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Old 10-28-2005, 08:00 AM   #1

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buy organically grown turmeric because in our experience we found that it is more potent. In USA find them in health stores that are imported from india.
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Old 11-08-2005, 08:00 AM   #2

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Dr Vijaya Lakshmi, Hydrebad. That was 10 years ago. Published her findings - clinical tests on mouth cancer patients - and treatment with turmeric.

I have her report somewhere - probably on the bottom shelve of the rack behind! SEe if I can find it.
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Old 11-20-2005, 08:00 AM   #3

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Turmeric fights breast cancer in mice - Thu Jun 9, 2005

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Turmeric, a yellow spice used widely in Indian cooking, may help stop the spread of cancer. Tests in mice showed that curcumin, an active compound found in turmeric, helped stop the spread of breast cancer tumor cells to the lungs. Tests have already started in people, too, said Bharat Aggarwal of the Department of Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, who led the study.

"Curcumin, as you know, is very much an essential part of the Indian diet," he added.

"What's exciting about this agent is that it seems to have both chemopreventive and therapeutic properties. Earlier research showed that curcumin, which acts as an antioxidant, can help prevent tumors from forming in the laboratory.

For their study, Aggarwal and colleagues injected mice with human breast cancer cells -- a batch of cells grown from a patient whose cancer had spread to the lungs.

The resulting tumors were allowed to grow, and then surgically removed, to simulate a mastectomy, Aggarwal said. Then the mice either got no additional treatment; curcumin alone; the cancer drug paclitaxel, which is sold under the brand name Taxol; or curcumin plus Taxol.

Half the mice in the curcumin-only group and 22 percent of those in the curcumin plus Taxol group had evidence of breast cancer that had spread to the lungs, Aggarwal said in a study to be presented to a breast cancer research meeting in Philadelphia.

But 75 percent of animals that got Taxol alone and 95 percent of those that got no treatment developed lung tumors.

Aggarwal said earlier studies suggest that people who eat diets rich in turmeric have lower rates of breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.

His team would like to try giving curcumin to women who know they have a high risk of breast cancer -- such as those who have a mother or sister with the disease.

No drug company is likely to develop a natural product that cannot be patented, he said. "There are no companies behind it so our only source of funding is either the National Institutes of Health or the Department of Defense," he said.
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Old 11-22-2005, 08:00 AM   #4

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Dear Idiappam
|Organic foods are not gimmicks. I have personally researched the value of it.

the nutrient content are lower than the food grown through natural means. In 2005 a research study found the cancer preventing lycopene content was found in higher amounts in the tomatoes grown organically compared with those not. Objective of eating food is to get nutrients needed for the body. (do you need the reference material of the research).

It looks as if organic foods are costlier. This is what every one thinks. But the truth is different. Look at our observation from kitchen. My wife observed that when she makes spice-mix powder, she has to use a pound of non-organic coriander seed powder grown with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. To get the same spice level she has to use one fourth the amount of coriander seed powder grown organically. If you compare the cost, organic coriander seed powder cost three times than the non-organic one, but the net usage is less and so in fact she saves dollars by using organic spices. If spice levels are obviously higher in organic coriander seeds, then think about other medicinal and nutrient levels high in organic foods?. There are several research studies that support my wife's observation that organically grown foods have higher nutrient content.
You might be buying apples, tomatoes, rice, nuts by half or three times the price of organic foods, but in reality you are spending more money for less nutrients. So health wise and economically organic foods are in-comparably superior to non-organic ones. My wife also observed that 99% of the organic mung beans sprouted, while less than 60% of the mung beans purchased from Indian stores only sprouted. This also shows that the viability of the foods grown organically.

So idiappam, if we dont turn organic, we will increase the disease incidence higher. Did you read the latest discovery in science journal about pesticides causing genetic changes without causing gene mutations (i posted in music and pregnancy).
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Old 12-02-2005, 08:00 AM   #5

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That's not the Discovery Channel known to us in the US.
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Old 12-24-2005, 08:00 AM   #6

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Default Ancient Indian scientific Heritage
Click this link to read great contributions of Ancient scientists Rishis)


This is a pdf format. what is good is that it actually gives the sanskrit sloka with it as a proof.

