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#1 |
Dear all
Pranams We all know very well gods like shiva, vishnu, krishna, rama, shakti, durga, lakshmi, saraswathi...village deities like Aiyanaar, Muneeswarar. In this list, there will be some gods (Devathas or incarnations of main deity) of missing. In this thread, we can share details of such god, their abode (temple), their style of worship, etc. For example, the now-famous divine pair "prathyangira and sarabeswara". The separate temples for them have been a recent trend, though there are few old temples also for them. But for the generations of 60s-70s, the name of this divine pair itself will be new to hear. Likewise, in this thread, I wish all our forum members to contribute details about the deities whom they think that their worship has been missed out. Pranams |
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#2 |
Dear all "Brahma murari suraarchita lingam.....'' "Brahmaadi yogi muni poojitha sidha mantram Daridray dukha bhavaroga vinaasa mantram.......Raghuraama mantram..." etc Brahma is the first of Trimurthis, and the Srushti Kartha. But why Brhma is not worshipped? The other two Siva and Vishnu are worshipped.If at all, how many famous temples are there for Brahma? What are the prayer slokas on Brahma? Do anybody pray to Brahma? Is it not logical to pray to Brahma for the blessings of having children, as he is the srushti kartah? Asuras are reported to have prayed to Brahma and got many "Varams.Even Devas pray to Brahma .".Why humans are not praying to Brahma? Greetings |
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#3 |
We chant" Gurur Brahma,Gurur Vishnu,Gururdevo Maheswara......" A light banter about prasadam of Brahma involving Kanchi Mahaperiyava.A devotee lamented to H.H. that since Brahma does not have temple people do not have the opportunity to get his prasadam.It was a Pradhakshina amavasya day where people were supposed to do asvatta pradakshinam when one person came and offered the prasadam to H.H. H.H.offered that to the person who lamented about not getting Brahma's prasadam and said it had come for him mentioning that the sloka recited for the occasion mentioned"Mulatho Brahma rupaya" in honour of Asvatta tree.Hence it was deemed to be a Trimurthi prasadam including Brahma |
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#4 |
Brahma is the first of Trimurthis, and the Srushti Kartha. But why Brhma is not worshipped? The other two Siva and Vishnu are worshipped.If at all, how many famous temples are there for Brahma? What are the prayer slokas on Brahma? Do anybody pray to Brahma? Is it not logical to pray to Brahma for the blessings of having children, as he is the srushti kartah? There is a story in the Varaha purana -- it says that sage Brighu found Brahma unfit for worship and cursed him that he no longer wud be worshipped. There are very few temples for Brahma in India, some temples are mentioned here: Brahma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia However, Brahma continues to be worshipped in Thailand and Cambodia. Probably the early settlers there had some connection with the ancient asshur tribes. Reg the asura-deva stuff, perhaps this might intrest you: The Vedic Religion in Ancient Iran and Zarathushtra Regards. |
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#5 |
I think Brahma is the form of knowledge, which we should search inside us and not exactly outside.
It is in relation with that only the story of arunachala came. Mind and money fight with ecah other to see god. Mind thinks always high about it, filled with superiority complex and never accepts the truth. It always want to argue. Money thinks of cheap ways to attain the destination. When money leaves the man, he will realise. But, knowledge never leaves and hence, its superiority complex always fight. The knowledge source is brahma (who takes form of a swan and goes upper), vishnu is the money source (who takes form of a boar and goes downwards). Both of them failed in their jobs. Because, with the pure soul only, god can be seen. Yes HH ji... There was a sect called "Airammadhas", whose people worshipped brahma as their superior god. Brahma is worshipped even now in form of intellect I think. Pranams |
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#6 |
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#7 |
Yes. Yes. Raghy ji. I wonder about the worship of "Saptha mathrukas" always. I always worship them. But their specific temples and manthras are unknown. I heard that there are 7 temples around Mayiladuthurai, where sapthamathrukas worshipped Shiva.
