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Old 03-30-2010, 04:00 PM   #21

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In the words of Feminist Mentor: SHUT UP & SIT DOWN !
why u like to see quarrels meh ..... alamaking, u want to donate to CHC 'Arise & Build' Fund & get back 100-fold in return ?

Better odds than EPL/BPL simi-L, some more guarantee one !!!!
See the videos my blood boil man ....
If Ah Kong said i fucked a chiobu for free 1 time, then i will get fucked by the same chiobu 100X, then i want

Like this chiobu, LOL
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Old 03-30-2010, 04:22 PM   #22
Paul Bunyan

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CB VIBYOR, when you see Kong using peer pressure & LGAT NLP tactics to get retirees, housewives, NSmen of limited means to contribute, something is very wrong ....

I am not jealous of him ... but find his conduct as a professional God Businessman reprehensible .... not unlike the Jim Bakkers before his eventual collapse .....

Let us live long long to see if Truth will out & Fraud exposed at the very end .....
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Old 03-30-2010, 04:24 PM   #23

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If Ah Kong said i fucked a chiobu for free 1 time, then i will get fucked by the same chiobu 100X, then i want

Like this chiobu, LOL
I tot the preferred wish must be 100-fold F by 100 diff chiobus, u so dedicated to 100x F by the SAME chiobu , take my cap off to you !

Alamaking, u must be in love
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Old 03-30-2010, 04:28 PM   #24

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why you so upset?

from the Christian perspective, if you are upset, that means the holy spirits is working in you....
VIBYOR/TeeKee/promisedland, the megachurches 'Leaders' & their 'Build House of God' mantras best captured in this youtube video :-
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Old 03-30-2010, 04:47 PM   #25

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How different is Kong hee's crap different from the other denominations & other religionists ?

Answer here : http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?t=55524
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:33 AM   #26

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where is this st teekee?? is he really dead??
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Old 03-31-2010, 02:49 PM   #27

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Wat thingi is he preaching>? he is telling people dat by giving more they will get more in return.. Isn't dat telling us to be greedy.. The more greedy u are the more rewards u get.. Now i beginning to understand how they can get to be so loaded.. hope he burn in hell. if there is one ....
These satanic preachers will tell you that God used them to speaks to you when they preached, what a load of bullshit.

The 10 Commandments, supposedly hand down by Abraham, is for them (preachers, teachers, organization, but not really of you if you know how to intepret them correctly.

1st Commandment - Thou shall not have no other God before Me.
It says that that when you come to this church don't bring your Tua Pek Kong. Kuan Ying, Allah, Kuan Kong idealogy with you. If everyone do that, members get confused. So say the world have only 1 God covers all their bases.

2nd Com Thou shall not crave an image
They tell you not to bring any Tua Pek kong idols into the church to contradict their ONLY GOD..

3rd Comm - my God is a jealous God
They established themselves using their imagined God to threat and intimidate and jealous is a misterious word to use..

4th Com - Thou shall not slander the Church God
Again warning post put up to warn you not to use their God name to swear at people.

5 Com - Honour your father and mother
This is very chim one - Warning parents to make sure your child behaves well in the church premises.

6 & 7 Com - Thou shall not kill and thou shall not commit adultery
Lagi Chim - these 2 are links to tell you not to flirt with members wife or children. Don't chiko members wife or sleep around with their wive. You and the woman can get kill if you are found out.

8 and 9 Com - Thou shall not lie or steal
Don't steal money from bags lying about in the church premises, and if found don't lie and pretend didn't happened. Don't lie and make fun of members or steal church properties or money.

10 Com - Don't be covetous at your neighours - Best commandment they ever come out with to protect themselves if they were to drive big Merz and living in District 9 bangalows. They reminded you that you can get jealous if you see them driving big and expensive cars or live in big bangalows.

ALL their bases are covered well in the name of GOD! How wonderful!
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Old 03-31-2010, 03:45 PM   #28

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These satanic preachers will tell you that God used them to speaks to you when they preached, what a load of bullshit.

The 10 Commandments, supposedly hand down by Abraham, is for them (preachers, teachers, organization, but not really of you if you know how to intepret them correctly.

1st Commandment - Thou shall not have no other God before Me.
It says that that when you come to this church don't bring your Tua Pek Kong. Kuan Ying, Allah, Kuan Kong idealogy with you. If everyone do that, members get confused. So say the world have only 1 God covers all their bases.

2nd Com Thou shall not crave an image
They tell you not to bring any Tua Pek kong idols into the church to contradict their ONLY GOD..

3rd Comm - my God is a jealous God
They established themselves using their imagined God to threat and intimidate and jealous is a misterious word to use..

4th Com - Thou shall not slander the Church God
Again warning post put up to warn you not to use their God name to swear at people.

5 Com - Honour your father and mother
This is very chim one - Warning parents to make sure your child behaves well in the church premises.

6 & 7 Com - Thou shall not kill and thou shall not commit adultery
Lagi Chim - these 2 are links to tell you not to flirt with members wife or children. Don't chiko members wife or sleep around with their wive. You and the woman can get kill if you are found out.

8 and 9 Com - Thou shall not lie or steal
Don't steal money from bags lying about in the church premises, and if found don't lie and pretend didn't happened. Don't lie and make fun of members or steal church properties or money.