This collection was done by Dr.Gopalkrishnan, a great Indian scientist at IISH.org

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Old 12-24-2005, 08:00 AM   #7

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Badri, those oft-quoted lines I gave are almost proverbial, they are Bharathiyar’s, I think.
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Old 01-02-2006, 08:00 AM   #8

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I think that it is true that a lot of great mathematics was done by Indians in the past. It is also true that there were some curious mistakes. It would be good to study why the great developments were not sustained. An article in this direction is written by a Swiss Samskrit scholar Johannes Bronkhorst : "Panini and Euclid:Reflections on Indian Geometry", which appeared in Journal of Indian Philosophy, 29, pp 43-80, 2001. I do not have a URL to this but if anybody is interested, I can send a pdf file of the article. Regards,
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Old 01-06-2006, 08:00 AM   #9

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Yes NM. Thanks for sharing what your non-Indian friends really think about us. It is a matter of pride that they respect us, if not for what we are today, then at least for our past.

And we are not that far behind even today. Information Technology has played a major role in India's prominence in the today's map. It is not just cheap labour as some people understand. It is quality, it is dedication and a willingness to work hard.

Earlier, the trend was that only Indians who went abroad (US for example) would work beyond 5 PM. And invariably, our own folk would say, "Trust us Indians to carry our slogging nature even when we go to US."

Today, the trend is so different. When I was in the US on a project assignment, even the Americans stayed on with us, late into the evening. I am seeing the same trend here in Australia now. People worldover are recognizing that the willingness to work hard that the Indians have is certainly appreciable, and if they (non-Indians) do not work as hard, they would most certainly lose out to the Indians!! And they respect our capacity to work hard, our dedication, our integrity. I have heard nothing but praise from our American, European or Australian customers!

Yes, maybe we are not as "cultured" as the Europeans or Americans are. But culture is what you define it to be, and that way, we are just as cultured as everyone else is.

Maybe we have poverty.Yes, but think about our population! With the kind of human resources that we have, poverty is inevitable. But why feel ashamed? Let us rather accept and see what we can do to alleviate the condition.

Maybe we have communal riots! Yes, but think about our diversity! Think of the richness of culture that different communities have brought us.

To badmouth about our own country is as good as badmouthing about one's own parents. Yes, our parents are not superdad and supermom, but does that mean we keep pointing out their faults to everyone? do we say to others that our mother is ugly, or fat or things like that??

Well, if some do, then I don't know what to say of them, but just as we do not speak ill of our parents, we should not speak ill of our country either. It is high time we put our cynicism behind us. Cynicism never helped. Instead of cribbing ad naueseum about how bad things are in India, it is infinitely better to see how good it was, it is and work towards how good we can make it in the future.
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Old 01-11-2006, 08:00 AM   #10

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Dr Vijaya Lakshmi, Hydrebad. That was 10 years ago. Published her findings - clinical tests on mouth cancer patients - and treatment with turmeric.
I have her report somewhere - probably on the bottom shelve of the rack behind! SEe if I can find it.
Well, there was a Dr. Vijayalakshmi we knew.......she was formerly an assistant of my late father who worked in the same Institute at Hyderabad long ago......doesn't matter even u can't find her report......I can always try & ask her directly next time I visit Hyd.
Neways, the discovery I mentioned was actually reported 6-7 yrs ago & said to've been made by Dr. Kamala Krishnaswamy, the then Director of said institute (& also a family friend of ours).....
oh well, 'nuff of the digression.........
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Old 01-17-2006, 08:00 AM   #11
Paul Bunyan

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badri, "peRRa thaayum piRantha ponnaadum naRRava vaaninum nani siRanthanavE"
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Old 01-18-2006, 08:00 AM   #12

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I remember in school days one teacher told in the class that only indian acheivement was idli and sambar, rest all knowledge comes from western world[...] I understand your point...you look at technology aspect, but i am looking at life, which is not a technology based.
Two comments (not really disagreements, just comments):

1. It seems that I had much better teachers than you, and I'm glad for that! I do believe that a teacher who had the temerity to say some such thing to students in my school would have lost his or her job.

