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#21 |
anand, siddh, happy,
can i please ask you guys to revert to the title of this thread. we would like metaphysical experiences you guys have had. what you guys are filling up the bits and bytes of this thread, is very akin to describing sex. (theory) one live experience is equivalent to 1000 pages of theory. thank you ![]() |
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#22 |
anandb ji,
Thank you for the information. Yes as you mentioned, i have not read books on Yoga written by recent authors. I confine myself to the scriptures before Bhagavantam i.e before the advent of Kali Yuga. The more older it is, the better. I know this view may differ from the views of the other members, and i agree very well what i say is purely based on my opinions and view. Once again i appreciate and thank you for giving information. Kunjuppu Ji, My experiences i have already explained in the book i gave the link, i am also looking forward to hear experiences from the Hindu community. My understanding of metaphysical experience is something which does not seem the way it should be and some external source seems to be involved in effecting that abnormality, which has a tendency to arrest free will. Thanks. |
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#23 |
I suppose i was talking about spontaneous Kundalini awakening and not spontaneous spiritual awakening and/or a person's sudden inclination towards our Gods. The spontaneous flow of energy in the strands of the spinal cord without meditation or Kundalini Yoga is effected by aliens. Please read my words in your quoted reply. I suppose your amusement is a result of misinterpretation. i wrote "You can go to any yogi and ask about the connection b/w purvajanma karma and an individual's inclination for spiritualism or sudden association with spiritualism". i did not use the words "sudden inclination towards our gods". Spontaneous kundalini awakening is no different from sudden association with spiritualism. To any yogi, your assumption of this sentence in bold would be just that - an assumption (and an erroneous one):: "The spontaneous flow of energy in the strands of the spinal cord without meditation or Kundalini Yoga is effected by aliens". What Anand has described above is the right description. Sorry sir, there is no place for aliens in kundalini awakening of either the sudden kind or that obtained by practice. For proof, there are yogis who have taken samadhi (raghavendra swami of mantralayam is popular example). The book 'an autobiography of a yogi' is interesting (yogananda paramahansa also had a 3-D view, he cud see things happening behind his head). Btw, yogic practice for kundalini awakening is believed to have its origins in kashmiri shaivism. Thankyou for the conversation, Siddhanta. I conclude my postings on this thread with this post. Regards. |
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#24 |
anand, siddh, happy, i have not had any metaphysical experiences. i think aliens, demons, ghosts, spirits and such beings do not like me. the only so-called out of the ordinary stuff have done is experimenting with kundalini yoga in my teen years and past life regression sessions in recent years. i request siddhanta to briefly describe his experiences with aliens. |
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#25 |
What Anand has described above is the right description. Sorry sir, there is no place for aliens in kundalini awakening of either the sudden kind or that obtained by practice. I also thank you for your efforts for providing information in this thread and your effort in proving your point that aliens or demons do not have anything to do with spontaneous flow of energy in the strands of the spinal cord. BTW you don't have to feel sorry or get amused i already mentioned i am posting my views and i kindly suggest that we do not have emotional arousements like being amused, feeling sorry etc. rather have a casual discussion.
![]() I also already mentioned that i go by logic derived from scriptures before the advent of Kali Yuga. Thank you for your information. You can read my book to learn about my experiences with the aliens. One of my experiences was when i was 16, i had something bulging over the bottom of my spine at the location of the Muladhara Chakra. Then later, that bulged thing is gone and there remained a punctured hole and some fluid used to come out (there was no pain felt except the irritation and itching when something touched that bulged part). Now after my other experiences i realize it was effected by aliens/demons to do something with my muladhara chakra. |
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#26 |
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#27 |
This happened in the year 2000, June'
My eldest son passed out Plus two but didn't score the expected marks. We wanted him to do engineering degree from a good college in Tamilnadu but due to our caste tag, I was convinced, he will not get into good college. Mentally I was not willing to pay capitation fee for admitting him to an engineering college. My (late) father scolded me like anything for my son's non-performance and told me to look for a arts/science college. I decided to admit him in an arts/science college and applied for few colleges. But except one college which was not very popular at that time, there was no response from other colleges. I always pray to my village Goddess `Nithya Kalyani Amman' and that night before sleep I prayed Her sincerely to show the way for my son. That night I got a dream in which my son was getting admission in Loyola college, Chennai (Year after year adjudged as best college in India by the popular magazine `India Today'). Next day early morning, my son went out to meet one of his friend. The friend has managed to get a seat at Loyola only on the previous day through some influence and was about to leave for the college to pay the fees. Friend's father has asked my son to come along with them to Loyola so that they can try a seat for him. My son went along with them. Fortunately he was carrying necessary records with him. There was a big Q in front of the principal room and my son also joined the Q to personally meet the Principal. I went for my official work and at about 10.30 A.M got a call from son saying that if I join him, it is better since the Principal is giving some spot admissions. I immediately rushed to the College and at around 12 noon we met the Principal. He asked me what course you want for your son. I said Bachelor of Computer Application. He said `I can give you B.Sc (Computer Science).There is hardly any difference between both the courses. I couldn't believe myself for a moment. I immediately accepted his offer. My son passed out of Loyola and subsequently did his MBA from a premier Institution of the country. He has just completed 26 years and has reached the position of `Acting General Manager - Marketing' in a multi-national company in gulf. I always believe in Bhagavath Geetha - Whatever happened is good, whatever happening is good and whatever is going to happen will always be good only. Both my son and me cannot claim credit for anything. It is all due to the blessings of `Nithya Kalyani Amman'. All the best |
