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Old 06-18-2010, 10:18 AM   #1

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Default How the H. E. Double Hockey sticks do you NOT shut off the water when this happens!
What in your right mind makes you think its a GOOD idea to let it KEEP overflowing!

My upstairs neighboors had a Flooded toilet, well when it started to overflow rather than shut the water off RIGHT away and only have a SMALL mess they let it keep going!

I will let the pics speak for themselves and tell you that final clean up involved dumping nearly 7 gallons of water! I'm so pissed right now its not even funny!

This was caused by an overflowing toilet, because when it started I went upstairs to ask if they had forgotten to shut the water off in the tub while filling it. My neighbor asked ME to shut the water off and I said F. U! you bend over and kneel down in that piss/crap water and do it your self, you made the mess, you clean it up!

Its been pissing for a solid 30 minutes now. I called my land lord. The water got over my ENTIRE bathroom, and has flooded 1/4 of my bedroom.

Endatrybeeddy is offline

Old 06-18-2010, 10:25 AM   #2

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Sorry this is a touch random, but after I read your post and looked at the pictures, the first thing that came to my mind was a place through here in Edinburgh called 'The Corn Exchange'...[rofl]

Daftness aside though, really sucks man..
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Old 06-18-2010, 02:14 PM   #3

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Dude, that sucks major balls.

I knew some people have the capacity to be so clueless, so as long as I live in apartments, I will always try and choose to live only on the top floor or ground floor. Top floor so I don't have to deal with dipshits above me (tradeoff is more difficult move process). Ground floor for easier moving and solid floors but may have to deal with noise from upstairs.

Hope you get sorted and get compensated for this supreme lack of existence-worthiness on your neighbor's part.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:19 PM   #4

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Dude, that sucks major balls.

I knew some people have the capacity to be so clueless, so as long as I live in apartments, I will always try and choose to live only on the top floor or ground floor. Top floor so I don't have to deal with dipshits above me (tradeoff is more difficult move process). Ground floor for easier moving and solid floors but may have to deal with noise from upstairs.

Hope you get sorted and get compensated for this supreme lack of existence-worthiness on your neighbor's part.
That's the beauty of all the new blocks of flats they are building in Manchester (UK), they are all made entirely of concrete. You need to try pretty hard to annoy someone else in those bad boys.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:26 PM   #5

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More people than you might think are really that inept when it comes to things like shutting off the water to the toilet, or changing your flat tire on the side of the interstate, or any number of tasks that should be imprinted in the mind of every human in a developed country.

At least you have the pics and all the proof you need, you shouldn't have too much trouble being compensated. Good luck man.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:42 PM   #6

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My neighbor asked ME to shut the water off and I said F. U! you bend over and kneel down in that piss/crap water and do it your self, you made the mess, you clean it up!
You're a helpful person aren't you.

Did you stop to consider that they didn't know how to shut it off? You could have done the neighborly thing and lent a hand and so saved yourself all this hassle you have now, you were worried about putting your hands in that water, but now you have that water leaking in all over your palce instead, i don't think you made the smart decision telling them FU. [rofl]
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Old 06-18-2010, 06:17 PM   #7

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You're a helpful person aren't you.

Did you stop to consider that they didn't know how to shut it off? You could have done the neighborly thing and lent a hand and so saved yourself all this hassle you have now, you were worried about putting your hands in that water, but now you have that water leaking in all over your palce instead, i don't think you made the smart decision telling them FU. [rofl]
I was thinking along the same lines. Who is more at fault, the person who can't do something, or the person who can but doesn't?

Was they guy (or gal) running around, waving their arms and calling out "somebody do something"? To be fair, perhaps the valve was too tight for them to turn - or they tried turning it the wrong way?
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Old 06-18-2010, 10:34 PM   #8

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I was thinking along the same lines. Who is more at fault, the person who can't do something, or the person who can but doesn't?

Was they guy (or gal) running around, waving their arms and calling out "somebody do something"? To be fair, perhaps the valve was too tight for them to turn - or they tried turning it the wrong way?
I didn't drop the F-bomb on them, that was me venting last night because I was beyond pissed.

I did however tell them to turn the water off. I refuse to kneel down in that brown ass water. If I was the one who'd done it I would have been swearing and kneeling down to shut the water off myself because its my responsibility.

As for them not knowing how to shut the water off to the toilet? Who doesn't know how to do that, how is it possible to be so inept that you can't shut it off. Its a single valve visible behind the toilet, very visible. Its an apartment, its laid out the same way mine is. As for not knowing which way to turn the valve let me ask the US people.

