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Old 08-20-2012, 10:36 PM   #1

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Default Boom Goes The Dynamite: Silver Pops
just like the old days.....

But gold has risen with only slightly more than 1% of the world’s assets in gold. Right now the world’s assets are about $150 trillion. Of that number, $60 trillion is in cash, $40 trillion is in bonds, and $40 trillion is in stocks. But, remarkably, only $2 trillion or just a bit over 1% is in gold.

With inflation headed higher, institutions, which have virtually no allocation to gold today, they will have to increase their allocation to gold. There have been several studies over the last few months that have suggested that institutions will need to put part of their funds in gold.

If you look at world financial assets, a 1% increase in allocation to gold of the world’s financial assets would require 12 years of gold production at today’s prices. There simply isn’t the gold available at today’s prices to facilitate even a small move by institutional money into the sector. Of course they can never get a sizable commitment into gold at these prices.

I would also add that over time they will put a lot more than 1% into gold. The studies I reference also suggest that institutions will improve their risk vs return situation by moving money into gold. So I am convinced that there will be a big inflow of institutional money into gold over the next two or three years
- Egon Von Greyerz on King World News

After almost 9 weeks of trying to break over $28, silver closed over over $28 on Thurs/Friday and, after a concerted and blatant attempt by the silver manipulating banks to take silver below $28 this morning, it inexplicably shot up like a roman candle at 9:12 a.m. Denver time. I say "inexplicably" because I could not find any specific news which might have triggered the move, the SPX did not move at all (so the move in silver was not in correlation with the stock market) and gold moved higher higher as well although not anything that closely correlates with the scale of silver's move.

As subscribers to GATA's Le Metropolecafe know, one of Bill Murphy's sources in Switzerland - someone who is described as being in a position to know - has told Bill that JP Morgan is in trouble with its short position in silver. Please note, that we only see JP Morgan's massive, illegal but unpoliced short position on the NY Comex market. We have no idea what its short position on the LBMA or in OTC silver derivatives looks like (although we do know that JP Morgan has by far the largest position in OTC "metals" derivatives per the quarterly BIS report).

Beyond that we do not know much other than JP Morgan has been the big manipulator in the silver market for many years and likely does so on behalf of the Federal Reserve/U.S. Government. We also know that at some point in the future that JPM's paper short position in silver is potentially the equivalent of a small nuclear device embedded deeply the bank's bowels. The trigger will be the point at which counterparties to JPM's short position demand physical delivery of the silver JPM is derivatively short on the Comex, LBMA and OTC derivatives market.

On this note, given that JPM is the custodian for the massive SLV ETF, which means JPM is the gatekeeper on the enormous stockpile that SLV is supposed to be stored in JPM-controlled vaults, I would not advise anyone to own SLV. SLV, like GLD, has the potential to be another Enron. Just for the record, JP Morgan was one of Enron's primary advisory banks.
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Old 08-20-2012, 10:55 PM   #2

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Looks like the first to move was platinum...up pretty hard 3 trading days in a row.
Now this 2.6% pop in silver today.
Lemme see....That leaves palladium, osmium, rhodium, ruthenium, all the rare earths, all the strategic metals, and....oh, what's that other one...., I know I'm forgettin' one....um, oh, um, drat, what is that other metal that should be breaking out to the upside any day now......!! !! !!!

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Old 08-20-2012, 11:10 PM   #3

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platinum was going up more from mining difficulties in South Africa and yes silver outperformed gold

Canary in the Coal Mine for Silver Manipulation? PBOC Advisor Recommends China Add Silver to Official Reserves

Jeff Nielson: The Banking Cartel Operates EXACTLY LIKE THE MAFIA


Strap on Your Seat-Belt, Silver is About to BLAST HIGHER

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Old 08-21-2012, 02:28 AM   #4

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sell off zone $28.84-29.......lets see if the buyers come in and put a floor there. I will not get bullish until $30 sticks.
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Old 08-21-2012, 10:07 AM   #5

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Old 08-21-2012, 10:20 AM   #6

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How many days/weeks till it drops back down to $26?

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Old 08-21-2012, 09:08 PM   #7

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How many days/weeks till it drops back down to $26?

I'll probably live to regret this, but you'll only see $26 Silver in the rear view mirror! Summer doldrums is over!
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Old 08-21-2012, 09:30 PM   #8

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have to admit, impressed by the lil white metal today. Me thinks momentium players will be here at $30 and up she goes. (not that shes not going up currently )
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Old 08-22-2012, 10:43 AM   #9

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guarantees a scandal

Bill Murphy- ‘JP Morgan Is FINISHED! JPM Silver Scandal Will Rival LIBOR!’

August 22, 2012 By The Doc 7 Comments

AltInvestors has released an EXPLOSIVE interview with GATA’s Bill Murphy. Murphy has previously stated several of his best sources have advised him gold and silver will make massive bull moves in August, and will soon set new all-time highs.
Murphy went a step further today stating that ‘JP Morgan and their silver short positions is going to be a scandal rivaling the LIBOR manipulation scandal- it’s so focused, LIBOR involves so many companies, this is JP MORGAN!
They’re in BIG TROUBLE, and when silver takes out $30 it’s probably going to go to $40 or $50 and it could do it fairly quickly‘.
Murphy went on to say ‘the Gold Cartel and JP Morgan are starting to lose control of their manipulation of these low prices. Morgan’s position is going to be exposed, they don’t have the metal to keep the prices down here!
Muphy continued: ‘This thing is gonna blow up. Whether it’s a Madoff or an Enron, you never know when the thing’s gonna blow. I stated previously that in August the launch would start. The launch has started.
There is going to be a JP Morgan silver scandal to rival LIBOR. They’ve been caught. There are whistle-blowers that are going to do a Madoff on them. This thing is going to explode, it’s going to be sensational, and MEGA!
http://www.silverdoctors.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuwkztXa8qQ&feature=player_embedded#!
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Old 08-27-2012, 02:21 PM   #10

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* YAWN *

Wake me when it's >$50
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Old 08-27-2012, 02:51 PM   #11

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the "massive run" better hurry up, there's only 4 days left in august.
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:22 PM   #12

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the "massive run" better hurry up, there's only 4 days left in august.
Silver is up over 10% in the last two weeks and gold a little less percentage wise. That is stellar performance. The frickin' 10 year bond is paying a 1.5% coupon! August is the start of the bull rally, just the start. I think this will be the bull run for the record books, the last big wave up where 90% of the gains are made. Gold amd silver's march higher will be inexorable. I can feel this one coming in my bones. In a few weeks, people here will be lamenting not buying silver at $31 as that will be so darn cheap.
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