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Old 01-14-2006, 05:16 PM   #1

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Default the Great Kendo Arguments
OK. So when talking to a guy who lived in Japan for a short while (American guy) I mentioned I play kendo. Though he never took kendo over there he looked at me and said "I thought kendo was a martial art, do you play it?" My answer was welcome to one of the Great Kendo Agruments. I gave him my explanation (which can be found on another thread). However, he asked me what the other "great Kendo arguments" were. I told him about the color of Do worn, people visiting other dojo's and lining up wrong. What else are considered old kendo arguments?
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:30 PM   #2

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Sport or Martial Art
Quality and/or flashiness of bogu for beginners
Kendo does or does not conflict with _________ religion
I don't want to bow because__________
Sempai/Kohai, over strict observance of sempai/kohai system, or under obervance of it (Western culture tends to promote more open discussion and thus all dojo have their own quirks in regards to this issue)
Shiai kendo vs. shinsa kendo
How to describe techniques... physics and body mechanics, or this is how they killed people back in the samurai days... (some people who romanticize that era really like battlefield descriptions instead of this is how the body moves naturally teaching, I guess it isn't cool enough for some people, who knows)
What rank you need to be to start a club (some kendo is better than no kendo argument vs. if sensei isn't a mega super dan then it doesn't count)

There are tons of others. Just a few off the top of my head.
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Old 01-14-2006, 07:53 PM   #3

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Sport or Martial Art
Quality and/or flashiness of bogu for beginners
Kendo does or does not conflict with _________ religion
I don't want to bow because__________
Sempai/Kohai, over strict observance of sempai/kohai system, or under obervance of it (Western culture tends to promote more open discussion and thus all dojo have their own quirks in regards to this issue)
Shiai kendo vs. shinsa kendo
How to describe techniques... physics and body mechanics, or this is how they killed people back in the samurai days... (some people who romanticize that era really like battlefield descriptions instead of this is how the body moves naturally teaching, I guess it isn't cool enough for some people, who knows)
What rank you need to be to start a club (some kendo is better than no kendo argument vs. if sensei isn't a mega super dan then it doesn't count)

There are tons of others. Just a few off the top of my head.
Don't forget the most awful one: Where did it begin? Japan or Korea.
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Old 01-14-2006, 08:44 PM   #4

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Is Hiten-Mitsurugi Ryu the ultimate Kendo technique?!
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Old 01-14-2006, 09:51 PM   #5

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"I live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest Kendo dojo is 1 hour away from me. Because I am 14 and can't drive myself and my parents don't want to drive me, I am stuck. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and I bought a hakama, keikogi and some armor and decided to learn from the internet. Can you guys give me some tips on how to learn more effectively?"
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Old 01-15-2006, 12:46 AM   #6

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Don't forget the most awful one: Where did it begin? Japan or Korea.
You know ... not to anger any Koreans or kumdo players here, but weren't Koreans still farming with pitchforks by the time Japan has swords? (I'm talking widespread use) I don't know but it doesn't make very much sense when you look at the arguements coming out of Korea ... many of them are just invented on the spot ... take a look at their stem cell research team, datas were made up! World Cup 2002 ... couldn't believe those linesmen man, Italy's goals were well deserved. Anyways, thats just ranting ... don't give it too much thoughts.
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Old 01-15-2006, 06:04 AM   #7

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A better argument would probably be "Kendo vs. Kumdo: Which is better"
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Old 01-15-2006, 09:27 AM   #8

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A better argument would probably be "Kendo vs. Kumdo: Which is better"
Agreed, now that should be interesting ... Kumdo's speed is amazing, but if you look at the results of KWC Japan's Kendo always come out top hehe but I'm guessing the top Kumdo players wouldn't enter the Korean Kendo national team would they? Or they do? I have a rather limited knowledge on Kumdo, but in KWC the Koreans always have interesting and fun moves to watch haha very creative ... but ultimately Kendo rules! (you can tell which side I'm on)
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Old 01-15-2006, 11:17 AM   #9

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Watching some Korean kendo it came to my mind that "Mexican jumping beans" is an outdated term; They should change it to Korean jumping beans
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Old 01-15-2006, 12:44 PM   #10

