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Old 07-30-2012, 04:41 PM   #1

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Default kong-firm: UFO will land and meet humanity on 4th august
there is no time left

the UFOs will land

they will lecture drifter about the existence of GOD
drifter will be 'coverted' period

lim swee say will hide inside the PMO permanantly
LHL will pee in his pants when he meet the galactics

SaLuSa ~ 30-July-2012

Dear Ones as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence. We have shown extreme patience and given your leaders plenty of opportunity to take the steps called for to release you from the control of the Illuminati. We know that they too are also like many people in fear of them, but that has to be put aside to allow the truth to come out. The Olympics is the window that is being given world attention, and we cannot think of a better way to make it known. Time is fast running away and we must be given the opportunity to make ourselves known to you.

Some will still choose to disbelieve our messages, but that is their free choice which we honor. However, there is the important matter of Ascension and much to do in these final days, and we cannot wait any longer. Our allies have gone as far as can be reasonably expected, and they need complete freedom to go surging ahead with their final responsibilities. So very shortly the clearing up process will be able to proceed without further hindrance from the dark Ones. Your lives are to some extent to be turned upside down, although many people are already prepared for it. We hope that some leaders will heed our request and not wait until we are forced to intervene, but if we have to we are fully ready.

The coming period will show those who are of the Light, as they will be able to step forward with our blessing and take the reins from those who are not. We want to stop all actions that are happening or proposed, that are purposefully directed at you the people to limit what little freedom you have left. You do have good souls of the Light that are here at this time to handle such matters. Hitherto you have had too may people in high places that have become corrupt, and do not know who you can trust. That must change and we are the ones to help you, as we know exactly what level of Light people are at and whether they are honest and proven to have the interest of others at heart.

We know you have had your share of disappointments over many years, when your expectations have for different reasons been dashed. However, we are empowered by God and we see no reason why the great spectacle of the Olympics, should not be a show window for the announcements of our existence and our coming part in your evolution. The end of this cycle is in itself an historic occasion that will be a long spoken about through this Universe. As we have often told you, it is a unique event of your Ascension with Mother Earth. Upon your assured success rests the future of the whole Universe, and many civilisations look on with awe and wonder at your coming Ascension.

Although you have been preparing yourselves for this time, we know it will take your breath away as it is massive process of world wide extent. In one way or another every single soul is involved and provided for. Where God is concerned there are no mistakes but only perfection, so you may be certain that the outcome will place everyone where they are intended to be. You have had a long journey that has led you to where you are today, and your future will be a continuation of it in the next phase of your evolution. Do not worry exactly what that will mean where you are concerned, as in time you will be told. Be assured that many spiritual Beings share your journey and know you better than you know yourself, and you will progress in a manner that is exactly right for you.

Lightworkers can prepare to take some responsibility for making sure people around them are calm and not fearful about what is happening. We cannot cover it all in just a few days but will soon have the freedom and facilities to address you directly. We do not use your methods that are to us antiquated, and ours are such that no remaining members who oppose us will be able to prevent our communications to you. We know you well and have many recorded addresses that are precise and capable of relaying details to you that you will understand. We feel as excited as you do at the prospect of at last of meeting you, but first things first and the acknowledgement of our existence is most important.

That will allow us to be identified with the many ways that we have helped your civilization already, as much of our work has been carried out without any publicity. It goes back thousands of years when you have incarnated into your various lives in the many Races that exist on your Earth. It has all been part of your experiences that have enabled you to grow spiritually, in your understanding on your way back to the higher dimensions from whence you came. Bear in mind that you volunteered for your Earth lives, that have given you so many opportunities to find out about duality. You are all the greater for it and as you might say, earnt your spurs and done so in great style. You will not have to re-live those experiences unless for some reason you desire to do so.