2. As far as life is concerned, I see even less need to go back to ancient traditions. We have a living tradition which is based on the ancient tradition and has evolved from it, and to me that is more valuable because it is closer to me. The wisdom of Basavanna, the dasa-poets of Karnataka, the siddhars, nayanmars, azhwars and the other Tamil poets is worth as much as the vedas and upanishads. But opinions (and tastes) differ.
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Old 01-29-2006, 08:00 AM   #13

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Turmeric, a yellow spice used widely in Indian cooking, may help stop the spread of cancer. Tests in mice showed that curcumin, an active compound found in turmeric, helped stop the spread of breast cancer tumor cells to the lungs. Tests have already started in people, too, said Bharat Aggarwal of the Department of Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, who led the study...........
Actually I rem. this was discovered in India 6-7 yrs b4 by sum senior scientists of the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad (affiliated to Indian Council of Medical Research)....
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Old 02-28-2006, 08:00 AM   #14

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Dear aravindan
I think I did not bad teachers, but they were not aware of their traditional heritage. Probably their statment drove me to enquire.

You are correct, but our living tradition ischallenged as always been and once in a while it is good to review and check whether we understand it in theright perspective.
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Old 03-05-2006, 08:00 AM   #15

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Surya said:
But these things are never mentioned here, outside of India, on...say the Discover Channel! Most of the things that the discover channel shows here, are programs like, 'THE ABOLA VIRUS BREAKS OUT IN AFRICA' or 'INDIA, THE BIGGEST AIDS CARRYING COUNTRY' or 'THE BUCKINGHAM PALACE, A MODERN WONDER!' I think that there is some truth is in this, but I remember seeing on one of the channels, either Discover(y?) or History in Australia, informative documentaries about Ayurveda , Yoga, Dance etc. According to one of these documentaries, Ayurveda is still practiced widely in Kerala and some times cures or improves the conditions of the patients in diseases which often cannot be handled by the standard western medicine.( But one of the same channels credits the British with breaking the Enigma code where as it seems to have been done by Polish Graduate students and given on a platter to the British). My impression is that now there are efforts to catalogue the traditional medicinal plants, and standard western type research to test some of the claims. It would be good if some body can find the names and addresses of such organizations.
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Old 03-16-2006, 08:00 AM   #16

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Testosterone link
David Perrett, professor of psychology at St Andrew’s University in Scotland, says that the results are unsurprising. “We’re actually pretty good at judging somebody’s personality by looking at their face – people get it right more than 50% of the time. In this study, people judging a face for competence in a politician were looking for attributes such as leadership qualities and dominance.”

“We shouldn’t be surprised if testosterone (and its effects) shows up on the face in terms of bone growth – an angular jaw or prominent cheekbones,” he says.

He notes that the former Conservative leader William Hague, who lost to the current UK prime minister Tony Blair in 2001, has a “baby-face”.

Journal reference: Science (vol 308, p 1623) 2005 does is sounds like Samudrika Lakshana - the science of face reading?
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Old 03-26-2006, 08:00 AM   #17

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Cheers Badri!

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Old 03-26-2006, 08:00 AM   #18

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To badmouth about our own country is as good as badmouthing about one's own parents. Yes, our parents are not superdad and supermom, but does that mean we keep pointing out their faults to everyone? do we say to others that our mother is ugly, or fat or things like that??
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Old 04-16-2006, 08:00 AM   #19

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Dear lordstanher
You are right...National Institute of Health finds only very few like Turmeric have amazing medicinal properties. More an more modernresearch is proving it.

but I mean to say this knowledge of turmeric is centuries old. Having well researched it was incorporated in our dailylives, especially in rituals.
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Old 04-30-2006, 08:00 AM   #20

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Dear Aravindhan
Yes you are correct. I dont see this only as an NRI problem. This is there in India and look what we have read as history. Do we read anything that we are proud of. we read only in history books about war, war war. Is there any thing more than that. Infact everyone wanted to come to india very rarely did indian kings go and conquer out and the reasons now we dont know.

I remember in school days one teacher told in the class that only indian acheivement was idli and sambar, rest all knowledge comes from western world. This is not correct. We measure success with materialistic progress and that is a blind measurement. There is more than that in life.

We are taught that our ancestors were idiots. Infact modern world is slowly progressing that the ancient values of life is the correct way of life. This is now seen in all fields, including medicine, psycology and other feilds. I understand your point...you look at technology aspect, but i am looking at life, which is not a technology based.

This is why i encourage incorporating ancient wisdom in our lives to make the best of it.
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