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Old 08-10-2011, 03:22 AM   #1

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Default In Process of becoming Orthodox...
Greetings to all In Christ Jesus,

I have been battling for about 4 years with entering into the Church. The primary issue has been my wife who flat out can't stand being at Liturgy. During those four years, amid a few periods of drifting, I have studied only Orthodox writings, and to the extent that I have learned, believe the Orthodox faith to be the one true Church as passed down from the Apostles, who received it from the Lord. About 4 months ago, it was finally determined in my household that I would be attending the Liturgy, while my wife continues at the Baptist Church in which we met 7 years ago. I have spoken with the Priest, and will likely begin regular meetings this fall to prepare for my Chrismation.

My issue (for lack of better word), is that I, for the first time in the 14 years that I have been in 'Christendom', I don't quite know what to consider myself, nor exactly where I am on my path to salvation... Coming from a Protestant/Evangelical background for my first 10 years, I never thought about it, because I had believed, therefore I was saved. (Though I never 100% bought the idea of a verbal confession alone being sufficient...) Since speaking with +Fr. Michael W., I have been endeavoring to live more and more as an Orthodox Christian, but the thought that troubles me is this: If the Holy Spirit is given through Chrismation, and through this, grace; and then only afterwards can I truly partake of Communion for the first time, have I even entered into communion with the Lord at all? I think of Cornelius, who believed, but was not given the Spirit until Peter preached to him and baptised him, and also of the Samaritans who had received John's baptism, but did not receive the Spirit until the Apostles preached to them and layed hands on them.

Don't get me wrong here... I am not pulling out my hair with stress... it is just a 'weird' position to be in. I also do not throw aside the verse that says that Christ will not cast out any who comes to Him. I believe what it is, is that only now have I begun to see what real Christianity is. It is not up to me to be the arbitor of what the faith is... to my shame I admit that I jumped Churches many times over the years because I thought they were off-base in this or that. I know that one cannot do that with Orthodoxy. The Church is what it is regardless what I think. In that I find comfort.

Thanks for reading. Grace to all in Christ Jesus. â€*
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Old 08-10-2011, 03:49 AM   #2

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In the Orthodox Church we don't talk about "being saved" in the same sense as most protestants - we speak more about the "path of salvation" and each of us strives to follow this path as it is laid out before us as best we can with God's help. When you consider your present situation and your past relationship with Christ - its all part of the path. Your path has led you to the doors of the Church, it is up to you whether you will continue on the Path or strike out on your own. Sounds like you have decided to stay on the path as God revealed it to you. The most important thing here (and you didn't really mention this so I am not implying that this is actually happening) is to be sure you don't judge your wife and other former co-religionists for not coming with you. God will bring them in His time to the doors of the Church and you just have to make sure that you are not a barrier to them following Christ in any way.

Fr David
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Old 08-10-2011, 04:07 AM   #3

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My issue (for lack of better word), is that I, for the first time in the 14 years that I have been in 'Christendom', I don't quite know what to consider myself, nor exactly where I am on my path to salvation... You're being instructed in the Orthodox Faith, with a view to being received into the Orthodox Church: you are a catechumen. This is hardly something "outside" the Church, as there are specific prayers for catechumens in the Divine Liturgy; e.g.

O Lord, our God, Who dwellest on high and regardest the humble of heart; Who hast sent forth as the salvation of mankind Thine Only-begotten Son and God, our Lord Jesus Christ; look down upon Thy servants, the catechumens, who have bowed their heads before Thee; make them worthy in due season of the laver of regeneration. Unite them to thy Holy, Universal and Apostolic Church, and number them with Thy chosen flock.

I also agree very much with what Fr David says regarding our journey along the path. My own conversion seemed quite sudden at the time, but with hindsight (illuminated by God) I can see that I was already along the path of Salvation long before I realized it. Your own path to Orthodoxy is a unique story, and in time it will become even clearer, and therefore more compelling, as you look back and see the various turns and trials in your journey with new eyes and realize just how involved God was in guiding you to where you are.

So, the short answer to the question "where are you on your journey" is: I don't know; you don't know; but you will know in the future, when you look back on this point in time. I truly believe that from my own experience.
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