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Old 10-13-2011, 07:33 PM   #21

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Your trolling my thread to make me feel the same way right now DMac. Perhaps you should stick to posting in the Thunderdome today.
Thanks for calling me a troll. It's been a long time since I was accused of that. It would seem posts 8, 12 and 17 are trolling since they also mock AJ.

Steve did blow smoke after the Norway Terror attack trying to divert attention from all the familiar NATO patsy or ally circumstances.

It can still be consistent any such sourced military crusaders do not want to go as far as Iran.

You need to listen DDMac to the interview to better comment on the potential of disinfo in it.

A main part of the interview (along with spreading fear in listeners of course) was a call out directly to Netanyahu and the Obama administration not to start this, and for others to help stop it, and they will be war criminals for doing it.

Much like he called out the Obama administration for faking and botching the Osama raid, damaging relations with Pakistan for a rise in the poles.
I did listen to the clip. It made my ears bleed. It made my ears bleed in the same way listening to Rush hurts my ears. Or Chris Matthews for that matter.

After all this time on forums like this one Keehah, I ask in all seriousness, how you still find yourself able to tune into Alex (Z for Zionism) Jones?

I don't mind my responses being called trolling. If this were a Glenn Beck thread I would mock him just the same.

So here I offer you my apologies for trolling your thread. I meant you no personal disrespect. If, by October 27/28, Israel has attacked Iran, my last post on GSUS will be lamenting my regret for not listening to AJ's warning.
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Old 10-13-2011, 07:39 PM   #22

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Pieczenik says that Israel will be destroyed if they attack Iran.
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Old 10-13-2011, 07:42 PM   #23

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Russia and China sat on their hands while ZOG invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria. They won't do shit for Iran either...

They must be in on backdoor payments and promises
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Old 10-13-2011, 07:58 PM   #24

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Russia and China sat on their hands while ZOG invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria. They won't do shit for Iran either...

Technically, ZATO has yet to occupy Syria. I think it is an important distinction. When Syria is invaded, or bombed, Iran follows shortly thereafter.

The empire grows weak launching all the wars it is currently engaged in. If Russia were to take an aggressive militaristic stance, allowing the US to overextend itself is a smart move. It makes the US weaker.

What kind of response do you think would follow if Russia dropped 100kt (bunker buster) nukes on Mexico? This would cause tremendous polluting fallout over South US, etc.

On the other side of the world, bunker buster nukes are the only way to take out some of Iran's nuclear facilities from the air. "Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator"

I think it would escalate in an out of hand fashion very quickly. I've thought for some time now the plan for these guys was to start the next world war vis-a-vis Iran/Israel ultimately leading to all out nuclear war. I've also thought for some time Russia is going to use its weapons on the US, with this IvsI war as the precursor.
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Old 10-13-2011, 08:02 PM   #25

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After all this time on forums like this one Keehah, I ask in all seriousness, how you still find yourself able to tune into Alex (Z for Zionism) Jones? I'm not sure what you mean by still? I've not listened to the show all that long. It was part of my quitting TV completely this year.

Today Mike Adams was the main host. Last half hour they discussed the Journal of Neuroscience article (I posted here a few days ago): A Specific Brain Structural Basis for Individual Differences in Reality Monitoring.

I think it was an important clue that may explain society today. It is something I have been thinking about much since when attempting to further understand our state as I go about my days. It was great to get more insight and exposure to it on the show today.

As for tuning into Zionist news, well that is most of the news eh?

As for your strawman only war to hold me account for proof, I will not understand.
Green light for war does not mean a go for war (someone has to still put their foot on the gas eh?).
Steve claims he did this to expose and shame them into stopping going to war.
I also leave room for the possibility Steve was full of BS (cover for economic problems and other reasons) and the war starts anyway. Say for example in two weeks when we pass through Elenin's path and someone mistakes pieces of it for an attack by man. Or they need to use all the war junk up there before it gets too damaged.
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Old 10-13-2011, 08:42 PM   #26

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Russia and China sat on their hands while ZOG invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria. They won't do shit for Iran either...
For Iraq and Afghanistan, there was the excuse of WMDs and the 911 fake terrorist incident. Russia has already shown they will move tanks into Georgia, and they have a nuclear technology partnership with Iran.
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Old 10-13-2011, 09:04 PM   #27

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Show me an American military campaign to overthrow the present U.S. government and put the Republic back in the driver's seat and I'll be the first on the corner waving the stars and stripes supporting them. But if they attack Iran on behalf of Israel I hope they gets their asses handed to them. You DHS narcissists can quote that in my file.
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Old 10-13-2011, 09:05 PM   #28

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Who else to start WW3 but a used car salesman............
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Old 10-13-2011, 09:18 PM   #29

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Something just doesn't add up...

