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Old 09-19-2006, 07:00 AM   #1

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Default Are men and woman equal
I dont know what to believe,
If we are, then in what?
Work?, Home life?, What path we take as a couple? or just when it comes to paying thoses nasty bills?
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Old 10-16-2005, 07:00 AM   #2

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Apart from physical abilities men and women are equal. Equal in their rights, equal in their duties. at home and at work Well, at least they should be treated as equal.

Even in the so-called First World, equal rights have unfortunately not been achieved yet, still a long way to go.

Paying bills? Yeah, at least contribute.
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Old 01-18-2006, 07:00 AM   #3
Lenny Hensley

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I could'nt agree more that equal rights have not yet been achieved, and its normally less equal to the female, (only in my opion) we have all heard it said that such duties as laundry, house keeping and the up keep of the children are a womans job, and the income to sustain these duties is the mans job, how ever we have all seen quite a change in these roles over the last twenty years, and the work place has been the grounds of global change in such roles, women have had to prove their indiviual worth at such a rapid speed that men feel intimadated by a so called strong woman(not in all areas of course) and the result is men taking the back seat as the woman run the country,(in a figure of speech), so in twenty years time will the men have to call for equal rights and get people to hear their voices and prove their worth by preforming duties that they are more than capable of ,but are not allowed to prove it , this thought gives me no pleasure, but I must add, behind every strong man there's an even stronger woman,hahaha
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Old 07-15-2006, 07:00 AM   #4

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When I first came to Japan I was a ambitious male pushing and explaining women's rights to my students.

I was always upset that my female students never picked on this issue and become ... anything ... moved or slightly flustered.

Today, 10 years later, I know much more and realize that these female students already knew the truth.

Men are allowed to act as such because the women let them.

Sure, women don't lead lives as career excutives in Japan and spend time pouring tea for the men. They even put up with the lazy husbands who lay on the floor while watching TV. They even let their husbands indulge in a tilly tally with a cuty from the office, as long as the husband denies that the lipstick mark on his collar is not the cutey's but blames it on the crowded rush hour train obasan! Women will also pour their husband's beer!

At what price does this come at? sounds like a male heaven ?

lol and behold - the human male species has been swindeled.

My situation might be extreme but I'm married to Japanese lady.

Women in Japan have it made! NO balding due to stress.
With the advent of automated salary deposits to the bank account men have lost their last stonghold of power. Japanese men (including me) live on allowance that barely covers a beer after work. Wives have full financial control of the household. Wives take care of the children's up-bringing. They are the ones who let their husbands behave like children.
Sure, they have low status in the work enviornment but this pays off since work is normally an area to find a well salaried husband who will be able to cover the woman's living expenses. Sure, child rearing can be a 24 hour job in the begingin but once schooling starts the women are left to lounge around the house, go shopping, have affairs, enjoy life to return slightly before the husband and return home to make dinner. Men aren't allowed to complain about the $1,000 Louis Viotton bags but a new set of golf clubs require negotiations with the wife (err computer for me). Women will divorce their husbands after the retirement check comes. Men are supposed to listen and accept their wives complaining in a manly fashion (even if it contiues hours and hours).

Having been married 4 years I have come to understand why more women in Japan don't want to push for the ERA that their American counter parts want. Japanese women don't need rights that would actually limit their powers. (ie, the American President is so strong because his position is the only one that doesn't have oodles and oodles of laws controlling what a President can and can not do).

Ever wonder why you hear all these stories of Japanese men working until all hours of the night in Japan ... why the working day is actually hours and hours of over-time ... I see colleauges working till 9pm where I work. why? Possibly because work = freedom for men in Japan.

I want equal rights!!!

Back to resonableness. Like I mentioned above, when I first came to Japan I pushed and talked alot about equality but ... not knowing the social situation and acting like an American ... lead some of the people around me to look at me strangely. Understanding the situation and then preceding is very important.

Although, I was being sarcastic in parts above ....

I still think that round the world there are many women being taken advantaged of and something should be done to correct those problems.

so ... yes Debs I agree with you.

hmmm ... I wonder in reality who is more equal ??? but then ... it proably depends on how and where this is viewed from ...
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Old 05-07-2006, 07:00 AM   #5

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Women have a backup copy of the "x" chromasome (i ought to get a spell-checker).
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Old 04-13-2006, 07:00 AM   #6

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Are men and women equal? In the sense that this asks are they the same in all ways, then the answer is obviously no. There are clearly cultural, economic, cognitive and physical differences between men and women - as there are between different individual men and between different individual women. That is a natural and healthy diversity.

