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Old 07-21-2012, 03:58 AM   #1

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Default Jim Sinclairs warning
When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian will be over 7% yield and rising. The Euro will be under pressure. Equity indices everywhere will be under pressure. Recent economic statistics in the entire Western world will be quite negative. The impact of the drought will have driven food prices through the roof.
This time all central banks of the Western world, not just the Federal Reserve will announce emergency measures on Sunday evening.
It is coming a lot faster than the gold bears think. It can be any weekend now. It could be this weekend.
The longer the central banks wait, the more nuclear and longer the QE blast will have to be maintained.
The price of gold is going to $3500 and higher.
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Old 07-21-2012, 08:52 AM   #2

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The price of gold is going to $3500 and higher.
All I can say is HTFU.
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Old 07-21-2012, 12:43 PM   #3

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HTFU? I'm afraid to ask...especially if it has an "f-bomb" in there! I'm just not up on the texting shorthand. BFF and LOL is about as knowledgable as I am in that genre, and no I don't tweet, either. Leaves more bandwidth for the rest of the world. LOL

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Old 07-21-2012, 01:18 PM   #4

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Hurry the **** up!
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Old 07-21-2012, 04:25 PM   #5

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Ah, thank you, TT. Figures, now that you explained it so well. LOL

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Old 07-21-2012, 05:38 PM   #6

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Oh, Jim Seligmann. Did he write this before or after saying the Kol Nidre?
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Old 07-21-2012, 11:18 PM   #7

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as far as I see, only need for Ben to qe would be to keep market up or low interest rates. Have both currently, so aint a coming, imo.
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Old 07-21-2012, 11:37 PM   #8

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian will be over 7% yield and rising. The Euro will be under pressure. Equity indices everywhere will be under pressure. Recent economic statistics in the entire Western world will be quite negative. The impact of the drought will have driven food prices through the roof.
This time all central banks of the Western world, not just the Federal Reserve will announce emergency measures on Sunday evening.
It is coming a lot faster than the gold bears think. It can be any weekend now. It could be this weekend.
The longer the central banks wait, the more nuclear and longer the QE blast will have to be maintained.
The price of gold is going to $3500 and higher.
Yours truly has been mulling over this odd pronouncement/warning/advisory/advance text released to the aspiring but still great unwashed "extended family" plebecites of Sinclair's.

Allow me, please to speak to some puzzling points--in his order--so that I may receive some input/feedback.

1 ) When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks? What an ODDDDD rhetorical question! How xenophobic! This JES utterance coming from a "sophisticated" elite player who now--and has almost since puberty as a Seligman stepson--straddled simultaneous central banks' loci as a global businessman?

To put it another way, he's warning readership re: of basically a unilateral hiccup as if it doesn't affect other interdependent and debt based monetary societies? Is not 99% of the entire global financial system fiat money, instead of using hard money? He brags about international readership, German in particular, and yet issues such a one sided headzup!!! This is extremely disingenuous in my way of thinking. But like a good plebecite, I'm supposed to read, nervously wring my hands, and say "thank you," oh great, omniscient Mr. Sinclair from Connecticut with sleeping dogs on his chest and adorable Petunia Piglet in the soon to be abandoned gentleman ranch. I think not.

Point 2 in next post, just for ease in responding to those who would like to thoughtfully respond to this point.

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Old 07-21-2012, 11:49 PM   #9

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend.
2 ) Over a weekend just like this weekend? REALLY NOW....
The weekend part is no big stretch...gotta fit the beltway news cycle...pick a "western central bank government."

The 1933 banking hiccup was HEARD around the world, but was not considered to be bad monetary news except for the US consumer whose buying power immediately was slashed by some 69.32% by the stroke of a presidential pen.

(Math: PoG was $20.67 before "theeeee weekend" and $35 AFTER theeeee weekend.
$14.33 difference divided by $20.67 old basis=69.32% US$/purchasing power instant devaluation.)

It should be noted those whose "sovereign govts" held US Gold Bullion and US Gold Coins--overseas in their vaults...due to international trade settlements back in 1933 and prior to the taking by the French and permitted by the NY FR--since we were the SECOND GUARANTOR of the tremendous DEFAULTED German reparations debt payments to the French as outlined in Garet Garrett's, Bubble That Broke the World* book. G.G. authored this book while he was still the enschonced Saturday Evening Post's editor-in-chief back in that day. Those foreign sovereigns received an enormous liquidity valuation boost in their primarily US $20 St. Gaudens and Liberty Head gold already in "their official central bank reserves." Wasn't that nice of us?


So, by extrapolation, does this mean that this "on the come weekend hiccup" is primarily to devalue the US$ buying power and boost overseas' trading partners' reserves, in a "sharing the wealth" modality?

Interesting thought if one looks at this cryptic Sinclair-ism from this angle, yes?

*Still available, and now available free, on-line...a riveting period read on this matter of gold re-valuation period initiated by USA---ONCE AGAIN.
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Old 07-21-2012, 11:57 PM   #10

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as far as I see, only need for Ben to qe would be to keep market up or low interest rates. Have both currently, so aint a coming, imo.
Which leads one to the point, that Ben Shalom has already all the QE-power tools that he needs, without having to announce it to the plebs. A fair bit of the monetized riches is used to keep the POG suppressed to keep the illusion alive...