10 Com - Don't be covetous at your neighours - Best commandment they ever come out with to protect themselves if they were to drive big Merz and living in District 9 bangalows. They reminded you that you can get jealous if you see them driving big and expensive cars or live in big bangalows.

ALL their bases are covered well in the name of GOD! How wonderful!
Exactly...they are trying to create fear...and the one who holds the name to it holds the power...
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Old 04-04-2010, 01:13 PM   #29

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bro notjudge, quite obvious you are supporter of fellow mega-church New Creation.

Your singh-turned-prince senior pastor is cut from the same cloth as kong hee - same cult same prosperity doctrine same grace-is-all morphine ...

same collect-no-salary-but-hide-huge-earnings-practice, same big-business-big-congregation-big-is-good hegemony ambitions ...

Only edge pop icon wannabe joe prince have over kong - he doesn't have or flaunt a cheap pop singer china wine wifey on MTV ...
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Old 04-04-2010, 01:51 PM   #30

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When I saw the first clip , in the first page,, i have no doubt about it.

My principle is whenever i got any doubt against any preaching of pastors, i always refer it to the bible. To me, the bible cannot be wrong ,, if any pastors teaching is wrong , we can use the bible's principle to counter him..

Its like Accountants in the company , if he or she dont pass depreciation in the company's books , means he is not comply with FRS.. This leads to a qaulified report in the report!

Those people who are in accounting line here will understand what i am talking about.

Whatever it is , its all about compliance on FRS and company business law , tax compliance and Acra. Same for Pastors, they got to comply with whatever is written in the bible.
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Old 04-04-2010, 03:36 PM   #31

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I agree with the below from another bro so the OA may kick your ass on a regular basis.

i salute those buddhist temples that provide free food for the poor, not like those sad f**k CHC or NCC that enrich their freaking pastors and totally make a mockery out of Jesus' teaching.
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Old 05-20-2010, 03:46 PM   #32

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As I have said many times, listen to the sermon for their sublimal messages. First you have to be obedience to the church and their 10 Commandments. Then you are to recruit new members with nice word call 'evangelising and the last is more you give to God (as if) the more God will give you. When it was the church that kept the all money and no proved that they give it to God so how God know to give youback in multiples.

Very nice ways of putting God's name for their won use in the 10 Commandments:

1. There is only 1 God. - Easy housekeeping to have only 1 diety for the church. They know more than 2 becomes messy and 2 books for 2 Gods will create contradictions.

2. Don't bring your diety to church - is a warning to those troublemakers who try to steal members.

3. Do not steal, adultery, jealous is simply don't go 'chiko' other members wife or their chibu daughters. don't go steal hand bags, money of thing in the church.

Last classic Commandment is not to be 'covertous' that is if you see Paster drive Mercedes Benz, live in big bungalow, marry one of the most chiobu member in the church you cannot get jealous. This ommandment covers the Pastors cery well uhh!!! ------ hahahaha
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Old 04-14-2012, 11:36 AM   #33

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City Harvest Church: are they waging a war of copyright on whistle blower's YouTube accounts?
Disclosure: I do not personally know specifically who 'goh05dan' is nor have ever spoken to him personally before.

City Harvest Church: are they waging a war of copyright on whistle blower's YouTube accounts?

YouTube user 'Kong Hee' has since even silenced the whistle blower 'goh05dan' who was critical of Pastor Kong Hee's theology, especially that he espoused and as excerpted in the YouTube video titled 'Kong Hee 30,60 100 fold return'.

The said video questioned Pastor Kong's theology in his confusion of '30,60 100 fold return' as quoted in both Matthew 13:8 and Matthew 13:23 with financial returns as consequence of participation in certain Church related activities.

Specifically, the return refers NOT to fiduciary returns but to gains in a spiritual sense, applicable to both Christianity as well as the follower whether in this life or the next- Pastor Kong Hee's depreciating use of Singapore currency notes and his gift of fungible currency to teach this point was both despicable and offensive and liable to mislead his followers into believing that the membership of the said Church might reap monetary gains- the expense of approx S$200 as 'prize money' to the recipient also reeks of 'baiting'- a sales tactic many dishonest salesmen use to entice unwitting customers to invest in ponzi/ other fraudulent investment schemes.

The translated text of the two verses are excerpted as follows:
Matthew 13:8: "Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." Matthew 13:23: "But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.""

In conclusion, I'm unsure to what extent 'goh05dan''s "multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement" although all the protesters named seem to be 'Kong Hee'- perhaps some clarification as to the purpose of those excerpts could be made as it is surely in the spirit of progressive free speech for there to be an open discussion about the theology that preaches of various religions preach.

One must not forget the dark ages in European history wherein one aspect as I understand was the corruption of the Holy Bible "By the time of Saint Martin Luther, the Bible was a RARE book. The only "bible" available was the corrupt Latin Vulgate version which included corrupt words like priest, charity, church, etc. etc. " [Source: Life and Times of Saint Martin Luther]- under which conspiracy, the Catholic Church collected 'Indulgences' based on unsound theology and a congregation kept theologically illiterate by such corrupt Priest. Indulgences paid by the populace of course made the then Diocese of Rome immensely rich... until the Gutenberg Press and Martin Luther came along...

This person 'Kong Hee' it seems to me, is more like a corrupt Catholic Priest keeping the Bible confidential, the people ignorant, and the Church profitable; as society once was in the dark ages of human history.

Ps: Hurried work: might be due for editing later.


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