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Old 12-19-2007, 04:51 PM   #1

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Default YES YES YES! Jurassic Park, FINALLY!!!

I've been wondering ever since the first movie WHY on Earth a full size theme park hadn't been built. I could easily see Southern California, Florida or even Hawaii building a full size huge theme park based around Jurassic Park with a few nice hotels, a nice fake (or real depending on location) beach front area, a number of theme park rides as well as a monorail or jeep tour through a jungle like area with animatronic dinosaurs and then an honest to goodness natural history museum. I honestly believe that people would visit the place, even if they weren't huge dinosaur fans. It would be amazingly fun and a really nice tropical getaway that also was entertaining for families.

Well, it's finally happened, but not in stupid ass American.


It's yet another Dubai wonder! This is making me want to plan a trip there in like 2009/2010 when all this cool stuff is finished and running. That place is going to be just about the coolest city on the planet come 2009/2010 and if they keep announcing even larger and cooler building projects Dubai will be THE place to visit!
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Old 12-19-2007, 07:47 PM   #2

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WOW. I'm missing alot now. been away from dubai since college. 5yrs now. I lived there half my life and all these awesome developments sprouting just went forth exactly after I left the country. But it's a great life living there, really. No taxes FTW!

Good to hear lots of stuff to check out when I start working there after getting my engineering license. good times
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Old 12-20-2007, 03:16 AM   #3

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That isn't Jurassic Park, now if it were dinosaurs that were cloned from left over DNA then sure I would go see this but it is all just animitronics nothing groundbreaking. All it is is Disney World with Dinosaur robots everywhere... fun. On a side note I must go to Dubai in the near future the city sounds amazing.
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Old 12-20-2007, 04:32 AM   #4

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No taxes FTW
You don't pay any form of tax on your money earnt in Dubai, not even tax on goods?

Dubai is on my list of places to see, looks like a cracker joint. There is something that I find attractive about the arabic architecture and writing etc.
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Old 12-20-2007, 05:13 AM   #5

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Eh you made it sound cooler than it actually seems [shocked]
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Old 12-20-2007, 06:22 AM   #6

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And when the Oil is all gone....bye bye Dubai[rolleyes]
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Old 12-20-2007, 07:03 AM   #7

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And when the Oil is all gone....bye bye Dubai[rolleyes]
Oh really... becuase once a booming economic centre is established they won't be able to look after themselves without oil? [rolleyes]

Oil is simply the means to develop, but once deveoped it will be a very self-sufficient economic centre. The amount of people investing in the city is enourmous, so I highliy doubt it will go under. The people who are responsible for building up the city are not dumb either. The city is most of the most environmentally sound and future proofed communities in the world.

But then again they could always just do what the US did, and invade other countries when they run out of oil becuase they made the nation so reliant on conbustable and non-renewable energy that they cannot survive without it. [rolleyes]
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Old 12-20-2007, 08:31 AM   #8

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Oh really... becuase once a booming economic centre is established they won't be able to look after themselves without oil? [rolleyes]

Oil is simply the means to develop, but once deveoped it will be a very self-sufficient economic centre. The amount of people investing in the city is enourmous, so I highliy doubt it will go under. The people who are responsible for building up the city are not dumb either. The city is most of the most environmentally sound and future proofed communities in the world.
No, once the oil is gone, bye bye Dubai, because the entire middle east is reliant on oil and has no other industry, there will be no need for a financial center in the middle of an oil-less desert. Dubai is upgrading its infrastructure to meet a need that exists today, it will not exist in the future tomorrow, and no industry is or is planning on moving to the middle east in the future, which is a shame. If you think there is unreast in the ME today with liquid gold under the ground, just wait until there is no product at all for them to sell.

But then again they could always just do what the US did, and invade other countries when they run out of oil becuase they made the nation so reliant on conbustable and non-renewable energy that they cannot survive without it. [rolleyes]
The US gets a pittance of oil from the middle east... The EU and China get thier oil from the ME, not the US. The US gets its oil from Mexico and S.America. On a side note, not that it is a certainty, but the new energy bill that was passed by congress and due to be signed should effectively cut out US dependency on ME oil in the future, as the combination of MPG efficiancy and mandated ethanol increases will account for 4 million barrels of oil a day decrease, double what the ME is capable of producing per day.

