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Old 03-08-2012, 05:13 PM   #1

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Default Gorillas even more similar to us than we thought: Study
adam and eve? wake up, fellas!


Gorillas even more similar to us than we thought: Study
Updated 03:52 PM Mar 08, 2012
LOS ANGELES - Take a trip to the zoo and you can see gorillas are a lot like us. But a new DNA study says we are even more similar than scientists thought.

From the evolutionary family tree, you would expect our DNA to be the most similar to chimpanzees, our closest relatives. The new work found that is true for the most part, but it also found that a sizable portion of our genome is closer to a gorilla's than to a chimpanzee's.

"The chimpanzee is often cited as 'our closest living relative' and this is certainly true based on total genome sequence, but the gorilla is nearly as close a relative," Dr Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University, who was not part of the project, said.

That agrees with hints from with some smaller previous genetic studies. The latest work deciphered the entire genome of the gorilla, which Dr Lovejoy called "a substantial achievement".

It reveals "a closer connection between our genome and that of the gorilla than was previously appreciated," Dr Richard Gibbs and Dr Jeffrey Rogers of the Baylor College of Medicine wrote in an editorial accompanying the work published in today's issue of the journal Nature.

With the new research, scientists now have complete genetic blueprints of the living great apes - humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orang utans - to compare and gain fresh understanding of how humans evolved and developed key traits such as higher brain function and the ability to walk upright.

Humans and chimps evolved separately since splitting from a common ancestor about 6 million years ago.

The latest study was led by scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, a non-profit British genome research centre. Researchers mapped the DNA of a female gorilla and compared it to the genomes of humans and chimps.

As expected, most of the human genome was closer to the chimpanzee's than to the gorilla's. But in about 15 per cent of the genome, human and gorilla resemble each other the most.

In another 15 per cent, chimpanzee and gorilla DNA are closer to each other than chimp is to human. Both those situations clash with what you would expect from the evolutionary tree, which says humans and chimpanzees should always be the most similar, the researchers said.

The analysis also found gene variants in gorillas that are harmless to them but are linked to dementia and heart failure in people.

"If we could understand more about why those variants are so harmful in humans but not in gorillas, that would have important" medical implications, said one of the study's authors, Dr Chris Tyler-Smith.

The gorilla genome was cracked using DNA from Kamilah, a 300-pound western lowland gorilla from the San Diego Zoo, which maintains a DNA library of endangered animals.

Since the mapping of the human genome in 2001, there was a dash to similarly unravel the genetic codes of other animals, particularly primates. The first complete chimp genome was published in 2005 and the orangutan last year.

Like other great apes, gorilla populations in the forests of central Africa have been dwindling from hunting and disease. In decoding Kamilah's DNA, researchers said they hoped to do the same for the mountain gorilla, which is near extinction. AP

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Old 03-08-2012, 08:00 PM   #2

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lianbeng heard a story about a black gorilla inside a cage and an old man looking at it from outside.

old man said: poor u locked up in such a small cage.
gorilla said: poor u locked up in such a huge cage.
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Old 03-08-2012, 09:08 PM   #3

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adam and eve? wake up, fellas!


Gorillas even more similar to us than we thought: Study
Updated 03:52 PM Mar 08, 2012
LOS ANGELES - Take a trip to the zoo and you can see gorillas are a lot like us. But a new DNA study says we are even more similar than scientists thought.

From the evolutionary family tree, you would expect our DNA to be the most similar to chimpanzees, our closest relatives. The new work found that is true for the most part, but it also found that a sizable portion of our genome is closer to a gorilla's than to a chimpanzee's.

"The chimpanzee is often cited as 'our closest living relative' and this is certainly true based on total genome sequence, but the gorilla is nearly as close a relative," Dr Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University, who was not part of the project, said.

That agrees with hints from with some smaller previous genetic studies. The latest work deciphered the entire genome of the gorilla, which Dr Lovejoy called "a substantial achievement".

It reveals "a closer connection between our genome and that of the gorilla than was previously appreciated," Dr Richard Gibbs and Dr Jeffrey Rogers of the Baylor College of Medicine wrote in an editorial accompanying the work published in today's issue of the journal Nature.

With the new research, scientists now have complete genetic blueprints of the living great apes - humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orang utans - to compare and gain fresh understanding of how humans evolved and developed key traits such as higher brain function and the ability to walk upright.

Humans and chimps evolved separately since splitting from a common ancestor about 6 million years ago.

