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Old 05-02-2007, 12:04 AM   #41

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I am almost at a loss for words for how to respond here.

Point1 :You said I was wrong when I said the commissions report did not show the correct design and called me out on it. I don’t know what else to say. Yes you were lying.
Here is huge full detail of the design of the building. Simply running a google search will give you hundreds of results.


Point 2: WTC7 has no pictures of this massive damage. Even if there was so damaged, it would not fall straight down in under 7 seconds. It was Left out of the commission report. The only possibility they claim is structural damage and fire and even they say this is unlikely but the only possibility they can think of.

Testimony of people on the scene said it was going to be brought down. They have been on talk shows, etc. there is hard evidence. Here is one link. They have hyperlinks on this page in which you can listen to the actual talk shows.


Theres a lot more information on this. But I’m not going to try to search around and find every tid bit of information regarding 9/11. I’d be here all day. If think i'm lieing run a google search and you will get tons of hits.

Here is a video of police casually telling people to get back. The building is going to blow up. He speaks in a very casual tone as if he knows what is going to happen. How did he know? and if so how did he know when?


Video of Silverstein saying we decided to pull the building and watch the building collapse

And the most recent, Kerry says it was his understand that they brought building 7 down in a controlled fashion.


Point 3: Building Renovations (These make him laugh) I posted who they were in previous posts so I will not repeat myself. If you watch any of the 9/11 truth films they are on camera stating who they are, what their job was at the WTC, and what they experienced.

Point 4: Dogs pulled from the building. I already posted news articles on this. Again a basic google search will give you the results.

LETS NOT FORGET: Marvin P. Bush, the president's younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport.

Point 5: You agree that the record breaking put options on stock of the exact airlines involved in the attack is suspicious. What does it prove? It highly indicates that there was prior knowledge to 9/11. This is bigger than the U.S gov’t. Futhermore, I doubt that most of the gov’t is in on this. It is group of members who happen to be a part of the government who belong to secret organizations with hidden agendas. There are powerful people that have power in this world who are part of no government.

Point 6: Operation Northwood. It is an example of false flag terrorism being thought up by our own Government. It shows that things like this are in fact conspired so to think that they are not is incorrect. I was just like to add that it was JFK who was the president who did not agree with this plan and we know what happened to him. Declassified documents and phone records shows that president LBJ used false flag attacks to advance his war in SE Asia. So things like this have officially been planned, and carried out by Gov’t officials, ON THE RECORD.

Point 7: you ask say I’m Twisting your words and to go back and read what you wrote.
Here is your exact post:

“I'll do another claim that can quickly be debunked..

5. why was there no plane debris at the pentagon?


Numerous pieces of the plane, including the bodies of the passengers, and the black boxes were found. You can see if for yourself here...


You State that bodies were found and post a link with pictures and say “see for yourself” but i do not see any bodies. Furthermore , if the black box was found why was it not released to the public along with the 83 other surv. Cameras and local business cameras that caught the attack on tape and were seized.

Point 8: Bin Laden family was flow to safety so they would not be retaliated against, and they did not have ties to him anymore???
Retaliation by whom?
How many Americans know who Bin Laden’s family is or looks like?
How did they know they were not tied to him?
Were they investigated? After all their the family of the number suspect.
Why were they here in the first place?

Point 9: Mayor Willie Brown warned not to fly to New York. Again a basic google search will prove this but here is a link. If you search the other ones you’ll find news articles as well. The least incrimination one was Jon Ashcroft which you chose to reply about.


Point 10: Silverstein took on an insurance policy on the buildings 2 months before 9/11 and profited from the attack.

Point 11: why was there so much Chaos with Norad Defense on 9/11? The gov’t was running multiple terrorist drills of planes slamming into buildings on this day. They also had drills going on that had fighter jets scrambled half way across the country and globe. When they received first word they were not sure if it was part of a drill and they had no planes in the vicinity to dispatch.

This same thing happened in the London Bombings. They were running drills of bombs going off in the exact same location, at the exact same time as the real event took place.

I’m not sure if I missed any topics. It was hard to respond with your individual posts.