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You know ... not to anger any Koreans or kumdo players here, but weren't Koreans still farming with pitchforks by the time Japan has swords? (I'm talking widespread use) I don't know but it doesn't make very much sense when you look at the arguements coming out of Korea ... many of them are just invented on the spot ... take a look at their stem cell research team, datas were made up! World Cup 2002 ... couldn't believe those linesmen man, Italy's goals were well deserved. Anyways, thats just ranting ... don't give it too much thoughts.
By the time Japan had swords they probably still used pitchforks for farming (you know, they are farming tools)
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Old 01-15-2006, 02:36 PM   #11

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Don't forget the most awful one: Where did it begin? Japan or Korea.
I don't even take that one seriously at all. but I'll ad it to the list.
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Old 01-15-2006, 03:10 PM   #12

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Agreed, now that should be interesting ... Kumdo's speed is amazing, but if you look at the results of KWC Japan's Kendo always come out top hehe but I'm guessing the top Kumdo players wouldn't enter the Korean Kendo national team would they? Or they do? I have a rather limited knowledge on Kumdo, but in KWC the Koreans always have interesting and fun moves to watch haha very creative ... but ultimately Kendo rules! (you can tell which side I'm on)
Er...Kumdo is Kendo essentially. Ken = Sword in Japanese, Kum = Sword in Korean, Gim = Sword in Chinese. If you use the Kanji/Chinese the characters are all the same.

So Korea would not have a Kendo team because Kumdo is kendo. Albeit that the koreans have changed the terminology to korean and added changes such as no sonkyo and diferrences in clothing design...it still essentially is the same as kendo.

Watching some Korean kendo it came to my mind that "Mexican jumping beans" is an outdated term; They should change it to Korean jumping beans
You know, some of you newbies here have been giving Korea a lot of flack about their style of kendo. Comments about Japan always coming out on top and how korea has funny moves and jump all over the place.

Please note, the Koreans have been consistent second since the 4th WKC. Were you there at the last one in Glasgow or 1997's WKC in Japan? I was at Glasgow and my Sensei was competing in the 1997 wkc. At Glasgow I would not say that the Koreans were funny, the final between Japan and Korea was damned close. The points were spread equally either way and kudos to Eiga for nailing the tsuki but that was a reeeeeal tense moment for both sides.

My Sensei mentioned that Korea fielded one of the strongest teams ever and if not for the Miyazaki bros and Ishida the result could very well have gone Korea's way during the 1997 event.

And before you start flapping and aluding to how 'inferior' you think Korea's form of Kendo, Kumdo is, I suggest you try fighting them first...because at second place they've pretty much whooped everyone that's come that way.

If you're going to make smartarse comments like 'funny moves' or 'korean jumping beans' I'd dare you first to go to Korea, enter a dojang and say that to the members before commencing keiko.
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Old 01-15-2006, 03:35 PM   #13

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You know ... not to anger any Koreans or kumdo players here, but weren't Koreans still farming with pitchforks by the time Japan has swords? (I'm talking widespread use) I don't know but it doesn't make very much sense when you look at the arguements coming out of Korea ... many of them are just invented on the spot ... take a look at their stem cell research team, datas were made up! World Cup 2002 ... couldn't believe those linesmen man, Italy's goals were well deserved. Anyways, thats just ranting ... don't give it too much thoughts.
1) You know, Japan's early civilization was basically built on the influx of Chinese innovation and technology. The early swords used by the Samurai were double edged and were pretty much chinese Gim swords. Korea was on the mainland, next to China...both civilizations developing earlier than Japan. Korea though, has been colonized(occupied) by both countries.

Before you start to flap again about how inferior you think the Koreans are try looking at this bloke Lyi Sun Shin.

2) The Stem cell research is one instance of a lie perpetuated by a scientist whom the Korean Government has fired after it was found he was lying. If you want to point fingers about dishonesty and lying I'd be happy to point out a few from your country's government.

3) The linesmen at the World Cup in Korea weren't koreans. So by that reasoning you can't blame korea for the call. Blame FIFA.

You know, your comment piss me off and I'm not even Korean.

" but weren't Koreans still farming with pitchforks by the time Japan has swords?"

Well...people still farm with pitchforks today...so whats your point? Or are you trying to say that when the Japanese had swords the Koreans were still just backward farmers? What an ignorant statement...which is as insulting if some moron said, "Aren't all thai women hookers?"

