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Old 04-20-2011, 07:41 PM   #21

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If I had a cat it would be fed the best hyderabadi biryani. I would give it my khaas chai 3 times a day. Alhamdulillah I am an expert at making good chai. My cat would be named Hayraan 'astonished'. Also I would give it paan tho I have stopped eating. Hayraan would be my paan partner.
paan is known as a cause of oral cancer!
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Old 04-20-2011, 08:05 PM   #22

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If I had a cat it would be fed the best hyderabadi biryani. I would give it my khaas chai 3 times a day. Alhamdulillah I am an expert at making good chai. My cat would be named Hayraan 'astonished'. Also I would give it paan tho I have stopped eating. Hayraan would be my paan partner.

hey i dint tell u this... i luvvv chai..! i could forgive anyone serving me bad food.. but a bad chai.. No.. ok lets go on with cats for now..

ive been followed a lot by some funny looking cats back home.. real faqeer cats ..who even made typical sounds asking for food.. as if these guys knew they were following the rt guy.. i luv feeding them.. i guess one of the amal tht pulls Allah's mercy is feeding those strarving creatures who have no tongue or door to knock on..

i heared a hadees e qudsi (maulana Tariq jameel sb db bayan ) the interpretation of which means tht Allah (swt) says tht if thre would not have been little babies who suckled.. old men with backs bent due to old age in islam.. cattle grazing on green meadows.. if they werent thre on earth.. i would have rained my azaab on all.. ' ..having mercy on his weak creatures brings down Allah's rahmah like anything..

i remember my dad telling me once tht he was visiting a nearby village for some work and happened to remember an old house maid who worked and grew at our place.. so when dad visited her.. inquired her condition.. she broke out crying profusely tht bhai saheb.. its been 2 days and therez nothing left to eat.. ive boiled water just to pacify the kids.. whatever cash tht dad had on himself he gave it away.. dint even count.. and the lady returned with unspeakable joy..

not three days had passed and dad recieved someone at the door with a big amount of cash persistently saying tht he had borrowed it many yrs back and is now returning it.. dad says he dint even remember this fellow..

Ajeeb r the ways of Rahman..

yeah now coming back to chai.. I had my best chai of lifetime at Khankah Raipur this feb..

Was in the service of Hazrat Mufti Abdul Qayyum sb Raipuri db.. muhtamim saheb told me tht he feels hazrat db isnt feeling very well today and requested for a general check up.. it was an offer i couldnt ever refuse..

i examined him and found him to be well Masha Allah.. hez face shines with noor .. keeps constantly in zikr.. but has turned a majzoob.. his nephew Dr Shafiq sb is a unani doc.. so all visitors were poiltely sent out with just me and dr saheb with Hazrat Mufti saheb db..

he opened a breifcase tht contained a small bag of Musk .. subhanAllah id never seen it before.. within seconds its odour filled the room.. ajeeb smell.. dr saheb told me its a life saving medicine in unani tibb.. just then chai was served.. and he sprinkled few granules into hazrat db's chai.. asked me if i would take some.. said sure .. and sprinked some granules in my cup..

what can i say .. it was like a chai sent from Jannah.. dunno if was the musk or the barakah of Hazrat Mufti sb db.. ( according to my shaikh db Hazrat Mufti sb db is the Shaikhul mashaikh of the time )

.. i felt as if every cell of my body began to warm up.. ajeeb.

after a good one and half hrs in privacy, i did musafah again.. requested leave and said salam to Hazrat mufti sb db.. he lifted hez head.. smiled and answered. ( quite rare of him) ..

well bro fusoos.. i gues ill have to wait for ur chai.. Insha Allah..


wa assalam..
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:07 PM   #23

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Assalamu alaikum,

We feed our beloved feline regular old cat food, but if you are interested in feeling halal, I would look into getting one of the mixes available on the market. There are several at the our local coop, although I can't remember the brands off hand. I believe sojos is one of the mixes.

