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Old 08-15-2012, 07:59 AM   #1

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Default Darul Uloom Bury Dream: Tonight is Laylatul Qadr

A person in itikaaf at the darul uloom had a dream that he was walking with Moulana Yusuf, who was leaning on him. In the dream Moulana Yusuf was repeating 'tonight is Laylatul Qadr, do lots of ibadah'.

What happens when people start ramadhan on different nights due to a legitimate reason, such as one party seeing the moon in their area/country and the other party not being able to see the moon in their area/country. What happens to Laylatul Qadr then? Do they both have seperate Laylatul Qadrs?
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:10 AM   #2

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I too am curious about what the more knowledgeable amongst us on here have to say on this matter (scholars)... As today would be the 27th night for those who began ramadan on the Saturday in the uk whereas it was yesterday for those who began on Friday!
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:15 AM   #3

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Dreams can be used for targhib but I don't think they can be used to establish a fiqhi mas'alah.

Wasn't in the chapter of laylatul qadr in fadhali a'mal where an opinion is mentioned that laylatul qadr can fall on multiple nights?
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:18 AM   #4

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More so, laylatul Qadr can also fall on even nights. There are many opinions on the matter. Mu'takifeen are truly blessed because they harness the chance throughout the last ten days.
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:21 AM   #5

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I was curious about this too.
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Old 08-15-2012, 12:38 PM   #6

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Some things to think about: Since Laylatul Qadr can be on any of the "odd" nights within the last 10 nights (as per the most popular view from ahadith and which most of us laymen are told), and since we often have two different beginnings of Ramadan (in the USA for example)... and that even if we have one beginning of the month, there is chance of error (maybe it wasn't Ramadan but we started, or it was Ramadan but we did not start, 'switching around' the true order of the nights), etc.

Based on this, and based on the unimaginable blessings and virtues of this night, isn't it a good idea to make a small bit of sacrifice on sleep & rest and just do extra acts of worship during all of the last ten nights, and not only the nights which (we think) are odd?

Only Allah knows when this night really is, but we have been told that it is one in the last ten nights. Based on the fact that there is always ikhtilaf (disagreement/difference of opinion) these days on when Ramadan actually starts, and even if there isn't ikhtilaf; it would be very sensible and even smart to treat every single one of the last 10-11 nights as it if was Laylatul-Qadr, and then Insha'Allah one is guaranteed to be doing worship on this blessed night. Otherwise, if we only pick the nights which (we think) are odd, there is risk of missing this night.

Please make dua that Allah gives me and all of us the taufeeq to practice what I am trying to say here. Ameen.

Allah knows best.

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Old 08-15-2012, 12:44 PM   #7

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A person in itikaaf at the darul uloom had a dream that he was walking with Moulana Yusuf, who was leaning on him. In the dream Moulana Yusuf was repeating 'tonight is Laylatul Qadr, do lots of ibadah'.
I know someone who was sure of that too.

that said they were sure of it on two other nights.

but last night they seemed more sure and proved it by praying a lot.

What happens when people start ramadhan on different nights due to a legitimate reason, such as one party seeing the moon in their area/country and the other party not being able to see the moon in their area/country. What happens to Laylatul Qadr then? Do they both have seperate Laylatul Qadrs? Have you ever seen anything in hadith or books of Islam to suggest this? Therefore InshaAllah we can be sure only one, yes?
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Old 08-15-2012, 01:55 PM   #8

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More so, laylatul Qadr can also fall on even nights. There are many opinions on the matter. Mu'takifeen are truly blessed because they harness the chance throughout the last ten days.
Alhamdulillah, this makes sense.
For example, while we are having laylatul Qadr here in the West, it is daytime on the other side of the world. And while they are having laylatul qadr there, it is daytime here.
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Old 08-15-2012, 07:52 PM   #9

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dont forget some parts of India who are two days ahead of Saudi (also probs (small) parts of Pakistan)
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Old 08-15-2012, 07:53 PM   #10

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Colonel's post here: http://www.muftisays.com/forums/peop...c-shariah.html
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Old 08-15-2012, 08:13 PM   #11

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Last 10 nights are all very virtuous. The position of Ulama about such dreams is that we do not make tasdeeq (attest) of it nor do we make takdhib (belie) it. So if some one saw a dream wherein Rasulullah mentions such and such day is laylatul qadr, then the person receiving that dream should make excessive ibadaat. This is not affirmation rather following the advice therein. The advice is NOT contrary to shariah as well. We have been asked to increase in our ibadaat throughout Ramadhan and then throughout last ashara and then last odd nights.

As for the difficulty of us realizing how can one night be laylatul qadr while its day the other side. Then that is the same issue brought in the hadith of Allah descending in the last part of the night, when its last part all the time through out the globe. There are different explanations for this, and they can be seen in the books of sharah of such ahadeeth.

Another opinion which I remember and can post is that Laylatul Qadr can be different nights in different years. So if this year I get basharat somehow that tonight is laylatul qadr, it doesnt mean that every year it will be of the same day of Ramadhan.

So, if such basharat was given to someone, Alhamdulillah good for them. Allah knows the reality of it. It hasnt been given to you, me or us. Let us keep striving to attain Allah's mercy and pleasure in the remaining nights.

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Old 08-15-2012, 08:29 PM   #12

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I remember shaykh yunus jounpuri saying " kwab koy daleel nahi hay" = "dreams are no proof"
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Old 08-15-2012, 08:32 PM   #13

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I remember shaykh yunus jounpuri saying " kwab koy daleel nahi hay" = "dreams are no proof"

Yes, it is not a daleel for any shar'i matter. However, a person seeing Rasulullah is indeed a basharat for that person.

I have heard from my teachers that the dream Rasulullah is hujjah for that person but not to establish something for Shariah.

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Old 08-15-2012, 09:26 PM   #14

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Old 08-15-2012, 09:51 PM   #15

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also http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.a...=1745&CATE=108 & http://www.inter-islam.org/faith/dreams.htm
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:30 PM   #16

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the version I heard in the masjid yesterday,from the Imam himself,as done as a annoucement, was as follows:

One of the guys in i'tekaaf in Bury Darul Uloom saw the Prophet in his dream who informed the person that yesterday night was laylatul qadr.
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:15 AM   #17

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More so, laylatul Qadr can also fall on even nights. There are many opinions on the matter. Mu'takifeen are truly blessed because they harness the chance throughout the last ten days.
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:21 PM   #18

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I doubt the dream was meant to be taken as hujjah when it was made known to others anyway. It was merely sharing knowledge of a possibility and invoking others to increase ibadah that night. Alhamdulillah, seemed to work for many people. May Allah accept all our ibadah.
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