I can sit here all day long and list TONS of points that don’t add up or look highly suspicious. I agree that one little thing that is out of place does not prove conspiracy. But when you add up point after point after point it definitely indicates foul play.
Last edited by Conan21; 05-02-2007 at 12:11 AM.

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Old 05-02-2007, 12:27 AM   #42

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I am almost at a loss for words for how to respond here.

Point1 :You said I was wrong when I said the commissions report did not show the correct design and called me out on it. I don’t know what else to say. Yes you were lying.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Show me where I made this statement. I believe I even asked for the page this faulty diagram was on but as usual you didn't show me its location. If you take that as me calling you wrong then so be it.
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:34 AM   #43

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I am almost at a loss for words for how to respond here.

Point1 :
Point 2: WTC7 has no pictures of this massive damage. Even if there was so damaged, it would not fall straight down in under 7 seconds. It was Left out of the commission report. The only possibility they claim is structural damage and fire and even they say this is unlikely but the only possibility they can think of.

Testimony of people on the scene said it was going to be brought down. They have been on talk shows, etc. there is hard evidence. Here is one link. They have hyperlinks on this page in which you can listen to the actual talk shows.

Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
See how these conspiracy theories change. I gave a link with a photo of wtc7 with significant damage to the lower right corner of the building and he won't address it.

You show a link to prison planet. Alex Jones is the biggest goof ball nutcase out there. Art Bell doesn't even believe what this guy says. Find something from a reputable source.
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:37 AM   #44

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Sllverstein was referring to pulling the firefighters from the building. He is describing a conversation he had with the fire chief. If you would watch the entire video( kinda convenient how the conspiracy guys only show you the part of the story that seems to fit into their claims isn't it) you would know this.
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:43 AM   #45

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And the most recent, Kerry says it was his understand that they brought building 7 down in a controlled fashion.

Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Try again. John Kerry does not suggest that wtc7 was a controlled demolition. He was obviously caught off guard by the question and stated it came down in a controlled fashion. Do you honestly think if John Kerry believed in a 9/11 conspiracy perpetuated by the Bush administration he would remain silent. Hell no, every democrat in the country would be on this issue and on it hard.
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Old 05-02-2007, 01:01 AM   #46

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Point 9: Mayor Willie Brown warned not to fly to New York. Again a basic google search will prove this but here is a link. If you search the other ones you’ll find news articles as well. The least incrimination one was Jon Ashcroft which you chose to reply about.

Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Ok. Lets do Willie Brown buts lets gets his own words from an interview with the paper you use as a factual source. Willie Brown calls this a MYTH!! It never happened as suggested by conspiracy theorists. Here the excerpt and then the link.

The "myth" has its origins in the night before the attacks, when Brown called "my security people at the airport'' to check on his flight to New York the next morning.

What the mayor got from his source was a warning that Americans should be concerned about traveling.

Willie being Willie, he paid no attention -- and was actually waiting for his ride to the airport when he turned on the TV and, like millions of other Americans, watched as the World Trade Center crumbled.

Exactly how the warning popped up remains a mystery to this day.

It might have had something to do with a little-noticed State Department memo issued a week before that went out in a routine press briefing -- and that former Secretary of State George Shultz himself received -- warning that Americans may be the target of an attack from extremist groups "with links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization."

The warning, however, dealt primarily with U.S. military bases in Japan and South Korea -- clearly the wrong targets.

You must scroll to the bottom of the page...

Case closed on Willie Brown!!
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Old 05-02-2007, 01:25 AM   #47

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I am almost at a loss for words for how to respond here.

Point1 :You said I was wrong when I said the commissions report did not show the correct design and called me out on it. I don’t know what else to say. Yes you were lying.
Here is huge full detail of the design of the building. Simply running a google search will give you hundreds of results.

Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
The fact is the 9/11 commission report does not show the design of the world trade center anywhere. I just looked at every illustration it contains and did not find what you suggest is there.I found the layout of where the building were located but nothing else. What page is this on and why do you not want to produce this info. Remember you were the one who wanted me to respond to your theories.
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Old 05-02-2007, 03:00 AM   #48

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Willie Brown warning

I urge anyone following this thread to read both news articles. Mine is the original news article and the one Rhandhular posted isn't much different. It just tries to play it down and not make look as suspicious to having prior knowledge.

my article. the first one presented to the public.