I dont know much about katteri and Muneeswaran. But our family deity itself is Ayyanar with his consorts Poorna and Pushkala. So, know about him. Pranams Am eagerly waiting for much more gods and goddesses. |
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#8 |
Sri.Durga Dasan,
In our village we call 'saptha Kanni' pooja. It is very simple. No mantras that I know of. Just seven objects are placed (usually 7 bricks, standing upright!); washed with water, washed with turmeric water then Kunkumam applied. Offerings like beatle leaves, bananas, coconut, rice and whatever more fruits can be offered; in the extensive case, pongal is cooked over there and offered followed by just a prayer as the person can think of. Usually the pooja takes place at the noon (most kids are threatened against taking away the banana and coconut offerings to our dismay! ![]() Muneeswaran is a similar deal. Only three bricks standing upright with all the works. Pongal is mandatory (even now at home I call the pongal without cashew nuts as 'muneeswaran pongal!). Before every harvest Muneeswaran gets his pongal. Muneeswaran does not accept pongal from caste brahmins! (How is that! ![]() I do not know about all the details about the Kaateri pooja. Usually done by ladies, well away from the village, conducted after 10 PM. Boys and men are banned any where near the site. I haven't got a clue how it was done. Sorry. Cheers! |
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#9 |
Dear Raghy ji
I heard of "muniyodharayan pongal". But first time hearing Muneeswaran pongal. But saptha matha worship I think some more procedures are there. I know some manthras of them. Their Gayathris, their dhyanas. They are much powerful. Their incarnation and other infos come in Devi Mahatmya. Saptha mathrukas possess a great place in devi pooja. Pranams By the way in our kuladeivam temple of a mariamman, we have Rakkayi amman and Pechayi amman. (I think that Rakkayi is Yakshi and Pechayi is shri saraswathi- PECHU+AYI= vageeswari. If pechiyayi is considered as saraswathi, there should be some relationship between Rakkayi and Lakshmi also I think). The gods Veerabadra, Bairava, Kali, etc are there na in our list. But these gods are under Ugra devathas list Pranams |
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#10 |
In each village , there is at least one village deity in Tamilnadu. We also celebrated in our village the festival of Muthalamman(Goddess). Kattu-Naykars worship Goddess Jakkamma. They also do secret rituals and claims they have mystical power.
At the time of Adi shankaracharya, there were numorous gods worshiped in India. He consolidated Hinduism and created agamas for six gods Ganesh, surya, Vishnu, shiva, Kumara, and Devi. He also effectively turned back the popularity of Buddhism and Jainism in India. |
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#11 |
"Chennama" was a Feminine Divinity worshipped by Nayaka Dynasty Kings.Chennappa(Nayaka),Chennaiya,etc were some names used by Kammavaar Nayakas.One Chennappa Nayakan,who sold a Pattanam (means "small sea port) to britishers--around Fort St.George was Chennappattanm, which has grown into Metropolis CHENNAI today.There is a place called Chennama reddipatii in (former)Aruppukottai Taluk .Chennama metamorphsed to Chelliamma in Tamil.
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#12 |
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#13 |
Chennamma is an Andra Village femenine Diety -no doubt.It has only metamorphsed into Chelliamma (Not selliamma) during the Nayaka dynasty rule in Madurai(Viswanatha Nayakaperoid and next 100+ years-somewhere around 1563 to 1659or so,till the Nawab of Arcot Mohammad Ali gave the right to British East India Company-Robert Clive- to collect taxes from 72 Paleykars in South Tamil Nadu--Paleym is a telugu word-Veera Pandia Katta Bommu(Bomman),Ettayapuram Ettappa Nayaka were all Telugu Kammavaar Nayaka-Paleykars-(just like the present day Thiru.Vai.Gopalaswamy of MDMK---During Madurai Ruler Ko(u)marappa Nayaka period the Paleykars were asked to do "Prana Pradhishta" of Jakkhamma,Chennamma(Chelliamma) in four corners of villages under their control as "Graama Paadhkaappu Devathas.".Even villages were named after the Diety as "Chennamaa Devi-Chnnarajapuram etc.