Which way do you turn your garden hose to turn the water off? Or for that matter 90% of all rotary valves use clockwise to close a valve. Its the same on toilet valve. Its universal. Its basic.
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Old 06-18-2010, 10:46 PM   #9

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Yeah he should have done it, but had you just sucked it up and did it you could have avoided the mess in your place. I would have turned it off for them to avoid flooding my place and I would wager that most people here would too.
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Old 06-18-2010, 10:47 PM   #10

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I didn't drop the F-bomb on them, that was me venting last night because I was beyond pissed.

I did however tell them to turn the water off. I refuse to kneel down in that brown ass water. If I was the one who'd done it I would have been swearing and kneeling down to shut the water off myself because its my responsibility.

As for them not knowing how to shut the water off to the toilet? Who doesn't know how to do that, how is it possible to be so inept that you can't shut it off. Its a single valve visible behind the toilet, very visible. Its an apartment, its laid out the same way mine is. As for not knowing which way to turn the valve let me ask the US people.

Which way do you turn your garden hose to turn the water off? Or for that matter 90% of all rotary valves use clockwise to close a valve. Its the same on toilet valve. Its universal. Its basic.
Fruity, the world is full of functioning idiots, I've come across people that have tried turning valve the wrong way before, I've also come across those who would panic when something like that happens and expect someone to fix it for them - and they aren't even Americans ( )!

I don't think we're visualising the situation, figuring you could just have immediately reached down and turned it off, most are easily accessable here being just below the cistern, rather than wait for the idiot to do so and further increase the flooding damage to our flat.
Easy to say when we weren't there, I guess?

Thing that gets me is that there must have been two problems - the faulty valve and a blocked outlet. The first was unlikely to be a single event, so should have been fixed and the second - WTF was he eating!
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Old 06-18-2010, 11:09 PM   #11

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Yeah he should have done it, but had you just sucked it up and did it you could have avoided the mess in your place. I would have turned it off for them to avoid flooding my place and I would wager that most people here would too.
You don't know the history I have with my neighbors upstairs. I'd happily give them a Noose to hang themselves with. They are the most inconsiderate neighbors i've ever had. I have had multiple complaints into my land lord with them. Originally I was nice. When they first moved in I noticed they had a dead battery in their car, so I went out there in the rain with my jump pack and helped them jump the car. Then as the months rolled by they would smoke outside my apt door and the reek would get into my apartment to the point that people would ask if I was a smoker. Then there is the music that they constantly blast at 1am on a weekday night while the rest of us have to go to work the next morning. And the fact that they consistently double park their cars over the lines meaning I can BARELY get my car in and out of its spot with enough room to squeeze out of the car and not have my door hit another car. I'm not a fat guy, i'm 6' 190lbs and only a 34" waste so its not like I need to swing that door wide.

I no longer CARE about being a helpful neighbor. I stay out of it, don't talk to them, and when they screw up, I happily call my landlord.

There is a certain etiquette to living in apartments. They don't follow it. I am not the only member of this complex to complain about them.
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Old 06-18-2010, 11:30 PM   #12

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That would be fine if they were next door or downstairs, but it was YOUR place thatr was also being flooded, I think most of us would have accepted the cost of helping them out a bit if it would reduce the damage to our own place.

Whatever, I trust you can get the place cleaned up without too much hassle - bill the landlord who can then get it from the idiots - or even a small claims case against them?
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Old 06-19-2010, 12:44 AM   #13

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That's the beauty of all the new blocks of flats they are building in Manchester (UK), they are all made entirely of concrete. You need to try pretty hard to annoy someone else in those bad boys.
oof no. Me and the missus have had the misfortune to use town flats in Manc (a lot over the past 6 years due to her work) and they're as a rule atrocious for noise protection. Absolutely atrocious. Unless you mean built/opened over the last year as we're (gratefully) out of that now.

Unlucky Fruity, get them down and tidying your flat out! [cursing]
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Old 06-20-2010, 12:52 AM   #14

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SO...... let me get this right......you refused to switch the water off and just sat there whilst it came pissing down the ceiling....because you didnt like the fact that they asked you to turn the water off... ?

if im right in what I read,all I can say is what a complete prat you are for leaving it even though its not your room that's leaking...because you've made it worse by just sitting there when you could have been proactive and switched it off your self.

what a complete throbber...[no]
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:10 AM   #15

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SO...... let me get this right......you refused to switch the water off and just sat there whilst it came pissing down the ceiling....because you didnt like the fact that they asked you to turn the water off... ?

if im right in what I read,all I can say is what a complete prat you are for leaving it even though its not your room that's leaking...because you've made it worse by just sitting there when you could have been proactive and switched it off your self.

what a complete throbber...[no]
What is missing is that they DID turn the water of after I told them I wouldn't.

