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Old 04-30-2012, 01:49 PM   #21

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if its mathematically sound, i help you submit this to Nature and Science for publication. Then you get ready for your nobel prize.
neat. great discoveries usually come from disputes and/or accidents. can't wait to see a Nobel prize winner from Singapore bearing these names: kinana, Psalm23, vamjok.
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Old 04-30-2012, 01:59 PM   #22

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the Galapagos Finches came from the same ancestor stock, yet each group found on each island looks same same but different. it did not take place over one generation, it took several.

your turn to demonstrate that the 2nd law of thermodynamic disproves the theory of evolution, thank you

The finches are still finches right? They look different but still the same specie. Just like your siblings, they lool different from you in many ways but still same specie. Negro taller and darker than you still same specie.

The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the tendency that over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical potential equilibrate in an isolated physical system.

If that is the case, vacuum energy will never concentrate and cause an explosion.
For argument sake, lets say there was a big bang, exploded small particles will never form bigger particles gradually over time as these atheists will tell you.

Thats why we see exploding stars in supernovas but never formation of stars.

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Old 04-30-2012, 03:12 PM   #23

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The finches are still finches right? They look different but still the same specie. Just like your siblings, they lool different from you in many ways but still same specie. Negro taller and darker than you still same specie.

The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the tendency that over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical potential equilibrate in an isolated physical system.

If that is the case, vacuum energy will never concentrate and cause an explosion.
For argument sake, lets say there was a big bang, exploded small particles will never form bigger particles gradually over time as these atheists will tell you.

Thats why we see exploding stars in supernovas but never formation of stars.

the Galapagos Finches have already been classified as 15 independent species, that is to say, two different species may mate but produce no viable offspring capable of ensuring reproductive success. the Homo sapiens are classified as a distinct species, Africans, Mongoloids, Caucasians or what not, we're still Homo sapiens.

your second paragraph prescribes the 2nd law of thermodynamics but does not disprove the theory of evolution.

your third paragraph describes a flawed understanding of the big bang and does not disprove the theory of evolution.

your concluding sentence made no sense in relevance to how the 2nd law of thermodynamics had disprove the theory of evolution.

would you like another try?
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Old 04-30-2012, 03:54 PM   #24

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u talk so much cock but has zero relation to what i had said or perform using those few simple equations. if you don't know thermodynamic, keep your mouth shut so trying to act high class in participating topic that you have zero idea. want to attack me yet as usual always get out of points. if you quote and attack, THEN ATTACK WHAT WAS QUOTED, WHICH ARE THE EQUATIONS, STOP GETTING OUT OF POINT USELESS FUCK.

asking me why in thermodynamic life is assumed to be of more orderly where dS < 0, WHY NOT ASK YOURSELF FUCKING GET YOURSELF A PROPER EDUCATION AND LEARN THIS SIMPLE FACT IN SCHOOL? you just make yourself a fucking joke by asking this. in thermodynamic this is as good as asking why in maths 1 + 1 = 2.

Now name me a creature that you say exist body temperature lower than surrounding all the time. For your fucking info, if you are thinking about cold blooded animals (whose body temp is NOT lower than surrounding stupid fuck), these few lines of equations work as well. seriously even if i bother to show here, you understand? from this stupid long essay , it tells me that you know ZERO SHIT.
Dear Scientist (???) Rojak,

What I am taking you on is that you have misguided the readers. The body temperatures of all animals are maintained because of one reason - God has built in remarkable 'heat regulator' in our body system. When the temperature of an animal falls below or rise above the normal temperature, this God-designed mechanism will kick in and through this mechanism, the temperature is maintained at the correct temperature. If the temperature refuses to go back to the normal temperature, like in human approx 37 degree C, it signifies something is wrong with the body.