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#15 |
Power: To act as a channel between humans and gods and provides the nutrients to god from humans and provide the boons from gods to humans. I think we worship agni a lot through the Yagas and Homas. Though we have separate dhyana and manthra, and we know the form of agni (With three legs, two faces and all), there is no special dedicated temple for agni. One devi temple, the famous Jvalamukhi, where devi gave us darshan in the form of holy unceased fire. But to my surprise a separate temple for agnideva is here itself in our mother India. AGNI MANDIR Location: Metcalfe Lane. Time to Visit: 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. Preferred Timings: Early morning and late in the evening. Admission Fee: Nil. How to Reach:Local buses, mini buses and metered taxis are readily available from various parts of the city. Photography / Video charges: Nil. Nearest Railway Station: Howrah. Nearest Metro Station: Esplanade Nearest Functional Metro Station: Esplanade Nearest International Airport: Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Intrnational Airport. Time required for sightseeing: Half an hour. A visit to the fascinating Agni Mandir in Kolkata reveals the religious ethos and rituals of the unique Parsee community (Zorostranism). The temple is a fine work of craftsmanship and is very spacious. The sanctum sanatorium is located on the top floor where the eternal fire(Agni) burns unceasingly. The area is out of bounds to the general public. Nonetheless, a photocopy of the eternal flame is strategically displayed on the first floor. You will be amazed to know that a lot of Parsee rituals have close resemblance with Hinduism. For instance, their sacred thread ceremony. Pranams |
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#16 |
Dear all
Like agni, is there any temples to other elements (Prithvi, Vayu,...). They also comes under the devatha list na. In villages, certainly there will be a god or goddess with unknown names (like that of rakkayi, sudalai, madan, karuppan) and there are also some high profile gods like (Sapthamatha, Jyeshta, Bairava, Veerabadra, etc.). I wish our members to share and contribute the details about them since they are all the fine roots holding our religious tree. Pranams |
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#17 |
swamiye saranam ayyappa!village deities like sudalai maadan,karuppan,veerabadran are all considered the sa-parivara devatas of sastha and are more common down south,nagercoil,tirunelveli,and also tamil brahmin dominated trivandrum.their dhyanaas,moola mantras and asthothara satham are available in saastru kalpams but the the mode of worship is hoghly localised.the saptha mathas figure prominently in almost all the avarna poojas of prominent devataas but raakayi etc are a highly village centrified diety and as such have no dhyanaas etc as they are mostly worshipped by other castes.mantra saastraas acknowledge pakshi durga but since no supporting puranaas are available few upasakaas are seen.
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#18 |
though brahma is consider as one of the supreme trinity, he also has an end after several yugas.a new brahma will take birth after that and starts new creation. siva and vishnu were neither born so the doesnot have an end. so lord vishnu and siva known to be supreme souls(paramatma) b saivites and vaishnavites respctivel and
here is the brief explanation of brahma/age of universe according to hindu tradition brahma lives 100 brahma ears 1 brahma ear isof 12 brahma mohths 1brahma month =30 brahma das+30 brahma nights= 1 |
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#19 |
though brahma considered as one among supreme trinity he has an end as he was born(from the navel of vishnu). as we know siva and vishnu has neither born so they will not die. this emphasize that siva and vishnu are supreme souls. so in the ancient there were no much temples construct for brahma. a new brahma will again born from vishnu after annihlation of the universe.
the following is the brief explanation of age of universe as per our old tradition. brahma lives 100 brahma years 1 brahma year=12 brahma months 1 brahma month=30 brahma days+3o brahma nights) one brahma day= one kalpa one kalpa=1000*4 yugas 4000 yugas=14 manvantaras 4 yugas=12000 god ears(4320000earth years) currently brahma's age is 50 |
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