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Old 04-22-2006, 08:00 AM   #21

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LOTR, read it when i was a teen, reread it when i was 24, came to the conclusion that Tolkien was a genius. In other words Harry potter can't compare with all do respect to J.K. Rowling.
R.A Salvatore's Dark Elf Trilogy is on the top of my list as far as fantasy books go.
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Old 04-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #22

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Lucien just no culture!!!, LOTR is just plain classic it's brilliant, come on any man who wouldn't want to fight in middle earth or any woman wanted to be a woman of rohan or a necer decaying elf come on people
Bah, been there, got the t-shirt.

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Old 04-26-2006, 08:00 AM   #23

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I definitely prefer LOTR, and since we're talking about the fantasy genre, I'll propose a new candidate - the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. Far superior to Harry Potter in my mind (although I kind of lost interest about 2 books back, so I don't know about the new one).
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Old 05-07-2006, 08:00 AM   #24

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Old 05-14-2006, 08:00 AM   #25

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I concur, His Dark Materials is my favourite series, I prefer it to both LOTR and Harry Potter.
If we start proposing series then I think Ursula K Le Guin's Earthsea series is very good, it was made into horrible tv films some years ago but tthey really are not related to the books.
As far as Fantasy series go:

I remember liking the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series (1st and 2nd) by Donaldson and the Amber series by Zelazny, but these are a bit old now, eh? The Xanth novels got a bit tiresome after a while. I've read all of Pratchett's stuff. Quite a bit of LeGuin (she is good), Anne McCaffrey, DragonLance, Terry Brooks, etc., etc. But, really, I can't think of anything that compares to Tolkien's Middle Earth novels. The quality of the writing, the depth of the history - it's just amazing as far as Fantasy writing is concerned. Some of his stuff seems a bit cliche, until you realize that he was the first to do it. Just good stuff, all around.

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Old 05-17-2006, 08:00 AM   #26

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I forgot about your previous job altogether... you must be pretty bored of conversations like this by now!
Heh, it isn't help by the fact that I'm currently working on Potter 4
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Old 05-17-2006, 08:00 AM   #27

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Oxford boys should definitely read His Dark Materials. Not only is it written by an author from oxford, but a large chunk of it takes place there. Go on, get volume one, Northern Lights, you'll thank me for it!
What, then curse you for it when I lose interest too? Heh!

I'm reading Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy at the moment. Pretty funny.

I'm a big fan of Iain Banks at the mo as well. Excession is possible one of the finest and most gripping books I've ever read! Bit up and down sometimes with the quality (I found Use of Weapons tiresome), but generally topper!

I'll make you a deal o queenofmyrrh. I'll read yours if you read mine!
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Old 06-12-2006, 08:00 AM   #28

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I am the official authority on fiction. I have read them all (well allmost all), and im going to school you all right now.

Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings...!?!?! Thats like comparing sprite to pepsi, there both good, but they are totally different. Ive read them both, reread them both, loved them both. And if you only read the first two chapters of harry potter, then you havent read harry potter, go read the next couple of chapters please. Same goes for every book ever written. Some books just start off slowwwww.

On to the next topics. Pullman was a genious, till he wrote the 2nd and 3rd book in the dark materials trilogy. The first book was a classic, the next two were all downhill.

Terry goodkind....liked his books a lot, but he started to creep me out with his political plots in is books. He starts looking like some pro american extremist with his anti "anything non democratic" symbolism in his books. But good writer none the less. Will definitly read his next book in the sword of truth series.

R.A. Salvatore. His books are pretty good, but once youve read about 8 of them, they kinda seem the same. 18 books starring one character is enough. I couldnt keep reading them, they just got boring after about 4,000 pages.

Also, i recommend Robert Jordans Wheel of time series. Exellent. Go pick them up.

The greatest fiction novels of all time were written by,

George R.R. Martin. Go read his books immediatly. Actually, just read his "song of ice and fire" series.
His books are unlike another, and better than any other fiction novels. Everytime i recommend them to someone they tell me how much they loved them. Now, for you own sake, go read his books. They are amazing.

Well, if i didnt mention your favorite author, im sorry. Its probably cuz i didnt read them or i forgot or because they suck or maybe because i just dont care.


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Old 06-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #29

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Dragonlance, Dark Elf all that stuff...just couldn't get into 'em at all, guess those particular ones weren't my cup o' cha.

Read all of Terry Goodkind's stuff actually. Bit off the wall but quite enjoyable!

And almost forgot...