Rhandhular article

Directly from the article Rhandhular posted

What the mayor got from his source was a warning that Americans should be concerned about traveling.

Willie being Willie, he paid no attention -- and was actually waiting for his ride to the airport when he turned on the TV and, like millions of other Americans, watched as the World Trade Center crumbled.

Exactly how the warning popped up remains a mystery to this day.

It might have had something to do with a little-noticed State Department memo issued a week before that went out in a routine press briefing -- and that former Secretary of State George Shultz himself received -- warning that Americans may be the target of an attack from extremist groups "with links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization."

The warning, however, dealt primarily with U.S. military bases in Japan and South Korea -- clearly the wrong targets.
The only warning they could think of without down right accusing the Gov't of prior knowledge to 9/11 was to say this might have been in regard to a memo from last week that dealt with military bases in in Janp and S.K. Mayor Willie brown was set to travel to NYC not JAPAN and South Korea.

Rhandhular says case closed???????????????????

are you telling me this picture http://www.911myths.com/html/wtc7_damage.html is the smoking gun as to why the building fell at free fall speed straight down??? It seems kind of weird that such Massive peices of steel and concrete were projected such long ranges at such high speeds to be able to cause such damage in the first place. It wasn't too long ago that they were still finding Bone fragments of Victims on near by roof tops. floors simply colapsing? or indications of explosive devices?

Even if there is damage like I said, that doesn't mean it would fall and this damage would make the building topple if anything. NOT fall straight down in 7 seconds. This is why "popular mechanics experts" can't even come up with a fake plausible explanation to the manner in which it fell and why it was also left out of the 9/11 commision report.

again, watch all the videos I posted. watch the fire fighters casually telling people to get back the building is going to ""blow"". Not Collapse but "blow".

Watch Silverstein say they MADE THE DECISION TO PULL IT AND WATCH THE BUILDING COLLAPSE". Please Post the whole video of Silverstein and see if the implication is different. He later tried to clarify after the fact when eye brows were being raised and he realized the magnitude of his statement. He then said that he meant to Pull fire fighters out. It sure sounded to me like he said "pull it" not "pull them out".

Kerry's exact words from the clip

"I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things-- that they did it in a controlled fashion."

Kerry would blow the whistle on bush? LOL are you kidding Me? They are both members of Skull and bones and cousins to the Royal blood line. You obviously have no understanding of Secret Societies, Occult knowledge, and Occult history of this World.

as far as Alex Jones, It is Ok for you to post information from Popular Mechanics and say its credible but I can use no links from Prison Planet or alex jones? The information on this page was statements made by Firefighters and had links to interviews done inNYC on a Talk Show straight out the witenesses mouths (AUDIO), which had nothing to do with Alex Jones. What makes him so uncredible anyway? Are the hundreds of engineers,pilots and scientists who are part of the Scholars for 911 truth unworthey too?

Look at this video several times of the WTC7 colapse. Does this really look like something that happened from Fire? or damaged corner that was scoped out?

video comparison of a building that stood a blaze for 17 hours.

47 internal columns. Lets not play word games here about who is calling who a liar.
FACT: WTC had 47 massive internal support columns that ran through the core of the building and the Commision Report does not even mention them, let alone state how they fell.

Here is another Good Vidoe:
Chief NIST engineer John Gross denies the existence of molten steel at Ground Zero despite testimony of ground zero workers, video footage of the lava like substance, and Nasa Thermal Imaging. Workers say some of these pools burned until December. Did Jet Fuel cause this?
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Last edited by Conan21; 05-02-2007 at 07:10 AM.

