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Old 06-18-2013, 04:08 PM   #1

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Default O/T I just don't get it??
I have yet to understand the whole "Country/Redneck/Cowboy persona" deal. Why? would you want to have as your Public Image, an image that automatically makes everyone who see's you think that you are some kinda of podunk stupid-ass, wife beater shirt wearing,missing most of your teeth,live in a trailer-in the woods, gun toting, camouflage painted truck,wears a camo ball cap or filthy cowboy hat (indoors,which is total no manners or class), Uneducated,You must be a redneck, kids running around with diapers on at the Wally world store, dumb-ass, Confederate flag waving, White-Power, Don't believe for a second that they are not 100% RACIST, like to watch NASCAR(pretty colored-shiny cars go around in big circle all day(DUH_HUH). I could go on forever with redneck Facts/stereotypes. Why, Why would you Choose a persona that labels you as such. All I can figure is is just plain Stupidity!! The same goes for the whole Gangsta-Rapper(`under-wear hanging out),lots of gaudy total no-class gold jewelry, gold teeth, hat on side ways, tattoos on the face and neck, driving a expensive car that looks like something out of a comic book (but still living in the projects or at home with Momma), can't understand a word they are saying, "persona". I just figure as an educated individual with common-sense, I will never understand" Why", the dumb-asses do what they do??? I just don't get it> If these Idiots would spend the same money that they spend on Dumb-ass trucks and Gaudy No-Class bling, on an Education they would actually have something to put on a resume and find a good job and be productive Mature adults. Instead of just an embarrassment to the rest of Adult Society!!!
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Old 06-18-2013, 04:13 PM   #2

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Think about it. The black and latin kids that grow up in the ghetto idolize and see these gangster rappers making it big and having money, women, big houses and nice rides. They see the image and want to emulate it even though it's stupid because of all the drug use and violence that type of lifestyle promotes along with wearing shirts and pants that are 3 sizes too big. The redneck image I'm not so sure of so I can't really comment on why people would want to follow that type of lifestyle.
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Old 06-18-2013, 04:17 PM   #3
Young Dunner

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Hate to break it to you pal, but you probably aren't making 1/10 of the money that some of these "gangster rappers" and NASCAR drivers. I don't see any reason why they would be the least bit concerned with a resume. And as far as someone supporting those types of people, aka fans, what impact does that have on the life of a 47yearoldman. If it bothers you that much, don't go to Walmart or the hood.
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Old 06-18-2013, 04:25 PM   #4

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It is all a product of their environment. I consider myself a redneck because my heritage is based solely in Alabama. However I did leave and get educated.

It's all based on what they have in their environment. If all they see is food stamps, tattoos and domestic violence...then guess what that's what's going to happen. If that person wants to change and become a good citizen of this great land they have that choice. But some would rather get drunk, beat wives and use the Gov to pay for their life.

As for the "Gangster kids", the rap community has influenced them for years since NWA made their first record. (that's Niggas With Attitudes in case you're behind in the times) That record sparked the need to be violent, be "pimpin hoes" and get money. Again, it was brought into their environment. If they chose to maintain that lifestyle it's because a) they know no different and b) didn't want to take the chances they had available to them.

It's all product of your environment and your ability to have a choice.
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Old 06-18-2013, 04:27 PM   #5

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You obviously haven't heard any country music stars speak because none of them fit that long string of ridiculous adjectives you mustered up.

A better question is why do you care so much?
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Old 06-18-2013, 04:44 PM   #6

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I have yet to understand the whole "Country/Redneck/Cowboy persona" deal. Why? would you want to have as your Public Image, an image that automatically makes everyone who see's you think that you are some kinda of podunk stupid-ass, wife beater shirt wearing,missing most of your teeth,live in a trailer-in the woods, gun toting, camouflage painted truck,wears a camo ball cap or filthy cowboy hat (indoors,which is total no manners or class), Uneducated,You must be a redneck, kids running around with diapers on at the Wally world store, dumb-ass, Confederate flag waving, White-Power, Don't believe for a second that they are not 100% RACIST, like to watch NASCAR(pretty colored-shiny cars go around in big circle all day(DUH_HUH). I could go on forever with redneck Facts/stereotypes. Why, Why would you Choose a persona that labels you as such. All I can figure is is just plain Stupidity!! The same goes for the whole Gangsta-Rapper(`under-wear hanging out),lots of gaudy total no-class gold jewelry, gold teeth, hat on side ways, tattoos on the face and neck, driving a expensive car that looks like something out of a comic book (but still living in the projects or at home with Momma), can't understand a word they are saying, "persona". I just figure as an educated individual with common-sense, I will never understand" Why", the dumb-asses do what they do??? I just don't get it> If these Idiots would spend the same money that they spend on Dumb-ass trucks and Gaudy No-Class bling, on an Education they would actually have something to put on a resume and find a good job and be productive Mature adults. Instead of just an embarrassment to the rest of Adult Society!!!
Originally Posted by 47yearoldman View Post
sum peeple are smart enuff to make millionz without an edukation!,,maybe you need to dumb down get a grill buy a monster truck and go make reel cash!:lightbulb:
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Old 06-18-2013, 05:03 PM   #7

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What about the indians on the reservations dressing like the niggas....that makes zero sense to me.