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Old 06-14-2006, 08:00 AM   #30

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I think that Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are in completely different literary catagories. Yes, they are both fantasy... but I think of Lord of the Rings as the most recent epic. They were all supposed to be in one book and were only separated because publishers felt that it wouldn't sell if it was that big. I also think the style of writing fits more into the serious, will stand the test of time, famous epics. Harry Potter is a phenominal fantasy series. It is a great story that you pick up and don't want to put down, but I don't see its popularity standing the test of time that LOTR will continue to do. I love them both, but I think LOTR is better as a piece of literature.
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Old 06-15-2006, 08:00 AM   #31

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thats a rather odd reply, i hav have read all of the Harry Potter and all of the Lord of the Rings Books, preferablly, i like Lord of the Rings better, i found myself hooked on reading it after the first couple of chapters, harry potter more for the children mind you im not down grading Harry Potter as i kno loads of adults who like harry potter, personally it didn't grab my attention as much as Lord of the Rings.

What so silly about what askin what do other people think is better for storyline, stop being so critical over such a lil and light hearted question
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Old 06-17-2006, 08:00 AM   #32

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I've never read any of the 'Harry Potter' books, nor have I watched any of the movies, so it would seem that my vote is with LOTR until I read those Potter books; I've been thinking about it lately since EVERYONE is talking about the new book that just came out.

But yeah, go kendo! Whoo! >.>
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Old 06-28-2006, 08:00 AM   #33

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Lucien just no culture!!!, LOTR is just plain classic it's brilliant, come on any man who wouldn't want to fight in middle earth or any woman wanted to be a woman of rohan or a necer decaying elf come on people
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Old 06-29-2006, 08:00 AM   #34

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Default Harry Potter VS Lord of the Rings

Overall, out of all the variousn factors e.g. storyline etc

What is better Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings
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Old 07-17-2006, 08:00 AM   #35

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I love the Silmarillion!
Anyway, I was referring to Harry Potter when I said I'd lost interest - there's no way I'd ever lose interest in Pullman.
Sounds like a deal, the great HAS BEEN. I'm just about to finish my current book, so I'll pick uo your recommendation and then lambast you for your poor taste at squad training (I suppose there is a small chance that it might be good... we'll see!).
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Old 07-31-2006, 08:00 AM   #36

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LOTR, read it when i was a teen, reread it when i was 24, came to the conclusion that Tolkien was a genius. In other words Harry potter can't compare with all do respect to J.K. Rowling.
R.A Salvatore's Dark Elf Trilogy is on the top of my list as far as fantasy books go.
Daermon N'ash'ez'baernon rules!!!!!!

I disagree however, i think in many ways tolkein was not on any higher literary plane, he simply wrote literature aimed ONLY at adults. Rowling writes so that children can understand, but does not lower her quality while doing it. I guess it depends on the measure of literature....
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Old 08-27-2006, 08:00 AM   #37

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Daermon N'ash'ez'baernon rules!!!!!!
Damn right!!!!! All 18 books with Drizzt Do'Urden are a good read!! The cleric quintet is kick ass aswel.
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Old 09-20-2006, 08:00 AM   #38

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I think JK Rowling deserves a special commendation for getting people to read, an activity that was greatly in disuse.
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Old 10-02-2006, 08:00 AM   #39

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I can't believe you guys are having a debate about LOTR. I know I am in a minority, but I've never understood why it's so popular. The plot is abysmal, the are songs dire and it just goes on and on.

You'll be discussing the Silmarillon next.

Stop the madness!
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Old 10-08-2006, 08:00 AM   #40

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Why does one have to be better than the other? Can't they both be enjoyed? Is there someone somewhere who's been ordered to read only the better book, and will be killed if he doesn't pick the right one?

Seriously, this is all very silly. Which is better, Star Wars or Star Trek? Descartes or Kant? Plato, Aristotle, or Socrates? Kendo or Iaido? Samurai or Ninja? Apple or orange? Red or blue? Day or night?
Ok, let's see, Star Trek if we're talking Original and Next Gen, Kant, Socrates, Kendo (because it's newer to me), Samurai (of course), Apple, Blue and, usually, Day.

We should enjoy things as they are, and not feel a need to constantly rank them and pick the "better" ones. People have different tastes, enjoy different things differently, and don't have to think the same way as others about different things.
People don't have to think the same, you're right. That's why it's sometimes interesting to get others' opinions. In my opinion, it's human nature to compare things.

So, Potter or Lord of the Rings? I don't know, why don't you read both and make up your own mind? After all, there's no point on relying on others to tell you which one you'll like best, you're the only one that can know.
I think he has made up his own mind, but is wondering what others think. I think it was an innocent enough question and it is a bit odd that you jumped down his throat so quickly.

As far as the question goes, I'd say LotR is better, but this is because I could only get through the first 2 chapters of the first Potter book, while I've read the LotR series 3 times in the past 25 years (and I hardly ever re-read books). I did enjoy the last Potter movie, though.

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