If you're not feeding a premade cat food (that has been specifically designed to meet the cats' health needs), it's important to make sure that whatever you are making contains a complete set of nutrients. When cats are au natural (ie in the wild), they know what they need to eat, and it isn't whatever food scraps come off the table. They'll automatically seek out foods that will give them all the nutrients they need.

I suggest visiting the RAW feeding subforum at the cat site to get some insights from people who make their own cat food. Very knowledgeable bunch of people there mashaAllah. I'm rahma there, although I do not post very often.
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:10 PM   #24

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aslam o alikum
so awoseme post i enjoyed reading all ..............my cat awake all night and sleeps in day n dosent let me sleep too niether i can use pc infront of her she steped on keyboard ....n my brother he said if u want to play with cat u have to keep cleaning her litter box
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:13 PM   #25

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i remember my dad telling me once tht he was visiting a nearby village for some work and happened to remember an old house maid who worked and grew at our place.. so when dad visited her.. inquired her condition.. she broke out crying profusely tht bhai saheb.. its been 2 days and therez nothing left to eat.. ive boiled water just to pacify the kids.. whatever cash tht dad had on himself he gave it away.. dint even count.. and the lady returned with unspeakable joy..
Allahu Akbar. A Sahaba (RA) type story.
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:15 PM   #26

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Assalamu alaikum,

We feed our beloved feline regular old cat food, but if you are interested in feeling halal, I would look into getting one of the mixes available on the market. There are several at the our local coop, although I can't remember the brands off hand. I believe sojos is one of the mixes.

If you're not feeding a premade cat food (that has been specifically designed to meet the cats' health needs), it's important to make sure that whatever you are making contains a complete set of nutrients. When cats are au natural (ie in the wild), they know what they need to eat, and it isn't whatever food scraps come off the table. They'll automatically seek out foods that will give them all the nutrients they need.

I suggest visiting the RAW feeding subforum at the cat site to get some insights from people who make their own cat food. Very knowledgeable bunch of people there mashaAllah. I'm rahma there, although I do not post very often.
ok jazakallah sister sombdy told me if cats are eating non halal food their saliva becomes najis and if she lick u ur wudu broke(n my cat is continously licking)
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:38 PM   #27

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A litter box should be scooped at least once a day. We scoop in the evening and in the morning. We also have a little pad in front, so that when she exits, any stray litter sticking to her paws sticks to it, and doesn't get tracked around.


Cats are notoriously fastidiously clean animals. My Squeaky gives herself a bath at least a half dozen times each day. Problems may arise if the cat gets to be too overweight and cannot properly bend to clean itself, or when they get too old to do so. If you notice obvious signs of najasa, then clean it up. Otherwise, the cat will have already taken care of it.
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:46 PM   #28

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my brother bring pet just for playing with 4 like past 2 yrs i was cleaning cages of bird and cleaning their najasa this time i refuse to do tht .......i kno at the end i have to do cleaning
its ok ....oh yeah she cleans her self two times in every hour
and after how much time u gave ur cat a bath (my cat is afraid of water i think she dosent like to take bath)
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:55 PM   #29

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On the cat bath subject:


re: cats licking you after eating non zabiha food. I am no faqhi, but there are hadith of this nature where the Prophet (saws) came in contact with cat saliva and didn't say it rebroke wudu. This would be a question to ask a scholar me thinks.

According to SP, it's not najasa most of the time, because the cat licks itself to remove the impurity. If you feed the cat non zabiha food, and it comes right over and licks you, you'd make wudu again. But most of the time, cats will bathe themselves after eating, so that would remove the impurity.

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Old 04-20-2011, 10:58 PM   #30

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my brother bring pet just for playing with 4 like past 2 yrs i was cleaning cages of bird and cleaning their najasa this time i refuse to do tht .......i kno at the end i have to do cleaning
You really do have to scoop the litter box ever day. That's just part of having a cat.

its ok ....oh yeah she cleans her self two times in every hour
and after how much time u gave ur cat a bath (my cat is afraid of water i think she dosent like to take bath) Since cats lick themselves clean, they don't usually need baths. We take Squeaky outside to play on occasion, and if she rolls in too much dirt, she'll get a bath. She definitely isn't a fan of being bathed. We fill the tub up with 2 inches of warm water, and then will gently rub her down with unscented shampoo and thoroughly rinse, making sure we don't get water in her ears. Then we towel her dry and she spends the next 3 hours licking herself dry and shooting us death stares.
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Old 04-20-2011, 10:58 PM   #31

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jazakallah sister for helping me
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Old 04-20-2011, 11:01 PM   #32

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You really do have to scoop the litter box ever day. That's just part of having a cat.

