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Old 08-08-2012, 11:21 PM   #1

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Default Madhabs more understanding needed
Salam Alaikum brothers and sisters this may sound silly but could you explain about the madhabs? Who are they exactly and is it necessary to follow one? I am revert and only came to know about them recently. For reverts unless you ask seems no one explains this things or maybe a different meaning for the madhabs ive heard maybe I don't know. So my knowledge is that they are diffrent schools of thought. How does this work and not make sects? Also my knowledge is that they follow different sets of sunnah if so which sets for which madhab? Lastly I am puzzled by a hanafi conclusion that a husband can hit his wife on a few occasions one of them is when she refuses to enter the bed. How is this acceptable? Another is for leaving the house without permission and not making salah. How is a husband allowed to dish out that kinda punishment? I mean really she refuses to go to bed with him and he may hit her? That relates to the hadiths about angels cursing the wife. In which context should that be taken sexually or leaving him angry after an arguement? This leaves me wondering about hanafi's being allowed to hit wifes in regards to the hadith.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:34 PM   #2

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Salam Alaikum brothers and sisters this may sound silly but could you explain about the madhabs? Who are they exactly and is it necessary to follow one? I am revert and only came to know about them recently. For reverts unless you ask seems no one explains this things or maybe a different meaning for the madhabs ive heard maybe I don't know. So my knowledge is that they are diffrent schools of thought. How does this work and not make sects? Also my knowledge is that they follow different sets of sunnah if so which sets for which madhab? Lastly I am puzzled by a hanafi conclusion that a husband can hit his wife on a few occasions one of them is when she refuses to enter the bed. How is this acceptable? Another is for leaving the house without permission and not making salah. How is a husband allowed to dish out that kinda punishment? I mean really she refuses to go to bed with him and he may hit her? That relates to the hadiths about angels cursing the wife. In which context should that be taken sexually or leaving him angry after an arguement? This leaves me wondering about hanafi's being allowed to hit wifes in regards to the hadith.

You can read these links inshaAllah:


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Old 08-08-2012, 11:43 PM   #3
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Salams thanks I shall have a look at those.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:44 PM   #4

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Salam Alaikum brothers and sisters this may sound silly but could you explain about the madhabs? Who are they exactly and is it necessary to follow one? I am revert and only came to know about them recently. For reverts unless you ask seems no one explains this things or maybe a different meaning for the madhabs ive heard maybe I don't know. So my knowledge is that they are diffrent schools of thought. How does this work and not make sects? Also my knowledge is that they follow different sets of sunnah if so which sets for which madhab? Lastly I am puzzled by a hanafi conclusion that a husband can hit his wife on a few occasions one of them is when she refuses to enter the bed. How is this acceptable? Another is for leaving the house without permission and not making salah. How is a husband allowed to dish out that kinda punishment? I mean really she refuses to go to bed with him and he may hit her? That relates to the hadiths about angels cursing the wife. In which context should that be taken sexually or leaving him angry after an arguement? This leaves me wondering about hanafi's being allowed to hit wifes in regards to the hadith.
Assalamu Alaikum sister I'm a convert as well, welcome to the forums!

The best advice I can give you is to follow whatever Madhab is prevalent in your area. I have all four in mine, but the majority follow Hanbali and Hanafi, depending on which Masjid. This way it's easier to learn the small details of the Madhab

Following a Madhab is supposed to make Islam easier, not more difficult. It provides more guidance in your every day life, especially with modern problems (things that did not exist during the time of the Prophet )

I'm not aware that the Madhabs follow different Sunnahs, rather than place a higher priority on some than others.

As for the 'hitting', it could be translated more as "remind"... I will look for a video that I've seen that explains it very well, inshallah.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:46 PM   #5

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Read this Letter to a New Muslim...it does not speak about mathabs per se...but it does explain how you can gain a better understanding with Islam.


or Click here

This explains that beating the wife is not sanctioned by Islam.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:47 PM   #6

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Salams thanks I shall have a look at those.
This one, too.

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Old 08-08-2012, 11:51 PM   #7

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Salams Sister Thanks for your advice. Remind makes more sense but What I read clearly says hit according to Hanafi. So far Ive little knowledge of madhabs to even choicd one just yet. You explained it nicely much appriciated.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:52 PM   #8

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Thank you very much brother
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:22 AM   #9

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Another good read http://askimam.org/public/question_detail/18094
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:34 AM   #10

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Waalaikumussalaam sister, what school of jurisprudence does your husband follow?
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:37 AM   #11

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Salams Sister I don't think he has one tbh
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Old 08-09-2012, 01:57 AM   #12

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No worries. Have you two been discussing madhabs at home (no need to actually answer this q as it is a little personal, just a thought)? Perhaps you could review them together and choose one together.
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Old 08-09-2012, 02:35 AM   #13

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Its best to start by understand the theoretical framework of madhabs, why its important, how does it function, how come four schools of thought emerged, what are the range of issues it discusses, how a scholar or laymen from the madhab would extract the opinion, which opinions are fundamental, which are opinions are subject to difference of opinion and so forth.

