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RIGHT NOW, in this moment, you are as spiritual as you are ever going to be. And whatever you do for the rest of your life, or for the rest of your future lives, you will not be able to add one iota of spirituality to what you already have. No matter how much you meditate, no matter how much occult teachings you assimilate, and no matter how many gurus or teachers you hang out with
not one iota more. And in the same light, you will not be able to lose one iota of your spirituality, no matter how many people you murder or how many wars you start. This is the true nature of spirituality it is beyond our influence.
If you believe that spirituality is something that you can gain or lose, then you are misguided. But at least you are not alone you share that misconception with 99% of other spiritual seekers. In fact, the whole New Age, New Consciousness and general spiritual movements are built on the premise that spirituality is something that we can develop in much the same way that an athlete can physically develop her body, and there are no end of teachers, gurus and organisations itching to sell us techniques and opportunities to further our spiritual careers. The idea that we can control our spiritual lives through specific practices is based upon a perception of spirituality as an appendage to normal life. Mind, body, spirit we hear it a million times in the New Age movement, but notice how spirit is tagged on the end. It is what we are supposed to evolve as we open our energy centres or "chakras" in ascending order, away from the physical and up into the emotional, mental and finally spiritual planes. Spirituality is the flower of the crown chakra, the God or divinity towards which we struggle, moving up from grosser to ever finer and more refined levels of being. This is all a lie. And it is one that has kept spiritual seekers seeking for millennia. If you want to control someone, you harness their strongest drives by interpreting the meaning and context of those drives. And one of the strongest drives for most of us, right up there with sex, is the spiritual longing for connection the longing for oneness; the desire to be an integrated part of something universal just as sex is the desire to be integrated with another human being or group of human beings, or the oceanic energy of orgasm. And it is this longing that is has been used by organized religions throughout history to support the interests of the few the church elite and gurus who have traditionally parasited off humanity. Sex and spirituality share many things in common, and our concept of both has been dictated to us so that these urges do not lead us away from those who wish to control us. Perhaps you have noticed that those who define their own spiritually and/or sexually tend to stand apart from society they seem so free they dance to an inner music whilst ignoring society's clumsy and orchestrated rhythms. On the other hand, anybody who suppresses their natural rhythms in order to force-fit with society's something that applies to the vast majority of us tends to develop some level of emotional/mental pathologies, pathologies that are so ubiquitous that they are considered normal. Spirituality is not an appendage to our lives, nor is it some goal for us to attain. The truth is that what we call spirituality is actually an undefinable oneness our unity with All-That-Is and this unity is the very foundation of our being. It is undefinable because it is all-encompassing when we define something we put it in terms of something else, which can't be done for when that something is all-inclusive. We are ONE, whether we realize it or not. You cannot be more ONE than someone else, and so you cannot be more spiritual than someone else. You can have a greater realization of your ultimate nature than someone else, but even that is mostly mind-stuff. The foundation of the Self, ALL SELVES, is perfect oneness (which many call "God", although this three letter word is usually a label for that divine unity externalized, which of course breaks that unity). And this perfect oneness at the foundation of our being is equally present for murderous tyrants as it is for compassionate saints we are all equally spiritual because we are all equally part of the ONE, no matter what the choices we have ever made or ever will make. So spirituality is merely a label for an undefinable oneness or unity, and it is the foundation of our physical, emotional and mental aspects. Spirituality is not, however, a label for goodness, righteousness, lovingness, psychicness or godliness just oneness. Even the academic study of the material world physics acknowledges this oneness with its quantum theory, so that the oneness of All-That-Is is acknowledged even by the most materially focused of belief systems. That is not to say that the realization of that oneness does not lead to lovingness, goodness, righteousness, psychicness and godliness it does, but not necessarily consistently. It can also, in the moment, lead to emotions such as fear, anger, guilt and jealousy emotions that if expressed naturally and nor repressed or denied actually lead us ever closer to realization of that oneness. The spiritual path is a dance; it is not a stance. So long as we honestly feel what we feel in the moment (which doesn't mean expressing anything destructively), we come to an ever greater realization of our innate oneness. Although we are equally part of the ONE, where we are different is in how the separate illusions of our minds, bodies and emotions integrate with the reality of that perfect spiritual foundation. If we are out of alignment in any of these areas, then we will create, usually unconsciously, situations