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Old 06-05-2008, 11:16 PM   #1

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Default The Holocaust Chronicle (VERY important read)
This book has had a profound effect on me. I have always had interest in what happened then, but "The Holocaust Chronicle" is perhaps the most comprehensive, well-researched and authoritative telling of this horror.

This is a book of roughly 800 pages, printed and distributed at cost by the printing house. This is deliberately distributed as a not-for-profit collaboration so that as many people as possible will be able to afford it and read it.

The pain, the terror, the cruelty and the history are deeper than I had imagined, even with my extensive reading on the subject. If you have even the smallest curiousity about this, you must at least visit the companion site to the book:


I am appalled that this period is not mentioned or just glanced at in school curriculae. When your children are old enough, they should be reading this. You should read this.
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Old 06-06-2008, 01:34 AM   #2

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It does seem to get glossed over in history classes. Maybe because it's too ghoulish. Once in high school, they should know.

I'll have to pick this up...
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Old 06-06-2008, 02:17 AM   #3

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It is ghoulish, yes. But, too many kids I have talked too barely, if at all, know what I am talking about when I talk about it. It's amazing what they don't mention to kids anymore.
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Old 06-06-2008, 06:27 AM   #4

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Holocaust was absolutely horrible. What really gets glossed over is the same thing was done by the Soviet Union (our "ally" in WW2), but on a much larger scale.

The largest concentration camp during WW2 was a Soviet gulag.
Soviet soldiers who surrendered to the Germans were sent to the gulag after the war for committing the crime of not dying in battle.
The Soviet Union invaded Poland shortly after the Germans did. Despite this, no declaration of war was made on them.

I could go on, but the worst offense was Soviets sitting in judgement during the Nuremburg trials after having been responsible for similar atrocities.
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Old 06-06-2008, 01:21 PM   #5

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I have seen a few shows on PBS about Holocaust. It was heartbreaking to say the least. One part that stuck with me....

the lady was talking about how the Germans came to gather them all up. Before they showed up at her house, her father told her to wear boots rather then sandals.

Most of the woman went out with their sandals on. The group of woman were forced to walk through feet's of snow. Imagine how many lost their lives due to frostbite. Then imagine how many were shot on the spot because they could not walk.
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Old 06-06-2008, 01:50 PM   #6

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It does seem to get glossed over in history classes. Maybe because it's too ghoulish. Once in high school, they should know.
It gets glossed over because it wouldn't be PC to call someone out & most don't want to admit the horror.

Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it ... I know it's cliche, but if we forget, we'll get complacent & leave opportunities for things like this to happen again! Some people would rather remain uneducated than face the truths of what humankind is capable of!!
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Old 06-14-2008, 01:47 AM   #7

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FIrst off, thanks to Brandy for bringing this to my attention. I'd never heard of it before. Ordered it and it just came. WOW, HUGE book! I can't wait to dive into it!
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Old 06-14-2008, 02:54 AM   #8

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Thanks for recommending this book, Brandy! I will have to get it!

As for the Holocaust being glossed over, I don't think it's so much an intentional ommission as a factor of how much material has to be covered in a history class. Even though most of us have studied the First World War, most people know little or nothing about the Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire during that war.

Personally I think the world would be a better placed if we all were more well-versed in history.
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Old 06-14-2008, 04:57 AM   #9

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FIrst off, thanks to Brandy for bringing this to my attention. I'd never heard of it before. Ordered it and it just came. WOW, HUGE book! I can't wait to dive into it!
It IS huge. I took the strategy of reading the foot runner along the bottom of the page first and then went back and I am reading the rest of the text now.

Jasper, page 202, upper left corner, it's something heartwarming in amongst the ruins.

For anyone looking to pick up a copy of this book, or any other book, try


Alibris is a book service that specializes in out of print and rare books, but deals with all. I love this place and have purchased there several times.

Half.com is a place that is owned by eBay, and it deals only with media.
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Old 06-14-2008, 10:31 AM   #10

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As has been said it is vital that this period in history is studied and not forgotten. It may be an uncomfortable book but its not meant to be entertaining - its meant as a reminder of the evil that men can do and also in the hope that we will never repeat this horror ever again. Having stood in a gas chamber in Dachau I can tell you thats its one of the most horrible experiences ever and I defy anyone to do it and not be reduced to tears. Which is why I detest Holocaust deniers so much.
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Old 06-14-2008, 10:35 AM   #11

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Holocaust was absolutely horrible. What really gets glossed over is the same thing was done by the Soviet Union (our "ally" in WW2), but on a much larger scale.

The largest concentration camp during WW2 was a Soviet gulag.
Soviet soldiers who surrendered to the Germans were sent to the gulag after the war for committing the crime of not dying in battle.
The Soviet Union invaded Poland shortly after the Germans did. Despite this, no declaration of war was made on them.