You have yet to fully understand the function of the different time lines, and many different dimensions but all in good time when it will be of value to you. We will however tell you that everything that ever was still exists at some level, which is why you can go back in time and re-live your past lives. Of course you can also travel into the future and see all probabilities. It is what many seers have used to predict the future, but it is of course open to change. It is why you are best advised not to hold onto old prophesies too strongly, as time can change the outcome of events. An example of that is your present time which will in no way be as catastrophic as was first anticipated. You have lifted yourselves and Mother Earth up, and the Light has grown so much it has paved the way for much more peaceful changes than were thought possible.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and many of you will know already that this coming week is one that is a last chance for your leaders to respond to our demands. If we are ignored yet again, we shall go forward ourselves, and make ourselves known in such a way that our presence can no longer be ignored or hidden. Yes, we have the deadline Saturday the 4th. of August in mind and no longer, before we take matters into our own hands.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/for...#ixzz22666mJSX
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Old 07-30-2012, 06:12 PM   #2

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wu ya bo come and lecture me about the existence of god ? whahahhaha. i cant wait for that day i will whack the hell out of him if he dare to " SHOW UP "
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Old 07-30-2012, 07:08 PM   #3

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wu ya bo come and lecture me about the existence of god ? whahahhaha. i cant wait for that day i will whack the hell out of him if he dare to " SHOW UP "
before u can wag them
they take out a ray-gun and burn your hair botak
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Old 07-31-2012, 12:54 PM   #4

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before u can wag them
they take out a ray-gun and burn your hair botak
whahahahha ...my " golden gun " more powerful leh
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Old 07-31-2012, 01:45 PM   #5

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ETs won't "officially" visit this planet until we have a unified government on Earth. Otherwise, who will we take them to when they ask "Take me to your leader."

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Old 08-04-2012, 04:38 PM   #6

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What is it likeliest we’ll see on August 4, 2012?August 5 2012 in Singapore time.

(1) Some sort of galactic recognition of President Barack Obama’s birthday?

(2) Total ET/UFO Disclosure?

(3) An energetic event?
probable events:
(1) Highly probable. August 4 is President Obama’s birthday and it may work to recognize it in some way, especially to take the attention off the reigning head of state in Britain, Queen Elizabeth, who is a leading Illuminati figure.

(2) Total Disclosure is highly unlikely. To do so would be to risk causing some form of War-of-the-Worlds crowd panic. However the galactics may still cause a singular, eye-opening appearance.
Galacits let people know that there are galactics present or somethig more is those involved are willing.

(3) Highly probable, but not necessarily producing anything visible or tangible.

We will know by 5th August 2012 in Singapore.
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Old 08-04-2012, 04:56 PM   #7

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confirm plus chop that nothing will happen on 5th august 2012 .
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Old 08-04-2012, 07:10 PM   #8

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For those who have eyes,they can see,for those who have ears,they can hear.
For those who refuse to see/ears.they may not see/hear.
Thank you for reading my piece.
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Old 08-05-2012, 12:51 AM   #9

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before alien land.... there will be a next one.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jxIsFfOEfk
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Old 08-05-2012, 10:57 AM   #10

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(1)Secret UFO files released in Australiaa
The Age‎ - 2 hours ago

(2)News for UFO Activity Over Kansas City Airport ...
UFO activity over Kansas Airport says Commercial Pilot
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Old 08-05-2012, 03:04 PM   #11

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(1)Secret UFO files released in Australiaa
The Age‎ - 2 hours ago

(2)News for UFO Activity Over Kansas City Airport ...
UFO activity over Kansas Airport says Commercial Pilot
ufo activity have been reported for years ...so this is just another sighting . by the way , did alien meet up with human today ?
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Old 08-05-2012, 03:43 PM   #12

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ufo activity have been reported for years ...so this is just another sighting . by the way , did alien meet up with human today ?
Alien Mothership has been parking on the dark side of the moon for billions of years.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:26 PM   #13

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Old 08-05-2012, 07:38 PM   #14

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Alien Mothership has been parking on the dark side of the moon for billions of years.
actucally ...i believe in ufo more then god ...BUT i only believe 50% that alien exists . because theres no enough evidence for me to believe it 100% .
Peptobismol is offline

Old 08-06-2012, 05:45 AM   #15

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ufo activity have been reported for years ...so this is just another sighting . by the way , did alien meet up with human today ?
They do it every day,btw,the most famous conversation was in Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947.thank you.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:09 PM   #16

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They do it every day,btw,the most famous conversation was in Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947.thank you.
this is what i found .

