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Old 11-24-2009, 04:22 PM   #1

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Default re: can someone tell me what is the meaning of christmas?
what is Christmas mean to you?

for me i am a christian it's tell me that the meaning of Christmas IS gifting and also let me to remember of the day that Jesus birth. what is your answer to this? what is the meaning of Christmas to you? i think everyone will have different meaning from me. note*: NO ABUSING WORD OR SAYING SOMEONE RELIGION EVEN THE CHRISTIANITY.
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Old 11-24-2009, 09:05 PM   #2

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what is Christmas mean to you?

for me i am a christian it's tell me that the meaning of Christmas IS gifting and also let me to remember of the day that Jesus birth. what is your answer to this? what is the meaning of Christmas to you? i think everyone will have different meaning from me. note*: NO ABUSING WORD OR SAYING SOMEONE RELIGION EVEN THE CHRISTIANITY.
If you want to know about the origin and history of Christmas, you can find them in the internet. Just key: Christmas, History, Origin and you can be linked to many websites. Like all information in the internet, we have to be careful what we read.

Celebrating Christmas is quite contraversial for Christians. The festival seems to have a pagan origin. Furthermore, now Christmas celebration is so commercialized that the only people benefits from Christmas are the shopping malls, restaurants, pubs and all entertainment outlets. Its no difference from any other festivals. Personally, I don't really celebrate Christmas because it is not necessary and it doesn't help in my spiritual life and my relationship with Christ; only our daily obedience to His commandments that really counts, all celebrations in whatever forms and under whatever names are redundant and are unnecessary.

Interestingly to note that Jesus was not born on Christmas day and His birth date is not really known to people.

For you benefits, I have obtained a write up from the internet on the History of Christmas as follows. Happy reading and God Bless.

History of Christmas

In the Western world, the birthday of Jesus Christ has been celebrated on December 25th since AD 354, replacing an earlier date of January 6th. The Christians had by then appropriated many pagan festivals and traditions of the season, that were practiced in many parts of the Middle East and Europe, as a means of stamping them out.

There were mid-winter festivals in ancient Babylon and Egypt, and Germanic fertility festivals also took place at this time. The birth of the ancient sun-god Attis in Phrygia was celebrated on December 25th, as was the birth of the Persian sun-god, Mithras. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of peace and plenty, that ran from the 17th to 24th of December. Public gathering places were decorated with flowers, gifts and candles were exchanged and the population, slaves and masters alike, celebrated the occasion with great enthusiasm.

In Scandinavia, a period of festivities known as Yule contributed another impetus to celebration, as opposed to spirituality. As Winter ended the growing season, the opportunity of enjoying the Summer's bounty encouraged much feasting and merriment.

The Celtic culture of the British Isles revered all green plants, but particularly mistletoe and holly. These were important symbols of fertility and were used for decorating their homes and altars.

New Christmas customs appeared in the Middle Ages. The most prominent contribution was the carol, which by the 14th century had become associated with the religious observance of the birth of Christ.

In Italy, a tradition developed for re-enacting the birth of Christ and the construction of scenes of the nativity. This is said to have been introduced by Saint Francis as part of his efforts to bring spiritual knowledge to the laity.
Saints Days have also contributed to our Christmas celebrations. A prominent figure in today's Christmas is Saint Nicholas who for centuries has been honored on December 6th. He was one of the forerunners of Santa Claus.
Another popular ritual was the burning of the Yule Log, which is strongly embedded in the pagan worship of vegetation and fire, as well as being associated with magical and spiritual powers.