Posted By Stephen M. Walt Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 11:58 AM Share

Unless the Obama administration (and in particular, Attorney General Eric Holder), has more smoking gun evidence than they've revealed so far, they are in danger of a diplomatic gaffe on a par with Colin Powell's famous U.N. Security Council briefing about Iraq's supposed WMD programs, a briefing now known to have been a series of fabrications and fairy tales.

The problem is that the harder one looks at the allegations about Manour Ababasiar, the fishier the whole business seems. There's no question that Iran has relied upon assassination as a foreign policy tool in the past, but it boggles the mind to imagine that they would use someone as unreliable and possibly unhinged as Ababsiar. I won't rehash the many questions that can and should be raised about this whole business; for compelling skeptical dissections, see Glenn Greenwald, Juan Cole, Tony Karon, and John Glaser.

As I said yesterday, I don't know what actually happened here, and I remain open to the possibility that there really was some sort of officially-sanctioned Iranian plot to assassinate foreign ambassadors here on U.S. soil. But the more I think about it, the less plausible whole thing appears. In particular, blowing up buildings in the United States is an act of war, and history shows that the United States is not exactly restrained when it responds to direct attacks on U.S. soil. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and we eventually firebombed many Japanese cities and dropped two atomic bombs on them. Al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon, and we went out and invaded not one but two countries in response. When it comes to hitting back, in short, we tend to do so with enthusiasm.
Iran's leaders are not stupid, and surely they would have known that a plot like this ran the risk of triggering a very harsh U.S. response. Given that extraordinary risk, is it plausible to believe they would have entrusted such a sensitive mission to a serial bungler like Ababsiar? If you are going to attack a target in the United States, wouldn't you send your A Team, instead of Mr. Magoo?

Hence the growing skepticism, including the possibility that this might be some sort of "false flag" operation by whatever groups or countries might benefit from further deterioration in U.S.-Iranian relations. If the Obama administration can't back up their allegations in a convincing way, they are going to face a diplomatic backlash and they are going to look like the Keystone Cops. They could even face a situation where rightwing war-mongers seize on their initial accusations to clamor for harsh action (a development that has already begun), while moderates at home and abroad lose confidence in the administration's competence, credibility, and basic honesty.

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Old 10-13-2011, 09:30 PM   #30

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'Zionists behind US anti-Iran claim'
Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:0AM GMT
Saudi Ambassador to the United States Adel al-Jubeir
The Zionist lobby has undeniably influenced the United States in accusing Iran of plotting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington, a political analyst tells Press TV.

“Regardless of the impertinence and hollowness of the claim, one should not disregard the influence of the powerful Zionist lobby in the new mudslinging plan,” Ismail Salami told Press TV on Wednesday.

The political analyst went on to say that the move is part of a US ploy that seeks to “demonize” the Islamic Republic of Iran.

On Tuesday, the US Justice Department accused Iran of involvement in a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Washington Adel Al-Jubeir with help from a suspected member of a Mexican drug cartel.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called upon other nations on Wednesday to join the US in “condemning this threat to international peace and security.”

Salami described the remarks made by Clinton as comments that sought to enhance “Iranophobia” in the world.

The latest accusations come as the United States and its staunch ally, Israel, have devised numerous anti-Iran plots over the past years, including targeted assassination of Iranian scientists.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has admitted the Western-hatched plots in Iran, praising the US government for its “good works” in assassinating Iranian scientists, Salami pointed out.

The analyst further explained that the US officials will now try to use the allegation to press for new international sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Referring to the history of covert US and Israeli plots in Iran, Salami pointed out that the US government has committed unforgettable acts of terror against the Iranian nation throughout the past decades.