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Old 05-02-2007, 04:49 PM   #49

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47 internal columns. Lets not play word games here about who is calling who a liar.
FACT: WTC had 47 massive internal support columns that ran through the core of the building and the Commision Report does not even mention them, let alone state how they fell.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Now you say they never mentioned the 47 columns and before you said that they showed the incorrect design of the buildings. The fact is it is never mentioned in the report. Once again the theory changes when confronted with facts.
Here is another Good Vidoe:
Chief NIST engineer John Gross denies the existence of molten steel at Ground Zero despite testimony of ground zero workers, video footage of the lava like substance, and Nasa Thermal Imaging. Workers say some of these pools burned until December. Did Jet Fuel cause this?
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Add John Gross and the Nist to the list of conspriators

Kerry's exact words from the clip

"I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things-- that they did it in a controlled fashion."

Kerry would blow the whistle on bush? LOL are you kidding Me? They are both members of Skull and bones and cousins to the Royal blood line. You obviously have no understanding of Secret Societies, Occult knowledge, and Occult history of this World.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Add John Kerry and the skull and Bones to the list of conspirators

Willie Brown warning

I urge anyone following this thread to read both news articles. Mine is the original news article and the one Rhandhular posted isn't much different. It just tries to play it down and not make look as suspicious to having prior knowledge.

my article. the first one presented to the public.

Rhandhular article

Directly from the article Rhandhular posted

What the mayor got from his source was a warning that Americans should be concerned about traveling.

Willie being Willie, he paid no attention -- and was actually waiting for his ride to the airport when he turned on the TV and, like millions of other Americans, watched as the World Trade Center crumbled.

Exactly how the warning popped up remains a mystery to this day.

It might have had something to do with a little-noticed State Department memo issued a week before that went out in a routine press briefing -- and that former Secretary of State George Shultz himself received -- warning that Americans may be the target of an attack from extremist groups "with links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization."

The warning, however, dealt primarily with U.S. military bases in Japan and South Korea -- clearly the wrong targets.
The only warning they could think of without down right accusing the Gov't of prior knowledge to 9/11 was to say this might have been in regard to a memo from last week that dealt with military bases in in Janp and S.K. Mayor Willie brown was set to travel to NYC not JAPAN and South Korea.

Rhandhular says case closed???????????????????
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Add Willie brown, The San Fransisco Gate, The State Department and George Shultz to the list of conspirators

again, watch all the videos I posted. watch the fire fighters casually telling people to get back the building is going to ""blow"". Not Collapse but "blow".
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Add this group of firefighters to the list of conspirators

47 internal columns. Lets not play word games here about who is calling who a liar.
FACT: WTC had 47 massive internal support columns that ran through the core of the building and the Commision Report does not even mention them, let alone state how they fell.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Add those who compiled the commission report to the list of conspirators.

It is Ok for you to post information from Popular Mechanics
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Yep you guessed it. Add the editors from popular mechanics and the scientists they used to the list of conspirators

The list keeps getting larger and larger
Last edited by Rhandhular; 05-02-2007 at 04:51 PM.

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Old 05-02-2007, 10:52 PM   #50

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Default attention readers of this thread.
Do you see the cockiness and arrogance of Rhandhular? Do you see him playing word games about the 47 columns? how many times did I say they left the 47 columns completely out of the report. Do you see how he picks an chooses on which topics to debate with me and neglects are great majority of them? Yet I address all of his.

They have things on video tape just as Ground Zero workers talking about molten steel at ground zero. They have pictures and video of it along with Nasa Themal imaging photos which show extreme temperaturs. but guys like Nist just say Nope not true. That is pretty much how most of this dubunking has been done. THey simply say.. "Not True, dubunked. Next question."

Obviously Willie Brown is not part of the conspiracy.
I never implicated NYPD or NYFD was in on.

Nist, kerry, bush, etc. Yes.

I do not think bush planned this. He along with others are just puppets for the world, front men to be in the public eye. This is not george bush conspiracy. There are hidden hands behind society and even people who are "in" on the conspiracy are on a need to know basis and do what they are told. One thing that I think is hilarious is to think that George W. Bush is running the fate of America and the world.

To deny the existance of hidden agendas and secret societies is burying your head in the sand. Laugh all you want but this entire world and world history is one big conspiracy. People have been manipulated for a long time through the use of religion and goverment and various forms of mind control.

Do you really believe groups like Free masons, Knights Templar, Golden Dawn, Knights of Malta, Rosicrucians, Order of death head, etc. are just a bunch of powerful people who sit around and drink beer and have secret handshakes?? Is that what you think?

