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New video from Anthony Lawson and Jeff Gates, very timely, includes analysis of the current/recent "Ground Zero Mosque controversy" and the "Koran burning" zio-agitprop stunts. The video's narration begins:
"Hate is a harsh word. As the counterpoint to love, hate reigns supreme among those emotions that the faith traditions seek to expunge from the human heart. Hate we're told is the face of evil seen in plumes of smoke and ash on 911. Yet hate also serves a purpose for those adept at catalyzing conflicts. In the aftermath of that horrific event, hate we're assured is a desired emotional state. Yet induced hate led us into two unwinnable wars. Hate may yet take us into Iran. Or Pakistan. That hate is also bankrupting us both financially and psychologically. This 4-part series identifies those who induce us to hate—and describes how." (read the full transcript of each segment at the links provided) The Hate ![]() part 1 transcript part 2 transcript part 3 transcript part 4 transcript |
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Anthony Lawson appears to be one of the principals behind the website/org which produced "The Hate Mongers Among Us", in cahoots with Jeff Gates, author of the book, "Guilt By Association: How Deception And Self-Deceit Took America To War". Their website is, where the "About" page reads: About Our History Criminal State was founded to help restore healthy and sustainable communities and to recover the informed consent essential to self-governance. The criminality most perilous to democracy succeeds by displacing facts with what others can be induced to believe. Those complicit manipulate thought and behavior by preying on beliefs, on faith and on the good faith of others. Here is where the undisclosed bias of mainstream media comes into play. Spend some time on this site and that mental and emotional manipulation will become transparent as will its impact on politics and on the health of communities and nations. Ask yourself, where does a shared belief reside—also known as a “consensus”? That is where modern-day warfare is waged by those masterful at shaping beliefs to manipulate behavior. Today’s wars are catalyzed with false beliefs, manipulated impressions and half-truths. On that battlefield (the shared field of consciousness), the power of association is often deployed as a weapon—either to accredit or to discredit. In either case, the goal is the same: to influence behavior inconsistent with the real facts. Thus the first book in the Criminal State series is titled Guilt By Association—How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. Please read it. The only modern aspect of this manipulation is the technological means with which to wage war by way of deceit on a global scale. Criminal State provides the “tools of perception” so that you can see for yourself “the people in between”—those between you and the facts. With those tools, you will see who is complicit in the criminality chronicled in this account. And you will understand why those responsible can only operate with impunity so long as their operations remain non-transparent. We invite you to make history by using these tools to help expose and counter the duplicity that has shaped history to date. Our Mission Criminal State provides the tools required to restore informed choice and to protect freedom from those who deceive and manipulate in order to dominate. Righteous! ![]() I see from their website, they also have this documentary which came out in Jan '10, "Criminal State - A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism", which they describe: Criminal State Documentary January 21, 2010 by Jeff Gates Jeff Gates along with Anthony Lawson produce this startling new video that is an absolute necessity for every American who genuinely loves his country and knows something has gone very very wrong. In Jeff’s own words: What I tell people is that our specialty is enabling people to grasp “how” this duplicity operates in plain sight and, to date, with impunity. With that knowledge, they can sort out for themselves Who and Why. Absent that knowledge, they’re left adrift in the domain of conspiracy theorists, hate-mongers and such. We see this knowledge as essential in the transition to the Knowledge Society. Here's "Criminal State - A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism", I haven't watched yet but intend to, |
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#6 |
This Hatemongers Among Us video has much of the same content of a full length movie I watched less than a week ago called War Made Easy.
"We Americans are the ultimate innocents." Hatha |
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Recall our friend Jeff Gates is one of the partners, with Anthony Lawson, who produced the video this thread is based upon.