Should they have equal protection under the law and an equal say in the democratic process? Yes.

I am uncomfortable with rules and schemes that are set up with the aim of providing a certain percentage of women in various kinds of employment and position. Unless they are interpreted *VERY* flexibly, they end up making the women feel like token placements and depriving qualified and deserving men of opportunities - thus creating bad feeling that makes the real situation for women seeking positions on merit even worse.

If practices are in place to allow men and women to work at their full potential, then successful women will rise to all positions without the need for quotas or preferential selection.
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Old 12-15-2005, 07:00 AM   #7

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here here to Akemi!

Finally somebody that thinks similarly as I do.

Although being a white male, I still feel the best person for the job is the best.
No color, creed, sex, manner should make a difference. Sadly though it still does in reality.
Me and my partner employee 3 people. They happen (once again happen) to be women, we did not choose male/female just went on best interview and ability. Our best employee is actually handicapped, she can't use her right hand. Her ability outweighs the fact that she is really slow typing and we are very happy she's on the team.

However, I wonder how much of a handicap it is too be schooled in a poverty level school district. Is it the social conditions that keep motivated kids out of range of decent jobs? Or is it actually the education that they recieve?

I wonder ....
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Old 07-06-2006, 07:00 AM   #8

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@ Akemi,

you are positively right in your account of percentage, this is unnessacary and if the work can be carried out by both sexs then why introduce the percentage equation at all, probably to prevent the male population from hanging on to old values such as the ones I mentioned earlier, there I jusy contredicted myself did'nt I,haha ( nows who's confused haha)

@ Moyashi

To make a remark on the handicapped situation,
These less fortunate than ourselves, should be given the oppertunity to prove their worth and show the world that you "dont read a book by its cover", I have been fortunate enough to work with a few handicapped people in my time and although they did'nt talk much their work was incredable and once again they where also female.

@ tosh

haha you better believe it. (kidding of course tosh.)

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Old 01-05-2006, 07:00 AM   #9

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I'v done a little home work on my own country, and as it stands to day, 49% of the population is male and the other 51% female, how ever only 6% of the most top rancking and best paid jobs are held by the females, so whats the problem? is it the fact that woman who have familys are less likely to hold such a position because of family commitments, or that its just that we dont want or need the presure? men on the other hand are less prone to worry about family commitments, and in some form enjoy the presures of work because of this lack of family commitment, (by family commitment I refer to ill children and the preperation of the meals ect; hahaha). The answers I dont have, but the questions I have plenty,

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Old 05-02-2006, 12:39 PM   #10

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I can see this happen but still ....
1.) 2.) moyashi

Let's shed a little more on the subject.

Ever since I was little I liked Thatcher for being a female Prime Minister (I'm not sure if she did a good job or not, but still I liked her).

I hope that Hilary will run for Presidency this next round.
She sure does seem to be aiming for the spot. NY Senator (or was it Congress)

Now, why haven't there been more female politicians? Or for broadness ... more female CEO's?

I wonder if other women have something to do with this.
IS it really just men holding women back?
Do women really want to discover that stress does lead to baldness?

...... ?
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Old 05-02-2006, 04:16 PM   #11

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Originally posted by moyashi
Now, why haven't there been more female politicians? Or for broadness ... more female CEO's?

Do women really want to discover that stress does lead to baldness?
Perhaps my views are too stereotypical, but politics and corporate tactics demand a great deal of ruthlessness and striving for power. Women are just more mature. Boys love to sit in the sandbox and compare the size of their toys if you know what I mean.

It's this maturity that makes women appear much more professional in their undertakings. While I was studying I always took care to take my exams with female professors, they just seemed to be fairer and more unbiased towards students.