Where did the royal blood lines come from? and why are they so fanatical about preserving the bloodline by only intermarrying with other royalty? WHat is that all about? just something for you to consider. I'm not going to start discussing this on here.

Simply learn what the basic symbol of freemasonry really stands for and you realize that everything you thought about open religion and God is a complete Lie and conspiracy. Find that basic tid bit of information, and you'll begin to realize conspiracies on a global scale are in fact real.
Last edited by Conan21; 05-03-2007 at 12:34 AM.

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Old 05-03-2007, 01:37 AM   #51

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Obviously Willie Brown is not part of the conspiracy.
I never implicated NYPD or NYFD was in on.

Nist, kerry, bush, etc. Yes.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Willie Brown and the SF Gate must be apart of the conspiracy if they are providing information that Willie sez its a myth that he was warned. If its not a myth and he is lying he and the paper must be guilty of a cover up making them a part of the conspiracy.

Don't forget I all ready debunked Conans claims about Ashcroft being warned not to fly on 9/11.

You most certainty implicated the involvement of the fire department and the with this statement

again, watch all the videos I posted. watch the fire fighters casually telling people to get back the building is going to ""blow"". Not Collapse but "blow".
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
You are implying the firemen are saying the building is going to blow up. If they mean it is going to blow up then they must have knowledge of the explosives that you say were planted for a controlled demolition. If they KNOW its going to blow up they would have to know about the conspiracy. If they are not in on the conspiracy how do they know its going to blow up?

This is where you implicate the NYPD. Again if they know its going to blow up then they must be aware that explosives were planted.

Here is a video of police casually telling people to get back. The building is going to blow up. He speaks in a very casual tone as if he knows what is going to happen. How did he know? and if so how did he know when?


Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
By stating how did he know you are implying that he knew it was going to blow up. If he knew it was going to blow up he MUST be a part of the conspiracy!!

I do not think bush planned this. He along with others are just puppets for the world, front men to be in the public eye. This is not george bush conspiracy. There are hidden hands behind society and even people who are "in" on the conspiracy are on a need to know basis and do what they are told. One thing that I think is hilarious is to think that George W. Bush is running the fate of America and the world.

To deny the existance of hidden agendas and secret societies is burying your head in the sand. Laugh all you want but this entire world and world history is one big conspiracy. People have been manipulated for a long time through the use of religion and goverment and various forms of mind control.

Do you really believe groups like Free masons, Knights Templar, Golden Dawn, Knights of Malta, Rosicrucians, Order of death head, etc. are just a bunch of powerful people who sit around and drink beer and have secret handshakes?? Is that what you think?

Where did the royal blood lines come from? and why are they so fanatical about preserving the bloodline by only intermarrying with other royalty? WHat is that all about? just something for you to consider. I'm not going to start discussing this on here.

Simply learn what the basic symbol of freemasonry really stands for and you realize that everything you thought about open religion and God is a complete Lie and conspiracy. Find that basic tid bit of information, and you'll begin to realize conspiracies on a global scale are in fact real.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Ah The New World Order is behind 9/11. The Illuminati are responsible.

PLEASE Show me the theories I have missed I would love to address them.
Last edited by Rhandhular; 05-03-2007 at 01:40 AM.

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Old 05-03-2007, 01:50 AM   #52

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Do you see the cockiness and arrogance of Rhandhular? Do you see him playing word games about the 47 columns? how many times did I say they left the 47 columns completely out of the report. Do you see how he picks an chooses on which topics to debate with me and neglects are great majority of them? Yet I address all of his.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Word games. Who is playing word games? Here is your original statement about the 47 columns

1) Why Did the 9/11 Commision's report not show the correct design of the WTC buildings when then were doing their dubunking? They completely left out the MANY Internal Support beams that ran through the center of the building that were a key component in the buildings safety design.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
They didn't show any designs that I could find. None. Zero. Zilch. I asked what page these were on but Conan could not provide an answer. There is no reference to any of this in the 9/11 commission report and yet he maintains omissions were made. How can you omit something you don't cover? Note how the theory has changed from the original one.