The temperature of almost all animals vary from one to the other, although by and large they are not big variation...at least within the same 'bio-category. So for example, tropical animals like the human will have quite the same temperature with other tropical animals but could be markedly different from non-tropical animals like some fishes. And furthermore, body temperatures also different because of some special reason. Birds, for example, have the highest body temperature averaging 105 degree F (versus human 97.8 degree F). And there is a good reason. Birds need alot of energy when they take a flight especially during take-off. So, they need alot of energy. God has designed birds differently. If you go to the anatomy of birds, you will discover the lungs and the respiratory system is completely different from human and the reason - simply - the system is to ensure that sufficient oxygen and energy can be generated for the birds. This is just one example.

Another good example is the polar bears. Though the environment where polar bears lived can be as low as minus 35 degree C, but polar bears are able to with stand the cold. Reason - the furs of the polar bears are super-efficient in protecting the bears from the cold temperature. In effect, the furs are so efficient that even though the environment can be -35 degree C, at time polar bears can even suffer from 'heat-wave' and they need to dip inside the icy cold water to cool themselves.

So, don't smoke and misguide the readers with the so-call quantum physics formula...yes, physics, chemistry, bio-chemistry all played significant part in regulating the body temperatures of the animals but they are not the way you have told and misguided the readers with your 'one-formula' fits all theory!

By the way, 1+1 do not always equal to 2. It depends on what you add. one apple plus one orange still one apple and one orange; one USD plus one Japanese Yen do make 2 USD or 2 Japanese Yens, rather it perhaps become USD 1.0023, depending on the exchange rate.
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Old 04-30-2012, 04:18 PM   #25

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By the way, 1+1 do not always equal to 2. It depends on what you add. one apple plus one orange still one apple and one orange; one USD plus one Japanese Yen do make 2 USD or 2 Japanese Yens, rather it perhaps become USD 1.0023, depending on the exchange rate.
me read with interest in your posts, could you demonstrate how the 2nd law of thermodynamics disprove the evolution theory? still waiting very patiently
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Old 04-30-2012, 04:38 PM   #26

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a short video that talks about 2nd law of thermodynamics against creationism.
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Old 04-30-2012, 06:40 PM   #27

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video on evolution

this video on evolution does little to improve the understanding of evolution, more often than not, it confuses.

if me could further elaborate: the diversity of living organisms need not come from one single type of organism as this video had presented. more likely than not, the diversity is achieved when various mutated groups branched off from a group of similar organisms. the critical mass in population had to be achieved before we see the selection forces start operating on that species of organism.

the cheetah would be a good candidate to look at as its population is dwindling so small, it is unlikely to see much mutation in its genome on the whole, save for the recessive genes showing up due to excessive in-breeding. we, the humans, on the other hand would be another good candidate to look at as we seem to have reached critical mass. we're looking at more occurrences from various types of mutation, cyclopia, cleft lips, spinal bifida, so on and so forth.

embryology is another good branch of biology to understand more about evolution, look at the embryo of a chick, human, fish, and or any vertebrate and you'll see that a lot of organisms do share a lot of common traits
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Old 04-30-2012, 06:51 PM   #28

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the Galapagos Finches have already been classified as 15 independent species, that is to say, two different species may mate but produce no viable offspring capable of ensuring reproductive success. the Homo sapiens are classified as a distinct species, Africans, Mongoloids, Caucasians or what not, we're still Homo sapiens.
Darwin never proved one specie evolved from another.
You think you can do better than Darwin and prove evolution?

your third paragraph describes a flawed understanding of the big bang and does not disprove the theory of evolution. How does it describe a flawed understanding of the big bang? Please explain yourself.

your concluding sentence made no sense in relevance to how the 2nd law of thermodynamics had disprove the theory of evolution. The stars explode, they disintegrate, they don't form into bigger stars.
Thats the 2nd law of thermodynamics clearly in play.
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Old 04-30-2012, 07:05 PM   #29

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a short video that talks about 2nd law of thermodynamics against creationism.

Ahahahahahah................ thats funny. This guy claims that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong.
How many of you athiest out there agrees with him?

