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#1 |
Brahmin caste as a political and social attractant How many Brahmins are there in India? Before venturing an answer please remember that Brahmins are the ONLY pan-Indian caste, one way or the other. Oher castes are mostly regional in nature.
What is there percentage in INdian population? Don't jump to conclusions. Not more that 7%. What is their share in wealth of India? Nearly ZERO agricultural land holdings. Nearly ZERO share in BIG business Houses. Then where are they? What is their influence on present day politics and VOTE bank politics? Pan INdia, nothing. Locally, 6-7% cannot be ignored, when each vote counts. Does it explain why Rahul, the khangress yuvaraja claims to be a Brahmin? He would appeal to more people if he claimed to be a DALIT!! But then de Nobili too claimed to be a Roman Brahmin!! Brahmin is a desirable caste. Why so? Clear. Brahmins have a tradition od education. THey do know that education is their SALVATION. OK, reserve 50% or more posta in govt. But their educational merit cannot be suppressed for long. Have you noticed that 75% candidates clearing CA and CS exams are in fact Brahmins? Ever noticed that middle and top positions in MNCs are occupied by Brahmins? Brahmin is an ATTRACTIVE label. Rahul wants it, Gujarat khangress wants to mobilise brahmins against Narendra Modi, a SC Teli by caste. *** Today in my paper. A brahmin kills his wife for suppressing her OBC casre!!! I do not not countenance this killing. He could have filed for divorce on grounds of SUPPRESSION OF INFORMATION. He could have got a divorce too. But please note the suppression of information about her caste. *** I do know about much horrible cases, where the caste WAS suppressed. |
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#2 |
What should be the response to this type of demand? Comply or reject or make hay while the sun shines? I am sure that the author has vastly exaggerated genuine demands from brahmin couples and stray requests from nb couples for brahmin donors.
"Infertile Indian couples demand "Brahmin" sperm, even in India's cosmopolitan cities, according to doctors who specialize in in vitro fertilization (IVF)." "What isn't so well known, despite being fairly commonplace, is a more outrageous request: caste-based sperm." Infertile Indian couples demand high-caste 'Brahmin' sperm | GlobalPost |
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#3 |
What is problem about adding one more category? Sperm is classified in various categories of race, religion, education, physical features, eye and skin colour etc even in USA. Couples from NE India demand sperm from NE donors only, so a category was added. Skies are not going to fall if caste too is added, will they? NBs too ask for B sperm. After all Brahmins have traditions of education.
Classification on race is not an issue in USA, nor religion etc. |
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#4 |
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#5 |
On a related note, I wonder what is the demand for Brahmin egg (ovum)? After all egg donation is as big a business as sperm donation. Presumably good qualities (genes) could come from the egg also. So I think demand for the egg should be equally as strong as the demand for sperm. Brainy sons owe intelligence to their mothers - News - The Independent |
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#6 |
On a related note, I wonder what is the demand for Brahmin egg (ovum)? After all egg donation is as big a business as sperm donation. Presumably good qualities (genes) could come from the egg also. So I think demand for the egg should be equally as strong as the demand for sperm. You know I think I know why Brahmin sperm is preferred? If you read our Puranas you will come to realize that it was always the Kshatriya Kings that were without children. They were always running to some sage for remedy for getting progeny. Like King Dilipa had to obtain a boon from Nandini the Cow as advised by Sage Vashista. That's just one example..countless Kings had problems with getting progeny but no Brahmin Sage had this problem. I have no idea of Vaisyas and Sudras cos they were never in the picture!!!LOL (Some how Puranas were always about a Brahmin and a Kshatriya) Ok back to the potency story.See even King Dashartha had secondary infertility. After fathering his 1st born, a girl named Shanta born through Kausalya he didnt have any more kids. (Shanta was given away to some relative cos Dasharatha didnt desire a girl!!what a dad yaar and what a mum kausalya didnt mind parting with her own child) Then the next story we know that he preformed Putrakamesthi Yagna and the rest is history. So the fertility rate of the Brahmin sages where higher. Remember Veda Vyasa fathered Pandu,Dhritarashtra and Vidura? So Brahmin sperm has alway been potent in the past. One shot and never misses the target. The only Brahmin who had fertility problems as I know off was Adi Shankara's father. After many years Adi Shankara was begot after intense prayer for a child. Just to add :There should be a higher demand for Kshatriya Ovum cos Puranas have shown that Avatars are conceived in Kshatriya Ovum. Even the Brahmin Avatar Parashurama had a Kshatriya Mother. No major Avatar besides Vamana Avatar had a Brahmin mother. |
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#8 |
In a similar vein there is a craze to get a pure Aryan Child...
