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Old 11-19-2012, 11:25 PM   #1
Larusso Fisher

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Post I believe I figured out what's in the worlds best interest? What's at stake, and what will take place?
You know this is a very interesting situation and I'm sorry but a ceasefire will not convey the truth on this conflict. You have to look at he bigger picture here, not the ceasefire. You must understand that these conflicts are just going to escalate. The United Nations is not intervening, you have President Barack Obama who supports Israel because they are allies thus giving Israel an advantage on escalating violence. Then you have Egyptian President Morsi who basically has no power except the Military thus giving a disadvantage to the Egyptian President because he doesn't have enough power to put pressure on Israel. Now you have Iran in the mix now, and Iran in someways is already tied up in the Syrian conflict if not already. Once Iran is fully engaged in this conflict you have an ongoing war between Iran and Israel but you have to remember that The United States is an enemy towards Iran and The United States is a friend to Israel. So what does this mean exactly, well I'll explain in short form. The United States will back up Israel if Iran were to attack Israel which means that if this happens, now not only do you have a regional war in the Middle East now you have the West involved meaning that this conflict will easily spread to a global war, involving The United States because simply if The United States does not back up Israel, Israel would turn on The United States, because they are Allies. In simplest form, it's inevitable because once you pass the boundaries allies will back each other up in matters of government and national interests. I'm sorry to say but the conflict in the Middle East is just the beginning. The events that are likely to unfold are enormous. We're talking a global conflict not so much a world war but a global conflict unless the UN does something about it, however when you calculate the current events impact on the world it will be huge. The worst case scenario is actually a Third World War but in order for this to happen there will be extreme conditions that follow that will make this happen. I'm serious and I'm not ******* around here. This is serious business. I believe that the world is not properly accepting their duties and not paying enough attention to this conflict because the conflict will escalate. If the UN can't find a way to intervene you can bet that the West will intervene just like President Obama Vowed. Yeah of course this has been going on for a long time but not like this. This conflict has taken new heights and I suggest paying attention to it. Why do you think Canada's Prime Minister just signed a deal with China, over a billion dollars, to build a trade agreement. And the connection to this is that China is Allies with Russia but it so happens, IRONICALLY, that China and Russia are vetoing out Syria, allowing the Syrian conflict to spread throughout the Middle East thus in return the UNITED NATIONS can't intervene because a veto is basically a saviour to those three countries not including The U.S. and Canada. And if you read my report or news posting, The United States recently Shifted all military power to the Pacific Coast, as Canada did the same upon an agreement. Does that seem odd. Do you know why? Well when you think deeper like I do, you will figure out that China is also on the Pacific Coast and ironically in the world history of the military The United States along with Canada back in the summer made the largest naval presence and walk through if a war to occur. Now here is the funny part, back in September Canada cut ties with Iran ending political alliances with both Iran and Syria because Canada suspected Iran harbouring terrorist networks, along with Syria. Now just a few weeks ago, Canada's Prime Minister sought out relations with India and do you know why? Well probably it's because India is guaranteed to be the next super power of the world by 2015. Much like china in 2015. In doing so having relations with both China and India would be a benefit to Canada because in the case of a Global Conflict or a Third World War we'd have great support and fast production for weaponry and Ironically who produces the vast majority of products around the world. You guessed it, CHINA. Believe me analytics is a great ability to have because deep down I believe world leaders are preparing for the worst case scenario. Why do you think a world summit is being called. Why do you think world leaders are in talks with one another. It's all because of what i just explained above. It's not hard to figure this out. Like I said anyone could do it. Based on my observation, the best is yet to come. I'd give it a minimum 4 years or so before the world really pays attention and the events that are to unfold. You watch and I bet you I'm 85 percent correct. Just connect the dots and then you have a reasonable timeline of events.
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Old 11-19-2012, 11:25 PM   #2

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So we have the scenario pretty well worked out. It smells all too much of the situation we had in Europe a century ago, when alliance was tied up with alliance, and all relying on some pretty mentally unstable world leaders who had taken over from master diplomats of an earlier generation. It took the assassination of an archduke in some minor country (Bosnia) to set the whole powder keg off. What then are we going to do about it, since this time we have the benefit of hindsight? I think you underestimate Canada as a major and benign force. It is a large country that stands to benefit (along with Russia) from global warming when the bread basket of America moves northwards. It will acquire a major seaway in the arctic. Its energy reserves have not really been explored yet. It has a small, sustainable human population. It has a stable and benevolent democracy under an equally stable and benevolent monarchy. It is out of the way of most of the trouble zones of the world. Its biggest handicap is this huge land border with the US, which might degenerate into a desperate nation of bankrupt drifters once they are financially over the cliff and China calls in the debts. How is Canada at securing its land borders, and attempting self-sufficiency when the US goes down? I do agree that its best prospects are Westwards across the Pacific, but your question ignores two countries, both of which are Commonwealth members with the same monarch and speak the same language, who might well turn out to be soulmates in turbulent times: Australia and New Zealand.
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Old 11-19-2012, 11:25 PM   #3
Vinni Pukh

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israel and 9/11 YouTube.
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Old 11-19-2012, 11:25 PM   #4

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and your question is?
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