The Ugly Truth Podcast Nov 30, 2010 Jeff Gates of joins the program to discuss the latest wikileaks controversy as an Israeli intelligence operation aimed at getting the US involved in war with Iran. Direct MP3 Link - 46 mins, 18 MBs |
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#9 |
I just stumbled upon this other video from Anthony Lawson, posted Aug 11 2010, "Double Vendetta — The Insanity of the Iran Confrontation".
description reads: alawson911 | August 11, 2010 | 250 likes, 7 dislikes How long can we allow the maniacs who are driving us to the brink of World War Three to stay in power? We'd better do something soon, or we will all be done for. My special thanks to Gilad Atzmon, whose reading of the "Israeli Peace Manifesto" helps to point up the gulf between what they say and what they do. The original text can be found at: Gilad's rather more honest writing can be found at: He's a pretty cool saxophone player, too. Any copyrighted material in this video has been used in the interests of the survival of humanity, and anyone who objects to its use is one sick individual. We have allowed the sociopaths with their wealth, greed and selfishness to rule us for too long, only by making an effort, ourselves, will anything ever change. My thanks to those whose videos and still pictures have made my job just a little bit easier in trying to persuade people that all is not as it seems to be: To wwwcelticvideocom for the clips from the video " IDF Israeli soldiers beat local and international protesters" at where you will find information about purchasing the full video. Other links: Israeli Nuclear Weapons estimates: also see: ANTHONY LAWSON AND GILAD ATZMON: “DOUBLE VENDETTA” (VIDEO) August 11, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 39 Comments “ONLY FOOLS BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD …. ” – Anthony Lawson We here, right now, can stop the madness! Video narrated by Anthony Lawson with Gilad Atzmon Foreword by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today We hear daily, even hourly, of the need to attack Iran to protect the United States. Some Americans believe the threat is real. If they believe this, they are wrong. There is no threat, only a vendetta against Iran, a country, as the video tells us, that has never attacked another nation. The point of this foreword isn’t to make a case, the video does that with simplicity. It sticks to the facts. When faced with being pushed into a war, one well beyond our “illegal war” with Iraq, not my words but those of the British government, our primary ally in that, well, what do we call it? Attack? Fiasco? Blitzkrieg? Perhaps “con job” is closer to the truth. The American people, despite constant conditioning by the press, an unprecedented propaganda campaign, are not ready for war with Iran. Powerful and evil forces want this war. Evil forces. Doesn’t this sound a bit like the rhetoric we have become so accustomed to? “Evildoers” and “evil empires.” Yet history will be very clear on this. When it tells of the “evildoers and evil empire” it is very likely to speak of the United States of America. When it talks about war criminals, we only hope it sticks to the real evildoers, the politicians and their paymasters, America’s “puppet government” and not the brave and decent men and women who gave so much of themselves in a cause that now stands proven as wrong. Few Americans can say they believe they haven’t been lied to continually by their government, their leaders, journalists, the generals, even constant manipulation inserted into well over half the shows on television. Pre-staging for war has been systematically written into thousands of television episodes, NCIS, Bones everything but, surprisingly, Seinfeld and Burn Notice. Still, it hasn’t been enough. If war is wanted, certainly not needed, certainly not moral and most certainly the worst imaginable thing for the United States, an act that will cut 70% of the world’s oil production overnight and collapse, without question, the dollar, the pound and the euro…. There is no reason to attack Iran except to destroy one country only. That country is the United States, teetering on the brink of financial collapse since 2007. Someone, some “special country” is trying to push America over that brink. It will take a terrorist act of unimaginable proportions to push America to war and Americans, in the post 9/11 era, can imagine alot. How often are you hearing about nuclear weapons and dirty bombs? When the Israeli news service, DEBKA, told us, last week, that America faced this kind of attack, it was only one piece of a mosaic real journalists have had in front of them for two years. *** ETA: here's the video ref'd in the Lawson video description, url got truncated, and if it hadn't it would've automatically displayed the player console rather than the url anyways, so here's the video, "IDF israeli soldiers beat local and international protesters": |
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there's certainly a lot of hate-mongering at the federal level. Patriot Act, domestic surveillance, new laws like the "Food Safety Act" that pave way for the government to stick its nose into places where the nose has never been stuck before.