The emperor has no clothes!
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:03 AM   #11

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian [bonds] will be over 7% yield and rising.
3 ) Over 7% yield and rising, eh? SOUND THE FIRE ALARM. ALL HANDS ON DECK! SIX-ALARM FIRE ALERT! Clang Clang Clang. Grab yer pants, firefighter fellas, the fire pole is bold, brassy and beckoning.

And this 7% is alarming against what historical metric? Have we forgotten over here in lah lah land when 7% was considered excellent credit card rates, or excellent home mortgage rates, or excellent car loan rates?

Didn't we have 20% rates or prime + not so long ago under Volcker?

But, alas, I guess 7% is high and indicating terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible financial system risk and strain. Helen, where's my aspirin....I think it's going to be a big one
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:10 AM   #12

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian will be over 7% yield and rising. The Euro will be under pressure.
4 ) Oh, my god, the EURO will be under pressure!!!!!!!! Say it ain't so, Sinclair!!!!!!
That is awful...just simply awful. I hadn't heard that before. Are you sure? Who's doing the pressuring? Your elitist buddies? Soros perhaps? Are you short continental currencies, Herr Sinclair? Long? OH, You're STRADDLED AGAIN?

Who knew?

Okay...we've got 2 checkmarks...
7% Spain and Italy debt yield. CHECK
Euro under pressure. CHECK

C'mon, Sinclair....give us more...we need more....."MORE INPUT!!!"
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:18 AM   #13

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian will be over 7% yield and rising. The Euro will be under pressure. Equity indices everywhere will be under pressure.
5 ) Stop!!!!!! STOP!!!! I can't take much more, Sinclair, pleeeeeeeeeze STOP!!!
Where ARE you, Helen, and that aspirin.....HURRY!

Well, DUH, Sinclair.....since the global debt market --since ancient times (back in the 1980's) --was 3x the size of the global equity market---at least here in WESTERN Federal Reserve land of the non-free and the home of the Slave---
ANYTIME bond yields rise, there is pressure on the equity markets...as money flows slosh to the guaranteed higher yield and out of equities.

Oh, that's right...we now have re-hypothecation on steroids in European WESTERN DEBT CENTRAL BANK land...unlimited as I understand it....so are you warning of imminent collapse of global equities?

I think not..because you, Herr Sinclair are non-stop warning of imminent COST PUSH Hyper inflation...which inflates global equity markets and collapses bond markets.

So, which is it, Jim?

Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting....you're straddling...


P.S. Okay...we've got 3 checkmarks...
7% Spain and Italy debt yield. CHECK
Euro under pressure. CHECK
Equities are under pressure. CHECK
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:21 AM   #14

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So, beefsteak, is it safe to say that you are not a fan of Mr. Sinclair?
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:25 AM   #15

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian will be over 7% yield and rising. The Euro will be under pressure. Equity indices everywhere will be under pressure. Recent economic statistics in the entire Western world will be quite negative.
6 ) Gotta ask, Mr. Sinclair....whose "economic statistics" are we using/supposed to be paying attention to, anyhow?
World Gold Council?
US DEPT of Labor and Housing?
Federal Reserve?
St Louis Beige Book?
Shadowstats' John Williams?

And here I thought we had unemployment falling, and low interest rates, and foreclosures slowing, and mild to blistering housing starts improvement, and all those other green shoots of Krugman and Reich glorifications in print and on CNBC.....

Could you be a tad more vague, Sinclair? I don't get it. There is a level beyond "worstest?" They didn't teach THAT in grammar school that I recall........

As I recall, "Figures Lie, and Liars Figure" that would be all inclusive.


P.S. Okay...we've got 4 checkmarks...
7% Spain and Italy debt yield. CHECK
Euro under pressure. CHECK
Equities are under pressure. CHECK
Economic Statistics WILL BE quite negative. CHECK
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:38 AM   #16

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QE3 will happen and it will be massive but not until after the US POTUS election. Just my 2¢
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:39 AM   #17

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian will be over 7% yield and rising. The Euro will be under pressure. Equity indices everywhere will be under pressure. Recent economic statistics in the entire Western world will be quite negative. The impact of the drought will have driven food prices through the roof.
7 ) AHHHHHHHH HA! FINALLY, We're getting somewhere. You tripped up, Sinclair!!!!!
Ayup, you gone and done it, now. Your "imminence" missed by a mile on the "this weekend's timing" with this one....

YOU used the future perfect tense in your sentence construction, "WILL HAVE DRIVEN."

Last I heard, the USA CORN CROP has not been harvested yet, nor plowed under, either.
All the non-producing corn ears are STILL attached to corn PLANTS which will be cut/chopped up for ensilage and fed to the porkers and the beef and the chicken on the hoof/foot. So, there WILL be some value to this corn crop, just not as many GMO extermination seeds.

