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Old 06-06-2006, 10:26 PM   #1

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Default Soul Mates
Do you believe in Soul Mates and is your definition different from this one?

The term Soul Mates means many things. These are soul that you have experienced with in past, paralle or future lifetimes. They can also be aspects of your soul experiencing at this time in another body. We are all have multidimensional beings - your soul having experiences, in many realities, at the same time. As we all evolve from the same source of consciousness creation - we could say that we are all souls mates in a manner of speaking.

Soul mates can have various types of relationships, which do not always include romantic love. We tend to think of our soul mate as The One who is there for us and to make us feel complete.

Souls often come together to work out issues or play reverse roles than that which they are experiencing elsewhere.

Anyone who is in your biological family - or adopted family - or pseudo-family - is a soul mate to you.

You feel closer to certain souls, because you have attracted them into your life as they are on the same frequency as you or because you want to work out issues with them.

Karma is the responsibilites shared between soul mates..

Often souls mates come together to bring another soul into the physical realms. A man and woman mate and produce one or more children - the karma thus completed ends. The couple separates and share whatever karma is linked to the child.

Sometimes the karma in family is between mother and child - so the child remains exclusively with the mother. Sometimes the karma is with the father and the mother leaves or deceases. Sometimes it is with both parents or with a sibling who has entered the game before or after you.

Soul mates can be close friends, co-workers, a teacher, anyone who influences your life one way or another. They play the emotional - spiritual - physical - and mental - games of third dimension with you.

Did you know that you often attract people into your life who look as you do in parallel or past lives? For example - you are a man seeking a female partner. You will seek out someone who looks and acts if you were a woman - like a mirror image. Your ideal partner is who you are in that physical body! We are always seeking ways to experience ourselves.

Men often seek the goddess when searching for a mate - one who looks like the priestess - slim body, long flowing hair purity of soul - beauty and gentleness of creation that speaks to their soul of union with the female creational force. It is SHE who brings loves, guidance, compassion and reunion of your twin soul aspects. http://www.crystalinks.com/soul_mates.html
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Old 06-06-2006, 10:38 PM   #2

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Soul mates can be close friends, co-workers, a teacher, anyone who influences your life one way or another. They play the emotional - spiritual - physical - and mental - games of third dimension with you. I'll have to read this post a little more closely before I make a full comment, but I just wanted to share this...the exact second that I clicked on the title "Soul Mates," a woman's voice said "Soul mates" on the radio! A very odd thing to hear on the 'hate radio' station that I work for, for sure! I thought for a fraction of a second that the forum now had audio and had read the title to me...but maybe it was something else! Interesting!!
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Old 06-06-2006, 10:46 PM   #3

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This will be a very brief..sketchy statement on what I believe but the flavor is there:

Well..in my belief system we are all one. We are steeped in this Drama on Earth and do not experience it though. For whatever reason, there are folks that we know ..where we allow ourselves to see some of that connection that we don't see (but is there never the less) with others.

You know that thing.."All the World's a Stage?". I believe that. What's Real about us is eternal, pure, unchanging, and is One with God or Goddess or Deity or whatever you want to call that conceptualization of Source. What's Real about us is already there, it's not something we need to reconnect to. It's like we are asleep and this whole thing is a dream that we will eventually wake up from.

Matter is temporary, changing and in a sense unreal..it's part of the Maya or illusion. Since Matter is Energy the same is true for that too. So any energy connection is part of the ego and temporary. But....when we experience the True part of another we are not talking about energy or matter ..we are talking about the only thing that is Real...Love.

As far as our lives...they are ego dances and exist so that we can wakeup and realize that we are connected to Source already and to realize who and what we truly are. We have many lessons to learn (or perhaps un-learn is a better word). We may be traveling with several of the same egos that we have worked out contracts with.. to teach and learn, by living with and around them for a time. I don't know.

So..in that sense..I agree in a general sense with the post and fully agree with the first sentence. We are soulmates with everyone.
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Old 06-06-2006, 10:49 PM   #4

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I'll have to read this post a little more closely before I make a full comment, but I just wanted to share this...the exact second that I clicked on the title "Soul Mates," a woman's voice said "Soul mates" on the radio! A very odd thing to hear on the 'hate radio' station that I work for, for sure! I thought for a fraction of a second that the forum now had audio and had read the title to me...but maybe it was something else! Interesting!!
K...that's just spooky!!!

I look forward to your thoughts Ms MP
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Old 06-06-2006, 10:53 PM   #5

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Coffeebeing...sometimes you get too deep for me...BUT...I tend to agree with a lot of what I DO understand...LOL

As far as our lives...they are ego dances and exist so that we can wakeup and realize that we are connected to Source already and to realize who and what we truly are. We have many lessons to learn (or perhaps un-learn is a better word). We may be traveling with several of the same egos that we have worked out contracts with.. to teach and learn, by living with and around them for a time. I don't know. Beautifully stated...I totally agree with this assessment and "unlearn" IS a much better word.
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Old 06-06-2006, 11:08 PM   #6

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Coffeebeing...sometimes you get too deep for me...BUT...I tend to agree with a lot of what I DO understand...LOL One of the teachers in my life stated that if you can put it into words....or words describe what you experience...then you aren't there.

Words are concepts and as such are boxes that limit what we perceive and understand. A zen master used to cry before he gave lectures. When he was asked why he cried he stated it was the deep apology he felt for having to use words.