I thought you couldn't top of your ignorant racist gem about "indian stench" but I stand corrected.
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Old 01-15-2006, 04:02 PM   #14

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You know, some of you newbies here have been giving Korea a lot of flack about their style of kendo. Comments about Japan always coming out on top and how korea has funny moves and jump all over the place.
For Pete's sake; I didnt mean that in any disrespectfull way. Sorry if it sounded that way. I was pretty amazed by a couple of jumping men - men cut that is. But you have to admit, sometimes it just looks a bit funny.
I know Korea kicks butt in Kendo.
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Old 01-15-2006, 04:05 PM   #15

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Since Meng answered the rather pointless statements of BODoom, and hopefully the latter will think twice before posting nonesens, i suggest that we come back to the subject.

The futur of kendo and the olympic games argument.
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Old 01-15-2006, 09:26 PM   #16

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How about this one,

How are you so good in kendo....your white!
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Old 01-15-2006, 09:29 PM   #17

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Stage 1

Stage 2
- I have bad grammar and spellings, but it doesn't make my point invalid
- I am hachikyu and it doesn't make my point invalid
- I started kendo 2 weeks ago, and it doesn't make my point invaild
- I can't tell you my lineage... and it doesn't make my point invalid
- Me lack of experience? I did for , and it doesn't make my point invalid
- I watched some video and so my point must be true
- I did my research (probably on the internet), and my point must be true
- Zaitoichi does it, so my point must be true
- Kendo is a sport, and it can't kill anyone... Mine's the opposite, so my point must be true
- Some time ago a kendoist was defeated in our challenge, so my point must be true
- I've tried shinken sparring with friend in my backyard, so my point must be true

Stage 3
- Oh man, people can't take jokes here
- I don't mind being criticized, but the personal attacks have gone too far
- Too much ego I'm seeing here
- I don't care about your rank and that does not automatically gain you my respect

Stage 4
- If you don't believe me, come see it yourself at
- I won't be posting here anymore
- ... but I won't be posting here anymore
- ... but I won't be posting here anymore

... A short compilation based on several real threads, celebrating stupidity on KWF for the past 3 years!
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Old 01-15-2006, 10:22 PM   #18

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Stage 1

Stage 2
- I have bad grammar and spellings, but it doesn't make my point invalid
- I am hachikyu and it doesn't make my point invalid
- I started kendo 2 weeks ago, and it doesn't make my point invaild
- I can't tell you my lineage... and it doesn't make my point invalid
- Me lack of experience? I did for , and it doesn't make my point invalid
- I watched some video and so my point must be true
- I did my research (probably on the internet), and my point must be true
- Zaitoichi does it, so my point must be true
- Kendo is a sport, and it can't kill anyone... Mine's the opposite, so my point must be true
- Some time ago a kendoist was defeated in our challenge, so my point must be true
- I've tried shinken sparring with friend in my backyard, so my point must be true

Stage 3
- Oh man, people can't take jokes here
- I don't mind being criticized, but the personal attacks have gone too far
- Too much ego I'm seeing here
- I don't care about your rank and that does not automatically gain you my respect

Stage 4
- If you don't believe me, come see it yourself at
- I won't be posting here anymore
- ... but I won't be posting here anymore
- ... but I won't be posting here anymore

... A short compilation based on several real threads, celebrating stupidity on KWF for the past 3 years!
That's probably the most intelligent thing that has been written on here in quite some time.
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Old 01-16-2006, 01:42 AM   #19

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For Pete's sake; I didnt mean that in any disrespectfull way. Sorry if it sounded that way. I was pretty amazed by a couple of jumping men - men cut that is. But you have to admit, sometimes it just looks a bit funny.
I know Korea kicks butt in Kendo.
I don't see the funny part... imagine an amateur basketball player saying 'when korean people play, sometimes they look a bit funny'. It's like a complete lack of respect on so many levels...

Just this Friday I had the privelege to practice with a korean squad member who duly handed my ass to me. I had no opinion either way before on Korean Kendo, but trust me, after that there was nothing funny about it. Not to mention the fact that she was on the ladies team... maybe that also is funny looking to you?
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Old 01-16-2006, 03:16 AM   #20

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Just this Friday I had the privelege to practice with a korean squad member who duly handed my ass to me. I had no opinion either way before on Korean Kendo, but trust me, after that there was nothing funny about it. Not to mention the fact that she was on the ladies team... maybe that also is funny looking to you?
You lucky bugger...was she cute? Hehehe...you could have taken the opportunity to practice shinai hanase(dropping the shinai) drills. You know, how when you drop your shinai you quickly run forward and hug your opponent so they can't 'ahem' hit you
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