He also states they were debunking conspiracy theories. I have clearly pointed out several times they made no attempt to debunk anything. It was not their intent to debunk anything.

Who is trying to mislead who?
Last edited by Rhandhular; 05-03-2007 at 01:53 AM.

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Old 05-03-2007, 02:14 AM   #53

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Default Hey buddy
I reclarified that statement several times b/c of all your bickering.

I'll do it one more time to clarify your trivial non sense.

To Ommit,not Cover,not discuss, leav out,deny, what every words you want to use.... the existance of 47 Huge Interal Core columns and not indicate how they fell is mind boggling. If they wanted to make it atleast look atleast some what honest they could have stated that were there but were uncertain how the fell. The Also just completed OMMITTED building 7 from the report.

However you want to look at it without playing word games-- They did an absolutely Horrible Job at addressing the events of 9/11 and do not address tons of evidence that was available to them.

Again, You have people who say "how can you believe that conspiracy stuff?... it was proven in 9/11 commission report how that day went down" . I was simply stating that this shitty report dubunks no evidence in the 9/11 truth movement but it definately adds more fuel to the fire. That is what I meant by it debunks nothing.

Who is trying to mislead who? You are trying to mislead people by denying evidence, playing word games, simply typing "lol" and smilely faces as your response to undeniable evidence and picking and choosing which points to argue.
Last edited by Conan21; 05-03-2007 at 02:18 AM.

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Old 05-03-2007, 02:43 AM   #54

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picking and choosing which points to argue.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Once again I will say show me the items I didn't address and I will address them.
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Old 05-03-2007, 02:58 AM   #55

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To Ommit,not Cover,not discuss, leav out,deny, what every words you want to use.... the existance of 47 Huge Interal Core columns and not indicate how they fell is mind boggling. If they wanted to make it atleast look atleast some what honest they could have stated that were there but were uncertain how the fell. The Also just completed OMMITTED building 7 from the report.
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
I will also say this again. It was not the intent of the 9/11 commission report scientifically address how the towers fell.

The report also didn't address the temperature that day. Is this significant? Does this indicate another cover up?

Here is the bottom line. On Sept. 11 2001 two aircraft traveling at speeds of greater than 500 mph hit the towers. The impact and the resulting inferno weakened the structure and caused them to collapse upon themselves floor by floor. This is how it happened. Science backs this up. To suggest otherwise is disrespectful to those who lost their lives on that day.

Take care and be well
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Old 05-03-2007, 03:29 AM   #56

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Default 9/11 Commission Report objective??
"The intent of the report was to provide the fullest possible account of the events the transpired on 9/11 and was compiled by a team of five democrats and five republicans."

They clearly did not provide the fullest possible account of the Events. They didn't even address all of the events that took place that day let alone the fullest account possilbe.

We can sit all here all day and argue back and forth about the science of how the buildings fell. Lets just say you are right. Planes alone brought them down. Scientifically proven. There is still a plathora of evidence that shows there was prior knowledge of the event. I haven't even addressed alot of points and I don't care to address anymore because I see how you are handling this debate and I don't think many people are reading this anyway.

Without sifting through this whole thread and pointing out every single issue that you did not address directly or indirectly; I'll just use the most recent one as an example.

I posted A video of Chief NIST engineer John Gross, who flat out denies the existence of molten steel at Ground Zero despite testimony on Film of ground zero workers talking about this Molten Steel Lava. Despite video footage and pictures of the firey sumbstance, and despite Nasa Thermal Imaging photos indicating exteme temperatures. He claims he was there and It didn't exist. I stated that Ground zero workers say some of these pools burned until December and then raised the question how did Jet Fuel cause this? or what caused this?

Link to the video

Your witty response to this Issue was this...

"Add John Gross and the Nist to the list of conspriators "
Last edited by Conan21; 05-03-2007 at 03:38 AM.

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Old 05-03-2007, 05:08 AM   #57

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I didn't even see all of your responses b/c you do it in such a sloppy fashion.

