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Old 12-24-2011, 11:19 AM   #1

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Default In depth discussion on the chaos that is Monsanto from a food, and heath perspective
Excellent explanation on the mechanics of how GMO's poison the food supply. Much worse than I thought.

Round up toxins are in the food, and accumulate in concentrations across successive crops. You can't wash it off. Animals are also fed this, and we eat it in the meat as it travels up the food chain.

Insidious. Seems very much like a depopulation project.

"Dr. Don Huber is an expert in an area of science that relates to the toxicity of genetically engineered (GE) foods.
(Alternative terms for GE foods include genetically modified (GM), or "GMO" for genetically modified organism.)
His specific areas of training include soil-borne diseases, microbial ecology, and host-parasite relationships.
Dr. Huber also taught plant pathology, soil microbiology, and micro-ecological interactions as they relate to plant disease as a staff Professor at Purdue University for 35 years."

"Dr. Huber's research, which spans over 55 years, has been devoted to looking at how the agricultural system can be managed for more effective crop production, better disease control, improved nutrition, and safety. The introduction of genetically engineered crops has dramatically affected and changed all agricultural components:

  • The plants
  • The physical environment
  • The dynamics of the biological environment, and
  • Pests and diseases (plant-, animal-, and human diseases)

In this interview, Dr. Huber reveals a number of shocking facts that need to become common knowledge in order to stop this catastrophic alteration and destruction of our environment, our food supply, and ultimately, our own biology"

"A brand new micro-fungal-type organism has been identified, which has been linked to what researchers are now calling Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). The organism was initially identified by veterinarians around 1998—about two years after the introduction of Roundup Ready soybeans, which is one of the staple feeds. The vets were puzzled by sudden high reproductive failure in animals. While sporadic at first, the phenomenon has continued to increase in severity.
Dr. Huber was recently informed of a dairy experiencing a 70 percent miscarriage rate!
According to Dr. Huber, the cause-effect relationship between high reproductive failure and this new microbial entity has already been established, but the research has not yet been published. The reason for the delay is because they really do not know what the organism is! "It's not a fungus. It's not bacteria. It's not a mycoplasma or a virus – [although] it's about the same size of a small virus… They have pictures of it… You can see the interactions with it. They can now culture it. It's self-replicating… If you have yeast, bacteria, or a fungus in the culture, this entity grows very well." What is known is that:

  • It's an entirely new entity, previously unknown to science
  • It's definitely found in genetically engineered corn and soybeans
  • It causes infertility and miscarriage in cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, and poultry

"We can anticipate with that broad spectrum of animal species, which is extremely unusual, that it will also [affect] humans," Dr. Huber says. "We've seen an increasing frequency of miscarriage and a dramatic increase in infertility in human populations in just the last eight to 10 years."
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Old 12-24-2011, 01:30 PM   #2

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I've spoken with Don Huber several times recently because of an infertility problem I've had with my cattle. I suspect the feed which comes from the by product of alcohol prodution by-products. I have been suplementing cattle out on range eating only grass. The corn gluten is 21% protien but it is made from GMO corn. It's the same with soybeans and I think also with cotton seed. I've sent some feed samples to a scientist that's been working with Don to have them analyzed for the organism. This GMO feed is everywhere and it's getting worse.
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Old 12-24-2011, 07:44 PM   #3

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I've spoken with Don Huber several times recently because of an infertility problem I've had with my cattle. I suspect the feed which comes from the by product of alcohol prodution by-products. I have been suplementing cattle out on range eating only grass. The corn gluten is 21% protien but it is made from GMO corn. It's the same with soybeans and I think also with cotton seed. I've sent some feed samples to a scientist that's been working with Don to have them analyzed for the organism. This GMO feed is everywhere and it's getting worse.
Cattle should be fed ONLY grass. Natural corn is bad enough for them. GMO can only complicate problems.

Those who are responsible for contaminating our food supplies have a special place in hell reserved for them.
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Old 12-24-2011, 08:08 PM   #4

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Roundup is a chelator of minerals. It binds them up so they cannot be absorbed. The proper approach seems to be to apply these same minerals by foliar application mid-way through the growing season. Most farmers don't do this though (they don't get paid any more for the extra expense so why bother?)
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Old 12-24-2011, 08:18 PM   #5

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I basicly agree with you Spectrism but we are forced by economics to do something to supplement the grass in the northern ranges in the winter. The only animals who can survive the northern winters on grass are buffalo and horses.

I'm looking now for a non GMO source of protein to supplement. I suspect the only feed that at the moment available is alphalfa but Monsanto has started spreading a GMO version of that and it will soon pollute all the organic alphalfa.

The GMO crops and by-products are everywhere and in everything. The profit margin in cattle ranching is generaly very small if there is any at all. Many independant cattle ranchers are forced out of bussiness every year. We are all forced to do things we may not want to survive in this industry. It's part of agenda 21 to remove us from the land as well and that has been going on for years. These GMO crops may just be a new tool of the NWO.
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Old 12-24-2011, 08:22 PM   #6

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I basicly agree with you Spectrism but we are forced by economics to do something to supplement the grass in the northern ranges in the winter. The only animals who can survive the northern winters on grass are buffalo and horses.