Contradictory conclusions, questionable research, Roswell as a mythCritics point out that the large variety of claimed crash flights suggest events spanning many years have been incorporated into a single event[62] and that many authors uncritically embrace anything that suggests aliens, even when accounts contradict each other. Said Karl Pflock, a one-time advocate of an alien incident at Roswell: "[T]he case for Roswell is a classic example of the triumph of quantity over quality. The advocates of the crashed-saucer tale... simply shovel everything that seems to support their view into the box marked 'Evidence' and say, 'See? Look at all this stuff. We must be right.' [emphasis in original] Never mind the contradictions. Never mind the lack of independent supporting fact. Never mind the blatant absurdities."[63]

Kal Korff suggests there are clear incentives for some to promote the idea of aliens at Roswell, while many researchers are not doing competent work: "[The] UFO field is comprised of people who are willing to take advantage of the gullibility of others, especially the paying public. Let's not pull any punches here: The Roswell UFO myth has been very good business for UFO groups, publishers, for Hollywood, the town of Roswell, the media, and UFOlogy ... [The] number of researchers who employ science and its disciplined methodology is appallingly small."[64]

Gildenberg and others said that, when added up, there were as many as 11 reported alien recovery sites[2] and these recoveries bore only a marginal resemblance to the event as initially reported in 1947 or recounted later by the initial witnesses. Some of these new accounts could have been confused accounts of the several known recoveries of injured and dead from four military plane crashes that occurred in the vicinity from 1948–50.[65] Others could have been recoveries of test dummies, as suggested by the Air Force in their reports.

Charles Ziegler argued that the Roswell story has all the hallmarks of a traditional folk narrative. He identified six distinct narratives, starting with The Roswell Incident (1980) and a process of transmission via storytellers with a core story that was created from various witness accounts, and was shaped and molded by those who carry on the group's (the UFO community) tradition. Others were sought out to expand the core narrative, with those who give accounts not in line with the core beliefs repudiated or omitted by the "gatekeepers."[66] Others retold the narratives in new forms, and the process would repeat.

Roswellian SyndromeProminent skeptics Joe Nickell and co-author James McGaha identified the mythmaking process which they called the ‘Roswellian Syndrome’[67], using the Roswell event as an example but the syndrome is readily observed in other UFO incidents. They dissected the process and identified five distinguished stages of development of the myth:

Incident The initial incident and reporting on July 8, 1947

Debunking Soon after the initial reports, the mysterious object was identified as a weather balloon, later confirmed to be a balloon array from Project Mogul which had gone missing in flight.

Submergence The news story ended with the identification of the weather balloon. However, the event lingered on in the ‘fading and recreative memories of some of those involved’. Rumor and speculation simmered just below the surface in Roswell and became part of the culture at large. In time, UFOlogists arrived, asked leading questions and helped to spin a tale of crashed flying saucers and government conspiracy of cover-up.

Mythologizing The most complex part of the syndrome. After the story submerged and over time, reemerged, it developed into an ever expanding and elaborate myth. The mythologizing process included exaggeration, faulty memory, folklore and deliberate hoaxing. The deliberate hoaxing, usually self-serving for personal gain or promotion (for example, promotion of the 1950 sci-fi movie The Flying Saucer) in turn fed the folklore.

Reemergence and Media Bandwagon Effect Publication of books such as ‘The Roswell Incident’ by Berlitz and Moore in 1980, television shows and other venues perpetuate the UFO crash and cover-up conspiracy beliefs that typically mirror and oscillate with public sentiment toward the US government.

The authors predicted that the Roswellian Syndrome would "play out again and again"[67], not only in the Roswell story, but also in other UFO and conspiracy-theorized stories.

