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Old 11-21-2009, 02:50 PM   #1

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Default survey for my friend in Japan
konnichiwa everyone, ogenki desuka?

I have a question. my friend(he is attending Juntendo University and participating in the kendo club) needs 10 american kendo-ka or sensei to survey for his graduation thesis. so if it's not any trouble, would you let me know of any american kendoka that could help me out?
I need your help!

so here is survey


Hello,my name is Shogo Chinami. I am a student at Juntendo university.I belong to KENDO club. I have played kendo since elementary school student.
And I want to write graduation thesis of kendo. So please cooperate for my interview.
I’m glad to meet you.

-Question 1
How long have you been doing kendo?

Question 2
-Why do you start playing kendo?

-Question 3
What do you consider to be the highlights of Kendo?

-Question 4
How do you think that kendo will/can become internationalized?

-Question 5
Do you think Kendo should be considered as an Olympic event? Why or why not?

-Question 6
Do you think that there is a difference between Japanese kendo player and yourself when it comes to way of thinking about Kendo? Yes or No, Explain.

Your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you for participating in this survey.


thank you

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Old 11-21-2009, 03:58 PM   #2

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Konban wa Masa san.
Do they have to be American? I mean there's more in the world than just Japan and the USA. I mean there's even Canada and the whole of Europe. Sadly (or luckily) I don't qualify as an American.
Maybe this link will be any help.
Good luck with the thesis.
hLabXZlK is offline

Old 11-22-2009, 08:56 AM   #3

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That survey looks cool. I always liked surveys.

I'd do it, but I've only been doing Kendo for a yearn... and I've only been in bogu for a few months. :\ So I dont know if I really should take it. But I can forward it to one of my shodan friends, to see if she's interested.
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Old 11-22-2009, 10:52 AM   #4

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I sent you a private message with my survey results.
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Old 11-22-2009, 11:07 AM   #5

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Do they have to be American? I mean there's more in the world than just Japan and the USA. I mean there's even Canada and the whole of Europe.
When was Canada kicked out of America? I checked Google Earth and looks like it is still there.
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Old 11-22-2009, 11:37 AM   #6

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Since I'm not American, I can freely wonder why the questions for what are apparently a graduate thesis (on kendo?) are so general.
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Old 11-22-2009, 01:35 PM   #7

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Konban wa Masa san.
Do they have to be American? I mean there's more in the world than just Japan and the USA. I mean there's even Canada and the whole of Europe. Sadly (or luckily) I don't qualify as an American.
Maybe this link will be any help.
Good luck with the thesis.
And tons of American countries that belong to America
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Old 11-22-2009, 02:36 PM   #8

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konnichiwa everyone, ogenki desuka?

-Question 1
How long have you been doing kendo?

Question 2
-Why do you start playing kendo?

-Question 3
What do you consider to be the highlights of Kendo?

-Question 4
How do you think that kendo will/can become internationalized?

-Question 5
Do you think Kendo should be considered as an Olympic event? Why or why not?

-Question 6
Do you think that there is a difference between Japanese kendo player and yourself when it comes to way of thinking about Kendo? Yes or No, Explain.
1. Ten years.

2. I read the Gorin no sho and thought "ey, this guy Musashi has something interesting with the relation of japanese fencing and self development".

3. Satisfaction for the challenge that it represents the practice and the development as a person that can be reached little by little.

4. Isn't kendou already internationalized? I find that the actual problem, in the western countries as Mexico (where I'm from), is that people need more cultural understanding about what kendou is, and how it helps to our development physically and emotionally. Is not a martial art that can be applied as judou or karatedou, so many pple can't see beyond that. And because is not strongly cultural as it is in Japan, none Japanese people tends to see it as something useless most of the time.

5. I can't be in one or another posture yet about kendou being Olympic. Of course it would bring benefits because many people might get interested in a sport that is Olympic, and it would be spread faster (as Tae kwon do is doing), but there are many rules that might be considered related with the scoring points rules and the importance of the technique during the performing of the shiais.