All of the water that leaked down was water that leaked before I walked upstairs.

And I don't care if people think i'm a jerk because i wouldn't kneel down in that pile of crap water and do it myself. Its not like she had no arms and was incapable of it. She made the mess, she can do it. I still had my own mess to come up.

As it is, I talked to the land lord, he will be paying for professional carpet cleaners to come and clean my carpets because the smell is not going away.

I just finished spending 30 minutes in the bathroom breathing bleach fumes through a mask to clean it because it sunk terribly. But because the drywall and paint is now soaked in that its going to smell in there no matter what I do as that crap water soaked into the drywall. Despite the mask and the multiple fans I had pointing towards the bathroom to door to ventilate it as best I could I still cannot draw a full breath without coughing thanks to the fumes.

Now I have to close the door with the ceiling fan on for SEVERAL hours just to make sure the bleach fumes are evacuated and the surfaces dry properly. Then once thats done I have to wipe all of the surfaces I touch on the counter down with water to make sure the excess bleach is removed so I don't touch my eyes with bleached hands when I put my contacts in.
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:10 AM   #16

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Yea it seems like the expression, "Cut your nose off to spite your face." applies here. I couldn't care less if i absolutely hated the people, i would have turned it off just to stop it coming through into my flat, you wouldn't be helping them, that's helping yourself because they are too stupid or incompetent to.
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:15 AM   #17

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Hardly, they DID shut the water off, i'm just not the one who kneeled in that crap to do it. That fact that I had to tell them to do it is the frustrating part.

Would you kneel in it if the person who made the mess was there to do it? They made the mess and they can clean it up. They are lucky i'm not billing them for the carpet cleaners when i have them come in.

And if it had leaked onto my bed, well then they'd definitely get billed for a new mattress, which is NOT cheap, my mattress is new, I just bought it a few months ago.

The whole title of the thread is meant to mean why didn't they turn the water off WHEN it started overflowing. Why did they wait so long for it to start leaking into my apartment before I went upstairs and found out what was leaking.

Its common sense, if it starts overflowing, STOP the flow of water. Then you can work on the blockage without worrying about it overflowing like it did 2 days ago.
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:27 AM   #18

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even if you hate someone, self preservation is of the utmost importance :P you can shower more easily than all your walls and ceiling can lol. Id have just done it, all the while using colorful language
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:42 AM   #19

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Hardly, they DID shut the water off, i'm just not the one who kneeled in that crap to do it. That fact that I had to tell them to do it is the frustrating part.
Now you are changing your story, you mentioned nothing about them turning it off, that's only appeared as an addition in your story since people questioned your actions, so i find it hard to believe tbh.

Your initial post doesn't even corroborate what you are now claiming:
What in your right mind makes you think its a GOOD idea to let it KEEP overflowing!

My upstairs neighboors had a Flooded toilet, well when it started to overflow rather than shut the water off RIGHT away and only have a SMALL mess they let it keep going!

I will let the pics speak for themselves and tell you that final clean up involved dumping nearly 7 gallons of water! I'm so pissed right now its not even funny!

This was caused by an overflowing toilet, because when it started I went upstairs to ask if they had forgotten to shut the water off in the tub while filling it. My neighbor asked ME to shut the water off and I said F. U! you bend over and kneel down in that piss/crap water and do it your self, you made the mess, you clean it up!

Its been pissing for a solid 30 minutes now. I called my land lord. The water got over my ENTIRE bathroom, and has flooded 1/4 of my bedroom.

No offence, but there is no need to make stuff up to justify your actions, it's just that you made a bad decision, with hindsight you now know you did, hence the backpeddling on the facts. We all make mistakes, i'd just chalk it down to experience and realise that some people really are that dumb that they can't shut off their own water.
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Old 06-20-2010, 02:39 AM   #20

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Noooo though - you're being to harsh on Fruity here Iceman. If the floor spaces are filled with water it could easily continue to piss through for half an hour. Similar thing happened at my parents over the winter when pipes went, shut of the water and it just carried on raining indoors :P
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