I could go on, but the worst offense was Soviets sitting in judgement during the Nuremburg trials after having been responsible for similar atrocities.
I'm not defending the Soviets but you should read a bit about the war in the east to understand that it was not like the Western Front. The russians were fighting to avoid extermination. Soviet Soldiers who surrendered to the germans were starved or worked to death. 3 Million surrendered and 2 million of those died from starvation and death in the Nazi's factories. The Soviets were an appalling regime but they should also be acknowledged as the armies that bled the Wehrmacht white on the Eastern Front.
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Old 06-17-2008, 06:27 PM   #12

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As has been said it is vital that this period in history is studied and not forgotten. It may be an uncomfortable book but its not meant to be entertaining - its meant as a reminder of the evil that men can do and also in the hope that we will never repeat this horror ever again. Having stood in a gas chamber in Dachau I can tell you thats its one of the most horrible experiences ever and I defy anyone to do it and not be reduced to tears. Which is why I detest Holocaust deniers so much.
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:22 PM   #13

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As has been said it is vital that this period in history is studied and not forgotten. It may be an uncomfortable book but its not meant to be entertaining - its meant as a reminder of the evil that men can do and also in the hope that we will never repeat this horror ever again. Having stood in a gas chamber in Dachau I can tell you thats its one of the most horrible experiences ever and I defy anyone to do it and not be reduced to tears. Which is why I detest Holocaust deniers so much.
People deny it because it's easier than facing their own ugliness, and out of sheer bigotry in many cases. Even my mother-in-law, one of the most ignorant and nastiest bigots you ever listened to, knows that it's the horrid, disgusting and terrifying truth.

I can't imagine what it would be like to stand in a gas chamber in Dachau. Of course, it wouldn't be the same as those thousands upon thousands who died there, but I know I would be a weeping mess if I did.
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:25 PM   #14

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What were some of the other holocausts? I've heard about the Russian one where, if I remember correctly, there were tens of millions killed.

Holocaust was absolutely horrible. What really gets glossed over is the same thing was done by the Soviet Union (our "ally" in WW2), but on a much larger scale.
The largest concentration camp during WW2 was a Soviet gulag.
Soviet soldiers who surrendered to the Germans were sent to the gulag after the war for committing the crime of not dying in battle.
The Soviet Union invaded Poland shortly after the Germans did. Despite this, no declaration of war was made on them.
I could go on, but the worst offense was Soviets sitting in judgement during the Nuremburg trials after having been responsible for similar atrocities.
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:28 PM   #15

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What were some of the other holocausts? I've heard about the Russian one where, if I remember correctly, there were tens of millions killed.
Many Soviets, according to many accounts and according to The Holocaust Chronicle, were murdered along with Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, the elderly, children, Jehovah's Witnesses, the clergy and other groups. They were resisting the Nazis and were often captured, tortured, starved to death, worked to death, and other horrible things. They were a part of this Holocaust more than people might imagine.
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:29 PM   #16

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I admit that I don't know a lot about the Holocaust. I didn't learn much about it in school (like everyone else, apparently). But what is it that the Holocaust deniers deny? Do they deny it ever happened at all? Or do they deny that the number "6 million" is accurate?

Like I said, I don't know a much at all about the Holocaust. Only what I hear and read from time to time. I remember once reading that Zionist Jews allowed or accepted the Holocaust in order to stake claim to their own Jewish state. I know that probably sounds ridiculous (as it did to I) but there are many things we don't know about the past (or even the present).
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:33 PM   #17

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I remember a bit more now.. It had something to do with Jewish bankers in the U.S. financing the war - and something in regards to the Zionists waiting until there were enough Jews killed before pushing for America to get involved in Germany. That they could have intervened much sooner but then there might not have been enough of an issue for a Jewish state to be established.

Again, I know it sounds freaky.
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:56 PM   #18

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None of the Jews, or any of the others groups whose people were slaughtered during the Holocaust ever accepted the war, and they all had many uprisings to resist the Nazia. Unfortunately, they were terribly outgunned, outmanned and seriously deprived of what they needed to resist effectively.

There are myths that abound about Jews that add to the whole "it never happened" bullshit.

For one thing, Hitler pushed the ideas that Jews are a "race" of people who were going to contaminate the blood of Germany. Jews are not a race anymore than Catholics or Baptists are a race. Judaism is a religion, and it's comprised of many diverse and rich sects.

The Jews have never "owned everything" and they didn't finance the war. While yes, there were many Jews who were wealthy, as a whole they didn't number any more than any other people in wealthy groups. There were many more poor Jews than rich Jews, just as in most any group you can think of.

Get the book, you will be amazed about how this all unfolded.

6 million died in camps, but that doesn't account for all who died, by any means. It's the best number that research has been able to confirm, but many people were killed and not accounted for. Even thought the Nazis kept records, they had sneaky accounting methods to hide a great deal of what they were doing.
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Old 06-17-2008, 10:21 PM   #19

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I used to wonder why we were over there fighting in the middle east. I thought we were hated by terrorists because we backed up Israel. And maybe that is the case. However, ANY nation who decided to setup camp as a Democracy would be having these issues over there. And, as the U.S., why would we leave them hanging out to dry? So it's very clear to me, now, why we back Israel in this war.

One of the things that I've been curious about for so many years is why the powers that be want to make Holocaust denial a crime? Aren't there laws against denying the Holocaust in other countries? While I certainly admit its ignorant to assume there was no Jewish Holocaust, I don't think it should be a crime to think otherwise.

Its the only thing that makes me uncomfortable with the whole situation. I looked at Sal's image posted earlier and I found other images at that site that are relevant to Holocaust deniers. Why are the people in power so worried about people snooping around with the facts? Let them snoop. What are they going to find? Surely not anything different from what we already know. Correct? So why the laws against being a denier? I believe people in power in America are trying to make this a crime as well. However, it's not as easy here as it is in other countries.

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Old 06-17-2008, 10:26 PM   #20

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Here's the site you're referencing:

Yes, there are a lot of interesting pictures there. I found the picture I posted on another forum and never saw the rest of the images until now. Very, very interesting. I can't say I agree with everything but the artist does hit on some VERY interesting points.. Anyway, back to the discussion at hand..
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