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Old 08-26-2012, 06:58 AM   #1

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Default Lw ......
Lindsey Williams: US Government Will Shutdown Financially
Saturday, August 25, 2012 17:30

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Lindsey Williams has received information from a woman who works for Raytheon who has top security clearance .
The woman states that the US Government has notified Raytheon to prepare for a US Government shutdown.This is supposed to be happening sometime in the very near future.The liberty oil rig has stopped drilling and won’t continue drilling until oil hits $150 a barrel.Barracuda.


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Old 08-26-2012, 07:27 AM   #2

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Heard it yesterday folks by the Providence of Gawwd. I beg of ya to listen. I was like writing things down with my pencils and paper while I put on my breeches, then I was like, "I need to order the DeeVeeDee for only $69.99. What a bargain for only 3 or 4 bits of information and 3 full DeeVeeDees of filler!"
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Old 08-26-2012, 08:47 AM   #3

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Heard it yesterday folks by the Providence of Gawwd. I beg of ya to listen. I was like writing things down with my pencils and paper while I put on my breeches, then I was like, "I need to order the DeeVeeDee for only $69.99. What a bargain for only 3 or 4 bits of information and 3 full DeeVeeDees of filler!"
But they only go for 3 and half hours of pure LW
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Old 08-26-2012, 09:14 AM   #4

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we all know something is coming,

all the signs are there, militarization of the police, military training in U.S. Cities, financial meltdown, trying to implement U.N. Gun ban from numerous false flag events,

something is coming

Old 08-26-2012, 09:26 AM   #5

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LW hasn't gotten much if anything right, at least WRT timing, since is big summer-08 call that oil, then approaching $150/barrel, would plummet to ~50 by year's end. I recall it finished the year in the $30s...

USO doesn't trade same $ scale as crude, but the charts look same:

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Old 08-26-2012, 10:19 AM   #6

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USO doesn't trade same $ scale as crude, but the charts look same:
here's a monthly chart of oil with proper price scaling, though it doesn't reflect Aug yet, goes though end of July, new bars appear at the END of the given bar time, so Aug monthly bar will appear @ close of trading Fri 8/31:

while we're at it, have some AU & AG weekly, so these are up to Fri's close- can change settings in left pane, is that a trendline break we had this past week?
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Old 08-26-2012, 04:33 PM   #7

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Interesting hour there, Serpo.

here are some takeaways...

1) Don't have a prayer of understanding how the elites think. My head hurts trying to follow LW's disparate contextual weavings.

2) Cognitive dissonance is alive and well in LW

3) Sitting through one of his sermons on a weekly basis would have driven me from church going decades ago. Traditionally, LW would have been trained to preach with the traditional southern preacher 3 point method.
--Tell'em what you're gonna tell'em.
------Tell'em what you tol' 'em.

LW's 3 points:
A) US Govt is gonna shutdown very soon.
B) Raytheon has to do something to help that happen and it involves satellites.
C) Plant a garden.


Syria is going to cause American' govt to shut down. Things aren't going according to US plan in Syria and that's messing with the shutdown timetable as dictated by the elite.

I think I'm going to go shovel some landscape gravel. It's a nice day here.

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Old 08-26-2012, 06:58 PM   #8

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thanks beef, I didn't watch it, can't suffer through LW's style. His $69 3 hour dvd could prolly be summarized with bullet points on one side of a sheet of paper. 12-point font. Room to spare.
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Old 08-26-2012, 07:16 PM   #9

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thanks beef, I didn't watch it, can't suffer through LW's style. His $69 3 hour dvd could prolly be summarized with bullet points on one side of a sheet of paper. 12-point font. Room to spare.
"Bullet" There is something i can relate to.
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Old 08-27-2012, 12:59 AM   #10

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Just read this in Alaska News at ADN.com....
Liberty (BP Gull Island OIL DRILLING Rig) is idled, but way earlier (-as in 2010) than LW just reported in the last few weeks and re-iterated 8.24.2012, in the above vid clip.


BP announces it's backing off Liberty development plans

Rig problems mean project won't go forward in present form, company says.

Petroleum News

Published: June 29th, 2012 10:41 PM

BP is backing off its ambitious Liberty development on Alaska's North Slope after problems emerged with a specially built drilling rig among other issues.

"After a full review of project engineering and economics, BP has decided not to pursue the proposed Liberty project, in its current form," Dawn Patience, spokeswoman for BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., told Petroleum News. "BP is in the process of working with regulators to discuss the potential forward plans for the project."

BP had proposed drilling ultra-extended reach wells to tap the Liberty reservoir, located on federal leases in shallow Beaufort Sea waters about six miles offshore and 15 miles east of Prudhoe Bay.
A monster rig was to bore the wells from a satellite drilling island at BP's offshore Endicott field, which is connected by causeway to the mainland.

In November 2010, however, BP announced it was suspending construction pending an engineering review, and the rig has stood idle at Endicott since then.

"We have always said that we will not proceed with the project unless we can do it safely and meet all of our standards," Patience said. "In the end, the project as currently designed does not meet our test."

She said the process leading up to the decision included "a detailed 18-month review of the rig systems, an analysis of the project's risk and economics, and an assessment of the evolving regulatory framework."

Parker Drilling Co. of Houston, Texas, fabricated the rig at Vancouver, Wash., at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Patience said the review found the rig needs "substantial modifications," including changes to the mud system, the hydraulics and walking system, and the pipe handling, heating and utility systems. The rig also needs a new drilling support module.

BP now believes the Liberty project would cost "at least double" the original estimate of $1.5 billion.

And it would "take several more years before drilling could commence," Patience said.

No decision has been made about what to do with the rig, she said, noting several companies had a hand in its construction.

