The old saw that says something like: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is..." is most likely what happened to the guy you met.
There are people fishing all the time for new suckers. "There's one born every day???" said somebody...
No, it was not like that at all with the Canadian I was talking to on Sosua Beach. I can not remember the exact details of the story but he did not fall for some too good to be true scheme. He was set up and accused of hitting someone in his car, and the police got involved in a corrupt way and corrupt lawyers got involved and he ended up paying thousands of dollars to make this one go away. The way he described it you could see that he was set up and corrupt officials got involved etc. I wish I could remember the details and I wish you had been there to hear it yourself. It was all an elaborate "set up" from the start to end.