Developments since 1990sPro-UFO advocates dismiss Roswell incidentOne of the immediate outcomes of the Air Force reports on the Roswell UFO incident was the decision by some prominent UFO researchers to view the Roswell incident as not involving any alien craft.

While the initial Air Force report was a chief reason for this, another was the release of secret documents from 1948 that showed that top Air Force officials did not know what the UFO objects being reported in the media were and their suspicion they might be Soviet spy vehicles.

In January 1997, Karl T. Pflock, one of the more prominent pro-UFO researchers, said “Based on my research and that of others, I'm as certain as it's possible to be without absolute proof that no flying saucer or saucers crashed in the general vicinity of Roswell or on the Plains of San Agustin in 1947. The debris found by Mac Brazel...was the remains of something very earthly, all but certainly something from the Top Secret Project Mogul....The formerly highly classified record of correspondence and discussions among top Air Force officials who were responsible for cracking the flying saucer mystery from the mid-1940s through the early 1950s makes it crystal clear that they didn't have any crashed saucer wreckage or bodies of saucer crews, but they were desperate to have such evidence ..."[68]

Kent Jeffrey, who organized petitions to ask President Bill Clinton to issue an Executive Order to declassify any government information on the Roswell incident, similarly concluded that no such aliens were likely involved.[69][70]

William L. Moore, one of the earliest proponents of the Roswell incident, said this in 1997: "After deep and careful consideration of recent developments concerning Roswell...I am no longer of the opinion that the extraterrestrial explanation is the best explanation for this event." Moore was co-author of the first book on Roswell, The Roswell Incident.[71]

Shoddy research revealed; witnesses suspected of hoaxesAround the same time, a serious rift between two prominent Roswell authors emerged. Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt had co-authored several books on the subject and were generally acknowledged, along with Stanton Friedman, as the leading researchers into the Roswell incident.[72] The Air Force reports on the incident suggested that basic research claimed to have been carried out was not carried out,[73] a fact verified in a 1995 Omni magazine article.[74] Additionally, Schmitt claimed he had a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and was in the midst of pursuing a doctorate in criminology. He also claimed to be a medical illustrator. When checked, it was revealed he was in fact a letter carrier in Hartford, Wisconsin, and had no known academic credentials. At the same time, Randle publicly distanced himself from Schmitt and his research. Referring to Schmitt’s investigation of witness Dennis’s accounts of a missing nurse at the Roswell base, he said: "The search for the nurses proves that he [Schmitt] will lie about anything. He will lie to anyone ... He has revealed himself as a pathological liar ... I will have nothing more to do with him."[72]

Additionally, several prominent witnesses were shown to be perpetrating hoaxes, or suspected of doing so. Frank Kaufmann, a major source of alien reports in the 1994 Randle and Schmitt book The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell and a witness whose testimony it was charged was “ignored” by the Air Force when compiling their reports,[75] was shown, after his 2001 death, to have been forging documents and inflating his role at Roswell. Randle and Mark Rodeigher repudiated Kaufmann’s credibility in two 2002 articles.[76]

Glenn Dennis, who testified that Roswell alien autopsies were carried out at the Roswell base and that he and others were the subjects of threats, was deemed one of the “least credible” Roswell witnesses by Randle in 1998. In Randle and Schmitt’s 1991 book UFO Crash at Roswell, Dennis’s story was featured prominently. Randle said Dennis was not credible “for changing the name of the nurse once we had proved she didn't exist.”[77] Dennis’s accounts were also doubted by researcher Pflock.[68]

