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Old 10-12-2010, 12:11 AM   #1

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This is another article I wrote several years ago. Not really looking for any comments on any of my articles. Mainly, I am asking you to think about the matter at hand. Pax et bonum

by W. Thomas Wells (Mar Thoma)

"And it will cause, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, to have a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and it will bring it about that no one may be able to but or sell, except him who has the mark, either the name of the Beast or the number of its name" Apoc. (13: 16-17).
Strong words from Scripture, and are they pure spiritual manifestations, or physical, or both. In the Catholic Church Fr. Gobbi has claimed he has received locutions from the Holy Mother of God since 1973. Some of the messages Fr. Gobbi has received explain the Mark of the Beast. What is the purpose of the hand and the forehead? According to Our Lady, the forehead indicates intellect, because the mind is the seat of human reason. Those who receive the mark on their forehead accept the doctrine of the denial of God. They reject His law, and accept atheism that, in these times, is more and more diffused and advertised. They will follow the ideologies in mode today and make of themselves propagators of all their errors.
Likewise, the hand expresses human activity, because it is with his hands that man acts and works. Those who receive the mark on the hand work for themselves alone, to accumulate material goods, to make money their god, and they become victims of materialism, acting in an autonomous manner and independent of their God, ordering their own activities to the quest of a purely material and terrestrial good. They work solely for the gratification of their own senses, and for the quest of wellspring and pleasure. They also work for the granting satisfaction to all their passions, especially that of impurity, and become victims of hedonism. Finally, they make themselves the center of all their actions, looking upon others as objects to be used and exploited fro their own advantage, becoming victims of unbridled egoism and lovelessness.
The mark on the forehead and on the hand is an expression of total dependency on the part of those who are designated by this sign. This sign indicates him who is an enemy, of Christ, that is to say, the sign of the antichrist. His mark will signify the complete belonging of the person who is thus marked to the army of him who is opposed to Christ and who fights against His Divine and Royal Dominion.
Moving beyond this spiritual dimension, for some time credit cards have been emerging into debit and smart cards. is this the work of the antichrist to promote an implantable chip, the mark of the Beast? The implantable chip now is promoted as a means to identify children, especially if lost or kidnapped. At the time of Desert Storm, the U.S. used this device to rack down military personnel. Laboratories place them in animals fro tracking. I believe in the future implantable chips will become the means for credit because the microchip cannot be lost or stolen like a credit card, smart card or debit card. Though it is unconstitutional the government gave the Federal Reserve, or banking, the power to create money and distribute it. Banking can then use scare tactics on the public, claiming people losing their identification card or credit cards can face the loss of their income and bank accounts, thereby suggesting an ultimate solution: the injection of a microchip into their hand of forehead. According to an April 27, 1998 article in Time Magazine, cash, and credit, ATM, ID, insurance cards can reduced to one card or chip implanted under the skin, with you life on it.
Researchers have admitted the existence of a chip found within smart cards containing the essentials of one's life and credit. Pertinent personal and medical data found on this card is given to all HMO enrollees to use at all of the plan's participating doctor's offices, clinics and hospitals. Scientist's further have admitted the development of a microchip inserted into one's hand or forehead for final identification.
Dr. Carl Sanders headed a study involving 100 of the world's best scientists to determine the most effective location of a microchip to experience maximum temperature changes while remaining under the skin of the body. They found that location below the hairline on the forehead and on the back of the right hand. The Washington Times, on October 11, 1973, published an article by Martin Anderson called " High-tech National Tattoo." According to this article there is an identification system made by Hughes Aircraft Company that no one can lose: the syringe implantable chip. Ira Magaziner, who was an adviser to Bill Clinton and a fellow Rhodes Scholar, was leading an effort to force Americans into accepting national identification cards containing a computer chip that will allow the federal government to keep tabs on the private lives and habits of individuals across the country. According to the Immigration Control Act of 1986, section 100, the president of the United States has the authority to deem whatever type of identification is necessary, whether it be invisible tattoo or electronic media under the skin.
In 1974, Dr. Hanrick Elderman, chief analyst of the Common Market Confederacy in Brussels, had revealed that a computerized restoration plan was already under way to straighten out the world chaos, through the three-story computer known as the "B.E.A.S.T.", whose location is in the administrative building headquarters of the Common Market, a self-programming computer that can handle all of the world's trade. A master plan will imply a system of digital enumeration of each human being on earth, giving each inhabitant a number to use for each purchase or sale, removing the problem of credit cards. This number will become invisibly tattooed by laser either on the forehead or hand, seen by infrared scanners installed in special verification counters or business places. No individual will but or sell without first being given such a numbered imprint.
Henry Spaak, founder of the European Common Market, and General Secretary of NATO, said in one of his speeches: "We don't want another committee, we have enough of them. We want a person of such stature that he be capable of gaining the allegiance of peace and politics to pull us out of the economic chaos into which we are sinking. Send us this person; be he God or demon, and we will welcome him".
Is this a welcome to the antichrist, controlling the "beast" computer?

Yours Truly in the Twin Hearts,
+ W. Thomas Wells (Mar Thoma)
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Old 03-31-2011, 04:23 PM   #2

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If religion is your ideal and main source of thinking then consider the fact religion has done nothing to change our species way of thinking for 2000 years. Religion is not the answer. Religions answer to Who God is...is not true.
The holy roman catholic church has twisted and distorted the story and message of Jesus beyond what is was meant to be. The Bible has been so OVER EDITED it has little value for us as a people. Sure the beautiful saying and stories pull your heart strings but do little to change that heart in society as a whole...if you doubt me watch the national news tonight.
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Old 04-23-2011, 10:35 PM   #3

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Titan your view is your view. You do not know truth. You think you know but its not what you know its what you think you know that isn't so. I had to do my own soul searching and come to my own conclusion. I had to study faith, tradition, primacy, infallibility, councils etc. I had to study this and break it down. I studied Aquinas, Augustine, Origen, Justin Martyr, Ignatious of Antioch, Eusebius, Jerome and many Fathers of the Church. On top of this I had my own mystical experiences. Yes Titan I've heard the voice of God!!! Come find me after the WARNING!!! Then we'll discuss your conversion. Until then take your theories as well as your philosophies and go bang on some other poor souls door. For now you are anathema sit.

If religion is your ideal and main source of thinking then consider the fact religion has done nothing to change our species way of thinking for 2000 years. Religion is not the answer. Religions answer to Who God is...is not true.
The holy roman catholic church has twisted and distorted the story and message of Jesus beyond what is was meant to be. The Bible has been so OVER EDITED it has little value for us as a people. Sure the beautiful saying and stories pull your heart strings but do little to change that heart in society as a whole...if you doubt me watch the national news tonight.
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Old 12-02-2012, 01:45 AM   #4

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the mark of the beast is in the healthcare bill. they are microchips that are implanted also known as Class II Devices or life sustaining devices.....
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