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#28 |
You can read my book to learn about my experiences with the aliens. One of my experiences was when i was 16, i had something bulging over the bottom of my spine at the location of the Muladhara Chakra. Then later, that bulged thing is gone and there remained a punctured hole and some fluid used to come out (there was no pain felt except the irritation and itching when something touched that bulged part). Now after my other experiences i realize it was effected by aliens/demons to do something with my muladhara chakra. Many think its the bottom of the spine. But its actually all the way down the spine in what is externally seen as the buttocks region. In between the genitals and the anus, there is an empty space (common to both males and females). The muladhara is about 2 to 3 inches above it, in the base end of the coccygeal region. To poke thru the 'muladhara', one wud have to poke thru the buttocks. Regards. |
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#29 |
Dear Sri Siddhanta Ji,
I have just finished reading your book. And I think I understand where you are coming from. Especially when people read Chapter V of your book, people will understand what I am going to say. Religions are faith based. And this world does have adharma/dharma, sin/morality etc., to describe the acts of human beings. There are various metaphysical expositions out there, even within religions. You have painted a picture where Grey aliens/Reptilians try to manipulate the human's emotions for the sole purpose of taking over this earth. You also believe in the theory that they are allowed to do so freely in exchange of technology with the American Government. They also invented 'religions' such as Christianity to mind control. So, to counteract the pernicious game of mind control, one should believe in Vedic knowledge and Jyotish. Because by knowing through the planets when these aliens will exert their malevolence on one through a bad planet (such as Saturn), one can counteract it by worshipping a particular God (such as Hanuman) to lessen the influence. This is the broad summation, I think of your book. Sir, I can perfectly through logic show you all the problems with your logic. But then you would underline the words in your book that say that these people who do not even know they are controlled by 'aliens' will offer contra arguments to your thesis. So, this way, you have really relegated every argument against your position as being alien inspired. I have thought quite a lot about how to respond or whether I should even respond, and if I do, whether I should do so as a Moderator. Because you deal with out of the ordinary, fantastic story, I thought I would Moderate your postings. But on second thought, I do not want to do that. However, I would request you not to post anymore topics on aliens. You have already warned us with your book and that should be enough. In the mean time I sincerely pray that you are freed from any bad impact in your life from all quarters and pray to specific Gods for your spiritual, mental and physical well being. I think most of our members would wish for the same. I would not be responding to any more posts regarding aliens from you and according to the posting, we may moderate the posts as well, for the sake of our young readers. You are welcome to continue participating in our Forum in discussions. Thank you. Regards, KRS |
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#30 |
Many think its the bottom of the spine. But its actually all the way down the spine in what is externally seen as the buttocks region.
In between the genitals and the anus, there is an empty space (common to both males and females). The muladhara is about 2 to 3 inches above it, in the base end of the coccygeal region. To poke thru the 'muladhara', one wud have to poke thru the buttocks. The bulging and punctured hole formation was at the bottom of the spine on the back, one inch below the crevice start(of buttock), i have verified it and i know it is the right location. I did not mention it was in front or it was in any other location before. KRS Ji, I know writing about aliens are not acceptable here, thats why i wrote a book and posted the link. Thank you for your comments and i will not discuss on aliens hereafter. I suppose i kept my posts on aliens to the minimal and most of my words were in the tolerable range. However regarding Vedas and Religions, i am just posting my opinion here and i dont want people firing or mocking. According to Bhagavantam and Scriptures before that (before Kali Yuga), there was spiritualism and that spiritualism was, being attached to our Gods. People meditate in the name of our Gods or they know to which God they worshiped. But the spiritualism of today is far, far away from that concept. People accept Adi Sankara who says Vedas and scriptures are not required. People beleive in sin forgiveness concept of Religions which promises to give them salvation by just following that religion. People even beleive this is the spiritual way of life. People say there is some God above and that God or "Almighty" or whatever they call it to be. The concept of spiritualism today is not the same as the one in Dwapara Yugas and the Yugas before that. This was the basis of whatever i am saying. Today people don't even accept whole heartedly Mahabharatha and Ramayana really happened, even after the discovery of Dwaraka. Lord Krishna also told that whenever irreligion rises and our traditional practices decline, he manifests himself time to time. So my conclusion is, my study is only for research purpose. I do not beleive i can change this world from the wrath of Kali Yuga or i can save the world from aliens or anything like that. The very reason people lost their faiths in our Gods is due to the fact that people suffer today and a lot of injustice is happening and there is no God to question them. But still i can see by living the Vedic way of life, by using Jyotish, peace can be achieved. Jyotish is the "eye" of the Vedas. But i suppose as time progresses even this will be wiped out and in the scriptures it is mentioned that in Kali Yuga one can be attached to our Gods by only chanting the name of our Gods. Thank you for your prayers for me, however i do not consider my suffering due to my destiny as pain, i am able to counter it by using Jyotish. Whichever is beyond my capability, i take is as a result of my own karma. I pray to Lord Vishnu to save our people with the divine grace of Lord Shiva and Godess Shakti and all our Gods to destroy injustice on Earth. Thanks. |
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