I'm looking now for a non GMO source of protein to supplement. I suspect the only feed that at the moment available is alphalfa but Monsanto has started spreading a GMO version of that and it will soon pollute all the organic alphalfa.

The GMO crops and by-products are everywhere and in everything. The profit margin in cattle ranching is generaly very small if there is any at all. Many independant cattle ranchers are forced out of bussiness every year. We are all forced to do things we may not want to survive in this industry. It's part of agenda 21 to remove us from the land as well and that has been going on for years. These GMO crops may just be a new tool of the NWO.
Man that sucks, you wouldn't know there isn't much profit in the business, when you see the prices of beef in the super market.
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Old 12-25-2011, 12:11 AM   #7

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i agree that Monsanto is very selfish, very evil, full of Talmud worshippers.

but i wouldn't describe Monsanto as 'chaos' - i think they're very organized, they got the Fascism thing down pat. got one of their own alums in to be chief administrator on the "Food Safety Act" that protects us by levying heavy fines & paperwork requirements on small farms.
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Old 12-25-2011, 12:28 AM   #8

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Four ways Monsanto threatens the environment and public health

Biotechnology giant Monsanto has been the leader in genetically modifying the planet, altering the genetic structure of crops and seeds that are consumed by individuals around the globe. Scientific research has found that GM crops and herbicides are not only leading to a number of health disorders, but they are also spawning mutated species of insects and powerful superweeds. This is only a couple of the ways that Monsanto continues to recklessly endanger human health and the environment -- here are the complete 4.

1. GM crops consistently linked to organ problems, other biological damage
Despite hard evidence linking the consumption of GM crops to organ disruption and a host of other health ailments, Monsanto continues to push its GM crops on developing nations under the guise of solving world hunger and empowering local farmers. In a telling review of 19 studies analyzing the dangers of GM crops including corn and soybeans, scientists reached a shocking conclusion regarding the true safety of these ubiquitous food staples. Researchers concluded that consumption of genetically altered corn and soybean products can actually lead to significant organ disruption in rats and mice.

The organ damage was specific to the liver and kidneys, two organs that are vital in the cleansing of toxins. It is important to remember that over 93 percent of United States soybeans are genetically modified, and this number is increasing. What this means is that public health is continually being threatened by the global food supply, as evidenced by the major study review.

2. Bt-containing gmo crops are spawning mutated superbugs
Going beyond the initial genetic modification process, Monsanto also offers GM crops filled with a toxic biopesticide known as Bt. Incorporated into the crops to kill insects, Bt usage has led to the development of mutated insects that are resistant to the biopesticide. Insects that are continually exposed to Bt actually begin to develop a resistance to the toxin through the act of mutation. In present day, around 8 insect populations have mutated to resist Bt. Of the 8, 2 species are specifically resistant to Bt sprays and a staggering 6 are resistant to Bt crops as a whole.

As a result of the resistance, farmers are forced to increase their pesticide use. Meanwhile, Monsanto continues to genetically manipulate the Bt-filled crops further in an attempt to overcome the powerful mutations exhibited in the insect populations. Despite heavy modification, research has found that even further modified Bt crops provided 'little or no advantage' in fighting off the insects. If Monsanto chooses to continue with this process, it will undoubtedly lead to even more pesticide spraying.

3. Roundup creating superweeds spanning millions of acres
Superweeds now infest over 120 million hectares of farmland, all thanks to Monsanto's popular herbicide Roundup. Farms across the world are being infested with herbicide-resistant superweeds that show no sign of stopping. These are the very same farms that Monsanto claims to be assisting and empowering. The super resistant weeds developed an immunity to glyphosate, a primary herbicide that Roundup contains. In 2010, experts estimated the weeds to cover over 120 million hectares across the globe, 4.5 million of which are within the United States. Nations like Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Europe and South Africa are experiencing an increase in these superweeds.

When farmers have come to Monsanto seeking aid, Monsanto denies them any warranty. On their website, the company states "Roundup agricultural warranties will not cover the failure to control glyphosate resistant weed populations."

4. Monsanto is involved in creating aspartame
A 1999 investigation by The Independent revealed that aspartame is actually created using GM bacteria. The article, entitled "World's top sweetener is made with GM bacteria" included a Monsanto spokesperson admitting that aspartame was indeed created using genetically altered bacteria. According to the report, the Monsanto rep stated:

"We have two strains of bacteria - one is traditionally modified and one is genetically modified," said the source. "It's got a modified enzyme. It has one amino acid different."

Aspartame, of course, has been linked to brain tumors and other health conditions. Amazingly, one showed that of 48 rats experimented on, up to 67 percent of all female rats developed tumors roughly the size of golf balls or larger.

Sources for this article include:

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Old 12-25-2011, 12:31 AM   #9

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Cattle should be fed ONLY grass. Natural corn is bad enough for them. GMO can only complicate problems.

