You begin to stereotype and hate people based on your preconceived (often false) notions of how others are, by how you are educated and the dogmas of your family's heritage. In short, many of these "self-haters" are just morons, blinded by a politickal ideology and agenda. I actually don't have much against people who take pride in their racial/ethnic heritages. But I also may not encourage it. When we have "Eurocentric" or "Afrocentric" movements, focusing on racial hierarchies, this spells bad news for politickal & cultural environments, can't people just work together instead, or find an ideology based on Merit??? But people don't, you want to know why? Because basing a politickal ideology on personal, individual merit, is a rarity. Most people, I hate to break the news, don't amount to much in life. Most individuals, by definition of the term "most" and "majority", aren't going to live "special" lives. They just will not… there are 7bil other humans on the planet. So what can just one person do? Basing politickal ideologies on the potential of just one person simply does not appeal to the masses or majority. It's "undemocratic" for starters. This is where Individualist versus Socialist ideologies fight against each-other. These "white guilters" are socialists and racialists. They probably won't solve any major issues or "real problems" in society, but instead create more… |
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#12 |
A lot of this has to do with failed parenting… absent parents, bad role-models, divorces, single-parenting. Children who mature in life while resenting/hating their parents, tend to become hardcore liberals and Neo-liberals like these. The point about authoritarianism is excellent. Pride is a very important factor for children and families. In the US feminism has attempted to "remove fatherhood" and replace it with abstract forms, excluding and demoting the "nuclear family". Fatherhood is associated with authoritarianism and even fascism, in the politickal sense. Notable theorists Max Horkheimer · Theodor Adorno Herbert Marcuse · Walter Benjamin Erich Fromm · Friedrich Pollock Leo Löwenthal · Jürgen Habermas Ethnic Jews have also been prominent in the feminist movement: As Russian-Jewish California professor of history Yuri Slezkine writes in his praised book The Jewish Century: Jews played a decisive role in the pacifist and feminist movements, and in the campaigns for sexual enlightenment. The left-wing intellectuals did not simply “happen to be mostly Jews” as some pious historiography would have us believe, but Jews created the left-wing intellectual movement in Germany. (Deak 1968, 28–29) One must definitely stress the Freudian Frankfurt Jews' call to revolt against your parents, in order to break down Gentile ethnic consciousness, as a contributing cause of ethno-masochism. Thus did these gentlemen consider the individual's lack of rebellion against her parents as an expression of psychopathology. Chapter 5 of MacDonald's The Culture of Critique: The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances These intellectuals managed to get people to blame their problems on their parents rather than on society and it managed to conceal the real reasons behind the phenomenon of anti-Semitism (i.e. Jews' own behavior). To answer the question at issue: Why is it always whites, and especially WASP/Germanic peoples, who feel an obligation to betray their ethnicity and race? I think there are two explanations. 1. Jewish influence in academia, finance, media and politics is greater in Western countries than everywhere else. Because of Hitler and the Holocaust (or at least the perception of them) and The Holocau$t Industry (which American-Jewish historian Norman Finkelstein has written a good book about), the highly ethnocentric Jews feel specifically considerable grudges, repulsion, hate and disgust against Germanic peoples. It is clearly shown in the indoctrination. 2. Genetic and cultural tendency towards relatively low ethnocentrism, high individualism and moral universalism, which all are traits that differ traditional Western culture from other cultures and peoples, and thus makes white people unique. It contributes to a greater proportion of ethno-masochists among Germanics than other peoples. Here is a poetic and hitting description of them (watch the pictures in the first post): The UAF Cult of Ugliness Here below we see the dregs of self loathing human ugliness that comprise the UAF. The dregs of a dying civilisation, the epitome of Modern Man whose self hate manifests in their hatred of others. Rootless, raceless and self serving - the snarling self hating swarm that will usher in the fall in order that they may rise upon our ruination. Here we see the very incarnation of the Modern Woman. A self loathing, sexless androgynous monstrosity. Her tongue is pierced as a way to express her inner pain and self disgust, her arms are tattooed with ugly vulgar art that reveals no beauty or function other than simply to debase the beauty of her own pale, white skin, her hair is shorn to the skin like some religious penitent repenting the sin of her whiteness, her breastless chest mocking the female nourishing form that gave her and gives our race its life. She is a monster, a sexless polymorphous perversion of nature. These are the inheritors of White Guilt, the spiritually polluted children of multi--culturalism. Poisoned in the womb by industrial toxins and hormones in the drinking water, mentally and spiritually poisoned by lies and propaganda in the media and at school - and these creatures are the result of that process. The suicide machines of a dying race, the portents of the apocalypse. A pitiful product of the flaws in nature. |
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#13 |
some of them may be from broken homes and some may be hypocrytes, but a lot are just humans. It is easy to forget in the heat of theorising about some race preservations about ordinary human feelings and reactions, like empathy, solidarity, respct for freedom and dignity.
Maybe some people, unlike people obsessed about white skin colour, think also about the fact that they deal with human beings, not with some statistics or some race destructors. I heard recently excellen theory about 'what is fanaticm about'- it is when the fight is more important than the goal. I dont see a problem with some people defending immigrants and non-whites, it is very good that some have courage to do that and have some humanity in them to see more than money and race in this problem. i respect them a lot. If some turn out to be hypocrytes or self haters, well, everywhere there is someone who can warp the general idea. |
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#14 |
some of them may be from broken homes and some may be hypocrytes, but a lot are just humans. It is easy to forget in the heat of theorising about some race preservations about ordinary human feelings and reactions, like empathy, solidarity, respct for freedom and dignity. Oh, and of course there is an underlying humorous tone to this thread (for those who understand and appreciate that sort of thing, that is). Maybe some people, unlike people obsessed about white skin colour, think also about the fact that they deal with human beings, not with some statistics or some race destructors. That's right, far-leftists tend to be emotional rather than rational. To object to multiracial mass immigration that will change your nation's demography forever and sooner or later make the indigenous population into a powerless minority is of course not the same as being "obsessed" about "white skin color". Numskull. |
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#15 |
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