The corn yields' 2012 Crop Year ESTIMATES that have been cut by "37%" are based upon extrapolated corn yield numbers over 2011's reported harvest. Said yields increase every year over the prior year simply because that statistical bias is built into harvest forecasting.

HOWEVER, the IMPACT OF THE DROUGHT HAS NOT been felt yet...and that's where you messed up in your fear mongering "it could be THIS weekend" bull-puckey!!!!!

Besides, every crop failure in the US is always met by imports of same crop from SOUTH AMERICA where the Corn Crop was a silo-buster....AGAIN...
Thanks is due largely to Con Agra's ground work--deforestation-- and crop/cropper financing which began back in the 70s, with the gigantic rain forest decimation programs.

Fuel is still "only $3.47 per gallon average."

Fuel is still "only 10% ethanol" --read distilled from corn-- at the pump" last I looked at the stickers (ystdy morning when I filled up...)

Chicken is still cheap at the grocery store and THEY eat cracked corn...

You feeling the "corn shortage pinch up there in your Conneticut Yankee Gentleman Farmer's wallet," Sinclair? In that air conditioned, sturdily fenced chicken run surrounding the custom weathered look chicken coop?


P.S. Okay.....ya missed on that "DROUGHT IMPACT WILL HAVE BEEN FELT" headline, buddy. MISSED!

So, we're still at 4 checkmarks.
7% Spain and Italy debt yield. CHECK
Euro under pressure. CHECK
Equities are under press. CHECK
Economic Statistics WILL BE quite negative. CHECK
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:52 AM   #18

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When will QE become the public practice of all Western world central banks?
It will more than likely come over a weekend just like this weekend. Major sovereign bonds like the Spanish and Italian will be over 7% yield and rising. The Euro will be under pressure. Equity indices everywhere will be under pressure. Recent economic statistics in the entire Western world will be quite negative. The impact of the drought will have driven food prices through the roof.
This time all central banks of the Western world, not just the Federal Reserve will announce emergency measures on Sunday evening.
8 ) Okay, collusion is alive and well, and G-20 something C.B. coordination is on the come with emergency measures which will scare the beejeebers out of just whom, exactly?

The longs in PIIGS' debt?
The longs in the US$?
The Shorts in Gold?
The elite you and Lindsay Williams hang out with?
The little guy you are trying to make sure hangs on, but you won't give a date because you KNOW you are lousy at dates...just look at your track record.

You get direction, Sinclair...we'll give you that...
and we also acknowledge that you brag about your long and short and option strategy implementation that your personal T.A. Kenny whispers into your ear multiple times a week...
but just what IS the little plebe reading your dire/ominous ".....Sunday Evening adjustment could be this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!" warning supposed to do?

Bleh....just more elitist fear ramp from a supposedly friendly wolf in sheep's clothing. Did you REALLY TRULY SAY, it could be this weekend?

Unbelievable!!!! If "it" happens this weekend, this post will sound like the "9/11 phone calls from the planes"...just what is the little guy/gal supposed to do on the weekend, when there is a limit on ATM
withdrawals, and the US MARKETS are already closed so that sell orders and buy orders and option strategies can be executed in the paper market to take advantage of your after NYSE closed on Friday 7.20.2012 headszup?

You yourself brag that you are a GLOBAL 24/7 trader, and as comfortable in Hong Kong, or London, or any other bourse...but the little folk who read your breathless warning, with the big CORN-Y grammatical hole in your timing forecasts of financial gloom?

Just what are THEY supposed t'do, on the other end of the "cell phone call/tweet?"

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Old 07-22-2012, 01:00 AM   #19

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So, beefsteak, is it safe to say that you are not a fan of Mr. Sinclair?
liking the man is not relevant, never has been. He's not asking me to like him. He's asking me to listen to and believe him because it is HE that is doing this latest warning/timing spouting off.

Never claimed to be his friend, nor will I. Just trying to read between the lines...as he's so couched/covered in speech while claiming to be so candid and concerned.

It's gotten to the point anymore, that Sinclair is just another Henny Penny sky is falling rooster in the barnyard.

Currently, and I hate to say it, but Lindsay Williams has a better gloom/doom/boom track record.

Just sharing my thought processes. If you are offended by the peek beneath my pate,
my apologies, young lady.

At least you are back home from your holiday and back in familiar surroundings before your US$ purchasing power hits the proverbial crapper, yes?

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Old 07-22-2012, 01:13 AM   #20

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Just sharing my thought processes. If you are offended by the peek beneath my pate,
my apologies, young lady.
Not at all! I was just trying to be funny. I have really enjoyed your thorough analysis and rantings. I pick it all apart (almost) as much as you do, but I keep it in my head. You put a lot of energy, thought and time into those posts. I am not sure I've ever seen you on such a roll, which was why I wrote that. Sorry that you took it that way. I am not offended in the slightest.

I think my purchasing power hits the crapper each day. I don't need Sinclair, Webbots, or Lindsay Williams to tell me. Gasoline, groceries, precious metals prices, the fact that my hourly wage has not increased in over 5 years but inflation sure has . . . these are the things that tell me.
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