The latest study was led by scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, a non-profit British genome research centre. Researchers mapped the DNA of a female gorilla and compared it to the genomes of humans and chimps.

As expected, most of the human genome was closer to the chimpanzee's than to the gorilla's. But in about 15 per cent of the genome, human and gorilla resemble each other the most.

In another 15 per cent, chimpanzee and gorilla DNA are closer to each other than chimp is to human. Both those situations clash with what you would expect from the evolutionary tree, which says humans and chimpanzees should always be the most similar, the researchers said.

The analysis also found gene variants in gorillas that are harmless to them but are linked to dementia and heart failure in people.

"If we could understand more about why those variants are so harmful in humans but not in gorillas, that would have important" medical implications, said one of the study's authors, Dr Chris Tyler-Smith.

The gorilla genome was cracked using DNA from Kamilah, a 300-pound western lowland gorilla from the San Diego Zoo, which maintains a DNA library of endangered animals.

Since the mapping of the human genome in 2001, there was a dash to similarly unravel the genetic codes of other animals, particularly primates. The first complete chimp genome was published in 2005 and the orangutan last year.

Like other great apes, gorilla populations in the forests of central Africa have been dwindling from hunting and disease. In decoding Kamilah's DNA, researchers said they hoped to do the same for the mountain gorilla, which is near extinction. AP

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Gorilla and human are very similar? Really? How similar you think you are to gorilla?

May be you can experiment it and let us know. Why not try to cage yourself in a zoo for few months and after that you can really share your similarity and that of gorilla. When you have started your experiment, do let the readers know here. For sure, I will pay you a visit and buy you some bananas and peanuts. You can be assured, you will not be die of hunger. Ok, Gorilla-Fishbuff!
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Old 03-09-2012, 03:04 PM   #4

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Gorilla and human are very similar? Really? How similar you think you are to gorilla?

May be you can experiment it and let us know. Why not try to cage yourself in a zoo for few months and after that you can really share your similarity and that of gorilla. When you have started your experiment, do let the readers know here. For sure, I will pay you a visit and buy you some bananas and peanuts. You can be assured, you will not be die of hunger. Ok, Gorilla-Fishbuff!
aiyo... the whole world is about science, facts, rationality and reasoning. only you and your family are still so deluded to believe adam and eve, talking snake, virgin birth, people walk on water, global flood, evil god that massacre all other races, burn people to death for not kissing his ass, people raise from the dead, 3 god in one (sound like Owl's brand coffee?).

lol, what a religious testimony you have presented here in the name of your delusion and stupidity!

how immoral is christianity and other religions!
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Old 03-10-2012, 08:37 PM   #5

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[QUOTE=fishbuff;986553]aiyo... the whole world is about science, facts, rationality and reasoning......QUOTE]

Dear Gorilla-Fishbuff,

It's all about science...hmmmm....so, scientifically-speaking, can you tell the world what percentage of similarity you have with gorilla - 15%, 50%, 75% or 99%....

Please don't be lied by those evolutionists......they give numbers that no one could really understand...they go by million and million of years......and yet people like you believe all these million, million years of rubbish. Furthermore, today they tell you you are 15% similar to gorilla, tomorrow they tell you you are 35% similar to crocodile.....few days later you have someone to 'confirm' oh, no, we are more like elephant....though I may make up these, but these are what we heard often.

Commonsense tell you....even though bones are very stron, they will all turn to ashes after million years. So, how could they find those countless gigantic dinosaur bones so intact. At most, they just look few thousand years old and not million years ago. Another factor, the earth indeed is very active. The earth is subject ot constant earth movements like earthquake and how could these huge dinosaur bones remained intact after 70 - 100 million years. And not one...they are countless of dinosaur fossils with complete bone structure intact all over the world. How could this happen?

If you have been to an old grave exhumation (e.g. grave that is 70 to 100 years old), you can notice that when the grave was dugged up, literally nothing can be found in the coffin. The remains of dead person's bones just turned into 'ashes'. You can't see any bone remains. Yet, after 70 80 million years and still you can find the dinosaur bones in 'good condition'? This question has been asked by creationists but the evolutionists simply ignored this question. No organic substances can remain intact after 70-80 million years. To add insult to the intelligent, some evolutionist scientists claim they can even find some blood in the bones! Give me a break, the presence of blood after 70 million years!

