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Old 09-05-2012, 09:16 PM   #1

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Default Vishnu in Egyptian Pyramids (Part 3)
Vishnu in Egyptian Pyramids (Part 3)

Picture: Goddees Sekhmet (jagan mata?)

Please read part-1id Indians build Egyptian Pyramids?
Part-2: Vedas and Egyptian Pyramid Texts before reading this part 3.

First sloka of Vishnu Sahasranama was in the Egyptian monuments. New Larouse Encyclopedia of Mythology (page 37) says:

“Today nothing remains of her (Neith) celebrated temple at Sais where Plutarch tells us, could be read the following inscription: ‘I am all that has been, that is and that will be. No mortal has yet been able to lift the veil which covers me’.

As soon as one reads the above quote, one will be reminded of Bhagavad Gita. The first sloka of Vishnu Sahasranama also describes Vishnu as “Bhuta, Bhavya, Bhavath Prabhuhu” meaning Vishnu was the master of past, future and present.

Hindus are the only race in the world that has this concept of time from time immemorial until today. Millions of people recite this Sahasranama and Gita every day. God is beyond time. Not only God but also god men also can go beyond time. We are one step ahead of Einstein.
(Please read my posts: Time Travel by Two Tamil Saints and Do Hindus believe in ETs and Alien Worlds? in my blogs).

This concept has travelled all the way to Egypt from India. The very God Plutarch (46-120 AD) talking about is Neith, a Tamil word. The Egyptian God name is Neith and the meaning in Egyptian is Weaver God (Tamil verb nei means weave).

Vaishnavism in Egypt

Some of the early pharaohs of Egypt like Khufu etc. of the IV dynasty are stated to have been wearing the Namam or the Vaishnavite caste mark. Some of the pharaohs are stated to have been wearing even the Dwathasa Namams on their body, donning the Jogi jeer cap and carrying the Sri Satari and clad in the short s Sanyasin’s garb (vide Egyptian myth and legend page 134, 368 etc and bible dictionary appended to the holy bible edited by the American revision committee page 38).
Some of the bushmen of Australia also are stated to have Vaishnavite caste marks .(please see wonderlands and new light by Sri Vaduvur Doraiswmy Iyengar’s book Wonderlands).
Vishnu’s vehicle Garudan (Falcon/Eagle) is seen in almost all the Egyptian monuments.

Lion Throne (Simhasanam)

Sanskrit literature praises lion as the king of the forest. Brahmana literature also praises both tiger and lion as the leaders of the jungle. Simhasanam (Lion Throne) is a word used in India till this day. In other cultures they have no significance for it or a word for it. ‘Swayameva Mrugenthratha’ is a Sanskrit saying in praise of lion. We see Egyptian Gods and Queens sitting on Lion Thrones (see the picture). Relief from the limestone sarcophagus of Ashait, daughter of king Mentuhopte II, shows Ashait sits on a Simhasanam.

Another goddess is also portrayed like our Narasimhavatar (Lion faced Vishnu incarnation).

Saqqara Maze

Saqqara is 25 kilometres from Cairo, capital of Egypt. Saqqara has step pyramid, one of the oldest stone structures in the world. Under the pyramid there are maze of tunnels. In Tamil there is a story about Mayil Ravanan. Any one enters his fort can never find one’s way out. It has got a complicated maze. My guess is Saqqara is named because of circular mazes underground. Archaeologists have found maze of tunnels. Chakra (the wheel) is one of the weapons of Vishnu as well.

Origin of Egyptians and Sumerians

People of Egypt and Sumeria were very clear about their origin. They say they came from a far off island. A lot of scholars identify this place with Dilmun/Bahrain. They talk about pure, clean place. Sumerians also said the same and they called the god of sweet waters Enki. It may be Gangai. In Tamil Ganga becomes Gangai. All Sanskrit “a “ changes to “i” in Tamil. In pyramid texts a foot and jar is shown to mean pure and clean. Hindus holy river Ganges comes from the head of Shiva and touches the foot of Vishnu and enters the plain. The footsteps are worshipped by the Hindus. The word Enki=Gangai and the footsteps point in the direction of Ganges. The association with purity and water is notable. Sanskrit is the only language in the world which has highest number of words for water.

(Please read my post 280 SANSKRIT WORDS FOR WATER)

Vedic people are the only race in the world who never claimed of any foreign origin. They claim every bit of India as their own and holy. But the foreigners who tried to disintegrate India said that they came from outside. When they found Sanskrit names around the world, instead of saying Hindus went there, they said Hindus came from those places. If they give five points in support of this curious theory, there are 95 points against this. Only Now Indians are slowly waking up and thinking of re writing their history. They are exploding the myth of Aryan Dravidian Invasion theory with NASA evidence of Saraswati River etc.

Dancers and Musicians

Dancers and musicians portrayed in some of the Egyptian paintings look like Indians. Two dancers and four musicians in the painting from Nebamum tomb at Thebes (1400 BC) resemble Indians.
Limestone relief from El Amarna showing King Akhenaten with his wife Nefertiti making offerings to Aten resembles the posture of Sandhyavandhanam.
Apis Bull resembles Nandhi of Hindu Shiva temples. Bull and cow were worshipped in Egypt.

Funeral customs

Not only the Book of Dead but also the funerary customs have striking similarities with Hindu customs. In India, on the tenth day after the death of a near and dear one, the eldest son donates more than seventy different things to the priests for the sake of safe passage of the soul. One of them is a cow and another is a boat. The cow is to guide the soul in the right direction and the boat is to cross the river Vaitarani in the hell. Egyptians also show a cow and a boat in the funerary monuments.(See the picture and description in Aryatarangini by A Kalyanaraman-Volume 1).

Continued in Part 4…………………..contact swami_48@yahoo.com

If you are interested in the worship of Vishnu in India also read my posts: Vishnu in Indus Valley Civilization and Secrets of Vishnu Sahasranama.
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Old 09-06-2012, 02:21 AM   #2

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good postings
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Old 09-06-2012, 08:06 PM   #3

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very interesting findings
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