"We expect that the issues with the rig will be worked out privately and confidentially between all the relevant parties," Patience said.

At one time, BP had touted Liberty as an unprecedented effort featuring horizontal wells extending as far as eight miles.

By drilling from Endicott, and processing Liberty oil through the Endicott production facilities, BP said it could avoid the larger footprint of building an all-new Liberty production island and subsea pipeline.

The company had said Liberty was capable of producing 100 million barrels with daily production peaking at 40,000 barrels. That would significantly boost overall North Slope production, which is in decline and currently averages under 600,000 barrels a day.

The Liberty project drew heightened congressional and media scrutiny following BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010.

The Interior Department, which regulates offshore drilling, said at the time that, in light of the Gulf spill and new safety requirements, it would review the adequacy of Liberty's spill plan.

But Liberty was exempted from the Obama administration's temporary offshore drilling moratorium.

Read more here:
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Old 08-29-2012, 01:02 PM   #11

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last night on Rense, haven't listened, maybe some kind martyr could endure it and post bullet points?

Lindsey Williams - New Globalist Revelations


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Old 08-29-2012, 01:25 PM   #12

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last night on Rense, haven't listened, maybe some kind martyr could endure it and post bullet points?

Lindsey Williams - New Globalist Revelations



You must listen...I'm beggin' ya! I'm beggin' ya!
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Old 08-29-2012, 01:30 PM   #13

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Last night he changed his tune.... For the last year he has been saying, When the Euro goes, you have two weeks. Last night he said dont pay attention to the euro.
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Old 08-29-2012, 01:38 PM   #14

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i'll listen to it asap. i love to torture myself.
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Old 08-29-2012, 02:26 PM   #15

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i'm halfway through...hang on.
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Old 08-29-2012, 02:57 PM   #16

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1. it's a priveledge to be back on the jeff rense program. jeff rense, you do so much, etc.

2. get a pencil and paper.

3. liberty rig at prudhoe bay has stopped drilling (gull island). they are going in to abiotic oil, not fossil oil.
they have spent over 1 billion doing this. they shut the rig down because a) they don't want to hit the oil shelf
and start pumping until oil is at $150 a barrel again ($6-$7 a gallon gas) and b) he never got to point b, went
off on his usual story about living with the elite 35 years ago.

4. united states is facilitating covert wars in middle east. he was told that after egypt collpases, next libya, then syria, finally house of saudi. designed to create chaoss in the middle east to let them drive up oil to $150 a barrel
(see point 3).

5. when oil hits $150 a barrel, liberty rig and all of the capped oil fields in north dakota will be turned on (bakken
shale fields).

6. he is concerned they may shut down the straight of hormuz (iran/israel war) to drive oil to $150, because point 4 (see above) is taking too long.

7. now he's back to the second reason (b) the liberty rig stopped drilling in point 3. they don't want a disaster like happened in the gulf of mexico. the rig is drilling at 40,000 feet, and they are concerned something could break and ruin the field. during the shutdown, they are replacing equipment and beefing up the rig to be able to withstand extreme pressures.

8. it's time for final shtf preparations to start, we are in the final phase. don't pay attention to a) wall street b) the euro c) oil prices. the real sign that the shtf is coming (4-6 weeks) is that a big financial blow up involving derivatives will happen. when the derivatives emergency happens, be out of all paper immediately. currency & trade wars. fed will announce
a rise in interest rates.

9. he has a new cd that goes with his dvd set. the cd has all of this new info on it. the cd covers everything your household
should do to prepare, he doesn't have time to get in to it tonight.

10. when shtf happens, the dollar + euro will be worthless. secure your assets. do it immediately. no timetable on when shtf
will happen though.

11. go to prophecyclub.com and buy his dvd + cd set, or call his 1-800 number.

12. remember, dollar will not be gone, just worthless. there will be no shortage of food, fuel, etc. everything will
just cost insane amounts of money. you won't be starving because of a food shortage, but rather because you don't
have enough currency to buy it (weimar).
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Old 08-29-2012, 05:50 PM   #17

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Thanks chad.

You should have put "I beg of ya folks" between each of your points.
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Old 08-29-2012, 06:40 PM   #18

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i don't know if LW talks about it, but i thought one of the more interesting 'collapse metrics' i've seen lately is about transportation traffic in China.

i don't remember if it's trucks, trains, or what.

also something about channel stuffing by Chinese manufacturers.

basically demand for Chinese-made stuff has dropped about 50% in the last year or 2, by some reports.

another off-the-cuff metric - i recently tried to buy an oscillating sprinkler to water 6 medium size garden plots each about 30 x 50 feet, twice a week.

no big deal.

i have bought & returned 5 different new sprinklers, working my way up in price.

i bought #6 this morning. it is functional but missing 2 parts - the knob to turn it from 'min' to 'max', and the bearing for one side of the sprinkler. now it is loose in a metal housing.

i didn't notice till i got home. that one cost $45. the first one cost $5.

i feel like a consumer reports of sprinklers. it's sort of ending up that i'm renting the sprinklers, because when i return them i get my money back. if the current one keeps working, i may use it another month till the rains come. when i return it, i will then be on sprinkler #7.

and they're all made in China.
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Old 08-29-2012, 06:54 PM   #19

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...i feel like a consumer reports of sprinklers...

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Old 08-29-2012, 09:53 PM   #20

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LW hasn't gotten much if anything right, at least WRT timing, since is big summer-08 call that oil, then approaching $150/barrel, would plummet to ~50 by year's end. I recall it finished the year in the $30s...
Because he is a plant. He was right about that prediction, wich sent droves of Patriots to his every word. Next up.....Lead them off of a cliff....
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