which can potentially return us to alignment return us to reality and this can be at times quite painful. What we label as tragedies and misfortunes are usually the very events which give us the opportunity to jettison our blockages to our spiritual foundation. So all we can really work on in our lives is to attain a greater realization of our spiritual nature, not a greater level of spirituality. This may seem a subtle difference but it has profound implications. If we are only able to work on our realization of spirituality, then the spiritual path is merely the ongoing removal of mental, emotional and physical blocks to that realization, all without trying to control or conceptualize what we uncover (which of course only serves to create further blocks). In other words, our spiritual development is a psychological, emotional and physical exercise not ostensibly a spiritual exercise. If we understand this, we will be much more successful in letting go into the spiritual experience, which is actually the only way we can actually be "spiritual". But as soon as we try to directly develop or control spirituality, or think we have some idea what it is outside of an undefinable unity, we have conceptualized it, and this conceptualization removes us from a direct spiritual experience. Practically the whole New Age/ New Consciousness movement and organized religion is based upon a conceptualization of spirituality. And what these organizations and movements are doing, and the teachers and gurus involved with them, is to hijack our spiritual urge by defining it as a need for what they have to offer. This is done in a similar way to the mass media's control of our psychological state by defining the sexual urge as merely the visual image of the body beautiful, and then using this to sell everything from merchandise to propaganda. Hijacking our powerful urges by defining or conceptualising them in specific ways is the primary means by which humanity is enslaved. And being controlled in this way, we never flower spiritually (or sexually) because we are chasing illusions in the halls of mirrors set up to manipulate us. Here are some of the most manipulative spiritual conceptualisations:
That is why the more perceptive spiritual teachers do not describe spirituality. All they can do is say what it is not in the hope that when everything is taken away from our conceptualization, we drop into the pure state of undefinable spiritual being. For if they make the mistake of defining what spirituality is conceptualize it then they have only served to distance us further from a direct spiritual experience. This is usually done out of a combination of ignorance and profit. (A spiritual traveller is only willing to pay a fare if he feels that he is not yet at his destination. Once he realizes that he has arrived without ever having left, no amount of maps, directions or tickets will be of interest to him.) So if we are looking for the "right direction" in terms of our spiritual growth, this very terminology implies that we have conceptualized spirituality defined the undefinable. There is no "right direction" because we are already at the divine destination. In other words, ALL directions lead away from where we need to be, which is right here and right now. We actually need to do nothing. And that "here and now" must include what we are feeling in the moment, whether it be love, anger, sadness, envy, greed or whatever. For if we believe that we are meant to consistently express "spiritual" states such as being loving or happy, then are again living conceptually and we are further removed from the spiritual ground state of being. So authenticity becomes the key to living a spiritual life because it opens us up to the divine "here and now". If we are not authentic, we are not in touch with our spiritual foundation, no matter how "spiritual" and "loving" we may appear to ourselves and to others. When we start to trust that what we feel in the moment is what we should be feeling in the moment, and that this process will naturally lead us to genuine spiritual expression, then we develop a confidence in the process of life. We understand that life itself leads us to spiritual realization, provided we do not resist it provided we accept all of it unconditionally. If we do resist or try to disown a part of ourselves so that we can fit some sort of conceptualized ideal that of a "spiritual" or "good" person then the feelings that bubble up inside of us will get more vigorously corrective, pushing us to return us to greater levels of authenticity, demanding that we accept who we in the moment. From this perspective, we can never fail at the spiritual life because we will always get what we need to push forward into greater authenticity. This contradicts spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen's statement that, "As far as I'm concerned, the spiritual life is just like any other endeavor you can succeed or fail." He is wrong on two counts: firstly, the spiritual life is not an endeavor you let go into it, you don't "endeavor" to do anything; and secondly, you cannot succeed or fail at it because it is a self-correcting process that always ends up leading to realization. So never be overly concerned about "spiritual progress" or expressing emotions like love that are synonymous with "spirituality". Just focus on being ever more authentic to yourself and others in the moment, even if to do so makes a part of your cringe because it may appear so unspiritual. If you can do that, the rest will fall into place. It is like surfing a wave our sole responsibility is to stay balanced and present in the moment the wave does all the work. |
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