Celebrating Christmas has been controversial since its inception. Since numerous festivities found their roots in pagan practices, they were greatly frowned upon by conservatives within the Church. The feasting, gift-giving and frequent excesses presented a drastic contrast with the simplicity of the Nativity, and many people throughout the centuries and into the present, condemn such practices as being contrary to the true spirit of Christmas.
The earliest English reference to December 25th as Christmas Day did not come until 1043.
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Old 11-25-2009, 08:58 AM   #3

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what is Christmas mean to you?

for me i am a christian it's tell me that the meaning of Christmas IS gifting and also let me to remember of the day that Jesus birth. what is your answer to this? what is the meaning of Christmas to you? i think everyone will have different meaning from me. note*: NO ABUSING WORD OR SAYING SOMEONE RELIGION EVEN THE CHRISTIANITY.
if you are not open to insults
if u are not willing to consider anything beyond christianity
u are just like a hermit surviving in a rat hole

how will u ever grow and evolve spiritually?

the mind is like a patachute
it is only good when it is open

afraid of being insulted?
behold, the laW OF ATTRACTION or law of god
is always working whether u know it or not

the more u are 'afraid' of something
the more 'focus' u give it..
the more u attract..

do you think that people of the atlantean/lemurian era worhip christ?

your beLIEf in christianity means nothing in the light of all eternity
MannoFr is offline

Old 11-25-2009, 12:07 PM   #4
Big A

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Oct 2005
oh ya we don't really know when is jesus born but in the bible the new statement said that jesus was born.even thought we really don't know when is the date. but in the bible say that jesus had been born in his birth place. so christmas mean that we should remember that he was born by his physical mother mary.
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Old 11-25-2009, 12:08 PM   #5

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if you are not open to insults
if u are not willing to consider anything beyond christianity
u are just like a hermit surviving in a rat hole

how will u ever grow and evolve spiritually?

the mind is like a patachute
it is only good when it is open

afraid of being insulted?
behold, the laW OF ATTRACTION or law of god
is always working whether u know it or not

the more u are 'afraid' of something
the more 'focus' u give it..
the more u attract..

do you think that people of the atlantean/lemurian era worhip christ?

your beLIEf in christianity means nothing in the light of all eternity
can you please dun talk crap this is not your forum i just want to think what is other people of meaning of christmas!
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Old 11-25-2009, 12:09 PM   #6

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If you want to know about the origin and history of Christmas, you can find them in the internet. Just key: Christmas, History, Origin and you can be linked to many websites. Like all information in the internet, we have to be careful what we read.

Celebrating Christmas is quite contraversial for Christians. The festival seems to have a pagan origin. Furthermore, now Christmas celebration is so commercialized that the only people benefits from Christmas are the shopping malls, restaurants, pubs and all entertainment outlets. Its no difference from any other festivals. Personally, I don't really celebrate Christmas because it is not necessary and it doesn't help in my spiritual life and my relationship with Christ; only our daily obedience to His commandments that really counts, all celebrations in whatever forms and under whatever names are redundant and are unnecessary.

Interestingly to note that Jesus was not born on Christmas day and His birth date is not really known to people.

For you benefits, I have obtained a write up from the internet on the History of Christmas as follows. Happy reading and God Bless.

History of Christmas

In the Western world, the birthday of Jesus Christ has been celebrated on December 25th since AD 354, replacing an earlier date of January 6th. The Christians had by then appropriated many pagan festivals and traditions of the season, that were practiced in many parts of the Middle East and Europe, as a means of stamping them out.

There were mid-winter festivals in ancient Babylon and Egypt, and Germanic fertility festivals also took place at this time. The birth of the ancient sun-god Attis in Phrygia was celebrated on December 25th, as was the birth of the Persian sun-god, Mithras. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of peace and plenty, that ran from the 17th to 24th of December. Public gathering places were decorated with flowers, gifts and candles were exchanged and the population, slaves and masters alike, celebrated the occasion with great enthusiasm.

In Scandinavia, a period of festivities known as Yule contributed another impetus to celebration, as opposed to spirituality. As Winter ended the growing season, the opportunity of enjoying the Summer's bounty encouraged much feasting and merriment.

The Celtic culture of the British Isles revered all green plants, but particularly mistletoe and holly. These were important symbols of fertility and were used for decorating their homes and altars.

New Christmas customs appeared in the Middle Ages. The most prominent contribution was the carol, which by the 14th century had become associated with the religious observance of the birth of Christ.