Quote (The last of the Aryans from The Last of the Aryans | OPEN Magazine) In 2007, filmmaker Sanjeev Sivan released his documentary Achtung Baby: In Search of Purity on the phenomenon of German women travelling to Indian villages by the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir to get impregnated by men they believe to be racially pure Aryans. These villages are inhabited by a tribe called Brokpas, who are rumoured to be the ‘last pure specimens’ of the Aryan race. Across the world, several people still regard Aryans as the ‘Master Race’—tall, blue-eyed blondes endowed with superior intelligence and values. Unquote When inteligence is in isolated pockets where mingling is less with outside communities the demand for such virgin intelligence gets greater |
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#9 |
Now I know why brahmin population is low; all wealth given away! Dear Biswa, |
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#12 |
So Brahmin sperm has alway been potent in the past. |
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#13 |
Just to add :There should be a higher demand for Kshatriya Ovum cos Puranas have shown that Avatars are conceived in Kshatriya Ovum. ![]() |
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#14 |
Renuka, you may be quite right. I was just reading about Maharishi Kashyapa. He is said to have 13 wives (Aditi and Diti chief among them) and sired the entire races of the Devas, the Asuras and all of human kind. Clearly, plenty of potency there ... Yes you have a valid point.There used to be a TV series before called Have Gun will Travel. So its real powerful guns we are talking about here.. "Weapons of Mass Reproduction"!! That's why I totally disagree with the scientific study that says a vegetarian diet decreases testosterone levels. That study was conducted on Seventh Day Adventists. A similar study should be conducted on our Bharat Mahans. |
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#15 |
Dear Biswa, Wepons of mass reproduction? Forgot about Moses who captured 32,009 virgins afterv killing off their kins? For worship of virgins? Haha. For forcible marriage and mass reproduction!! Read OT, Renukaji. Cover to cover. Get into such sites and you would find many more things: Sanatan Dharma actually is Satan Dharma, all avatars are modelled on Jesus, cremation is satanic. Go ahead. Take a plunge. Sample Jdg 21:12 And they found among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male: and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which [is] in the land of Canaan. You think those virgins were brought for worship? Has it turned your stomach? No?? Then read Numbers Ch 31. Do it on empty stomach, you shall throw up. Moses all the way. Moses, the most highly acclaimed prophet. |
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#16 |
We should not also forget your favorite anti-hero, Ravana. He was the son of Rishi Vishrava. Good combination of intelligence and might, I would say. |
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#17 |
Haha. Seventh Day Adventists!! Those who believe their rested on SEVENTH day, as he was tired?? Khalil Gibran describes the mutual dependency well. THE PASTOR AND SATAN BY KHALIL GIBRAN « EYE AM ONE….But We Are Many……. THE PASTOR AND SATAN BY KHALIL GIBRAN Posted: September 9, 2010 in SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT ![]() The pastor did not want to get involved. He thought that the man was probably drunk, or on drugs, or maybe he was a criminal and was in a fight with other criminals. His first reaction was to keep going and not get involved. He kept walking, nervously looking over his shoulder the wounded man yelled, Please don’t leave me. I am dying. The pastor then thought that possibly the man was insane or something. He didn’t know what to do. He Kept walking but then the man called out, please come close to me. You and I have been friends for a long time. Don’t you recognize me? You pastor are the Good Shepherd, I am not a criminal, I am not insane. Please you know me, come over to me and I will tell you who I am. The pastor leaned down and said, what do you mean, who I am. I don’t know you. Who are you? And the man struggled to talk through a bloody mouth. Oh you know me. You’ve seen me a thousand times and you talk about me every day. I’m dearer to you then your own life. The pastor said, you’re also a liar. You’re dying. You better start telling the truth. I don’t know you. I’ve never seen your lying face before. The wounded man moved slowly, looked squarely into the pastors eyes and suddenly a small smile appeared on his bloody lips. In a deep smooth voice he then said: I am Satan. The pastor recoiled and screamed at the distorted face in the gutter, God has shown me your hellish image and justly caused me to hate you. Cursed be you forevermore, the mangled lamb must be destroyed by the shepherd lest he will infect the other lambs. Satan answered. Be not in haste pastor. Come and close my wounds quickly before life departs from my body. The pastor responded. These hands which offer a daily sacrifice to God. Shall not touch a body made from the secretions of hell. You must die accursed by the ages, for you are the enemy of all humanity and it is your purpose to destroy all virtue. Satan painfully raised himself on one elbow. You don’t know what your saying, You don’t know what crime you are committing against yourself. Today I was walking alone, bothering no one when a band of angels descended to attack me, and severely injured me. I would have been able to drive them off if it had not been for one who had a blazing sword with two sharp edges. I simply had no power against the brilliant sword. Satan gasped and paused for a moment in obvious pain. The armed angel , I believe his name was Michael was an expert gladiator. Had I not fallen to the ground and pretended to be dead he would have torn me to pieces. The pastor looked upward and said, blessed