6. Again is the cultural issue, but is also what each person decides about how he/she is going to do, the way of personal commitment, and the intentions (competitions, hobby, a way of having physical activity, etc). In my personal opinion, I think that there is not a difference between a Japanese kendou player and myself, except of the exposition time to kendou practices. Practically everywhere you can do everyday in Japan, but in Mexico, Canada, Chile, USA, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador, Guatemala and other American countries, we the practitioners have most of the time just a couple of days for doing kendou.
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Old 11-22-2009, 05:37 PM   #9

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I don't mean to be disrespectful, but a grad student if writing in English could do better IMO by using "do" not play a martial Way activity.
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Old 11-22-2009, 05:56 PM   #10

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Oops, my bad: friend is a uni student expecting to graduate...not a graduate (as in M.A. etc.) student. So not realizing difference between Play and The Way is all forgiven, as well as mentioned "chotto" generalized questions. Then, Happy Thanksgiving, may the sweet potatoes, corn and pumpkin abound on your tables in Amerika (and turkeys go free!).
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Old 11-22-2009, 05:56 PM   #11

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Here are my answers. I was going to PM them to you, but i am also intersted to hear what others think about my answers. I dont want to hijack this thread, that is not my intent. Best of luck to your friend on his thesis.

-Question 1
How long have you been doing kendo?

Have been doing Kendo for two years

Question 2
-Why do you start playing kendo?

I wanted to foster my fighting spirit. I havce trained in martial arts for 15 years and always felt something lacking in the sparring department. I enjoyed sparring, but wanted to be better. I thought my fighting spirit was low. I would turn away and cover up when fighting a real aggressive fighter. That had to change. I have always had an interest in the Katana and swordsmanship. It seemed the perfect remedy.

-Question 3
What do you consider to be the highlights of Kendo?

The sense of family I have found in my dojo mates. The physical activity . I love the work out I get. Total exhaustion. Learning to throw my self completely into what I am doing and losing the rest of the world for an hour or so. The many different concepts and strategies.

-Question 4
How do you think that kendo will/can become internationalized?

I think kendo is international already. Just on this forum I have seen people posting and responding from countries I have never heard of. Actually just one country, but it’s a tiny one I had to look up to find out where it was. As for becoming more international, I think Kendo’s growth will be slow and steady, I think more people will have to become familiar with the concepts and ideas of how kendo is played. If the game is not understood it will suffer the same fate as Sumo. People see Sumo as two large guys slapping and pushing eacj other around, nothing more. Kendo will be seen as two guys yelling and swatting each other with sticks. Just search Kendo on you tube and you can what peoples understanding of it is. This is one aspect I would love to see changed.

-Question 5
Do you think Kendo should be considered as an Olympic event? Why or why not?

No I do not. I think that if kendo becomes an Olympic sport, it will lose its ability to grow and change as concepts are explored and interpretations are shared and discussed. It is also too difficult for a non Kendo educated public to grasp. Look how much coverage judo gets as an Olympic sport and its basic idea of throw and submit your opponent is pretty simple to understand.

-Question 6
Do you think that there is a difference between Japanese kendo player and yourself when it comes to way of thinking about Kendo? Yes or No, Explain.

Most assuredly. I think non Japanese players start without an understanding of performing a task or living life that is inherently bred into Japanese players simply due to a traditional environment and culture. The Japanese mindset is something that many non Japanes players try to learn and understand. It is difficult to say the least for non Japanese to get a hold of this concept of going about things, but not impossible. I think it should be a goal of every kendoka to learn this way of thinking.
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Old 11-22-2009, 06:28 PM   #12

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Konban wa Masa san.
Do they have to be American? I mean there's more in the world than just Japan and the USA. I mean there's even Canada and the whole of Europe. Sadly (or luckily) I don't qualify as an American.
Maybe this link will be any help.
Good luck with the thesis.
I asked my friends about it and she said she would love to hear lots of kendoka's answers! also she said this survey is not only for American people!
I'm so sorry if you get offended from it, I'm currently living in the U.S and she asked me to help her survey through asking my american kendo-ka. I totally fogot to change my writing.
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Old 11-22-2009, 06:33 PM   #13

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I don't mean to be disrespectful, but a grad student if writing in English could do better IMO by using "do" not play a martial Way activity. Oops, my bad: friend is a uni student expecting to graduate...not a graduate (as in M.A. etc.) student. So not realizing difference between Play and The Way is all forgiven, as well as mentioned "chotto" generalized questions. Then, Happy Thanksgiving, may the sweet potatoes, corn and pumpkin abound on your tables in Amerika (and turkeys go free!).
oops, I'm so sorry! I don't know why the heck I wrote "play" instead of do....
haha I know my English is kinda hard to understand, it may sounds stupid sometimes...but thanks for letting me know!
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Old 11-22-2009, 06:37 PM   #14

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Since I'm not American, I can freely wonder why the questions for what are apparently a graduate thesis (on kendo?) are so general.
I'm so sorry if you get offended, I was sending this survey for my american kendo friends and I totally fogot to change my writing. it is opened for all kendo-ka from countries except Japanese kendo-ka. my friend said she would love to hear answer from kendo-ka all over the world!
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Old 11-22-2009, 06:40 PM   #15

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and I really thank to people who answered those questions!
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Old 11-22-2009, 06:43 PM   #16

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oh and I fogot to tell you guys about this
This Survey is not only for American kendo-ka, it's opend for all kendo-ka who is doing kendo in different countries! so we would love to hear your answer if you don't mind.
thank you
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Old 11-22-2009, 07:07 PM   #17

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-Question 1
How long have you been doing kendo?

