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Old 07-04-2012, 02:04 PM   #21

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I am not sure whether SG will be around in future..even the pap is not sure abt SG.

are you sure that SG will be around in 50years?
who, in ze rite frame of mind, wud wanna press a sickly pimple n burst it n haf ze ugly site of iz pus splatter all over? ...
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Old 07-04-2012, 02:05 PM   #22

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who, in ze rite frame of mind, wud wanna press a sickly pimple n burst it n haf ze ugly site of iz pus splatter all over? ...
does ur pap masters agree with u that SG faces no threat?
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Old 07-04-2012, 02:14 PM   #23

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Assuming these numbers are correct, wouldn't it make more sense for MOE to hire and train more PE teachers who can conduct badminton lessons? These PE teachers can be a shared resource who can be used by several schools.

Also as mentioned in my earlier posting, a lot of these vendors are one man shows. For this coach from China, what kind of qualifications does he have before he can train children? It seems silly that PE teachers have to pass NIE exams before they are qualified to teach PE. However just about anyone (FT included) can set up shop to be a sports coach and charge large sums of money to conduct lessons for school students.

Yes, it is a tragic mistake to get commercial vendors to train the students and get parents to pay good money to these vendors. The vendors are just out to make money. I know of a primary sch which gets the paerents to train their 10 year old children badminton for $10 an hour. The coach is from china and he has abt 16 students...per session..every two hrs, he gets $320. it';s money making venture for him. he may be able to impart badminton skills, but MOE and Sports Ministry have missed the real benefits of Sports.

How abt children whose parents cant afford to pay?

Sports shd be for all and under the purview of MOE and MCYS
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Old 07-04-2012, 03:28 PM   #24

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Assuming these numbers are correct, wouldn't it make more sense for MOE to hire and train more PE teachers who can conduct badminton lessons? These PE teachers can be a shared resource who can be used by several schools.

Also as mentioned in my earlier posting, a lot of these vendors are one man shows. For this coach from China, what kind of qualifications does he have before he can train children? It seems silly that PE teachers have to pass NIE exams before they are qualified to teach PE. However just about anyone (FT included) can set up shop to be a sports coach and charge large sums of money to conduct lessons for school students.
Exactly!!! MOE is just passing the buck to the parents. Sports and physical education are best taught by teachers because they include many aspects of development and values besides skills. The schools and MOE are just using the parents to pay and win medals for them. Getting parents to pay outside vendors to train their children when it shd be the school's responsibility is passing the buck
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Old 07-04-2012, 03:33 PM   #25

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who, in ze rite frame of mind, wud wanna press a sickly pimple n burst it n haf ze ugly site of iz pus splatter all over? ...
Now SG is a sickly pimple to you? I thought u were praising SG as a crown jewel. I thought u were saying Italy , Spain are sickly? How quickly you change your mind in 1 hour..LOL
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Old 07-04-2012, 05:37 PM   #26

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Sports is not just about winning medals.
hmm... truth to be told, there will be folks who love sports and there will be folks who shun it, there's a full spectrum out there. go to any sports complex in Singapore and you see the big slogan "Sports for Life". not that the infrastructures aren't there, it is more so that folks placed a higher priority in getting the dough onto their dinner table.

looking into schools, ACES day is put in place but the execution part is flawed. sports are activities carried out over a protracted period of time, not a one-off event marked in the calendar. go to the cross country events, track events, marathon events, or any other sports events, no lack of participants me say. only a matter of sustainability in terms of the individual's interests in the event.
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Old 07-04-2012, 05:53 PM   #27

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Assuming these numbers are correct, wouldn't it make more sense for MOE to hire and train more PE teachers who can conduct badminton lessons? These PE teachers can be a shared resource who can be used by several schools.
high attrition rate, bro.
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:50 PM   #28

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hmm... truth to be told, there will be folks who love sports and there will be folks who shun it, there's a full spectrum out there. go to any sports complex in Singapore and you see the big slogan "Sports for Life". not that the infrastructures aren't there, it is more so that folks placed a higher priority in getting the dough onto their dinner table.

looking into schools, ACES day is put in place but the execution part is flawed. sports are activities carried out over a protracted period of time, not a one-off event marked in the calendar. go to the cross country events, track events, marathon events, or any other sports events, no lack of participants me say. only a matter of sustainability in terms of the individual's interests in the event.
Yes, it's just lip service with no real support. that has to change
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:51 PM   #29

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high attrition rate, bro.
agree that MOE cant retain teachers. has MOE wondered why teachers are resigning
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Old 07-04-2012, 09:55 PM   #30

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The moment PAP parachutes its members to head sports association in S'pore, it's gone case. What the hell these PAP MPs know about sports? Even a full minister in MBT failed miserably in FAS. LBW needed foreigners to up her value. Pointless. Jeff Leow doing well in swimming. He is no PAP!
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:57 PM   #31

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agree that MOE cant retain teachers. has MOE wondered why teachers are resigning
they know! they are fully aware! look at their recruitment drives at home and those overseas!
they know that the baby boomers are hitting their retirement age around this period, it started about close to a decade back, positions like adjuncts and flexi adjuncts were introduced to retain some of those gems. it also explains why some younger folks are promoted so quickly...
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Old 07-05-2012, 09:49 AM   #32

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Totally agreed. The national had been torn down for years and the new one still not ready for donkey years. Paid millions and yet have no planning at all. This is the same for all ministry. We have only millions $$$ fire fighters ministers.
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:05 AM   #33

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The moment PAP parachutes its members to head sports association in S'pore, it's gone case. What the hell these PAP MPs know about sports? Even a full minister in MBT failed miserably in FAS. LBW needed foreigners to up her value. Pointless. Jeff Leow doing well in swimming. He is no PAP!
Agree. PAP's scheme of parachuting inexperienced cronies into key positions is killing many organisations..