But they are many discoveries that actually support the stories told in the Bibles. For example, the Bible told us there were giants and indeed, many human fossil of exceptional sizes 8 ft and even 9 ft have been discovered; the oldest tree so far discovered is about 5,000 years ago and to date you one has has found any tree that is older than 5,000 years. If the earth was indeed million years old (or billion years) old, why can't they find trees that are 100,000 years old or even older? Bible scholars have been able to re-construct the tible scale from Adam's day to the present time and by examination the age of the people (e.g. Adam, Noah and their children, etc) recorded in the OT and they came out with a convincing time scale that the earth is perhaps 10,000 or less. Factor into the event of the flood, the age of the oldest tree of about 5,000 fully support this time scale that the earth is indeed a young earth of just few thousand years old.
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Old 03-11-2012, 12:37 PM   #6

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delusional live-under-the-rock psalm23,

all the reputable universities are teaching evolution, paleontology, anthropology, cosmology except for a small handful of religious schools.

dont throw a strawman here about 2.5-3m tall ancestral skeletons (bloody heck, still use imperial standard measurement, you must belong to those 50-60s, < sec school educated oldies).

5000 years old? i work with people dealing with geology and mining, the knowledge about fossil fuel and coal are in the range of > 150 million years old. tsk tsk, you can lie to yourself all you want. when you pump your petrol next time, remember it is derived from fossiel fuel of > 150 millions years.

now you are at at cross road; either you continue to dwell in your santa-clasus make-believe world, or you want to face the true stark reality.

im sure you wont as your comfort lies in delusion and supernatural world. so the next time if any of your family contract life-threatening diseases, please, for the sake of your belief, DON'T consult any doctors coz their medicine and treatment are on evolution based.

Please seek your pastors to lay hand on your tumours and cancer, hor.
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Old 03-11-2012, 12:55 PM   #7

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Ever think that apes come from man. God created other animals for Adam. Adam having no female human-like Adam go fucked female animals and chimps and apes are created to look like Adam.

God realised Adam screwed up his cause and Eve was created for Adam to fuck fuck.

adam and eve? wake up, fellas!

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Old 03-11-2012, 10:25 PM   #8

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delusional live-under-the-rock psalm23,

all the reputable universities are teaching evolution, paleontology, anthropology, cosmology except for a small handful of religious schools.......
Do you know why? In particular in the U.S. public schools, if anything that is taught outside evolution (like creationism), the professors' contracts(or tenure as they called them) will not be renewed. These creationist professors will not get promoted and worse, may lose their job.

I read just few days ago, one of the top universities, sorry couldn't really reamember which one but was either Cambridge or Oxford, they are planning to introduce a degree in creation science.
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Old 03-12-2012, 03:12 PM   #9

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Do you know why? In particular in the U.S. public schools, if anything that is taught outside evolution (like creationism), the professors' contracts(or tenure as they called them) will not be renewed. These creationist professors will not get promoted and worse, may lose their job.

I read just few days ago, one of the top universities, sorry couldn't really reamember which one but was either Cambridge or Oxford, they are planning to introduce a degree in creation science.
where's the link? where's the article that carry this news? where's your proof?

oh, i forget.. you can believe any tom, dick and harry out of bible without the need of evidence or proof, soooooo gullible.
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Old 03-13-2012, 11:35 AM   #10

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where's the link? where's the article that carry this news? where's your proof?

oh, i forget.. you can believe any tom, dick and harry out of bible without the need of evidence or proof, soooooo gullible.
Degree in Creation Science, University of Cambridge.....

Hmmnn....so you are interested....you can go and google for this information. Just key in Cambridge University to offer degree in Creation Science.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:40 PM   #11

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Degree in Creation Science, University of Cambridge.....

Hmmnn....so you are interested....you can go and google for this information. Just key in Cambridge University to offer degree in Creation Science.
lol... psalm23 is not only deluded but hypocritical as well.. i search Cambridge uni website for creation science, and there is no such course being offered.. well, mayber under mythology, together with the tooth fairy.

But there is a talk about the evolution of creationism.

How should we deal with creationism in schools?

From Wilberforce to Dawkins: Evolution & Religion

there are heaps of those deluded religious websites that claim such thing as well. but where is the university's note on this? NONE! ahh... i caught psalm23 lying again.. tsk tsk.
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Old 04-01-2012, 07:36 PM   #12

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It's all about science...hmmmm....so, scientifically-speaking, can you tell the world what percentage of similarity you have with gorilla - 15%, 50%, 75% or 99%....

