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Old 12-26-2009, 05:58 PM   #21

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 22

Contemplate the eternality of the Spirit's love for you and it will transform every misery
into a steppingstone to joy. Can you imagine a life for yourself devoted to anything but
the One who loves you so much it thought you into existence? Wake up today and
cultivate whole-souled devotion for the all-encompassing Presence.

Affirmation: I surrender to the all-consuming love of the Spirit. I am absorbed by this
Presence, so personal that it has personalized itself as myself.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 12-27-2009, 12:43 PM   #22

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 23

Today's practice is for you to let go and let Spirit have its way.

Affirmation: I joyfully release all vestiges of false belief and surrender my whole
attention to the overshadowing presence of Truth within me. Conscious communion
with Spirit is my way of life.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

RadcliffXX is offline

Old 12-28-2009, 05:18 PM   #23

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 24

As events present themselves in your experience, train your consciousness to be in
gratitude independent of judging them as desirable or undesirable. Remain non-
attached. Then, at night, train your last thought before sleep to be one of thanksgiving
for the miracle of knowing Spirit, whose pleasure it is to give you the kingdom.

Affirmation: Today I fling open wide the door of my gratitude in humble recognition of
the divine Presence that holds me in the eternal embrace of its self-givingness.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith


Old 12-30-2009, 05:30 AM   #24

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 25

The door of receptivity opens from the inside. Today, swing it wide open and expect a
blessing that will fill your heart to overflowing.

Affirmation: I sense the Presence at the center of my being. My mind, heart and soul
drink deeply from this divine well and forever quench my thirst.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 12-30-2009, 05:17 PM   #25

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 26

Throughout this day, stop frequently to breathe and touch that place within you that
is the "peace that surpasseth all understanding." Let it be carried on the wings of your
thoughts, words and actions. Through calmness, keep your mental and nervous systems
relaxed so that they may catch the intuitive guidance whispered to you by Spirit. Peace
is another way of practicing the Presence.

Affirmation: Like a river, Spirit's peace flows through my being and soothes, warms, and
harmonizes my body, mind and soul.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 12-31-2009, 10:30 PM   #26

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 27

Through meditation and prayer determine to shake off the dust of delusion and free
yourself from ignorance. As you commingle the self with the Self, your thoughts
reveal the thinking of the Divine Mind that is within you. You move from thinking
and analyzing to direct, intuitive perception of the truth. Prayer facilitates your
awareness of the Self; meditation expands your consciousness to merge with the
Self. As the little self recedes and you touch Reality, thought becomes requalified,
purified and aligned with the Original Thinker. Today, begin to cultivate a hunger
to live life at this level.

Affirmation: My whole consciousness is alive with the inspired thoughts of Spirit.
I am impregnated with divine ideas. I think directly from Spirit and let its intelligence
have its way with me.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 01-01-2010, 09:05 PM   #27

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 28

Today, know with me that humor is a gateway to wisdom. Walk through it and you will
master a spiritual skill that will create space between you and the fictional character you
call yourself. It will put the smile of Buddha that is in your soul upon your face.

Affirmation: The cosmic laughter of Spirit bathes my soul in joy. I see with clear seeing,
and all that I do is from the pure joy of being.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 02-01-2010, 10:04 PM   #28

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 29

Today, determine to practice spiritual discipline, which means deliberately setting aside
time to cultivate your relationship with Spirit in meditation and prayer Once you form
this habit, I guarantee you won't want to miss your divine appointment with the Infinite.

Affirmation: Spirit is first in my life. The beginning, middle and end is Spirit. I live,
move and have my being in the light of this recognition

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 03-01-2010, 05:53 PM   #29

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 30

Today, consciously incline your inner ear and listen to the call of your heart. Listen and
say "yes." More good than you can imagine is in store for those who give up the little
sense of self for the Self.

Affirmation: Divine Presence ever whispers its name to me. My name is written on the
palm of its hand: I AM that I am.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 04-01-2010, 07:36 PM   #30

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 31

You may have many teachers, but only one Master: Spirit alone. You must follow your
own inner guidance. Today, approach your spiritual path as though for the first time.
Ask the Spirit to guide you. Remember, spiritual paths are merely the maps, the road
guides to awakening, the finger pointing to the moon. Once you've arrived, throw
away the maps.

Affirmation: My mind is centered in heaven and I respond to the leadership of the Spirit.
No intermediary stands between the Spirit and my soul. Spirit in me is the one true
source of my fulfillment and enlightenment.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 05-01-2010, 11:00 AM   #31

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 32

All the love your heart can hold, all the success you are meant to experience is already
within you begging to be released though your love-energy. Today, open the floodgates
of your heart and pour out a blessing of love into your own life. Then see how
outrageously rich you are in the gifts of the Spirit.

Affirmation: Today my every thought, word and action is permeated with divine love.
Love takes me over as I surrender to the divine Presence that lives as the Self of all.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 06-01-2010, 09:21 PM   #32

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 33

Today, watch how through an inner loyalty to the spiritual practice to which you have
been led you become highly charged with divine love, enthusiasm, and deeper
commitment to serve others. Everywhere you go exude the fragrance of this love,
filling your words and deeds with compassion and loving kindness.

Affirmation: My every motive, thought and action is fueled by the energy of my
commitment and love for my spiritual journey. I wed myself to divine love and bestow
its essence on everyone and everything with which I come in contact.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 07-01-2010, 07:51 PM   #33

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 34

Today, luxuriate yourself with several long, slow yogic breaths; let go and surrender
into gracious gratitude, beginning with appreciation for your breath, your healthy lungs.
Breathe again and step out of time and space into the eternal moment of now. Breathe
again and step into self-realization. Yes, it can actually happen in one enlightened
breath. This cosmic breath is breathed into you by Spirit. Be grateful.

Affirmation: Life is Spirit's gift to me. I enter fully into the blessed incarnation that is
my very Self. I walk in the light of thanksgiving-consciousness, bestowing my blessing
upon all whom I see, all that I think, say and do.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 08-01-2010, 06:43 PM   #34

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 35

Today, withdraw from living in some future fantasy and live right now as if the entire
universe is conspiring on your behalf, because it is. Carry yourself as if all your needs
are met because it has been so since time began.

Affirmation: Today I walk in the Spirit's presence, quickened by the realization of my
awakened Self. Everything that I think, say and do is touched by this awareness

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 11-01-2010, 09:51 PM   #35

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 38

Contemplate what spiritual discernment means and how you may apply it to all areas of
your life. Embody this quality in your consciousness and you will revolutionize the
experience known as your life.

Affirmation: Today I practice intuitive discernment. As I lift my mind unto the Spirit,
the winds of its glory cause me to behold the eternal and reveal its presence in my
thoughts, words and actions.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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Old 12-01-2010, 11:19 AM   #36

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40 Day Soul Feast - DAY 39

Today, ignite your Soul-force by accepting that you are just as significant as the
greatest saint who ever lived and was loved by Spirit. Hear these words gently echoing
within your awareness: "You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased."

Affirmation: I offer myself as an instrument of the Spirit. I allow my Soul-force to
express in its fullest form and all is well with my spirit and life circumstances.

Enjoy your magnificent day,

Rev. Michael Beckwith

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