Just rambling, still have to have my coffee [yawn]...
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Old 05-03-2006, 05:13 AM   #12

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Men and women are not nessesarily equal . It is easy for men to gain in muscle . It's just because of the natural disin of men and women . In social statis in many countries women have to cover their faces and body intirly . Women arent aloud to talk, laugh or anything in public. In roalty Engalnd is one of the only countries where the female portion is in controll, in ancient Japanese government The Empirer is in control . In the USA women have never ben president and aren't expected to when elections[polls].
So men and women are equal in American rights but not everywhere . Last year in Turky a new law was past saying women can't wear shots, short sleaves, or sandels .
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Old 05-03-2006, 05:50 AM   #13

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WOW nows theres something I did'nt know!
Thank god I dont live in turkey I'd be burn at the stake, haha

Now to something more serious, after reading your reply I'v realised that its the men who believe we are not equal, not just the man in the street but the man in the goverment office, who makes the decissions for our countrys, and its his portrayal of women that is causeing the problem, so its almost black and white that the two sex's will never be equal, his fear of being over powered by a female (such as Mother done) and dictated too has caused him to bully or dictate what these females can do, and in return he feels strong and impowered.

What do you think Koji?

Its just abit of fun, don't take affence at my words please, its just my version of what happens in state offices, not on the forum, haha
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Old 05-02-2012, 08:32 AM   #14

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Its more than clear, that both sexs shall probably never be equal.

But they should always be respected and treated with the utmost courtesy.

Woman have been battleing for equal rights and equal standards of wage ect; and in doing so thier profile has been raised to the effect that it has nearly run off the scale, if a strong woman now gets a so called tough position, she has to prove her worth and rearrange the entire team that she has working under her control just to get thier attension,but once she has grasped it, she wont let it go easily.

But lets face it, all woman enjoy the courtesy shown to them by men, opening doors, calling for your cab, paying for the meal ect; I hope that it remains like that for a long time and equality does not effect the mannerisums or the traditions of men, that would be a price in my opinion "way too high"
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Old 09-22-2012, 04:55 AM   #15

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Moyashi hit it right on the head in his first big post on the thread. I've been married to Noriko now 7 years, being together now for nearly 10 years total, most of the time living in Japan. Reading that was definitely a reality check on life in Japan for women (and men for that matter).

Times seemed to have changed as compared to over 10 years back. The newer generation (the chapatsu generation) seems to be quite more bold and agressive as compared to their parent's generation. But, in the same breath it seems that the IQ has dropped somewhat from all of the orange (used to be silver / gray) hair coloring and fake tans! (But, a side note, I think the short skirts look GREAT!!)

Noriko has really taught me how things run for the salary women working in Tokyo. The glass ceiling is 5 feet thick. Just by looking at the classified adds for employment, you can see that there are age limitations for women applying for positions in the work force. And then there is the "OH MY GOD....I'm 32 years old and over the hill." As she has told me (especially when she was coming to that age <a while back> that supervisors will strongly attempt to railroad female employees out of the workforce. Salaries between males and females holding the same positions are far from equal too.

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Old 09-21-2012, 09:02 PM   #16

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It looks like I forgot to mention what Dana touched on.

Women after getting close to 30 are normally thought of as "baby producers" sorry for the harsh words. So, many companies don't want to have to deal with women later taking leave and coming back and taking work off to care for a sick child. Very limited view points on their parts but I've heard and seen many such cases, including my wife.

Also, at a time. Many companies would hire women just based on their CV / resume photos. Possibly as an attempt to help their male employees to find wives, not necessary just to be pretty office flowers.

This baby business is quite possibly the reason why women will never really capture elite positions in companies that men made.

Reality sucks sometimes.

Although, some women went off and have started very lucrative businesses on their own.

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Old 09-21-2012, 10:26 AM   #17

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came across this today

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Old 09-22-2012, 03:46 AM   #18

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site is down
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Old 09-22-2012, 05:34 AM   #19

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oops I'l see if I can find an alternative, sorry!
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:56 AM   #20

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Originally posted by deborah gormley
I dont know what to believe,
If we are, then in what?
Work?, Home life?, What path we take as a couple? or just when it comes to paying thoses nasty bills?
Post your veiw and have your say,you can even have a vote on it.
Men & Women are equal in rights but different in duties. Women have more responsibilty than man to manage, plan and nurture the future of mankind by training the new generation while man are supposed to take care of all the needs of women in order to facilitate their noble role that requires a lot of sacrifices.
women have the role of thinkers while the role of men is to act.
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