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Old 04-30-2012, 09:38 PM   #30

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this video on evolution does little to improve the understanding of evolution, more often than not, it confuses.

if me could further elaborate: the diversity of living organisms need not come from one single type of organism as this video had presented. more likely than not, the diversity is achieved when various mutated groups branched off from a group of similar organisms. the critical mass in population had to be achieved before we see the selection forces start operating on that species of organism.

the cheetah would be a good candidate to look at as its population is dwindling so small, it is unlikely to see much mutation in its genome on the whole, save for the recessive genes showing up due to excessive in-breeding. we, the humans, on the other hand would be another good candidate to look at as we seem to have reached critical mass. we're looking at more occurrences from various types of mutation, cyclopia, cleft lips, spinal bifida, so on and so forth.

embryology is another good branch of biology to understand more about evolution, look at the embryo of a chick, human, fish, and or any vertebrate and you'll see that a lot of organisms do share a lot of common traits
yes the video is too brief to describe evolution in detail but the animation is pretty cool. i saw one documentary where the scientists were explaining how dinosaurs evolve slowly into modern days birds. Others are on the reversal of mammals going back to the sea like the dolphins and whales.

yes, mutation and mixing are the fundamentals for both the micro and macro evolution. did my final papers proofing on genetic algorithm and wrote some shitty programs trying to express solutions to a problem and tried to match stronger genes expressed in an environment and exchange dna, then add in mutation to see their offsprings whether strong or weak.

it would be better if it can start from abiogenesis onward, from inorganic compounds to organic early cell. there is a video somewhere where carl sagan narrated the evolution process. It is a discipline of study by itself and cannot be explained in a mere statement.

human, at the current stage, is only but a single specie, all our "cousins", Neanderthals have been exterminated. And there was a world's dna test done by a group of scientists who went to all over the world to take DNA samples and from what they discovered, basically our human genomes originated from a corner in congo africa where humans start to migrate 100,000 - 200,000 years ago. impressive..
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Old 04-30-2012, 09:39 PM   #31

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Ahahahahahah................ thats funny. This guy claims that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong.
How many of you athiest out there agrees with him?

can you return back what you have learn in your schools back to your teacher? no point casting pearls before swine.
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Old 04-30-2012, 10:09 PM   #32

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can you return back what you have learn in your schools back to your teacher? no point casting pearls before swine.

So you agree with that guy that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong?
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Old 04-30-2012, 10:20 PM   #33

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Darwin never proved one specie evolved from another. You think you can do better than Darwin and prove evolution?

How does it describe a flawed understanding of the big bang? Please explain yourself.

The stars explode, they disintegrate, they don't form into bigger stars. Thats the 2nd law of thermodynamics clearly in play.
on Darwin and his publication "On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life":
you're right to say that he did not prove that one species evolved to another, he only proposed the idea of one species evolving to another. his observation was mirrored independently by Alfred Wallace whom was working in the South-East Asian region. biologists around the world have amalgamated enough evidence to support the theory of evolution at this point in time. it is my time to shine? no, me don't need to be in the spot light. shattering your miserable misconception gives enough pleasure.

on your flawed understanding of the Big Bang, read the other thread you've started. for the rest of the readers, click here to marvel the comprehension skills of our dear kinana and, by the way, for the last time: nothing exploded in the Big Bang

on supernovas and star formation: in the theory of evolution, we are discussing about living organisms, which includes both flora and fauna, bacteria/fungi and/or other life forms inclusive. we're talking about these living things evolving over a period of time. you want to include supernovas and star formations, that's under astrophysics.

last but not the least, you have not demonstrated that the 2nd law of thermodynamics disproving the theory of evolution. still waiting for a more sensible and/or logical explanation from you. me can wait, not sure about other readers whom are supposedly chuckling right now
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Old 04-30-2012, 10:38 PM   #34