how did we EVER survive this long without the US government protecting us from small farms ? :sarc: between the Department of Homeland Security and the US Military, certainly one of the primary activities of the US government is the hate crime known as murder. |
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#13 |
This isn't from Anthony Lawson, but the guy speaks in a similarly righteous-sounding English accent, and it's on topic, "Anti-Semitism: Zionism's Indispensable Alibi" |
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alawson911 | Feb 23, 2011 | 111 likes, 2 dislikes Correction to the initial title. I was misinformed. Several images have been covered over, about one minute into the video, because they were cited as being 'disturbing', after the original video was uploaded, on February 6, 2010. The images of burnt children are certainly disturbing, but not nearly as disturbing as the lack of censure for those who were responsible for burning them. The article "Gaza in Plain Language", by Joe Mowrey, first published by Dissident Voice was brought to my attention by Robert H. Stiver, and I immediately agreed to do a video treatment of it. Joe and I shared the research effort, and we would like to thank all of those whose video and photographic work is included in this chilling tale of a fledgling nation gone mad. We have used this material in good faith; as fair comment; for no personal gain and in the interests of truth and justice. We have not been able to contact and thank every contributor, personally, but we do so now. Without your efforts, which were so much more harrowing than ours, because you saw the slaughter, the devastation and the grief first hand, this video would not have been possible. We dedicate this video to the people of Gaza, and to all of those decent people who are trying to help them. Although some people will attempt to characterised it as such, what I have read and the pictures put to Joe Mowrey's words do not amount to anti-Semitism. If it needs an "ism", call it anti-Nasty-Peopleism. Which is an ism that decent people, the world over, should adopt and develop, because if we don't, the nasty people will always win. Many thanks to Kim Petersen, Joshua Frank and Sunil K. Sharma of Dissident Voice, where one will always find unflinching commentary in support of human rights and social justice. Also thanks to the Coalition for Prisoners' Rights (CPR), in Santa Fe, New Mexico The seed for "Gaza in Plain Language," as well as other articles by Joe Mowrey, was originally planted in the form of a brief commentary called, "Crime of the Month" in the monthly CPR newsletter. Source links for the statistics relayed in this presentation are available on request from Joe Mowrey, Or better yet, do your own research. You will discover documentation for many more horrors concerning the fate of the children of Gaza than have been elucidated in this video. |
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James Corbett does a great job in this video illustrating TPTB's incessant use of the Chutzpah Maneuver in their labeling anyone and everyone who opposes them as "terrorists".
"The Last Word On Terrorism" 10 mins: Transcript and sources |
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#19 |
The thing about propaganda is that once you know what to look for, it is very easy to spot. Labelling, buzz words, broad generalizations, 'poisoning the well', fear meme, ridicule, see no evil hear no evil, cherry picking, euphemism, loaded epithats, projection, blame the victim, straw men arguments, red herrings, etc...
But convincing other people that they are being played? That's the tough part, in my experience. dys |
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#20 |
I just noticed Lawson released this latest vid about a month ago- may be posted somewhere around here already but I didn't see it, fits well enough in this thread.
Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway? Published on Mar 30, 2012 by alawson911 Some of the comments on this video were getting out out hand, so I've shut them down. Dedicated to the long-suffering Palestinians and Iranians who have been sidelined by the United Nations in favour of the Nuclear Apartheid State of Zionist Israel in the most blatant exercise in International Double Standards that our world has ever known. This video demonstrates that the United States is not a democracy, it is a bribeocracy, largely controlled by Zionists. But citizens of other nations need not be complacent, for there is much evidence to suggest that the same pressures are being brought to bear on their politicians and officials to support Israel's excesses, and an Internet search will reveal that the first ever European Jewish Parliament held its inaugural meeting early in February, 2012; something that the mainstream media seemed reluctant to publicise. Anthony Lawson, March 31st, 2012 Bollyn published this about it ^ on Apr 1, Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway? April 1, 2012 Anthony Lawson’s latest video “Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway?” is excellent. It is certainly very timely and important viewing. One of the subjects of the video is Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister who is desperately striving to start a war between Iran and the United States. Such a war would be a great disaster for the United States, Iran, and the whole world. Netanyahu is the Israeli politician who told the New York Times that the terror attacks, in which tens of thousands were thought to have been killed, were “very good” for U.S.