And, the south never rose a first time, so probably won't rise again.

Those are my peeves that sorta stay on topic lol
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Old 06-18-2013, 05:07 PM   #8

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I'm one of them, there country folks ya'all speak of.
Just to clarify- I don't wear a cowboy hat, boots, camo, or talk funny. I do consider a myself a bit of redneck and love country music. Most of the "Red Necks" where I come from are farmers and are the most caring, respectful people on the planet!!

You guys have left out the tattooed, pierced heavy metal rockers on your list of stereo types.

It's a good thing those parachute pants I thought were cool in the 80s weren't permanent!

Lack of quality role models and too much influence from mass media!!
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Old 06-18-2013, 06:29 PM   #9

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WOW!! I'm speechless to say. Why would you care how people dress and act? This is what makes the world go round. "To each his own"...

I see this thread getting deleted.
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Old 06-18-2013, 06:33 PM   #10

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you know what I find funny about the whole gangster rap thing particularly over the past 10 years or so is that there are no more bad places! lol

20-30 years ago big cities had some real motherfuckers running around, real deal criminals. think about when we really started to hear real gangster rap wu tang and that environment comes to mind as im from the east coast.

the late 90's were about it in terms of criminal activity as we get into the 2000s everything becomes fake and pussified, nothing about being real its about how much shit you can talk and what kind of fake image you can portray.

even if you listen to the music years back sometimes there was more realness to it, now rap is all about money, women and drugs but even the drug use seems pussified.

it makes me laugh these guys talking about all there money like that actually got it by selling drugs or hustling in some fassion or how they talk about being tuff when in reality they are some skinny 5'5" in big clothes. if you really were a motherfucker I give you credit, if its talk youre just a clown.

I see the redneck stuff as similar, just ignorance, people who cant find anything to be proud of, yeah im proud because of my skin color! seriously? you did nothing for it and it has no bearing on anything as a human, why even think about it for more then 30 seconds?

seriously im ashamed of the creatures I share this planet with that call themselves human...
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Old 06-18-2013, 06:52 PM   #11

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I agree about this thread should be deleted. The same can be said about your racist views and how really ignorant some of you are with your shallow thinking.
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Old 06-18-2013, 07:13 PM   #12

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I have yet to understand the whole "Country/Redneck/Cowboy persona" deal. Why? would you want to have as your Public Image, an image that automatically makes everyone who see's you think that you are some kinda of podunk stupid-ass, wife beater shirt wearing,missing most of your teeth,live in a trailer-in the woods, gun toting, camouflage painted truck,wears a camo ball cap or filthy cowboy hat (indoors,which is total no manners or class), Uneducated,You must be a redneck, kids running around with diapers on at the Wally world store, dumb-ass, Confederate flag waving, White-Power, Don't believe for a second that they are not 100% RACIST, like to watch NASCAR(pretty colored-shiny cars go around in big circle all day(DUH_HUH). I could go on forever with redneck Facts/stereotypes. Why, Why would you Choose a persona that labels you as such. All I can figure is is just plain Stupidity!! The same goes for the whole Gangsta-Rapper(`under-wear hanging out),lots of gaudy total no-class gold jewelry, gold teeth, hat on side ways, tattoos on the face and neck, driving a expensive car that looks like something out of a comic book (but still living in the projects or at home with Momma), can't understand a word they are saying, "persona". I just figure as an educated individual with common-sense, I will never understand" Why", the dumb-asses do what they do??? I just don't get it> If these Idiots would spend the same money that they spend on Dumb-ass trucks and Gaudy No-Class bling, on an Education they would actually have something to put on a resume and find a good job and be productive Mature adults. Instead of just an embarrassment to the rest of Adult Society!!!
Originally Posted by 47yearoldman View Post
You don't understand because you don't share any of their background, didn't live where they lived, or saw what they saw.

Lacking perspective yet so quick to judge it seems...

