I am tensed because from last 5 days when I woke up in morning my eyes were swollen three times of size. And after as day passes eyes become normal, I don’t understand what‘s happened? Am I going to doctor or doing something at home itself?
You should go to doctor because it may be a sign of hives or an allergic reaction to an insect bite. You didn't mention that your lids are open itself or you are doing some effort for that.
Dear, you dunk a wash cloth in cool water (or wrap a ice cube in a wash cloth) and placed slowly it on your closed eyes and when the cloth gets warm, wring it out and repeat all the process till your eyes are not open. It may be works.
Hey, apply a cold tea bag which wrapped in tissue properly and place it on your eyes gently for five minutes. Because tea contains tannin, a natural astringent. The tannin in the tea may help pull the skin taut and also help for reducing puffiness of your eyes.