Those who are responsible for contaminating our food supplies have a special place in hell reserved for them.
If we could only pinpoint the responsible parties and provide them with an express ticket.
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Old 12-25-2011, 12:33 AM   #10

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Man that sucks, you wouldn't know there isn't much profit in the business, when you see the prices of beef in the super market.
The farmers aren't getting that money, the middlemen are.
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Old 12-27-2011, 08:38 AM   #11

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I sent samples of two loads of feed I had purchased that were made from the by-product of alcohol made with GMO corn. The researcher I sent them to called yesterday and said both samples were loaded with the organism that Don Huber spoke of. I had also sent a sample of a block made from cotton seed that is 36% protien that I had considered using to suplement cattle out on open range in winter. That had even more of the organism than the corn gluten pellets. I spoke with Don Huber last week and he told me canola is also loaded with the organism. A fellow near where he lives supplements with it and had 70% of his cattle that were not pregnant at the end of the breeding season

It seems all the grain fed to animals anymore comes from GMO crops so this is a huge problem. Monsanto denies their is a problem and the USDA seems to be owned and controled by them. The only source of protien to supplement the native grasses in winter appears to be high quality alfalfa that is not GMO.

I've stopped feeding any of this feed made from GMO crops. The researcher told be there can be problems with mineral supplements too and it is best to only feed plain white salt and that is what I intend to do. I will probably mix some iodine and vitamin A with it but that is all.
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Old 12-27-2011, 12:50 PM   #12

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The only source of protien to supplement the native grasses in winter appears to be high quality alfalfa that is not GMO.
I used to buy urea and mineral together. Put it in a lick tank and let them regulate their own intake. It comes in liquid form (a thick syrup) and the poly tank was set up with wheels that the cows would lick.

The only problem with urea as a protein supplement is that you must feed corn with it to activate it.

Another method mentioned in another thread is to grind corn, extrude it with urea at low temp so the starch doesn't scorch (around 180 degrees). When soy got high 20 years ago this was a preferred method (cheap) to get protein into their diet.
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Old 12-27-2011, 01:42 PM   #13

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Palani the problem is finding corn that isn't GMO anymore or any other grain that is affordable.
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Old 12-27-2011, 02:02 PM   #14

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Palani the problem is finding corn that isn't GMO anymore or any other grain that is affordable.
True. The organic guys get around $15 a bushel. I asked one farmer who was buying it and he said Amish from Pennsylvania.

Another local fellow is getting out of the hog business. The last I heard he had around 10,000 hogs on feed. He owned the hogs and would contract with other farmers to grow them. The grower would get $4 up front and $4 when sold and all the feed would be provided. If he raised 1,000 hogs he would make $8,000. In the meantime the owner of the hogs (the one providing all the feed, etc) required $10 profit per hog or else he would not be in business. With $7 corn and $60/cwt hog prices there is no margin to pay these costs so he is looking to sell out. It takes 12 bushel of corn to finish a hog along with salt, mineral, protein. Margins are not favorable to making money.

Also heard of another custom owner like this. He carries a debt load of $30 million but then he raises a lot of pigs.
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Old 12-27-2011, 02:54 PM   #15

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When you have 20 to 30% and sometimes a lot more of the breeding animals that don't breed because of the feed it will and has been putting the hog breeders out of business. It's also happening in the dairy industry and now in the beef cattle herds. In talking with Don Huber he said the same thing is happening in other places around the world. He said he had just returned from Germany and they are have the same trouble with GMO crops farmers in the US are having.
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Old 12-27-2011, 03:13 PM   #16

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Thanks T & P for the info. Sounds very grim for food supply. This could be one of the ushers for the rider of death bringing famine.
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Old 12-27-2011, 03:25 PM   #17

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Thanks T & P for the info. Sounds very grim for food supply. This could be one of the ushers for the rider of death bringing famine.
A local farmer a couple of years ago paid a vet in excess of $15,000 for problems with his herd of Jerseys. I believe they were aborting. The problem was traced to the corn. This was an old guy and had always picked in the ear (rather than using a combine and shelling). You air dry corn picked on the ear in a corn crib. The new corn (and I don't know if it was GMO or not ... he used his own corn though) was subject to molding and the cows couldn't tolerate it.
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Old 12-27-2011, 03:56 PM   #18

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Thanks T & P for the info. Sounds very grim for food supply. This could be one of the ushers for the rider of death bringing famine.
Just more of the components/contributing factors leading to the food redline. Guess where those who cannot provide their own food will be compelled to get their food in the future.
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Old 12-27-2011, 04:09 PM   #19

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it a sad world we all live in when a company gets away with killing the food we all need . at one point we had over 300 hogs we could not make money and feed them . now i raise just what we need to eat on , that way i can control what they take in plus it keeps the gov out of it . but i dont know how much longer they will let people raise there own the way things are going . my dad alway used a corn crib for his feed and the hogs always tasted better then , before all this new corn came around
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Old 12-27-2011, 04:23 PM   #20

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I took the time to watch the video again in this thread because the more I think about these things the more I'm able to learn. I picked up some things the second time through and may watch all the way through again. The better I understand it the more I can learn from the information presented.

I'm wondering if GMO feed can be used to feed animals that are considered Kosher? I wonder what the Jews are eating in Israel? Monsanto is a Jew owned corporation. SOB's
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