I guess Europe would do so well without oil in your opinion? I guess that is why there was such little reaction of Russia turning off the pipeline this last winter. I guess i just read all of those stories incorrectly.
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Old 12-20-2007, 09:11 AM   #9

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Well I just got pwned didn't I [rofl]

...I guess should really stop advocating my opinions that show any form of negativity against a country on a forum dominated by said residents.

Oh, but for the record, every city is going to run out of oil eventually. The sad truth.
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Old 12-20-2007, 01:07 PM   #10

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The US gets a pittance of oil from the middle east... The EU and China get thier oil from the ME, not the US. The US gets its oil from Mexico and S.America. On a side note, not that it is a certainty, but the new energy bill that was passed by congress and due to be signed should effectively cut out US dependency on ME oil in the future, as the combination of MPG efficiancy and mandated ethanol increases will account for 4 million barrels of oil a day decrease, double what the ME is capable of producing per day.
unfortunately that energy bill doesn't go far enough to regulate emissions and now the EPA has denied states the authority to enforce their own tougher standards.
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Old 12-20-2007, 01:39 PM   #11

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Well I just got pwned didn't I [rofl]

...I guess should really stop advocating my opinions that show any form of negativity against a country on a forum dominated by said residents.

Oh, but for the record, every city is going to run out of oil eventually. The sad truth.
So long as it can come up with something it can sell or make money off. I mean tourism in Dubai would bring in millions. I've seen the area and it looks incredibly nice.

But for them to say that Dubai will fall once the oil is gone is sort of sad. Its like saying Newcastle here in Australia has the biggest coal export in the world. Once the coal runs out, does that mean Newcastle will go bye bye? Or the big places in Queensland, they get most of their money from tourism from the Great Barrier Reef etc. But they say the Great Barrier Reef will be all gone in 10 years time due to global warming. Does that mean the Gold Coast and places like Brisbane will go bye bye?. What about Australia's most populated city Sydney, its running out of fresh water and is now looking for expensive ways to create water with the desalination plant which will raise house hold water prices, does that mean Sydney will have a big population decrease and lose business which you can pretty much say bye bye to?. I think not.

If Dubai can bring in enough money from tourism and other things than they won't need oil to survive.
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Old 12-20-2007, 02:01 PM   #12

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unfortunately that energy bill doesn't go far enough to regulate emissions and now the EPA has denied states the authority to enforce their own tougher standards.
i agree, but anything is better than nothing.... plus, i think the epa will lose that case in california, hoppe they do at least. Either way, next administration will let it through,
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Old 12-20-2007, 04:53 PM   #13

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now the EPA has denied states the authority to enforce their own tougher standards.
I agree, seems like the federal government has over stepped its bounds again.
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Old 12-20-2007, 05:40 PM   #14

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Can you ****ing jackasses stop trying to get my post deleted and actually get back to the god damn ****ing topic?! I'm talking about Jurassic ****ing Park! Not Oil!
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Old 12-21-2007, 05:45 AM   #15

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Why would I want Jurassic Park when I want hell on Earth? I guess I'll have to settle for dinosaurs taking over the world then *sigh*
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Old 12-21-2007, 06:55 AM   #16

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Can you ****ing jackasses stop trying to get my post deleted and actually get back to the god damn ****ing topic?! I'm talking about Jurassic ****ing Park! Not Oil!
Hey man, sorry... I guess some folks here just can't imagine or stomach the thought of an Arab city actually doing well. [rolleyes] ...I on the other hand am all for it and realise that the idea of building such appealing attractions will help maintain the city's attraction and infrastructure well after their primary funding material (oil) is long gone.

