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Old 05-21-2006, 02:02 AM   #1

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Default 9/11 Pentagon Plane
conspiracy? here ya go .... this is compliments of the_shrubster!

Check this video out.....warning it's a huge dl for dial-up, but worth the wait....... http://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/swf/pentagon_en.swf
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Old 05-21-2006, 08:03 PM   #2

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conspiracy? here ya go .... this is compliments of the_shrubster!

Check this video out.....warning it's a huge dl for dial-up, but worth the wait....... http://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/swf/pentagon_en.swf
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Old 05-21-2006, 08:19 PM   #3

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That video DOES pose an interesting question:

In the middle of a national crisis like that, why would the FBI go, within MINUTES, and retreve all video footage of the incident... and leave no stone unturned? Getting them all without fail?

And also, if that WASN'T Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, then where is it? Where are the people? What happened to the plane? And WHY would they lie to cover up a falsehood?? We've all seen the footage of the planes crashing into the WTB twin towers. Why would they DO that and then fake it at the Pentagon?
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Old 05-22-2006, 06:24 PM   #4

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That video DOES pose an interesting question:

In the middle of a national crisis like that, why would the FBI go, within MINUTES, and retreve all video footage of the incident... and leave no stone unturned? Getting them all without fail?

And also, if that WASN'T Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, then where is it? Where are the people? What happened to the plane? And WHY would they lie to cover up a falsehood?? We've all seen the footage of the planes crashing into the WTB twin towers. Why would they DO that and then fake it at the Pentagon?
Personally I think it was a drone missile of some sort that hit the pentagon. Maybe it was done for more tragic incidents to be seen via the media, spurt of the moment situations like what occurred that day can get folks blood fuming for revenge and by that time the good ol'boy can say anything to the Americans and thus war in Iraq occurred with all the Americans yelling "go get'em tiger!".. its all psychological crap ay! :wink:

On a more serious matter, there are too many questions regarding 9/11 and no answers but yet there are plenty of reasons behind our actions.
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Old 05-22-2006, 06:37 PM   #5

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That video DOES pose an interesting question:

In the middle of a national crisis like that, why would the FBI go, within MINUTES, and retreve all video footage of the incident... and leave no stone unturned? Getting them all without fail?

And also, if that WASN'T Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, then where is it? Where are the people? What happened to the plane? And WHY would they lie to cover up a falsehood?? We've all seen the footage of the planes crashing into the WTB twin towers. Why would they DO that and then fake it at the Pentagon?
Personally I think it was a drone missile of some sort that hit the pentagon. Maybe it was done for more tragic incidents to be seen via the media, spurt of the moment situations like what occurred that day can get folks blood fuming for revenge and by that time the good ol'boy can say anything to the Americans and thus war in Iraq occurred with all the Americans yelling "go get'em tiger!".. its all psychological crap ay! :wink:

On a more serious matter, there are too many questions regarding 9/11 and no answers but yet there are plenty of reasons behind our actions.
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Old 05-22-2006, 06:46 PM   #6

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Personally I think it was a drone missile of some sort that hit the pentagon. Maybe it was done for more tragic incidents to be seen via the media, spurt of the moment situations like what occurred that day can get folks blood fuming for revenge and by that time the good ol'boy can say anything to the Americans and thus war in Iraq occurred with all the Americans yelling "go get'em tiger!".. its all psychological crap ay! CHARA.......that's about the most rediculous thing I've ever heard you say. :?
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Old 05-22-2006, 06:48 PM   #7

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Personally I think it was a drone missile of some sort that hit the pentagon. Maybe it was done for more tragic incidents to be seen via the media, spurt of the moment situations like what occurred that day can get folks blood fuming for revenge and by that time the good ol'boy can say anything to the Americans and thus war in Iraq occurred with all the Americans yelling "go get'em tiger!".. its all psychological crap ay!
CHARA.......that's about the most rediculous thing I've ever heard you say. :? I'm sorry you feel that way Kay.. I could say the same thing about some of the things the good ol'boy has said for the past 4 yrs too!!! :lol: :lol:
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Old 05-22-2006, 06:55 PM   #8

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Personally I think it was a drone missile of some sort that hit the pentagon. Maybe it was done for more tragic incidents to be seen via the media, spurt of the moment situations like what occurred that day can get folks blood fuming for revenge and by that time the good ol'boy can say anything to the Americans and thus war in Iraq occurred with all the Americans yelling "go get'em tiger!".. its all psychological crap ay!
CHARA.......that's about the most rediculous thing I've ever heard you say. :? I'm sorry you feel that way Kay.. I could say the same thing about some of the things the good ol'boy has said for the past 4 yrs too!!! :lol: :lol:
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Old 05-22-2006, 07:39 PM   #9

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I can not believe for one second that our government would purposely bomb our own Pentagone and kill off some of our own people there.