In Italy, a tradition developed for re-enacting the birth of Christ and the construction of scenes of the nativity. This is said to have been introduced by Saint Francis as part of his efforts to bring spiritual knowledge to the laity.
Saints Days have also contributed to our Christmas celebrations. A prominent figure in today's Christmas is Saint Nicholas who for centuries has been honored on December 6th. He was one of the forerunners of Santa Claus.
Another popular ritual was the burning of the Yule Log, which is strongly embedded in the pagan worship of vegetation and fire, as well as being associated with magical and spiritual powers.

Celebrating Christmas has been controversial since its inception. Since numerous festivities found their roots in pagan practices, they were greatly frowned upon by conservatives within the Church. The feasting, gift-giving and frequent excesses presented a drastic contrast with the simplicity of the Nativity, and many people throughout the centuries and into the present, condemn such practices as being contrary to the true spirit of Christmas.
The earliest English reference to December 25th as Christmas Day did not come until 1043.
oh ya we don't really know when is jesus born but in the bible the new statement said that jesus was born.even thought we really don't know when is the date. but in the bible say that jesus had been born in his birth place. so christmas mean that we should remember that he was born by his physical mother mary.
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Old 11-25-2009, 09:26 PM   #7

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those who don't believe jesus born on the actual date this is the proof.

For many centuries, Christian writers accepted that Christmas was the actual date on which Jesus was born.[15] However, in the early eighteenth century, scholars began proposing alternative explanations. Isaac Newton argued that the date of Christmas was selected to correspond with the winter solstice,[5] which in ancient times was marked on December 25.[16] In 1743, German Protestant Paul Ernst Jablonski argued Christmas was placed on December 25 to correspond with the Roman solar holiday Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and was therefore a "paganization" that debased the true church.[4] In 1889, Louis Duchesne suggested that the date of Christmas was calculated as nine months after the Annunciation (March 25), the traditional date of the Incarnation.[17]

*read all the thing.
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Old 11-25-2009, 10:48 PM   #8

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Dont have to thank me for saving your ass from christian dangerous deception. But if you really bother you will also found out the truth in the internet. Nowasday more ppl are aware. not like last time.

Origins of the Jesus Mythos
Christianity is based on the unique belief that Jesus was God's Son, born of a virgin, sacrificed for the Salvation of man. In reality, as sacrificed virgin-born Savior Son of God, Jesus was not unique. Not even close. The Jesus mythos simply followed the traditional model of the ancient pagan savior-gods.

At the time of Jesus of Nazareth, as for centuries before, the Mediterranean world roiled with a happy diversity of creeds and rituals. Details varied according to location and culture, but the general outlines of these faiths were astonishingly similar. Roughly speaking the ancients' gods:

* Were born on or very near our Christmas Day
* Were born of a Virgin-Mother
* Were born in a Cave or Underground Chamber
* Led a life of toil for Mankind
* Were called by the names of Light-bringer, Healer, Mediator, Savior, Deliverer
* Were however vanquished by the Powers of Darkness
* And descended into Hell or the Underworld
* Rose again from the dead, and became the pioneers of mankind to the Heavenly world
* Founded Communions of Saints, and Churches into which disciples were received by Baptism
* Were commemorated by Eucharistic meals

Krishna was born of the virgin Devaki; the Savior Dionysus was born of the virgin Semele. Buddha too was born of a virgin, as were the Egyptian Horus and Osiris. The old Teutonic goddess Hertha was a virgin impregnated by the heavenly Spirit and bore a son. Scandinavian Frigga was impregnated by the All-Father Odin and bore Balder, the healer and savior of mankind.

Mithras was born in a cave, on December 25th, of a virgin mother. He came from heaven to be born as a man, to redeem men from their sin. He was know as "Savior," "Son of God," "Redeemer," and "Lamb of God." With twelve disciples he traveled far and wide as a teacher and illuminator of men. He was buried in a tomb from which he rose again from the dead -- an event celebrated yearly with much rejoicing. His followers kept the Sabbath holy, holding sacramental feasts in remembrance of Him. The sacred meal of bread and water, or bread and wine, was symbolic of the body and blood of the sacred bull.