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Old 10-13-2011, 10:25 PM   #31

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This will be a US operation, No Israeli forces involved. Turkey will engage Syria at the same time, toppling Assad. Israel will move to quell Hezbollah and the Palis.China gets stable uninterrupted oil deliveries, Russia gets Chechen weapon supply removed, Turkey becomes solid leader of Islamic world,and access to Kurdish targets in Iraq and Iran.. Of course there will be banging and mandatory protests by the Russians and China,along with Turkish condemnation of the US attack, but they will all be in it. No WWIII , Wildcard is if Egypt still has enough military strength to engage Israel when they come for Gaza, and if the Balkans dont explode.
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Old 10-14-2011, 06:40 PM   #32

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Behind it is keep the pubic ignorant to support elite pathic war, so on the surface we are offered propaganda monkey chimp outs.

Iran TV to be Banned from UK TV networks.

[October 13, 2011] The UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) has succumbed to the British royal family's demands to ban Press TV activities despite the Iranian news network's compliance with the law.

The British media regulator has reportedly decided to remove the channel from the SKY platform. The move is considered to be an abuse of the UK media law and the result of mounting pressure on the organization by certain members of the royal family and government.

While being powerless to scrutinize the law compliance of such state-manipulated channels as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Ofcom issued a verdict on May 23, 2011 that Press TV has breached its rules by airing a 10 second extract from an interview with Iranian-born Canadian Journalist Maziar Bahari while he was still in detention in an Iranian prison. ...

With some 3.5 million UK children living in poverty, many Britons have been feeling "voiceless" and despicably unrepresented by the state-regulated media outlets, which prefer to pay lip-service to the royals and their star-studded wedding entourage wallowing in the luxurious comfort of their public-funded mansions unmindful of the plight of the common man down the street.

A quick glance at the senior decision makers at Ofcom reveals that the regulator is mostly made up of former Channel 4 and BBC executives, some of whom are well-linked to and influenced by powerful pro-Israeli politicians and US sympathizers.

...According to an Iranian Intelligence Ministry statement, the members of the network provided the BBC with propaganda subjects to be exploited in psychological warfare by the enemies of Iranian nation.

On September 20, Iran's Intelligence Ministry Heidar Moslehi announced the arrest of members of an illegal network charged with feeding the UK information under the guise of working for the state-run BBC.

...On October 5, Peter Horrocks, BBC's head of global services, urged the UK government to take action against Iran for what he alleged to be the suppression of "free media" by the Iranian authorities. Interesting to read the youtube comments for this video. Remember the last year or so many of us noted how MSM public comment threads read like good forum threads? Well this is the first time I've thought the same thing with youtube comments.


Anyone catch the end of the radio show today? Holy Jews working for Nazi Germany cows! Guest was listing Jews working for Hitler in Nazi Germany. 135,000. Then started listing names.

IMO the Pentagon does not want to take main responsibility (after the Obama administration) for this if it happens.
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Old 10-14-2011, 08:04 PM   #33

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i hope someone sends Hillary a strong message - that of Zero Tolerance for her pimping for Israel.
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Old 10-14-2011, 09:18 PM   #34

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The Zion Puppet rif-faff is getting onboard:

Iran 'most significant' threat to world: Harper
By Mark Kennedy, Postmedia News October 14, 2011

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper took direct aim at Iran on Friday, describing the regime as the biggest threat in the world to peace and security.

Harper made the remarks to journalists as he responded to questions about whether Canada will impose new sanctions after this week's startling accusation by the United States government that Iran had plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador to the U.S.

"We have no quarrel with the Iranian people," said Harper.

"But the regime in Tehran represents probably the most significant threat in the world to global peace and security. So we take these matters very, very seriously and we'll be working with our allies."

Harper said Canada condemns "in the strongest possible terms" the plot that was unveiled this week.

"And it only reiterates the position that our government has been expressing for several years now."

The prime minister said he wasn't prepared to say this early how Canada will respond to this latest incident.

"We already have a range of sanctions on the government of Iran. Obviously, as a consequence of the revelations this week we'll be working closely with our allies to co-ordinate next steps."

Earlier this week, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Canada and other countries were looking at possible "consequences" for Iran as a penalty for the alleged plot.

Iran has strongly denied any involvement in the alleged assassination scheme.
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Old 10-14-2011, 11:55 PM   #35

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U.S. considers sanctions on Iran's central bank
Such a move, in response to the alleged assassination plot on a Saudi envoy, could severely damage Iran's economy. Some Iranian officials have said they would consider it an act of war

[LA Times, October 14, 2011]

Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen testifies in Washington. (Brendan Hoffman / Getty Images / October 13, 2011)

President Obama said Thursday that he wasn't sure if top Iranian leaders personally knew of the plot to kill the Saudi ambassador, but he said they should be held accountable anyway.

