My father has been clearing out the loft after watching day time shows such as "Trash to Cash" etc and he said he's found some of my old hardware. from what i can gather he's found my old commodore 64, CDTV, Amiga 600 and mastersystem. I cant wait to boot them babies up....
amiga FTW! i think it would spoil the illusion of how good games really were back in the day if i ever played on a spectrum , c64 , amiga , snes , master system , etc again
I still play on my Amiga 500 and 600, two totally different machines. There is no honestly, truely significant machine during their lifetime that could even compare.
I have to say Acorn Electron FTW, i absolutely loved this bit of kit playing ghoulies was a blast[thumbup], oh and we cant forget about snapper[thumbup]