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Old 05-18-2012, 01:08 AM   #1

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Default Obama: I Was 'Born In Kenya'
Like it matters at this point when Obama has been President for over three years.
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Old 05-18-2012, 01:15 AM   #2

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The election Romney will probably lose? If you're so confident maybe you should buy some Mitt Romney shares on Intrade.
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Old 05-18-2012, 01:31 AM   #3

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Old 05-18-2012, 01:35 AM   #4

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Getting a majority of the electoral votes. The word for making it to the inauguration is "inaugurated".
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Old 05-18-2012, 01:46 AM   #5

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Why would that change anything? They elect dead sheriffs in the deep south ALL THE TIME
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Old 05-18-2012, 01:54 AM   #6

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Either Obama is a liar or a foreigner. I can see why that upsets you as a liberal but it's now the unavoidable truth.
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Old 05-18-2012, 01:56 AM   #7

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Old 05-18-2012, 05:19 AM   #8

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I think this is a brilliant move by the Obama campaign. Leak this to a known whackadoo website, and see what happens.

Either the fringe elements of the GOP start going apeshit again, once again pushing moderates and Independents into voting blue in November, or nothing at all happens, so no loss.
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Old 05-18-2012, 05:44 AM   #9

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How could Obama not know about this? Everything else in the publisher's blurb is accurate and clearly from Obama himself. It wasn't corrected for years.

Obama wanted to be a Kenyan when it sold books and cast him as an outsider with insights into race in America. He stopped wanting that when he read the Constitution circa 2007, and the bio was pulled as he began his campaign.
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Old 05-18-2012, 05:56 AM   #10

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They also describe Tip O'Neill as 'legendary'. He exists, ergo they exaggerate to sell books.
I think the word you are looking for is "lie," and instead of "they," you mean "Obama."
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Old 05-18-2012, 06:48 AM   #11

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Either Obama is a liar or a foreigner.
Can't he be both ?
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Old 05-18-2012, 04:08 PM   #12

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Bloke's got a birth certificate from Hawaii. They don't hand those out for free in a coupon book.
They do according to Breitbart, et al.
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Old 05-18-2012, 04:52 PM   #13

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Whats better, trolling or trawling? Trolling gets you a spirited fight with a fish on the line. Trawling gets you a bunch of lazy fish in the net.
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Old 05-18-2012, 05:49 PM   #14

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I think the word you are looking for is "lie," and instead of "they," you mean "Obama."
Wiggy, I see you put the thread title in first person with quotes, as if Obama had actually been quoted saying he was from Kenya.

It's almost like you deliberately exaggerated to make a point. Or is "lied" the word I am looking for?
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Old 05-18-2012, 06:40 PM   #15

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He left.
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Old 05-18-2012, 07:16 PM   #16

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They also describe Tip O'Neill as 'legendary'. He exists, ergo they exaggerate to sell books.
Among Speakers Of The House, Tip O'Neill is legendary.
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Old 05-18-2012, 09:02 PM   #17

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Never mind that the agency used the “born in Kenya” biography until 2007. Never mind that authors who have worked with the agency state that the agency asks that authors pen their own biographies. Never mind that Obama has routinely padded his biographical details to appeal to particular audiences.

Nothing to see here.

Michael Shear, at the New York Times, was in full defense mode:

“Perhaps the darker side of politics is always close to the surface … the conservative Drudge Report Web site published a headline: “BORN IN KENYA,” based on a three-decade-old promotional booklet for a publisher that included an inaccurate biography of Mr. Obama. It stayed on the site for much of the afternoon. The headline linked to a report at Breitbart news, another conservative site, which suggests that the booklet represents a pattern in which Obama — or the people representing and supporting him — manipulate his public persona.’”

We presented a document. The Times calls that “the darker side of politics.” Absurd. And that was the Times’ only coverage of the story – dismissing Obama’s pattern of biographical manipulation without comment. All the news that’s not fit to print.

How about the Washington Post, the paper that assured us that Mitt Romney’s 50-year-old haircut incidents were news? It trotted out leftist stalwarts and Friends of Media Matters Greg Sargent and Erik Wemple to cover for Obama and his literary agency. Sargent scoffed, “rumor has it the whitey tape will break any minute now.” Wemple’s only comment: “Okay.”

Well, okay, then.
How about the Los Angeles Times, which still refuses to release tape of Obama speaking with Palestine Liberation Organization former spokesman Rashid Khalidi at an anti-Israel event? Not a word.
How about Obama’s hometown paper, the Chicago Tribune? Crickets. The Boston Globe? Nada. CBS? Nope. NBC? Nothing. ABC News’ website did mention the story, but only by syndicating a Yahoo! News report – and meanwhile, Jake Tapper was on Twitter, downplaying the story.

