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Old 08-20-2012, 02:49 PM   #21

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Old 08-20-2012, 03:40 PM   #22

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......i work in an bioimaging lab and there is no such classifications as you mentioned here with regards to image create using optical and non optical and using one not the other is not considered visualising.....
You have just proved your ignorance about science classification.....yes! There is such classification as historical science and operational science. You simply are not aware about it...you are just ignorant of the topic....and Real Science....is there such classification? What is the definition of Real Science...and what is Unreal Science....never heard.......can you define what is Real Science....Unreal Science....Fake Science.....I don't think they are capable of being defined....but you can see the definitions of historical science and operational science is very well-defined and everyone who reads those definitions understand what they meant.

Just a little education for you: Optical images created or seen from optical instruments are different from those created by non-optical instruments.....wonder how you get your job in the company presumably specializing in imaging.....you sure you working in this industry.....if so...then I think your messages have destroyed the credential of those real scientists there!
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Old 08-20-2012, 03:59 PM   #23

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You have just proved your ignorance about science classification.....yes! There is such classification as historical science and operational science. You simply are not aware about it...you are just ignorant of the topic....and Real Science....is there such classification? What is the definition of Real Science...and what is Unreal Science....never heard.......can you define what is Real Science....Unreal Science....Fake Science.....I don't think they are capable of being defined....but you can see the definitions of historical science and operational science is very well-defined and everyone who reads those definitions understand what they meant.

Just a little education for you: Optical images created or seen from optical instruments are different from those created by non-optical instruments.....wonder how you get your job in the company presumably specializing in imaging.....you sure you working in this industry.....if so...then I think your messages have destroyed the credential of those real scientists there!
stupid fuck, i told you to go pee and look at your own image. who the fuck are you to create such classifications.

education for me in the area of imaging? can i know who is your phd supervisor? are you even qualified to educate me. we do not discriminate visualisation obtained using visible reigion or non vis region as technically visualising or not stupid fuck. how many times must i repeat this. dumb shit. brain too small to understand it, useless piece of shit.
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:35 PM   #24

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A little vulgarity should be fine, it add spice to the discussion. Over profanity shouldn't be the way to engage in the long term. Exchange of posts exist 'coz we have different views, we are here to exchange views or uphold our personal beliefs.

Psalm23, please bear and forgive vamjok. He may be under some work related pressure and need to let off steam somehow.

Psalm23, there is a saying from the ancient hebrew book: "But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also..."
vamjok is not habitually like that...will be over sooon
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:41 PM   #25
Big A

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And we thought atheists love science. Oops, it's fake science (ie. Harry Potter and stuff) that they greatly believe.

When people get evidence for their presence, they will try to deny it with other lies. Pure hypocrites.
From the Harry Potter series, Parseltongue is the language of Snakes.

"Eve, Eve we heard you speaking Parseltongue!"

Anyone believes it, the first 2 human beings created by the Intelligent creator on the 6th Day of Genesis spoken Parseltongue.

Actually they spoke with "forked tongue", you will notice it the next time you observe the mouth of a Serpent in Zoological Garden
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:42 PM   #26

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learn to stick to the topic, where is the thesis?

what do i know about real science? my salary comes from public funding on science, that gives dumb fuck like you an idea.
Yah, so ? The whole fuckin' America's 'scientists' are also JIAK LIAO BEE which is also comes from the tax payers - PUBLIC FUNDING !! What a dumb fuck like you with a low IQ knows about REAL science ?

Tsk! Tsk ! Tsk ! Losing big on the atheistic Lehman product like evolution and other cock stories and still wanna talk big ! Shameless liars ! You should be asking for forgiveness for being such an asshole and cocky about your stand in your fake 'science' to mislead the public and wasting their precious monies and time to listen to your cock stories. Oh, I forgot they were mostly stupid atheists who are great listeners to cock stuff.

Fake 'scientists' dabbling with fake science with public funding is so common these days, not to even mention about politics and so-called 'high-flyers' in governing bodies too. Who are you ? You are just a NOBODY who 'jiak liao bee' and waste public fund for talking nonsense non-stop. Not to even mention that you do waste precious office time surfing the net to do this stuff.

Tsk ! Jiak Liao Bee.

Sinkies' budget must be really small. I wonder how much money that the Federal government has lost so far for listening to craps.

Atheists are liars, stupid, and have nothing. Nothing concrete. Nothing serious for argument. Lost big and wants 'explanations'. Shameless.
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:42 PM   #27

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What language did Stone Age man speak? Or any prehistoric humans?
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:53 PM   #28

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From the Harry Potter series, Parseltongue is the language of Snakes.

"Eve, Eve we heard you speaking Parseltongue!"