Ng Yat Chung..CEO, NOL...NOL is bleeding badly now. When times are good, even a donkey as CEO will show great profits.

HC in Temasek, Lim Teck Yin, SSC. etc...have they been a boon or bane?

in calm seas, we dont need the Captain on the bridge. when times are rough and challenging, only experienced and solid leaders can steer the ship safely through storms.

have the parachuted PAP yes-men deliver in times of stormy wether?
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:10 AM   #34

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they know! they are fully aware! look at their recruitment drives at home and those overseas!
they know that the baby boomers are hitting their retirement age around this period, it started about close to a decade back, positions like adjuncts and flexi adjuncts were introduced to retain some of those gems. it also explains why some younger folks are promoted so quickly...
MOE's management of teachers is in shambles. They can recruit but they cant retain. Teachers are made to do so many other duties besides teaching...car-park wardens, community service, WITs, Admin work, losgistics work, SEM, etc

MOE should look at removing the root causes of teacher's grievances and low morale. Lip service, piece meal actions, increasing pay and easy promotions are not enough. The root causes have to be removed
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:38 AM   #35

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What has our PAP govt been good for?

1. Put them in charge of popultion planning, and they caused a massive collapse in fertility rate.
2. Put them in charge of sports, they resulted in hundreds of million dollar losses.
3. Put them in charge of housing the pop, they made homes unaffordable to many young couples.
4. Put them in charge of reserves, they lost hundreds of millions in the financial and stock markets.
5. Put them in charge of transport, they burn a big hole in yr pockets, caused major disruptions and made cars unaffordable.
6. Put them in charge of national security, they let a dangerous wanted terrorist escape.
7. Put them in charge of rule of law, they let foreigners get away with crimes but put local citizens in lockup for decades under ISA under dubious unproven charges
8. They were supposed to uphold democracy and hold democratic elections,but they would wish you had forgotten there's such a thing as elections every 5 years, and expect that yr one elected mandate in 1963 has given them eternal life.
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:50 AM   #36
Paul Bunyan

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What has our PAP govt been good for?

1. Put them in charge of popultion planning, and they caused a massive collapse in fertility rate.
2. Put them in charge of sports, they resulted in hundreds of million dollar losses.
3. Put them in charge of housing the pop, they made homes unaffordable to many young couples.
4. Put them in charge of reserves, they lost hundreds of millions in the financial and stock markets.
5. Put them in charge of transport, they burn a big hole in yr pockets, caused major disruptions and made cars unaffordable.
6. Put them in charge of national security, they let a dangerous wanted terrorist escape.
7. Put them in charge of rule of law, they let foreigners get away with crimes but put local citizens in lockup for decades under ISA under dubious unproven charges
8. They were supposed to uphold democracy and hold democratic elections,but they would wish you had forgotten there's such a thing as elections every 5 years, and expect that yr one elected mandate in 1963 has given them eternal life.
Good summary of PAP's mismanagement and failures.

Parachuting in cronies like HC, Saw PH have made us lose money and affected our infrastrature. they may be intelligent but they lack experience, epertise, etc to lead Temasek Holdings and SMRT.

Many of their cronies are hibernating and causing problems in other areas, TLCs and GLCs.
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:56 AM   #37

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How high are we talking abt? Civil serpents love to use staff attrition rates to justify everything from pay increases to outsourcing their work to commercial vendors. In any pte sector organization, having 20% to 30% turn around of rank and file staff is common even if you have good working conditions and competitive pay. The attrition rates go up during good times and fall during bad times. It is a matter of doing the necessary contingency planning to cope with the expected staff attrition.

Instead of doing this, SSC and MOE have taken the easy way out by outsourcing the problem away. They can claim to the extent of their efforts by pointing out the large amount of taxpayer money they have spent to address the problem. However because they are essentially overpaying for poor quality lessons for our kids, the underlying objective of building a Sports culture for our kids are not met. I'll bet that if you do an audit of programs like SEP, you will find that there is no empirical evidence to show that the program is meeting the intended objectives in spite of the money which has been spent.

high attrition rate, bro.
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:07 AM   #38

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Instead of doing this, SSC and MOE have taken the easy way out by outsourcing the problem away. They can claim to the extent of their efforts by pointing out the large amount of taxpayer money they have spent to address the problem. However because they are essentially overpaying for poor quality lessons for our kids, the underlying objective of building a Sports culture for our kids are not met. I'll bet that if you do an audit of programs like SEP, you will find that there is no empirical evidence to show that the program is meeting the intended objectives in spite of the money which has been spent.
Good points.

There is no govt emphasis on promoting Sports and reaping the benefits of Sports in SG. This will be very bad for SG in the future.

Paying just lip service is not good enough. We need to see govt leadership in action for Sports.

Buying foreign talent to win medals and glory is a sure killer!
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:22 AM   #39

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The root causes have to be removed
simple, let teachers teach

a look at my teacher friends and it seems like they are admin & customer service officers, cheer leaders, counsellors, data entry officers, exam setters, events manager, mean marking machines, planners all rolled into one
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:27 AM   #40

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simple, let teachers teach

a look at my teacher friends and it seems like they are admin & customer service officers, cheer leaders, counsellors, data entry officers, exam setters, events manager, mean marking machines, planners all rolled into one
Totally agree with you! Until MOE recognises the root causes of teacher's low morale and resignations, the Education Service will continue to recruit but cant retain good teachers. getting foreigners to be teachers aggravates the situations as these foreigners are culturally different and cant help in many school programmes which then have to be shouldered by local teachers.
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