-Israeli relations -- on September 11, 2001. ![]() Netanyahu is the leader of the Likud, the party of Zionist extremists created by the former terrorist leader Menachem Begin. Netanyahu, it should be noted, is considered one of the senior architects of the false-flag terrorism of 9-11, according to the thesis I explain in Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World. Netanyahu is a Zionist fanatic of the most dangerous kind and should be arrested and prosecuted for serious crimes, including his role in the planning of 9-11. That Benjamin Netanyahu is a liar and a cheat is certainly not news to anyone who follows the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Joe Lockhart, spokesman for the Clinton administration, said exactly that - in plain English: "Netanyahu was one of the single most obnoxious individuals you're likely to come into – just a liar and a cheat. He would open his mouth and you would have no confidence that anything that came out of it was the truth." - Former Clinton White House Spokesman Joe Lockhart in The Truth about Camp David: The untold story about the collapse of the Middle East peace process by Clayton E. Swisher, Nation Books, 2004 (p. 8)French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the same: "I can't stand him, he's a liar," said Sarkozy. "You're fed up with him - I have to deal with him everyday!" replied Obama. - French President Nicolas Sarkozy venting his frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in what was supposed to be a private conversation with Barack Obama. “Sarkozy overheard telling Obama: Netanyahu's a liar,” by Jessica Phelan, November 8, 2011Lawson’s video points out that the corrupt politicians in the U.S. Congress, bribed and bought with Zionist funds, gave "Netanyahu the Liar" 29 standing ovations when he addressed a joint session of Congress in May 2011. History will show that these craven and venal politicians were applauding a dangerous sociopath and terrorist. They were giving standing ovations to one of the most deceptive mass murderers of our time. One of the characteristics of a sociopath is that he is a pathological liar. One of the central lies of Netanyahu’s dangerous worldview is that he has a biblical claim to Palestine, as he told the United Nations on September 23, 2011: We believe that the Palestinians should be neither the citizens of Israel nor its subjects. They should live in a free state of their own. But they should be ready, like us, for compromise. And we will know that they're ready for compromise and for peace when they start taking Israel's security requirements seriously and when they stop denying our historical connection to our ancient homeland. I often hear them accuse Israel of Judaizing Jerusalem. That's like accusing America of Americanizing Washington, or the British of Anglicizing London. You know why we're called "Jews"? Because we come from Judea. In my office in Jerusalem, there's a -- there's an ancient seal. It's a signet ring of a Jewish official from the time of the Bible. The seal was found right next to the Western Wall, and it dates back 2,700 years, to the time of King Hezekiah. Now, there's a name of the Jewish official inscribed on the ring in Hebrew. His name was Netanyahu. That's my last name. My first name, Benjamin, dates back a thousand years earlier to Benjamin -- Binyamin -- the son of Jacob, who was also known as Israel. Jacob and his 12 sons roamed these same hills of Judea and Samaria 4,000 years ago, and there's been a continuous Jewish presence in the land ever since. - Benjamin Netanyahu speech at the United Nations, September 23, 2011 told the United Nations that his vision is that Palestinians should be neither citizens nor subjects of Israel, which is to say that he wants Israel to be a Jewish-only state in Palestine -- without Palestinians. Who could support such a falsely-constructed tribal/racist state in the 21st Century? Although Netanyahu's vision violates the basic priciples of American democracy, the assembled members of Congress seem to think he is wonderful. The most revealing lie is what he says about the name Netanyahu and his relationship to that name. The point is that although Netanyahu may be his last name, it was certainly not the name of his father from Poland, who was born Ben-Zion Mileikowsky in Warsaw to the Zionist writer and activist Nathan Mileikowsky. The Mileikowsky family migrated to Palestine, where it was a common practice for the Zionist immigrants to adopt a Hebrew name. Like most of the ruling families of Israel, the Mileikowsky family is from Poland, not from Palestine. The fundamental Zionist lie is that the Jews of Poland and Russia have a legitimate claim to Palestine. They do not. Like Jacob in the Bible, they are using deceit to claim something to which they have no right. As an article from 2009 says about the family name: In the beginning, the prime minister's father, Ben-Zion Netanyahu, emigrated from Lithuania to Palestine before the birth of the Jewish state in 1948. His family name was Milikovsky, but like many Israelis, the family chose a Hebrew name. They chose Netanyahu, which in Hebrew means "God's gift." Some cynics quip that the name says much about how members of the family see themselves. Benjamin Netanyahu: A Man Shaped By His Family, May 2, 2009 |
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