The celebration of Christmas on December 25 was originally the pagan birthday of Mithras, the sun god, whose day of the week is still known as "Sunday." The halo of light which is usually shown surrounding the face of Jesus and Christian saints, is another concept taken from the sun god. The theme of temptation by a devil-like creature was also found in pagan mythology. In particular, the story of Jesus's temptation by Satan resembles the temptation of Osiris by the devil-god Set in Egyptian mythology.
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Old 11-26-2009, 10:55 AM   #9

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Dont have to thank me for saving your ass from christian dangerous deception. But if you really bother you will also found out the truth in the internet. Nowasday more ppl are aware. not like last time.

Origins of the Jesus Mythos
Christianity is based on the unique belief that Jesus was God's Son, born of a virgin, sacrificed for the Salvation of man. In reality, as sacrificed virgin-born Savior Son of God, Jesus was not unique. Not even close. The Jesus mythos simply followed the traditional model of the ancient pagan savior-gods.

At the time of Jesus of Nazareth, as for centuries before, the Mediterranean world roiled with a happy diversity of creeds and rituals. Details varied according to location and culture, but the general outlines of these faiths were astonishingly similar. Roughly speaking the ancients' gods:

* Were born on or very near our Christmas Day
* Were born of a Virgin-Mother
* Were born in a Cave or Underground Chamber
* Led a life of toil for Mankind
* Were called by the names of Light-bringer, Healer, Mediator, Savior, Deliverer
* Were however vanquished by the Powers of Darkness
* And descended into Hell or the Underworld
* Rose again from the dead, and became the pioneers of mankind to the Heavenly world
* Founded Communions of Saints, and Churches into which disciples were received by Baptism
* Were commemorated by Eucharistic meals

Krishna was born of the virgin Devaki; the Savior Dionysus was born of the virgin Semele. Buddha too was born of a virgin, as were the Egyptian Horus and Osiris. The old Teutonic goddess Hertha was a virgin impregnated by the heavenly Spirit and bore a son. Scandinavian Frigga was impregnated by the All-Father Odin and bore Balder, the healer and savior of mankind.

Mithras was born in a cave, on December 25th, of a virgin mother. He came from heaven to be born as a man, to redeem men from their sin. He was know as "Savior," "Son of God," "Redeemer," and "Lamb of God." With twelve disciples he traveled far and wide as a teacher and illuminator of men. He was buried in a tomb from which he rose again from the dead -- an event celebrated yearly with much rejoicing. His followers kept the Sabbath holy, holding sacramental feasts in remembrance of Him. The sacred meal of bread and water, or bread and wine, was symbolic of the body and blood of the sacred bull.

The celebration of Christmas on December 25 was originally the pagan birthday of Mithras, the sun god, whose day of the week is still known as "Sunday." The halo of light which is usually shown surrounding the face of Jesus and Christian saints, is another concept taken from the sun god. The theme of temptation by a devil-like creature was also found in pagan mythology. In particular, the story of Jesus's temptation by Satan resembles the temptation of Osiris by the devil-god Set in Egyptian mythology.
you ask a good question yes he was during the day and until now christmas is to remember him that he was born by his physical mother mary! yes he have died on the crosss for our sins and he rose again during the third day. the lastest question that you ask is this question.Were called by the names of Light-bringer, Healer, Mediator, Savior, Deliverer? yes he is all those question that you ask the answer is find in the holy bible do go to this website and search more about him in the BIBLE!


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Old 11-26-2009, 11:04 AM   #10

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this is the prove of his actual day birth!
Yet it is also a season that requires us to be on our guard. Since we do not celebrate Christmas, we often stick out in a crowd. Such a difference piques the curiosity of some, and they may ask why we do not keep it. If we respond, "Christ was not born on December 25," can we prove it? If He was not born on that date, then when was He born? What are the facts?