Huffington Post did cover the story – but not initially. Instead, they waited for Obama’s literary agency to fall on the sword, making the dubious claim that she had committed a simple “fact checking error” – a fact-checking error that lasted 16 years and two agencies, all the way until after Obama launched his presidential campaign in 2007.

What was Huffington Post’s headline? “Birthers Make Another Blunder.” Once you click in, the headline becomes, “Obama Birther Rumor Debunked As Literary Agent Clarifies Mistake.” The first line of the piece? “Barack Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorists have been foiled again.”

This leaves questions as to whether the Huffington Post’s editors are actually literate, since Breitbart News’ piece introducing the Obama bio explicitly states repeatedly that Breitbart News is not stating that Obama was born in Kenya, supports the veracity of the Obama birth certificate, and explains that the evidence goes to Obama’s construction of his own biography. Huffington Post did quote the original piece, but buried Breitbart News’ non-birtherism at the end of its article labeling the story a “birther” story. This is magnificently dishonest, and played just as Obama would have his minions play the story.

Politico’s Dylan Byers covered the story by calling it “an old claim that Obama was born in Kenya.” This would be a lie. It’s not an “old claim.” It’s a biography put out by Obama’s literary agency, his legal representative in the literary world. And it lasted on their website for 16 years. No doubt Byers’ check is in the mail from the Obama campaign.
So, what important news was the mainstream media covering while conspicuously ignoring the hottest story on the internet, and a story that calls into question the character of the President of the United States?

The New York Times ran a piece on how one Jolie Clifford likes wearing clothing cribbed from 1950s issues of Playboy.

The Washington Post had an article on an angler who “may have broken world record with snakehead caught in Occoquan River.” The Post did not report whether Mitt Romney lashed the snakehead to the roof of his car.

The Los Angeles Times posted a piece explaining how Los Angeles’ electric car drivers are different from others across the nation.

The Chicago Tribune did an article on Doodling for Google. Whatever that means.

How about the Boston Globe? They don’t have anything on Obama’s bio. They do, however, want readers to know that “With jazz trio Pilc Moutin Hoenig, anything can happen.”

The NBC News website featured video showing a five-time “Jeopardy!” champ rating Chuck Todd’s “Celebrity Jeopardy!” appearance. Todd beat comedian Lewis Black and columnist Clarence Page, in case you were wondering.

CBS reports in breaking news that Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, wife of former French President Nicholas Sarkozy, is returning to the music industry and will release a new album by the end of the year. The world waits with bated breath.

Clearly, the mainstream media has better things to do than cover stories calling into question how the President of the United States has spent his life constructing and reconstructing his persona. Clearly, they are too busy to vet this president. That’s why Breitbart News does it.
Outrageous. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journal...nya-Lit-Agency

People laugh at this because they can't respond rationally. Mitt Romney's 50 year old pranks? EVIDENCE HE IS A MONSTER.
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Old 05-18-2012, 09:08 PM   #18

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Before Obama had a plan to run for president, he certainly wanted people to think he was Kenyan. That's the unavoidable conclusion to draw here. Fairly troubling that the president would be so quick to lie to sell books and raise his profile. It's not surprising, since that other Democrat, Elizabeth Warren also lied for years about being a minority to get her career going. Why do liberals get such a kick out of using race as a political football?
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Old 05-18-2012, 09:16 PM   #19

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Yes, being a Kenyan-born president of the Harvard Law Review is pretty remarkable, and would help to sell a biography about his amazing, unbelievable, miraculous life story. Which is entirely about race in America. It's hard to get around that.

They don't ask for "some info" for the biography. The agency's practice is to request a full biography from clients. The agency then produced a bio that survived multiple revisions and updates over nearly a decade. It was only pulled once Obama got presidential ambitions.

Try again.
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Old 05-18-2012, 09:17 PM   #20

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Yes, being a Kenyan-born president of the Harvard Law Review is pretty remarkable, and would help to sell a biography about his amazing, unbelievable, miraculous life story. It's hard to get around that.

They don't ask for "some info" about the biography. The agency's practice is to request a full biography from clients. Try again.
You think they print the biographies verbatim and don't edit them in any way? So Tip O'Neill is really an arrogant grandiose ******* who chose to describe himself as "legendary"? And everyone just happened to choose to write their own biography in third person?
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