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Old 06-18-2013, 07:44 PM   #13

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The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect.
It means understanding that each individual is unique,
and recognizing our individual differences.* These can be along
the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs,
political beliefs, or other ideologies.* It is the exploration
of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment.
It is about understanding each other and moving beyond
simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the
rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

Definition of Diversity
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Old 06-18-2013, 08:07 PM   #14

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I have yet to understand the whole "Country/Redneck/Cowboy persona" deal. Why? would you want to have as your Public Image, an image that automatically makes everyone who see's you think that you are some kinda of podunk stupid-ass, wife beater shirt wearing,missing most of your teeth,live in a trailer-in the woods, gun toting, camouflage painted truck,wears a camo ball cap or filthy cowboy hat (indoors,which is total no manners or class), Uneducated,You must be a redneck, kids running around with diapers on at the Wally world store, dumb-ass, Confederate flag waving, White-Power, Don't believe for a second that they are not 100% RACIST, like to watch NASCAR(pretty colored-shiny cars go around in big circle all day(DUH_HUH). I could go on forever with redneck Facts/stereotypes. Why, Why would you Choose a persona that labels you as such. All I can figure is is just plain Stupidity!! The same goes for the whole Gangsta-Rapper(`under-wear hanging out),lots of gaudy total no-class gold jewelry, gold teeth, hat on side ways, tattoos on the face and neck, driving a expensive car that looks like something out of a comic book (but still living in the projects or at home with Momma), can't understand a word they are saying, "persona". I just figure as an educated individual with common-sense, I will never understand" Why", the dumb-asses do what they do??? I just don't get it> If these Idiots would spend the same money that they spend on Dumb-ass trucks and Gaudy No-Class bling, on an Education they would actually have something to put on a resume and find a good job and be productive Mature adults. Instead of just an embarrassment to the rest of Adult Society!!!
Originally Posted by 47yearoldman View Post
lets not forget those awful bodybuilder/fitness type people...
wasting hundreds of dollars a year on steroid and steroid related drugs because they have to look a certain way to feel good about themselves.
lookin down on people for being too skinny,too fat...for eating mcdonalds or enjoying a candy bar.
those types are the worst.
oh and don't get me started on the gays...
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Old 06-18-2013, 08:16 PM   #15

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"I have yet to understand the whole "Country/Redneck/Cowboy persona" deal. Why? would you want to have as your Public Image, an image that automatically makes everyone who see's you think that you are some kinda of podunk stupid-ass, wife beater shirt wearing,missing most of your teeth,live in a trailer-in the woods, gun toting, camouflage painted truck,wears a camo ball cap or filthy cowboy hat (indoors,which is total no manners or class), Uneducated,You must be a redneck, kids running around with diapers on at the Wally world store, dumb-ass, Confederate flag waving, White-Power, Don't believe for a second that they are not 100% RACIST, like to watch NASCAR(pretty colored-shiny cars go around in big circle all day(DUH_HUH). I could go on forever with redneck Facts/stereotypes. Why, Why would you Choose a persona that labels you as such. All I can figure is is just plain Stupidity!! The same goes for the whole Gangsta-Rapper(`under-wear hanging out),lots of gaudy total no-class gold jewelry, gold teeth, hat on side ways, tattoos on the face and neck, driving a expensive car that looks like something out of a comic book (but still living in the projects or at home with Momma), can't understand a word they are saying, "persona". I just figure as an educated individual with common-sense, I will never understand" Why", the dumb-asses do what they do??? I just don't get it> If these Idiots would spend the same money that they spend on Dumb-ass trucks and Gaudy No-Class bling, on an Education they would actually have something to put on a resume and find a good job and be productive Mature adults. Instead of just an embarrassment to the rest of Adult Society!!! "

I wager that "47 year old man" has not left his parent's home and/or even finished highschool. I am in no way discriminating against the uneducated in this world I am just looking for some way to explain you.
He cannot be a real person, this post is fictitious, it has to be!!!!
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Old 06-18-2013, 08:23 PM   #16

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I don't understand why anyone would want to be 280+ with 10% bodyfat i mean you wear tight shirts and walk with your arms all stuck out walking like a robot...you have to eat all day and spend all that time in the gym

See how that sounds...live and let live....as long as nobody is harming anyone else then who cares
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Old 06-18-2013, 08:25 PM   #17

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I cant even get back to work I am so taken back by this post
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Old 06-18-2013, 08:48 PM   #18

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So you guys think it's ok that the gangster rap culture promotes narcotics and violence? So we should have these kids from the ghetto going out and getting guns, shooting people and selling narcotics(not weed) on the street? I'm a pretty liberal person, but I cannot support a culture that is fueled by violence and narcotic abuse.
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Old 06-18-2013, 08:49 PM   #19

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So you guys think it's ok that the gangster rap culture promotes narcotics and violence? So we should have these kids from the ghetto going out and getting guns, shooting people and selling narcotics(not weed) on the street? I'm a pretty liberal person, but I cannot support a culture that is fueled by violence and narcotic abuse.
Originally Posted by jm425 View Post
Who is "you guys"?
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Old 06-18-2013, 08:52 PM   #20

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Who is "you guys"?
Originally Posted by PeterBobJohn View Post
The guys here that actually support the gangster rap lifestyle. I'd like to state that I'm a minority and fully support other peoples' cultures, but cannot support one that promotes/encourages violence and narcotic use.
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