...And so I am all for the idea of the park. Kinda weird how they placed it in the middle of town, under a huge dome/structure, but it looks pretty darn big. I would definitely check it out if I go to Dubai... they seem to be doing all the very ambitious projects. The animatronics guys from Japan really know their stuff.
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:28 PM   #17

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Oh really... becuase once a booming economic centre is established they won't be able to look after themselves without oil? [rolleyes]

Oil is simply the means to develop, but once deveoped it will be a very self-sufficient economic centre. The amount of people investing in the city is enourmous, so I highliy doubt it will go under. The people who are responsible for building up the city are not dumb either. The city is most of the most environmentally sound and future proofed communities in the world.

But then again they could always just do what the US did, and invade other countries when they run out of oil becuase they made the nation so reliant on conbustable and non-renewable energy that they cannot survive without it. [rolleyes]
(Ignoring the ridiculous over simplification and unsophisticated analysis)

Hey genuis......why do you think Australia tagged along?[rolleyes]

really suprising to see another thread on this forum that has absolutely nothing to do with the US-- turn into ignorant, oversimplified, 10th grade level commentary on US policy. note to Cubase- Australia benefits from US foreign policy (which is why Australia and Europe tend to go right along with it for the last 60 years) so despite the holier than thou public opinion...... the only way your countries are different is they're following not leading.[rolleyes] but benefitting just the same.
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:46 PM   #18

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(Ignoring the ridiculous over simplification and unsophisticated analysis)

Hey genuis......why do you think Australia tagged along?[rolleyes]

really suprising to see another thread on this forum that has absolutely nothing to do with the US-- turn into ignorant, oversimplified, 10th grade level commentary on US policy. note to Cubase- Australia benefits from US foreign policy (which is why Australia and Europe tend to go right along with it for the last 60 years) so despite the holier than thou public opinion...... the only way your countries are different is they're following not leading.[rolleyes] but benefitting just the same.
Dude... I already admitted it was a stupid comment of mine, by stating in response to the first retaliation that I was pwned. No need to rub it in.

Now let me get back to my nation of idiots, know nothings, go nowheres and raging fools and wallow in my vast pit of global inferiority, just how everyone likes it. You're right, my nation chooses to follow, but I am not Australia, I am an individual with an opinion of my own. Hence why, at the same time I don't expect you to take my ramblings about your country personal, I don't want you to assume that my countries actions are a direct personification of me. Give me the chance I would probably disapprove of my country's policies quicker than any other country in the world if I were to get started... however, the difference is I would not call you a moron for not knowing everything that I know... you're just informed from a different angle.

But just for some side information, we follow because we are still under the control of the brits, despite a few attempts and independence via a referendum... so if the brits are with you, we have to be as well. However, since out change in Prime Minister recently we have made more steps towards independence, and even ratified the Kyoto Protocol. But then again, even if we were independent, after bush said "you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists", I guess we would rather be with you guys, given that choice eh?

Apologies if you got offended, okay. I was merely responding to another person's stupid comment, just like you... and probably went a bit too far (you could say I took offense like you did)... but alas, there are probably very few folks from Dubai to back me up or provide further insight, where as there are a zillion of you guys who can come down on me. I was doomed from the start. It's like walking into a dog pound dressed as a cat.
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Old 12-21-2007, 02:04 PM   #19

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Apologies if you got offended, okay. I was merely responding to another person's stupid comment, just like you... and probably went a bit too far (you could say I took offense like you did). Alright then... no worries. I actually love Australia and liked pretty much every Aussie i've ever met. Had some good aussie friends too. The only point i wanted to make was it's not cool to just do unprovoked attacks on the US for no reason. Also, you rightly said your views do not represent Australia as a whole, but the same would apply when you attack the US because of that one persons dumb comment (which i actually agree with you about) So i agree with you about Dubai.... i just didnt' think the attack on the US was appropriate (which is why i responded)

anyways, I've always liked and respected Australia. You apologized so no harm done.
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Old 12-21-2007, 05:23 PM   #20

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No worries. [thumbup]

Okay at the risk of the OP pulling his hair out... back on topic: Any news as to when the site will be done?
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