"Even if at the highest levels there was no detailed operational knowledge," Obama said, "there has to be accountability with respect to anybody in the Iranian government engaging in this kind of activity."

Obama said Iran must "answer to the international community" for anyone in its government engaged in terrorist activity.

Both the George W. Bush administration and the Obama administration have looked at sanctions on the central bank in recent years, even as a series of economic strictures have been placed on Tehran in an unsuccessful attempt to convince the regime to abandon its suspected nuclear weapons program.

But officials have been hesitant to take a major step against the central bank, in part because of a reluctance to damage financial institutions that are essential to national economies...

Congress last year slapped sanctions on Iranian banks involved in the energy sector to bar them from contact with the U.S. financial system. But U.S. officials say these banks have continued to conduct oil business because the central bank has secretly carried out the transactions on their behalf.

In his testimony, Cohen said U.S. officials were also considering another proposal many lawmakers favor: halting all sales of oil products made from Iranian crude to the U.S. market. Americans use gasoline that is refined from Iranian crude by international oil companies, which then distribute it in the United States. Cohen said Treasury economists were studying that proposal to evaluate its effect on oil markets.
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Old 10-16-2011, 07:03 PM   #36

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US refused to hand information on alleged plot: Iran
[Oct.16, 2011] TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran said on Saturday that the US government rebuffed its request to hand over information on an alleged Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington.

"This person has had no link to Islamic Republic of Iran entities," the foreign ministry said in a statement received by AFP, referring to a suspect named by the United States.

"Based on legal norms, if there is any claim against any other government, the US government should submit the accused person's information to the other country and request cooperation," it said.

"The US government, despite a clear request from the Islamic Republic of Iran and contrary to international conventions, has not taken any action in this regard," the ministry added.

The statement came a day after conflicting reports from Tehran and its arch-foe, Washington, over contacts.

Local media reported Friday that Iran's mission to the United Nations denied "direct contact" between Iranian and American officials, after State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters that Washington and Tehran had had such contact over the alleged plot.

Nuland later insisted Washington had direct contact with Tehran.
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Old 10-16-2011, 07:27 PM   #37

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Iran warning over US death plot claims

Updated: 16:24, Sunday, 16 October 2011

Iran has warned of a "decisive response" to any "inappropriate action" over US claims of a Tehran-directed assassination plot.
1 of 1 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned against 'inappropriate action'

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Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has warned of a "decisive response" to any "inappropriate action" over US claims of a Tehran-directed assassination plot.

"If American officials are entertaining any illusions, they should know that any inappropriate action - whether political or security-related - will meet with the Iranian people's decisive response," he said in a speech in western Iran, according to his official website.

Mr Khamenei, who has already labelled the plot claims "absurd," warned: "The Islamic republic of Iran will face off any plot, or destructive or obstructive measures, with all its might."

The remarks came as US officials consult with allies and other countries on ratcheting up pressure on Iran, which is already subject to UN and US sanctions over its controversial nuclear programme.

Iran has fiercely denied any involvement in the thwarted plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington.

But US President Barack Obama has vowed Iran will "pay a price" for what he says is incontrovertible proof it had a hand in trying to contract a Mexican drug cartel to carry out the hit.

Saudi Arabia has also said it will make "a suitable response" over the alleged plot, which it has requested be brought to the attention of the UN Security Council.

Britain and France have said they will back any measure to punish Iran on the issue.

The US Justice Department and FBI say the alleged plot leads back to officials inside the Quds Force, a special operations outfit within Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards.

Quds Force personnel are said to have transferred nearly $100,000 to the bank account used by a member of the Mexican drug cartel who was really a paid US informant.

The money was allegedly a down payment for a $1.5-million-dollar hit on the Saudi ambassador, Adel al-Jubeir, possibly through the bombing of a Washington restaurant.

An Iranian used-car salesman who is a naturalised US citizen living in Texas, Manssor Arbabsiar, is said to have confessed to acting as the go-between for his cousin, whom he described as a high-ranking official in the Quds Force, and the Mexican cartel.

Arbabsiar is in US custody, charged with the plot.

The US Justice Department has also charged another Iranian identified as Gholam Shakuri, who is said to be an Iran-based Quds Force operative who flew to the United States to speak with Ababsiar. Shakuri is now believed to be in Iran.
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