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yes the video is too brief to describe evolution in detail but the animation is pretty cool.
unfortunately, cool animation doesn't mean it is necessarily factually accurate

anyways, am not too sure about dinosaurs evolving into birds, not into digging and/or excavating for fossils

with regards to abiogenesis, the thing that baffles me till this day is this: is the virus dead or alive
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Old 04-30-2012, 10:39 PM   #35

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on Darwin and his publication "On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life":
you're right to say that he did not prove that one species evolved to another, he only proposed the idea of one species evolving to another. his observation was mirrored independently by Alfred Wallace whom was working in the South-East Asian region. biologists around the world have amalgamated enough evidence to support the theory of evolution at this point in time. it is my time to shine? no, me don't need to be in the spot light. shattering your miserable misconception gives enough pleasure.
Oh so Darwin proposed, never proved. There you go. so why do you talk about the finches as evidence? You think you can do better than Darwin?

last but not the least, you have not demonstrated that the 2nd law of thermodynamics disproving the theory of evolution. still waiting for a more sensible and/or logical explanation from you. me can wait, not sure about other readers whom are supposedly chuckling right now I already did. You have problem with comprehension?
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Old 04-30-2012, 10:45 PM   #36

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Oh so Darwin proposed, never proved. There you go. so why do you talk about the finches as evidence? You think you can do better than Darwin?
I already did. You have problem with comprehension?
yeah, Darwin never proved, the technology didn't allow him to do so anyway. scientists have already run tests on the genetic make up of the different types of Finches in Galapagos as 15 distinct species. that's the beauty of science. a theory can be proven or disproved through ages. that was also exactly the reason why it got me excited when you folks declared that the 2nd law of thermodynamics disproves the theory of evolution. that's why me wanted to find out more about your evidence in your claims.

heheh... am pretty sure you had produced a load of misconceptions and had been throwing stones wildly. chill and relax and not get your knickers into knots. the rest of the readers would be roaring in laughter by now
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Old 04-30-2012, 11:14 PM   #37

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yeah, Darwin never proved, the technology didn't allow him to do so anyway. scientists have already run tests on the genetic make up of the different types of Finches in Galapagos as 15 distinct species.
So did any scientists proved one specie evolved from another?

that's the beauty of science. a theory can be proven or disproved through ages. Science disproved Darwin thus far. so what is the basis of your belief in evolution then?

that was also exactly the reason why it got me excited when you folks declared that the 2nd law of thermodynamics disproves the theory of evolution. that's why me wanted to find out more about your evidence in your claims. Yes, we declare it again.
2nd law of thermodynamics disproves the theory of evolution.

heheh... am pretty sure you had produced a load of misconceptions and had been throwing stones wildly. chill and relax and not get your knickers into knots. the rest of the readers would be roaring in laughter by now We don't stray, we stick to basic scientific theories and never have to move, unlike you fellas who ran around with funny theories that you cannot defend.
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Old 04-30-2012, 11:15 PM   #38

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yeah, Darwin never proved, the technology didn't allow him to do so anyway. scientists have already run tests on the genetic make up of the different types of Finches in Galapagos as 15 distinct species.
So did any scientists proved one specie evolved from another?

that's the beauty of science. a theory can be proven or disproved through ages. Science disproved Darwin thus far. so what is the basis of your belief in evolution then?

that was also exactly the reason why it got me excited when you folks declared that the 2nd law of thermodynamics disproves the theory of evolution. that's why me wanted to find out more about your evidence in your claims. Yes, we declare it again.
2nd law of thermodynamics disproves the theory of evolution.

heheh... am pretty sure you had produced a load of misconceptions and had been throwing stones wildly. chill and relax and not get your knickers into knots. the rest of the readers would be roaring in laughter by now We don't stray, we stick to basic scientific theories and never have to move, unlike you fellas who ran around with funny theories that you cannot defend.
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Old 04-30-2012, 11:48 PM   #39

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still waiting for the equations. as said, no one do thermodynamics with words. i have no mood to read all those rubbish above. for now i am only waiting for the equations for you to defend your claim
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