Anyone believes it, the first 2 human beings created by the Intelligent creator on the 6th Day of Genesis spoken Parseltongue.

Actually they spoke with "forked tongue", you will notice it the next time you observe the mouth of a Serpent in Zoological Garden
Yah, snakes again. You fellas have nothing serious when it comes to scientific arguments. Even a few of your own kind dread this common 'phenomenon' - a common, stupid characteristic - repeating a frivolous question over and over again like broken record.

When you ask a botanist for an observation whether there is actually a proof of evolution in the plant kingdom, he will tell you, "Yes, whale."

Stupid people like atheists are so well known that semi-atheists or closet atheists are now 'fighting' against atheists. Hahahaha ! Dumb fucks as usual ! Makes my day !

Atheism is dying. But, there will be some fools who insist on doing stupid stuff again and again.
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:55 PM   #29

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What language did Stone Age man speak? Or any prehistoric humans?
I ask you a simple question : what languages do Chinese speak ?
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:56 PM   #30

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A little vulgarity should be fine, it add spice to the discussion. Over profanity shouldn't be the way to engage in the long term. Exchange of posts exist 'coz we have different views, we are here to exchange views or uphold our personal beliefs.

Psalm23, please bear and forgive vamjok. He may be under some work related pressure and need to let off steam somehow.

Psalm23, there is a saying from the ancient hebrew book: "But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also..."
vamjok is not habitually like that...will be over sooon
So lame. Another liar. A habitual liar.
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Old 08-20-2012, 09:10 PM   #31

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On Hallucinatory Fever for many Days, profaned 'dumb-fuck' - 天兄 Hong Xiuquan洪秀全

Hong Xiuquan 洪秀全 was born into a family of Hakka farmers in Hua county in 1814. He was twice an outsider in his own country, for Hakka were "guest people" in Hua-they did not bind their women's feet; they did not hew to Cantonese tradition-and Hua itself was a desolate, unwelcoming backwater crawling with bandits and marauding gangs. As Hong grew into manhood, China teetered on the brink of catastrophe: the British pumped opium into the ports; the Q'ing issued punishing decrees to a drug-zonked population-conversing with a foreigner became reason enough to lose one's job, or one's head. When the emperor decided to expel the English and their "devil drug," London so feared the impact on its economy that it sent a fleet to raze China's harbors and destroy its forts. Studying the West or teaching Chinese to foreigners was out of the question. Selling a Chinese book to a Westerner became a capital offense punishable by execution; books from abroad were confiscated and burned; and round-eyed missionaries were held to be evil incarnate.
Into this roiling tableau steps Hong Xiu-quan. Aspiring to something greater than farming, he comes to Canton to take the Confucian state examinations-the gateway to becoming a mandarin. He fails the test, but as he lingers in the city square, two men approach and hand him a book. It is Quanshi liangyan ("Good Words for Exhorting the Age"). Hong does not know it, but one of the men is Liang Afa, a Christian convert and a maker of books. The taller one lurking behind is Rev. Edwin Stevens, a former professor of theology at Yale.
Hong thinks nothing of the incident, takes the book home, puts it on a shelf, takes a job at a local school, and continues to study for the next round of examinations the following year. These, too, he fails. But this time he leaves the hall exhausted; as he heads home, it is clear he is gravely ill.

In his sickbed and writhing with fever, Hong has a hallucination that will have far-reaching consequences for him and for all of China.

He dreams that he ascends to an afterworld where attendants greet him in dragon robes and horn-brimmed hats. They slit him open, remove his soiled entrails, and replace them with new. A woman welcomes him and leads him to a tall, erect man in an imposing black robe. "So you have come back up?" the godlike figure says, and identifies himself as Hong's father. There are tears of anger in his eyes. "Pay close attention to what I say," he tells Hong. "Many of those on earth have lost their original natures. [They] dissipate in offerings to the demon devils . . . They shall not escape my wrath."

Hong's hypnopompic ravings continue as his family watches aghast. "Now he leaps from his bed and runs around his room, shouting battle cries and moving his arms as if in combat; now he falls back again, silent and exhausted." They hear him address a man he calls his "elder brother," a figure who appears to have had his own experience with earthly demons. One day, Hong rises from his bed, writes out in red ink the title "Heavenly King, Lord of the Kingly Way, Quan," and posts it on his door. The people of the village begin to whisper that the young man has gone mad, but as time goes by Hong calms down. He returns to his Confucian studies, resumes his teaching job, and prepares a third time for the examinations.

He is 23.
Not for several years does any of this make any sense to Hong. In the interim, he sits for the examinations twice again, and fails both times. But one day he is drawn to the odd-looking book on his shelf. Opening it distractedly, he reads passages from the New Testament, descriptions of Christ's visit to earth, expressions of Christian faith.