Photo analysis; documentaries; new claimsUFO researcher David Rudiak, and others before him, claimed that a telegram that appears in one of the 1947 photos of balloon debris in Ramey's office contains text that confirms that aliens and a "disk" were found. Rudiak and some other examiners claim that when enlarged, the text on the paper General Ramey is holding in his hand includes key phrases "the victims of the wreck" and "in/on the 'disc'" plus other phrases seemingly in the context of a crashed vehicle recovery.[78] However, pro-UFO interpretations of this document are disputed by independent photoanalyses, such as one facilitated by researcher James Houran, Ph.D.,[79] that suggest the letters and words are indistinct. Other objections question the plausibility of a general allowing himself to be photographed holding such a document, raise issues with the format of the memo, and ponder the logic of Ramey having in his possession a document he, as Rudiak argued, has sent, which says "...the wreck you forwarded..." yet is supposedly addressed to the Headquarters of the Army Air Force in Washington, not the Roswell Army Air Field.[80]

Enlargement of Gen. Ramey's held message in the original photo.In 2002, the Sci-Fi Channel sponsored an excavation at the Brazel site in the hopes of uncovering any missed debris that the military failed to collect. Although these results have so far turned out to be negative, the University of New Mexico archaeological team did verify recent soil disruption at the exact location that some witnesses said they saw a long, linear impact groove. Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who headed the United States Department of Energy under President Clinton, apparently found the results provocative. In 2004, he wrote in a foreword to The Roswell Dig Diaries, that "the mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained—not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government."

On October 26, 2007, Richardson (at the time a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for U.S. President) elaborated when he was asked about releasing government files on Roswell. Richardson responded that when he was a Congressman, he attempted to get information on behalf of his New Mexico constituents, but was told by both the Department of Defense and Los Alamos Labs that the information was classified. "That ticked me off," he said "The government doesn't tell the truth as much as it should on a lot of issues." He promised to work on opening the files if he were elected as President.[81][82][83]

In October 2002 before airing its Roswell documentary, the Sci-Fi Channel also hosted a Washington UFO news conference. John Podesta, President Clinton's chief of staff, appeared as a member of the public relations firm hired by Sci-Fi to help get the government to open up documents on the subject. Podesta stated, "It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the true nature of the phenomena."[84]

In February 2005, the ABC TV network aired a UFO special hosted by news anchor Peter Jennings. Jennings lambasted the Roswell case as a "myth ... without a shred of evidence." ABC endorsed the Air Force's explanation that the incident resulted solely from the crash of a Project Mogul balloon.
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Old 08-06-2012, 01:31 PM   #17

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Today 6 August 2012 is the 67th anniversary of Hiroshima,Japan first Atom bomb explosion by USA in 1945.
Thursday 9th August 2012 is the national Day of Singapore,and also the 67th anniversay of Atom bomb explosion in Nagasaki ,Japan by USA in 1945.
Today the NASA's Curiosity landed on Mars.

Secret landing organised by Illuminati happened before,the last reported Mars landing was from a secret base in Inner Mongolia,China by some NASA trained astronauts.

A Man Who Went to Mars
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Old 08-06-2012, 03:35 PM   #18

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Today 6 August 2012 is the 67th anniversary of Hiroshima,Japan first Atom bomb explosion by USA in 1945.
Thursday 9th August 2012 is the national Day of Singapore,and also the 67th anniversay of Atom bomb explosion in Nagasaki ,Japan by USA in 1945.
Today the NASA's Curiosity landed on Mars.

Secret landing organised by Illuminati happened before,the last reported Mars landing was from a secret base in Inner Mongolia,China by some NASA trained astronauts.

A Man Who Went to Mars
" Today 6 August 2012 is the 67th anniversary of Hiroshima,Japan first Atom bomb explosion by USA in 1945.
Thursday 9th August 2012 is the national Day of Singapore,and also the 67th anniversay of Atom bomb explosion in Nagasaki ,Japan by USA in 1945.
Today the NASA's Curiosity landed on Mars.

what it got to do with ufo and alien ?
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Old 08-06-2012, 04:41 PM   #19

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actucally ...i believe in ufo more then god ...BUT i only believe 50% that alien exists . because theres no enough evidence for me to believe it 100% .
Is this evidence enough?

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Old 08-06-2012, 04:47 PM   #20
Paul Bunyan

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of course not enough ...the image might be anything but ufo or alien . it the same like those ghost photograph ppl took .
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