be Michaels name who has saved humanity from this vicious enemy. Satan painfully looked up at the pastor and said. You are blessing Michael who never has come to your rescue. You are cursing me in my hour of defeat, even though I was and still am the source of your tranquility and happiness. You deny me your blessing and extend not your kindness but you live and prosper in the shadow of my being. You have adopted for my existence an excuse and weapon for your career, and you employ my name in justification for your deeds. Has not my past caused you to be in need of my present and my future. What is it pastor that you wish my death. Have you reached your goal in amassing wealth? Have you found it impossible to extract more gold and silver from your followers using my kingdom as a threat? Pastor, do you realize that you will starve to death if I die? What would you do tomorrow if you allowed me to die today? What vocation would you pursue if my name disappeared? For decades you have been roaming these villages and warning people against falling into my hands. They have paid for your advice with their dollars and the products of their land. What would they buy from you tomorrow if they discovered that their wicked enemy no longer exists. Your occupation would die with me, for the people would be safe from sin. As a clergyman surely you realize that my existence alone has created my enemy, the church. You and I together are the conflict which removes gold and silver from the faithful pockets, and deposits it into the pouch of the preacher and the missionary. How can you permit me to die here when you know it will surely cause you to lose your prestige, your church, your home and your livelihood? I am the father and mother of sin, and if sin were to vanish, the fighters of sin would vanish with it, along with their families and structures. And Satan stretched his arms and bent his head forward and gasped deeply. His face turned to grey. Then he fixed his glittering eyes upon the pastors face and said in a faltering voice. I am tired and weak. I did wrong by using my waning strength to speak on things you already know. Now you may do as you please. You may carry me to your home and treat my wounds or leave me in this place to die. The pastor quivered and rubbed his hands and replied. I know now what I had not known an hour ago. Forgive my ignorance. I know that your existence in this world creates temptation and temptation is a measurement by which God adjudges the value of human souls. The pastor continued. Satan, you must live, for if you die and the people know it. Their fear of hell will vanish, and they will cease worshipping, for nothing would be sin. You must live, for in your life is the salvation of humanity, from vice and sin. Satan laughed and replied. What an intelligent person you are pastor. And what wonderful knowledge you posses in theological facts. You have found through the power of your knowledge a purpose for my existence which I had never understood and now we realize our need for each other. Come close to me my brother, darkness is submerging the plains, and half of my blood has escaped upon the sand of this valley, and nothing remains of me but the remnants of a broken body, which death shall soon buy unless you render aid. The pastor then lifted Satan upon his back and walked toward his home In the midst of those valleys, engulfed with silence and embellished with the veil of darkness, the pastor walked toward the village with his back bent under his heavy burden. His black raiment and long beard were spattered with blood streaming from above him but he struggled forward, his lips moving in fervent prayer for the life of the dying Satan. Story by Khalil Gibran. Eye Am One of Many Messengers. |
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#18 |
Check out this line from the above story The Pastor and Satan where Satan says:
I am the father and mother of sin, and if sin were to vanish, the fighters of sin would vanish with it, along with their families and structures. Now compare it with this from The Bhagavad Geeta; Chapter 1 -- Verse 42 Verse: dosair etaih kula-ghnanam varna-sankara-karakaih utsadyante jati-dharmah kula-dharmas ca sasvatah Translation: By the evil deeds of those who destroy the family tradition and thus give rise to unwanted children, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated. Chapter 1 -- Verse 43 Verse: utsanna-kula-dharmanam manushyanam janardana narake niyatam vaso bhavatity anususruma Translation: "O Krishna, maintainer of the people, I have heard by disciplic succession that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell." Satan was modifying the Geeta!!LOL taken from |
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#19 |
At least in N. India Ravana is held to be a Brahmin, but one who degraded to rakshasa karmas. On Dussehra he is worshipped, at least by Brahmins, in the morning. Check it up. In fact I am looking online for Ravan Samhita written by Ravan...stil can't find it. If anyone has the link for it let me know. |
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#20 |
Check out this line from the above story The Pastor and Satan where Satan says: God is the author of evil. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 31:1-2 Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Amos 3:6 And he is proud of the evil that he creates. Behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall. 1 Kings 14:10 Behold, this evil is of the LORD. 2 Kings 6:33 Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle. 2 Kings 21:12 Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even all the curses that are written in the book. 2 Chronicles 34:24 *** In that case, Satan is being un-necessarily being blamed. It was biblegod who was trying to pervert BG. *** Just a little puzzle for you. Who said this and where? For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. |
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