Since cats lick themselves clean, they don't usually need baths. We take Squeaky outside to play on occasion, and if she rolls in too much dirt, she'll get a bath. She definitely isn't a fan of being bathed. We fill the tub up with 2 inches of warm water, and then will gently rub her down with unscented shampoo and thoroughly rinse, making sure we don't get water in her ears. Then we towel her dry and she spends the next 3 hours licking herself dry and shooting us death stares.
ohh so sweet i kno at the end i hv to bend down ....my cat did this whn i m not letting her go outside she makes me afraid 2 to 3 time a day with her red eyes
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Old 04-20-2011, 11:40 PM   #33

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umm...just to let the sisters know, especially ones who are preggo, that changing the litter box can be harmful to your health because cat feces can sometimes transmit a disease called Toxoplasmosis.

So if it can be helped, the males of the house should change the litter box. Make sure to thoroughly clean your hands after.
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Old 04-21-2011, 01:00 AM   #34

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aslam o alikum
so awoseme post i enjoyed reading all ..............my cat awake all night and sleeps in day n dosent let me sleep too niether i can use pc infront of her she steped on keyboard ....n my brother he said if u want to play with cat u have to keep cleaning her litter box

I give my cat food in such a way that she is naturally hungry at fajr time.. She's even more annoying than the alarm clock. since I've started the new feed routine, I haven't missed a Fajr!
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Old 04-21-2011, 01:33 AM   #35

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I give my cat food in such a way that she is naturally hungry at fajr time.. She's even more annoying than the alarm clock. since I've started the new feed routine, I haven't missed a Fajr!
this is funny..mashAllah good cat..
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Old 04-21-2011, 02:29 AM   #36

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Why don't u secretly keep the cat? Then in a year, on eid, reveal to ur wife "sweetness, I've had a persian for the past year, I wanna bring her home now."

I think it can work.
But what if it does not work? Biwi bhi jayega, billi bhi jayegi.
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Old 04-21-2011, 02:32 AM   #37

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The best part is that cats speak very good English and have long involved conversations with each other. See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih6W19KTlZo
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Old 04-21-2011, 03:22 AM   #38

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I give my cat food in such a way that she is naturally hungry at fajr time.. She's even more annoying than the alarm clock. since I've started the new feed routine, I haven't missed a Fajr!
Ha! I joke Squeaky is my tahajuud alarm. She normally sleeps at my feet, and then at 3 am, she wakes up, moves next to my head and starts purring very loudly in my ear. Only thing to do is to kick her out of the bedroom, and since I'm already out of bed, might as well make wudu and pray a few rakat.
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Old 04-21-2011, 03:25 AM   #39

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Ha! I joke Squeaky is my tahajuud alarm. She normally sleeps at my feet, and then at 3 am, she wakes up, moves next to my head and starts purring very loudly in my ear. Only thing to do is to kick her out of the bedroom, and since I'm already out of bed, might as well make wudu and pray a few rakat.
May Allah give you istiqamah.
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Old 04-21-2011, 04:19 AM   #40

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I know that Abu Huraira (raa) was an expert on keeping cats.

He even narrates Hadiths about Cats:

Abu Huraira (ra) narrates: The Prophet SAWS used to visit a house of the Ansar but he never visited their neighbours. The neighbours felt bad so they asked him: Why don't you visit our house like you visit their house?
He PBUH replied: Because you have a dog in the house.
They said: But they have a Cat.
He PBUH said: Cats are clean.

In another narration I remember:

Abu Huraira (ra) said: The Prophet SAWS said: Cats do not interrupt the prayers as they are part of the house.
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