The "tracts fit the lock of Hong's mind in many ways," for they focus on the source of evil, and the meaning of the good. In their strange complexity, they talk to the world within his head and to the world of war that has been swirling around Canton from 1839 to 1842." When he reads the quotes from Isaiah, it is as if they were written for him: "Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence." Hong puts everything else aside and throws himself into Christian scripture. Sharing his excitement with like-minded Hakka and sympathetic relatives, he gathers the pieces of his fevered dream.

They seem so obvious now: The father figure was surely God Himself; the female, the Celestial Mother; the elder brother Jesus; and Hong is none other than God's second son-the Heavenly King of Great Peace.

天弟弟:"dumb-fuck, Dumb fucks"
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Old 08-20-2012, 09:14 PM   #32

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洪秀全發燒才有太平天國, 天弟弟發燒才有天书(Scientific thesis on Intelligent Designer)!

自实行科举考试以来,历朝历代的落弟者、失意者不计其数,由此生病发烧说胡话的不见记载,想来总有几千几万 吧。洪秀全与他们不一样,不但发高烧、说胡话,而且能“死去七日还魂”。这个“魂”十分了得,不但弄得他满 口“天话”,而且还使他建立了“拜上帝会”。

在“拜上帝会”的纲领性文件中,洪秀全一方面向人们许诺一个“无人不均匀,无人不饱暖”的“太阳城”,另方 面,“他把农民与地主的阶级对立,幻化为宗 教上神与妖的对立。”(高中近代现代史教材p20)他告诉人们:天父是世界一切财富的赐予者,是人民的总化 身,天父天兄及他洪秀全是神,神的任务是,下凡 讲道理,发动群众,进行武装斗争,杀尽妖人——满人、读书人、商人和一切不肯入伙的平民百姓。夺取天下,建 立人间天堂。

  这是一种什么心理状态?用不着心理医生,相信每一个正常人都会看出来——洪秀全是一个幻想型的自大狂患 者。其病因是地位卑下、长期忧郁不得志而引起极度自我膨胀。与其心理状态相应的性格特征则是以自我为中心, 目空一切的极端自负。

  自负的人往往自私,洪秀全是一个极端的利己主义者。1844年5月21日,冯云山、洪秀全到广西贵县赐 谷村,宣传拜上帝教,信徒过百。三个月后,洪则跑回老家。冯云山只身留在广西穷山沟里,隐忍三年,历尽千辛 万苦,终于在紫荆山打开局面。

  洪秀全闻讯赶来,看到信徒日众,他的领袖欲再也压抑不住,不顾一切地砸了甘王庙、毁了花雷、田泗的神坛 偶像,还以“太平天王”名义,将斥妖诗及天条写 在墙壁上,结果使冯云山、卢六等人被捕,他跑回广东避风,“直到冯云山已被援救出狱,赶回广东与他共商重振 大计……他才同冯云山于1849年7月重返紫荆 山。”(潘旭澜:《太平杂说》p39 百花文艺出版社2000/6)

  大凡自私自利者都是小肚鸡肠,洪的小肚鸡肠最典型地表现在他对文化、对文化人的态度上。按照洪氏理论, 普天之下,“拜上帝会”思想之外的都是邪思恶 念,儒道释、文史经全在打倒之列。如此一来,除了他的天书和讲道理的宣传小册子之外,天下所有的书籍都是妖 书,都应焚毁。他知道,光读他的天话天书,远远 不够。怎么办,成立删书衙,专门删改文史经典。可是这个衙门直到洪秀全服毒“升天”,也没删出一本经典,原 因之一是删书的总编、责编——卢贤拔、曾钊扬、 何震川等笔杆子在“天京之乱”后就逃之夭夭,不知所踪。

  对于读书人,洪秀全更是怕得要死,恨得要命。为什么?因为洪氏立国的基本原则是蒙昧主义,文化人读书知 理,不相信洪的天话天书,不像愚夫愚妇那样好糊 弄。《贼情汇篡》记载:“凡掳之人,每视其人之手,如掌心红润,十指无重茧者,恒指为妖,或一见即杀,或问 答后杀之,或不胜刑掠,自承为妖杀,或竟捶楚以 死。”于是乎,读书人一听到太平军就望风而逃,弄得杨秀清得了眼病,整个南京城竟找不到一个医 生。