Please don't be lied by those evolutionists......they give numbers that no one could really understand...they go by million and million of years......and yet people like you believe all these million, million years of rubbish. Furthermore, today they tell you you are 15% similar to gorilla, tomorrow they tell you you are 35% similar to crocodile.....few days later you have someone to 'confirm' oh, no, we are more like elephant....though I may make up these, but these are what we heard often.
Sorry bro, please enlighten how religions incorporate statistics when what is required most of the time is faith in God. The numbers given by the scientists are based on genetics and are definitely not arbitrary as u suggest.

Commonsense tell you....even though bones are very stron, they will all turn to ashes after million years. So, how could they find those countless gigantic dinosaur bones so intact. At most, they just look few thousand years old and not million years ago. Another factor, the earth indeed is very active. The earth is subject ot constant earth movements like earthquake and how could these huge dinosaur bones remained intact after 70 - 100 million years. And not one...they are countless of dinosaur fossils with complete bone structure intact all over the world. How could this happen?
Misunderstanding there again. Fossils are NOT bones. Fossils are formed when the bones decay, and when minerals take the place of these cavities and solidify into minerals. There are also other methods of forming fossils that preserve entire specimens of, say insects, but those are rarer as flesh decays too fast for preservation to take place in time.

If you have been to an old grave exhumation (e.g. grave that is 70 to 100 years old), you can notice that when the grave was dugged up, literally nothing can be found in the coffin. The remains of dead person's bones just turned into 'ashes'. You can't see any bone remains. Yet, after 70 80 million years and still you can find the dinosaur bones in 'good condition'? This question has been asked by creationists but the evolutionists simply ignored this question. No organic substances can remain intact after 70-80 million years. To add insult to the intelligent, some evolutionist scientists claim they can even find some blood in the bones! Give me a break, the presence of blood after 70 million years!
C'mon, do some research on science before you speak. Like i said fossils are not bones

But they are many discoveries that actually support the stories told in the Bibles. For example, the Bible told us there were giants and indeed, many human fossil of exceptional sizes 8 ft and even 9 ft have been discovered; the oldest tree so far discovered is about 5,000 years ago and to date you one has has found any tree that is older than 5,000 years. If the earth was indeed million years old (or billion years) old, why can't they find trees that are 100,000 years old or even older? Bible scholars have been able to re-construct the tible scale from Adam's day to the present time and by examination the age of the people (e.g. Adam, Noah and their children, etc) recorded in the OT and they came out with a convincing time scale that the earth is perhaps 10,000 or less. Factor into the event of the flood, the age of the oldest tree of about 5,000 fully support this time scale that the earth is indeed a young earth of just few thousand years old.
1. Fossilized plants do exist. The coal and oil u use everyday to run ur car, cook ur food are just a form of these ancient plants and animals, pressurized and preserved until human beings had the technology to unlock the stored energy. God didnt make them.

2. If your so called evidence are quotes from bible, that isn't really evidence because you are making tautological arguments. I mean, c'mon, if I say I am Lee Hsien Loong, and I prove it with a testimonial or some birth cert that was produced by myself, and I tell u that u should believe the documents because it is produced by me, Lee Hsien Loong, would you really think I am Lee? Similarly, should we believe in God because of evidences in the bible, and the bible is supposedly legitimate because it is written by God? U cant prove God with God. U need to validate with external sources. Evolution is validated with evidences from many disciplines, genetics, biology, anatomy, geology, archaelogy...

3. 8ft human beings are still existent today. Guan Yu was, what, 8 or 9 ft tall? So what? How does that support your argument against evolution? Having some truths in the bible doesnt imply that the whole bible is true. To do so would be to commit the fallacy of composition.

Time to wake up from the fairy tales bro. Santa Claus doesn't go down the chimney to put presents under your christmas tree. Heck, you don't even have chimneys in HDB.
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Old 04-02-2012, 07:16 AM   #13

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Degree in Creation Science, University of Cambridge.....

Hmmnn....so you are interested....you can go and google for this information. Just key in Cambridge University to offer degree in Creation Science.

very much show how much your creditability is, creating a bloody lie again
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Old 04-10-2012, 03:09 AM   #14

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Gorilla and human are very similar? Really? How similar you think you are to gorilla?

May be you can experiment it and let us know. Why not try to cage yourself in a zoo for few months and after that you can really share your similarity and that of gorilla. When you have started your experiment, do let the readers know here. For sure, I will pay you a visit and buy you some bananas and peanuts. You can be assured, you will not be die of hunger. Ok, Gorilla-Fishbuff!
so you are similar to mud and clay ? whahahahaha . thats the funniest joke of the day oh i forgot you are stone man ..no bone ...thats why you cant tell the different between fossils and bones . whahahahaha
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