When this subject is broached, many Protestants and Catholics become quite emotional, often becoming firmly entrenched concerning the December 25 date in spite of the facts. Many simply enjoy the season and feel that the actual day of Christ's birth is irrelevant. Biblical and historical scholars are equally divided over this question as well. Christmas, however, is founded on the premise that Jesus was born on December 25, and a person who is truly striving to follow the Bible will see that the celebration of Christmas is based upon falsehood.http://cgg.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/...Jesus-Born.htm
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Old 11-26-2009, 11:07 AM   #11

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this is the prove of his actual day birth!
Yet it is also a season that requires us to be on our guard. Since we do not celebrate Christmas, we often stick out in a crowd. Such a difference piques the curiosity of some, and they may ask why we do not keep it. If we respond, "Christ was not born on December 25," can we prove it? If He was not born on that date, then when was He born? What are the facts?

When this subject is broached, many Protestants and Catholics become quite emotional, often becoming firmly entrenched concerning the December 25 date in spite of the facts. Many simply enjoy the season and feel that the actual day of Christ's birth is irrelevant. Biblical and historical scholars are equally divided over this question as well. Christmas, however, is founded on the premise that Jesus was born on December 25, and a person who is truly striving to follow the Bible will see that the celebration of Christmas is based upon falsehood.http://cgg.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/...Jesus-Born.htm
we must follow the bible what it said and we must follow it.
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Old 11-26-2009, 11:12 AM   #12

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are your teekee or pylae in disguise quoting from www.cgg.org who does not believe in the trinity of the standard christian denominations?

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Old 11-26-2009, 01:28 PM   #13

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hi commoner,

How come no talks about the global special club here. You know the one that pulls the strings.

If here is ok then can discuss further or else I am wasting my time.
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Old 11-26-2009, 08:02 PM   #14

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can you please dun talk crap this is not your forum i just want to think what is other people of meaning of christmas!
so you think this is your forum ah..you farking ignorant prick..

you are in a public forum and u expect eveybody to be nice to you...

..go to the real world and see if everybody is nice to you...
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Old 11-27-2009, 12:42 AM   #15

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so you think this is your forum ah..you farking ignorant prick..

You are in a public forum and u expect eveybody to be nice to you...

..go to the real world and see if everybody is nice to you...
siao zhai bo! You think this your forum isn't if you want to argued go to another forum please! Can you please dun talk crap over this topic dun make other think some bad about this topic!
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Old 11-27-2009, 10:16 AM   #16
Paul Bunyan

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start a new thread,,,,, but not sure which club you talking about....

the catholic club or the jewish club or the charismatic club.... haha

they all pull different strings,,,, politics, business or social all all 3 sectors
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Old 11-27-2009, 11:19 AM   #17
Big A

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start a new thread,,,,, but not sure which club you talking about....

the catholic club or the jewish club or the charismatic club.... haha

they all pull different strings,,,, politics, business or social all all 3 sectors
neither we are talking all this thing we are talking about christmas mean to you.
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Old 11-27-2009, 02:15 PM   #18

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x'mas simply means joesph kenna con,,,

mary had sex with someone else probably a white european guy (since all pictures of jesus looks like european rather than middle-east obsama face), found out she's pregnant, get some people from Kingsmen event organisers, spiked joesph with pot, get a group of people dressed as angels and tell him mary's impregnanted by God.
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Old 11-27-2009, 02:37 PM   #19

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god commoner at least you understand this sotry but they are noe eroupean they are come from a jewish countries which is Bethlehem and that place is where jesus was born.http://www.topmarks.co.uk/christiani...vity/index.htm

do read the whole story.
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Old 12-18-2009, 04:58 PM   #20

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Depending who you ask, Christmas to the Aussies is Santa Clause .... Jingle bells and opening of presents and gifts. When Christmas is over they return the goods and ask for money back to the same store they bought the goods from.
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