First off you dubunked nothing about warnings not to fly:
Here was my original question

11) WHat is your thoughts on MANY public officials being warned not to fly on September 11th? Mayor Willie Brown from San Fran, Jon Ashcroft, author S. Raushdee, and others were told not to fly to New York. The Joint Cheif of Staff had a metting in New York on Sept 11th but were told to cancell their flight? how do you explain that?

The only one with weak evidence on this is Ascroft. You did not debunk it but it is just not a strong case. However, You were completely wrong about Willie Brownas I clearly pointed out that he recieved a warning about american air travel for 9/10 as he was getting ready to fly to NYC. Thy "MYTH" that you keep quoting is is that he was personally warned by Condeleeza Rice but states he did he recieve a warning on 9/10. And you also failed to address the others who recieved warnings. One more example of picking and choosing pieces to argue.

I did not implicate they they NYPD. They were told the building was gonna be brought down/pulled..period, not part of the conspiracy. They have spoken out about it. Made public statements, etc. I posted links and Audio interview and you didn't address that either b/c it was on a prison planet link.

See the problem is that Main streem media will not allow this stuff to be put on TV. Occasionaly guys like Bill OReilly will have 9/ll movement people on their shows and tell them to plead their case in 3 minutes and yell over them the whole time telling them that they hate their country. It is absurd. Give these guys an hour or 2 hours. And let the public watch it and decide for themselves. It sure is a big debate in america. Why not properly cover it? I think these issues need to be thoroughly presented to american. Will this happen? I doubt it!! Almost 40% of Americans believe this was a Gov't cover up and as far as Im concerned MOST americans aren't even aware of the hidden information surrounding 9/11

article showing 36% of Amercians believe there is a conpiracy. This was even brought up by Bill OReily himself on his show to make fun of.

This is also what happens when people speak out and get right to the point. They get cut off right away.


He was addressing the following issues.

The Phoenix Memo was a warning from the FBI sent to Washington DC in July 2001 saying that Bin Laden operatives were training at Phoenix flights school and at risk of hijacking airliners.

Zacarious Moussaoui was training in MN when his teachers noticed he wasn't interested in taking off or landing and sent out another warning. He was arrested in August of 2001 but the FBI was denied access to his laptop which had the 9/11 plot inside it.

(feel free to address these two points)
Last edited by Conan21; 05-03-2007 at 06:37 PM.

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Old 05-03-2007, 06:12 AM   #58

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In any catasrophe of this type there are strange or unexplainable events leading up to and after the fact. Bits and peices of information from credible and non-credible sourses woven together to portray a set of events to appear a certain way or give the impression that more sinister forces were at work. It makes for subpar entertainment but nothing more. What Rhandhular has proved is that there just isn't enough credible evidence to warrant such fantasy and insult to those who have died and there familys that are left behind to deal with the aftermath. Much along the lines of Cindy sheite giving a cold slap in the face to Vets and and boots on the ground, these theorys are nothing more than malicious and intended division of an America in the throes of Islamic terrorism. The only people who belive this crap are listening to Art late at night while smoking some type of illegal substance, problably crack! LOL! sorry Conan you lose this one.....
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Old 05-03-2007, 01:08 PM   #59

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" Lets just say you are right. Planes alone brought them down. Scientifically proven. "
Originally Posted by Conan21 View Post
Good! End of debate!!
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Old 05-03-2007, 01:10 PM   #60

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In any catasrophe of this type there are strange or unexplainable events leading up to and after the fact. Bits and peices of information from credible and non-credible sourses woven together to portray a set of events to appear a certain way or give the impression that more sinister forces were at work. It makes for subpar entertainment but nothing more. What Rhandhular has proved is that there just isn't enough credible evidence to warrant such fantasy and insult to those who have died and there familys that are left behind to deal with the aftermath. Much along the lines of Cindy sheite giving a cold slap in the face to Vets and and boots on the ground, these theorys are nothing more than malicious and intended division of an America in the throes of Islamic terrorism. The only people who belive this crap are listening to Art late at night while smoking some type of illegal substance, problably crack! LOL! sorry Conan you lose this one.....
Originally Posted by agentsmith View Post
Good post Agent Smith! You have posted the absolute truth on the subject. I would like to point out though that this conspiracy is so far from being believable that Art Bell doesn't even believe it
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