At best they are only pointers and nothing else.
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Old 06-07-2006, 02:52 AM   #7

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As far as our lives...they are ego dances and exist so that we can wakeup and realize that we are connected to Source already and to realize who and what we truly are. We have many lessons to learn (or perhaps un-learn is a better word). We may be traveling with several of the same egos that we have worked out contracts with.. to teach and learn, by living with and around them for a time. I don't know.

So..in that sense..I agree in a general sense with the post and fully agree with the first sentence. We are soulmates with everyone.
I'm pretty much in agreement here too. Biblically there is no reference to "Soul Mates". I don't think there is any ~one~ person that qualifies to be a "soul" mate for any other person. I think we are working it out between ourselves on earth for the growth we need to come into greater union with God.

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpen the countenence of his friend.
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Old 06-18-2006, 10:13 PM   #8

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I think I might be wrong,about the whole Soul Mate thing.

I have to say my Husband is my soul mate,just as he has been serval past lives before.We defenate(sp) have conections that way and as well as 2 of my children,that where family members before.

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Old 06-19-2006, 01:36 PM   #9

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I think I might be wrong,about the whole Soul Mate thing.

I have to say my Husband is my soul mate,just as he has been serval past lives before.We defenate(sp) have conections that way and as well as 2 of my children,that where family members before.

Sweetie,I dont think your wrong at all, just very very lucky
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:22 PM   #10

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What I love about Soul Mates is the fact that they are not necessarily your mate (as most may/want to think) for me its bigger then that.A connection that can transcend past,present and future lives.

And if one is lucky enough to recognize the difference and keep/have a open mind to see, that enriches life even more.

Exsample..Brute (my dog ) is one as well as my Sister that I have been fortunate enough to find and even my grand baby.Where there are feelings and vibes and just the knowing,its hard to explain, something one just knows.

I agree with the original post in essence.
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:52 PM   #11

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What I love about Soul Mates is the fact that they are not necessarily your mate (as most may/want to think) for me its bigger then that.A connection that can transcend past,present and future lives.

And if one is lucky enough to recognize the difference and keep/have a open mind to see, that enriches life even more.

Exsample..Brute (my dog ) is one as well as my Sister that I have been fortunate enough to find and even my grand baby.Where there are feelings and vibes and just the knowing,its hard to explain, something one just knows.

I agree with the original post in essence.
I agree with you TC...sometimes you just know...you just feel the connection...a connection like it's been there since time began...and you know that no matter what transpires...you know you are always "home" with that person...or Brute!!!
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:54 PM   #12

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Old 07-06-2006, 03:27 PM   #13

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i've always believed in soulmates, and i've always felt they weren't always romantic...I consider my brother one of mine...my cousin, of course my cat, and one of my best friends here at Tribal, Jedi bosh Xuda to be ones to...as far as the romantic ones go, i've always thought we have more than one in our lives...each one teaches us another lesson about life and love...my ex boyfriend from high school is still one of the great loves of my life, and I still consider him one of my soul mates..and he feels the same...we're now close friends...
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Old 07-06-2006, 03:30 PM   #14

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as far as the romantic ones go, i've always thought we have more than one in our lives...each one teaches us another lesson about life and love...my ex boyfriend from high school is still one of the great loves of my life, and I still consider him one of my soul mates..and he feels the same...we're now close friends...
But...are those "soul-mates" Laura? I would hate to think my ex-husband was a soul mate...but he was an incredible teacher...I learned a number of "interesting" lessons...
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Old 07-07-2006, 01:25 AM   #15

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for me they are....that's how I see it for me personally anyway..you may not...i'm not considering all of my exes that way..only 2..the one from high school I mentioned, and my ex-husband...if you don't see it that way for you that's ok..I think it's up to us to determine who we consider our soulmates..for me those two men are..
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Old 08-06-2006, 01:15 PM   #16

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But...are those "soul-mates" Laura? I would hate to think my ex-husband was a soul mate...but he was an incredible teacher...I learned a number of "interesting" lessons...
Sis,I don't think they were are soul mates just terrible horrible teachers.
Me too, I hate to think that,and for me and you and others, some/most of those lesson were repeated and I really want to think unnecessary.

Are we better teachers for having been there and done that those lessons do give new meaning to our eyes are wide open.

A true true blessing soul mates are and I thank the Gods that they do come in many different ways.
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Old 08-06-2006, 02:32 PM   #17

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Well..like the 1st post said....we are all one. We are ALL soulmates. The drama here exists for one reason..to get us back to experiencing this and that we are also part and parcel of Deity. Whether we experience pleasure or pain with those around us is part of where we are. When we have no attachment and have no resistance to what is....we experience Love in all we see and experience because that is the only thing that is Real. For one reason or another we allow ourselves to see part of this with only a select few. We tend to call only these people , SOULMATES. But..it isn't totally true. For example..those folks who present troubles in this drama or in this life can be your closest lovers in the next. You never, ever know.

Love is the one unchanging, permanent thing. The rest changes constantly..

The Course in Miracles has a cool saying: Nothing REAL can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God.
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Old 12-07-2006, 02:08 AM   #18

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Did you know that you often attract people into your life who look as you do in parallel or past lives? For example - you are a man seeking a female partner. You will seek out someone who looks and acts if you were a woman - like a mirror image. Your ideal partner is who you are in that physical body! We are always seeking ways to experience ourselves. I don't know about this part. I'd look pretty good as a woman judging by my current soulmate. I'd have to dye my hair blond too!
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