That theory is just off the wall.

But to each his own........ :wink:
It may be off the wall but I don't doubt for a second that they would do something like that...no matter how far fetched it may be. Our entire government contains nothing but cover-ups for one thing or another.
Maybe someday the truth about this may come out......and no matter what it is...it will not surprise me, I'm sure of it.
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Old 05-22-2006, 07:43 PM   #10

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we are thankful for them kay .... but how is it you are so certain they are the best in the world. how about the Brits and the Iraelis....

we are talking conspiracy here .... girl! :lol:

why would the FBI go, within MINUTES, and retreve all video footage of the incident... and leave no stone unturned? Getting them all without fail?
Because JB, they are the FBI! That's their job. And regardless of the bad press they usually get (mainly due to the bureaucrats at the top) our FBI field agents are the the best in the world! On that day of 9-11, when we didn't know what was gonna happen next...if there would be more attacks, etc; they kicked it into high gear and did an awesome job....because that's what they're trained to do! We should all be thankful for them and keep them in our thoughts and prayers just as we do our military.
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Old 05-22-2006, 09:42 PM   #11

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we are thankful for them kay .... but how is it you are so certain they are the best in the world. how about the Brits and the Iraelis....

we are talking conspiracy here .... girl! :lol:

why would the FBI go, within MINUTES, and retreve all video footage of the incident... and leave no stone unturned? Getting them all without fail?
Because JB, they are the FBI! That's their job. And regardless of the bad press they usually get (mainly due to the bureaucrats at the top) our FBI field agents are the the best in the world! On that day of 9-11, when we didn't know what was gonna happen next...if there would be more attacks, etc; they kicked it into high gear and did an awesome job....because that's what they're trained to do! We should all be thankful for them and keep them in our thoughts and prayers just as we do our military.
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Old 05-22-2006, 11:01 PM   #12

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And also, if that WASN'T Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, then where is it? Where are the people? What happened to the plane??
I think this is a good question John. If a missile hit the Pentagon, what happened to the plane and all the people? They must be somewhere. Do any of the theories address this issue?
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Old 05-27-2006, 09:22 AM   #13

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Maybe "Loose Change" addresses this?

I checked this out. There is a link that shows that 99 witnesses said that they actually saw an American Airlines jetliner hit the Pentagon. Also they had photographs of part of the landing gear consistant with a 757 and part of a jet engine also consistant with a 757 found inside the building.

Only two witness said they heard something that sounded like a missle, not one witness said they saw a missle.

It seems clear to me that what hit the Pentagon was indeed American Airlines flight 77. The how and why may still be debatable however.
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Old 05-27-2006, 11:25 PM   #14

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Oh smart people of the conspiracy section, Barbara Olson was on that plane talking on the phone to her husband Ted Olson and she is dead, along with all the other passengers in the plane that hit the Pentagon. Oh that's right he is/was solicitor general, so he was in on the conspiracy and probably killed his own wife. Yeah yeah that's the ticket.

Wife of Solicitor General alerted him of hijacking from plane

September 12, 2001 Posted: 2:06 AM EDT (0606 GMT)
Barbara Olson

By Tim O'Brien

WASHINGTON -- Barbara Olson, a conservative commentator and attorney, alerted her husband, Solicitor General Ted Olson, that the plane she was on was being hijacked Tuesday morning, Ted Olson told CNN.

A short time later the plane crashed into the Pentagon. Barbara Olson is presumed to have died in the crash.

Her husband said she called him twice on a cell phone from American Airlines Flight 77, which was en route from Washington Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles.

Ted Olson told CNN that his wife said all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers. The only weapons she mentioned were knives and cardboard cutters.

She felt nobody was in charge and asked her husband to tell the pilot what to do.

Ted Olson notified the Justice Department command center immediately.

He told CNN that his wife had originally been booked on a flight Monday, but delayed her departure because Tuesday was his birthday and she wanted to be with him in the morning.

Barbara Olson was a former federal prosecutor and served as Chief Investigative Counsel to the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight during its probe into the Clinton Administration "Travelgate" scandal.