I have been doing Kendo for almost 4 years by now .

Question 2
-Why do you start playing kendo?

Because it really makes me feel happy , and I when I can become a Kendo Sensei I want others to feel happy and enjoy Kendo as much as I do by making it part of their lives.

I want everyone to feel the happines of trying to perfect something in your life .

-Question 3
What do you consider to be the highlights of Kendo?

-Question 4
How do you think that kendo will/can become internationalized?

By building dojos in every Country that does Kendo : )

-Question 5
Do you think Kendo should be considered as an Olympic event? Why or why not?

YES , as long as the Shimpan rules remains the same it would help to spread Kendo
-Question 6
Do you think that there is a difference between Japanese kendo player and yourself when it comes to way of thinking about Kendo? Yes or No, Explain.

No because Kendo is the same everywhere : )
Of course there are some varieties because Japanese people is more exposed to Kendo and they have more opportunities and more support but still .
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Old 11-24-2009, 01:47 AM   #18

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And tons of American countries that belong to America
This is no excuse but just an observation.
If in Europe people are referring to "Americans" they are talking about the inhabitants of the United States of "America". They are not discussing someone from Nova Scotia or Ecuador. The former is from Canada and the other one from South America or Latin America.
Americans are from the US of A. You can visit any European city and ask any passerby about Americans and they will refer to the US of A.
I realize that the other inhabitants of the American Continent will feel left out in this theoretical discussion, but alas this is what's happening at least in Europe. I guess that the same will apply for Africa and Asia but that's my educated guess.
If I have offended the inhabitants of the American Continent then Mea Culpa Maxima Culpa............

Oh I filled out the questionnaire and have sent it by pm to the initiator of this social experiment.
I hope that my contribution was a helpful one.
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Old 11-24-2009, 02:19 PM   #19

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-Question 1
How long have you been doing kendo?

I no longer count in years. I count in injuries.
By my reckoning, I have been practicing Kendo for
four-thousand bruises, 16 hyper extended ligaments, 2 broken bones,
and one ripped muscle.
That's about 60 years in a dog's lifespan,
..but the dog died 20 bruises ago.

Question 2
-Why do you start playing kendo?

Just as "One does not simply walk into Mordor," One does similarly simply "play Kendo."
Allow me to simply cut to the chase, and spare you all the lofty sputtering about the "why we do Kendo" spiel.
The truth is, I'm a complete and utter masochist.
and don't let anyone fool you, so is anyone else who stays with Kendo.
Think on it. You are hit with bamboo poles about the head and extremities for years on end,
and all you have to look forward to is "getting better at it."
I rest my case.

-Question 3
What do you consider to be the highlights of Kendo?

The drugs and myriads of loose women mainly. That,
-and Lots and lots of Olive-loaf sandwiches.

-Question 4
How do you think that kendo will/can become internationalized?

Kendo is and always has been strictly an American sport.
In fact, we could not have tamed this savage land without it.
and I'll be damned if I'll let some filthy foreigners corrupt the sanctity of it's holy purity.

-Question 5
Do you think Kendo should be considered as an Olympic event? Why or why not?

Kendo is not about winning points, or bettering yourself as a person.
You need to understand this simple fact.

Kendo is about secretly wanting to be a Ninja.

There are no prizes given for Ninjas.
Ours is a lonely lot in life, you know, begging for handouts, killing small dwarves for licorice bits, making mud-angels in the backyard, that sort of thing.

-Question 6
Do you think that there is a difference between Japanese kendo player and yourself when it comes to way of thinking about Kendo? Yes or No, Explain.

I keep telling you, there is no such thing as a Japanese Kendo player.
Next you'll be saying that Sushi is Russian! (which it is.)

There, your questions are answered.
Now then,
Where can I pick up my check?

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Old 11-24-2009, 04:15 PM   #20

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This is no excuse but just an observation.
If in Europe people are referring to "Americans" they are talking about the inhabitants of the United States of "America".
Ditto for Japanese people. アメリカ always means the United States of America and thusly アメリカ人 always means "a person from the United States of America".

I hate this "American means anyone from one of the continents containing the word 'America' in its name" trend. I especially hate the (in my opinion) asinine fad of calling Americans "Usians".
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