  自私自利者必定是享乐主义者,洪先生在这方面是第一流的。请看天王府:“改两江总督为伪天朝宫殿,毁行 宫及寺观,取其砖石木植、自督署直到西华门一 带,所坏官廨民居不可胜记,以广基址,日驱男妇万人,并力兴筑,半载方成,穷极壮丽”“城周围十余里,墙高 数丈,内外两重,外曰太阳城,内曰金龙城,殿曰 金龙殿,苑曰后林苑,雕琢精巧,金碧辉煌……”(太平天国资料三,《贼情汇篡》p164)在这富丽堂皇的府 邸之中,天王在二千余官员、宫女的侍候下,吃着 山珍海味,守着民脂民膏,养着近百个被编了号的妻妾嫔妃,宣传着“无处不均匀,无人不饱暖”的伟大的空想, 做着“天下万国太平真主”的好梦……
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Old 08-20-2012, 09:37 PM   #33

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Ssh!!, TOP SECRET...Finally the prophet after prophet Hong Xiuquan has arrived, as prophesied by the book.
It's REAL, can feel it here, here in SBF.

天弟弟,天弟弟满口“天话":"dumb-fuck, Dumb fuck, "Dumb Fucks as usual, confirm ah !"


"I was always a spotter for errors."
"he can always switch gear to give the banner to another like me"
"I was specially built as the best of the best from young."
"Like Daniel, I'm gifted too."
"Prophets like me","I'm a saint"

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Old 08-20-2012, 09:46 PM   #34

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聪明的人写的东西才要多看几眼。那些一般的,有的,没的,也不知道什么来头的,需要看,吗?我是不会看的。 就算你跪下求我看那么一眼,我都懒得去看,啊!

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Old 08-20-2012, 10:37 PM   #35

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对于读书人和科学家,天弟也是怕得要死,恨得要命。恒指为妖,或一见即杀..as dumb fuck或问 答后杀之 as dumb fuck
因为Seow Tow(Saint. Conq) 的基本原则是蒙昧主义,文化人读书知 理,不相信他的天话天书,不像愚夫愚妇那样好糊 弄哦!!!..

按照St Con氏理论, 普天之下,“拜上帝会”思想之外的都是邪思恶 念,儒道释、文史经全在打倒之列。如此一来,除了他的天书和讲道理的宣传小册子之外,天下所有 的书籍都是妖 书,都应焚毁。..(Ang Moh worshiper, self-cleansing of own culture)

后注 (数年后) : 直到 氏Con 服毒“升天”,也没删出一本经典.."Scientific thesis of Intelligent Designer"
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Old 08-21-2012, 01:14 AM   #36

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聪明的人写的东西才要多看几眼。那些一般的,有的,没的,也不知道什么来头的,需要看,吗?我是不会看的。 就算你跪下求我看那么一眼,我都懒得去看,啊!

Well, this statement made by the Saint Con is definitely a double and self-verification of the diagnosis symptoms.

Yaya- Papaya!

小肚鸡肠, 自负的人往往自私, 幻想型的自大狂患者, 目空一切的极端自负

Would you consider this sufficient to warrant a prove in empirical Science of evidence?
The Saint has self-made the re-verification himself. His own submission.

Note: Nothing related to 'Evolution', just History
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Old 08-21-2012, 05:51 AM   #37

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Well, this statement made by the Saint Con is definitely a double and self-verification of the diagnosis symptoms.

Yaya- Papaya!

小肚鸡肠, 自负的人往往自私, 幻想型的自大狂患者, 目空一切的极端自负

Would you consider this sufficient to warrant a prove in empirical Science of evidence?
The Saint has self-made the re-verification himself. His own submission.

Note: Nothing related to 'Evolution', just History
ask him go fuck himself,
got balls just put the thesis down and let it peer reviewed
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Old 08-21-2012, 10:07 PM   #38

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Dolphin Illusion -Your mind tricks you!

Take a look at the picture?
What do you see?
Interestingly, research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario.

What they will see, however, is the nine dolphins in the picture!
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Old 08-21-2012, 10:10 PM   #39

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According to Michael Shermer,

Why do people see faces in nature, interpret window stains as human figures, hear voices in random sounds generated by electronic devices or find conspiracies in the daily news? A proximate cause is the priming effect, in which our brain and senses are prepared to interpret stimuli according to an expected model. UFOlogists see a face on Mars. Religionists see the Virgin Mary on the side of a building. Paranormalists hear dead people speaking to them through a radio receiver. Conspiracy theorists think 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush administration. Is there a deeper ultimate cause for why people believe such weird things? There is= “patternicity,” or the tendency to find meaningful patterns in meaningless noise.

Traditionally, scientists have treated patternicity as an error in cognition. A type I error, or a false positive, is believing something is real when it is not (finding a nonexistent pattern). A type II error, or a false negative, is not believing something is real when it is (not recognizing a real pattern—call it “apat*ternicity”).
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Old 08-21-2012, 10:14 PM   #40

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Interestingly, what would a hypomania or deluded mind see? What would a conditioned mind see?
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