She had appeared frequently as a commentator on CNN.
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Old 05-28-2006, 10:12 PM   #15

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Oh smart people of the conspiracy section, Barbara Olson was on that plane talking on the phone to her husband Ted Olson and she is dead, along with all the other passengers in the plane that hit the Pentagon. Oh that's right he is/was solicitor general, so he was in on the conspiracy and probably killed his own wife. Yeah yeah that's the ticket.

Wife of Solicitor General alerted him of hijacking from plane

September 12, 2001 Posted: 2:06 AM EDT (0606 GMT)
Barbara Olson

By Tim O'Brien

WASHINGTON -- Barbara Olson, a conservative commentator and attorney, alerted her husband, Solicitor General Ted Olson, that the plane she was on was being hijacked Tuesday morning, Ted Olson told CNN.

A short time later the plane crashed into the Pentagon. Barbara Olson is presumed to have died in the crash.

Her husband said she called him twice on a cell phone from American Airlines Flight 77, which was en route from Washington Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles.

Ted Olson told CNN that his wife said all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers. The only weapons she mentioned were knives and cardboard cutters.

She felt nobody was in charge and asked her husband to tell the pilot what to do.

Ted Olson notified the Justice Department command center immediately.

He told CNN that his wife had originally been booked on a flight Monday, but delayed her departure because Tuesday was his birthday and she wanted to be with him in the morning.

Barbara Olson was a former federal prosecutor and served as Chief Investigative Counsel to the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight during its probe into the Clinton Administration "Travelgate" scandal.

She had appeared frequently as a commentator on CNN.
Now Sherlock..........You know Babs was a conservative. She was a team player, that knew the secret handshake. She just took one for the team is all. It was necessary to complete the evil Bushy agenda. I'm telling you this in secret, so don't tell anyone else. :wink:
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Old 06-07-2006, 03:43 PM   #16

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This important update just in.........the guy under the bridge just got a new box!
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Old 07-27-2006, 06:11 AM   #17

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Ok my first post on the subject. I'm mostly a lurker on this forum. I have posted a few times in the past, apparently before some changes have occurred here, got hacked off at the nasty petty attitude of some and left.

I have strong opinions on 9-11 because what I know of simple high school physics tells me that this is wrong. I have read the Kern Commission report, the FEMA report and NIST report. Most people don't know that all three disagree, all three ignore evidence, and all three are incomplete.

Basic high school physics will tell you there are problems with the offical story. The WTC buildings collapse to fast and too clean for the kind of damage they took. What plane hit WTC 7? Why did a perfectly ordinary building with a fire in it COLLAPSE? Why did the twin towers fall as fast as objects would in free fall? (Issac Newton please call your office...) Shouldn't floors hitting floors considerably slow down the fall of the building? Why are objects knocked free of the falling building not falling to the ground much faster then the collapsing building itself?

Why would a plane crash straight into ground send debris 3 miles and 8 miles away from the crash site? The only way is if it is somehow breaking up in mid flight BEFORE it hits the ground? That implies it was shot down or a bomb was taken aboard or that the plane was put into a maneuver so sharp that the plane broke up. All of which contradicts the official reports that the passengers stormed the cabin and the hijackers simply ditched it.

The government has never seriously investigated 9-11 AS A CRIME. Else large amounts of WTC steel would have been examined for clues as to why the buildings fell, when no such structures have ever been felled by fires before. Why was the FEMA investigation run by VOLLENTERS? Why was FEMA, a management agency not a investigative agency charged with investigating this crime? When planes crash the NTSB ropes off the area and detailed photos are taken of the objects before they are removed. Yet at the Pentagon within just a few minutes guys in suits are out picking up debris off the lawn, thus ruining any chance at a real survey of the crash site.

These are the questions and many more that bother me. I'm not much of a conspiracy nut. You got all sort of stupid theories of fake planes, pod planes, and missiles, all the Jews were warned of the attack, and more over the line BS. Most of it is total BS that I think is frankly planted to make people overlook and avoid the serious scientific questions, such as how the building fell or how a guy that can barely fly a Cessna can manage to make a 757 perform high speed turns so sharp and such high Gee forces that air controllers mistake you for a military jet.
Welcome back nline! Yep there have been some changes here since you left (me). We haven't had a good serious conspiracy discussion here in a while so I really appreciate your post. I hope everyone will take this opportunity to have a good, factual, and civil discussion of the events of September 11, 2001. Again welcome back and have fun!
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