Im not aware of what level of revert you are, but if you have moved beyond the basics and are aware of branching of Islam into aqeeda, fiqh and tassawuf, then this following book would help you see a holistic view of them:
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Old 08-09-2012, 05:41 AM   #14

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Lastly I am puzzled by a hanafi conclusion that a husband can hit his wife on a few occasions one of them is when she refuses to enter the bed. How is this acceptable? Another is for leaving the house without permission and not making salah. How is a husband allowed to dish out that kinda punishment? I mean really she refuses to go to bed with him and he may hit her? That relates to the hadiths about angels cursing the wife. In which context should that be taken sexually or leaving him angry after an arguement? This leaves me wondering about hanafi's being allowed to hit wifes in regards to the hadith.
That's not a Hanafi conclusion, it's what Allah said in the Holy Qur'an.
See olive-color fatwa in these two links:


or Click here

This explains that beating the wife is not sanctioned by Islam.
Here we're again:

Doing without the apologetic fatawa of the "neo-traditionalists" around "seekers guidance" and their selective quoting of Islamic Fiqh, Allah in the Qur'an dictates the conditions after which one may resort to a not-harmful physical punishment.
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:07 AM   #15

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There was quite a fist fight on this issue here on this thread http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...ting-your-wife
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:12 AM   #16

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I have beaten wife for the first time and my also heat me back as well. I am really feeling guilty for this. I have asked pardon to my wife for forgiveness and she asked for forgiveness to me as well.

The reason for this fight was i am not spending much time with my family as i am spending time for my work sometimes plying with friends. therefore she happy with thus our argument started. When i went back from work she was not communicated with properly as were very quite and one point she was rude with me, after that i was really angry and shouted at her and she shouted back to me as well. next morning she did not prepare food for me and she rufused to do so. I got really angry and told her i will beat you if you behave like this and she said the same thing to me. when i slapt her she started same back to me thus make her face bruse and my face scur from her nail.

Please advise us what should i do when i am really feeling guilty at this point to beat her and on the other hand as she hit me back i dont feel much affection or love to her. What islam says in this matter that i would like follow.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulilah, we are very pleased that you have acknowledged your mistake and you referring to Ulama for advice. Now that you have sought forgiveness from your wife, you should make a firm resolution not to beat your wife ever again.

Inshallah if you would act upon this, Allah Ta’ala would grant you with a blissful marriage. Ameen

Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said:

عن ابن عباس قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لم نر للمتحابين مثل النكاح

Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, “We have not seen anything that creates love between two individuals such as nikah.” (Ibn Majha)

There are many ways of increasing love between the couple. Consider the following ten points to maintain a happy marriage and control the instinct of dispute.

1. Fear Allah: It was the noble practice of Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) to make the spouses aware of the fear of Allah before performing a nikah by reciting the verses (Al-Nisa 14, Al-Ahzab 69, Aali-Imraan 101) from the Qur’an. All the verses are common in the message of taqwa (fear of Allah). The spouses will be first committed to Allah before being committed to their partner. There can be no doubt in the success of a marriage governed by the fear of Allah.

2. Never be angry at the same time: Anger is the root cause for all marital disputes. One Sahaabi came to Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) and sought some advice. Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied, “Control your anger.” The same advice was rendered three times.
(Mishkat Pg. 433; H.M. Saeed)

3. If one has to win an argument, let it be the other: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “Whoever discards an argument despite being correct shall earn a palace in the center of Jannah.
(Mishkat Pg. 412)

4. Never shout at each other unless the house is on fire: Luqman (AS) while offering advice to his son said, “And lower your voice for verily the most disliked voice is that of a donkey.” (Surah Luqman 19)

5. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly: Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “A Mu’min is a mirror for a Mu’min.”
(Abu Dawood Vol 2, Pg 325 Imdadiya)
Advice with dignity and silently.

6. Never bring up mistakes of the past: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “Whoever conceals the faults of others, Allah shall conceal his faults on the day of Qiyamah.”
(Mishkat Pg. 429)

7. Neglect the whole world rather than your marriage partner: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) confirmed the advice of Salman (Radhiyallahu Anhu) to Abu Darda (Radhiyallahu Anhu) for neglecting his wife. “Verily there is a right of your wife over you.”
(Nasai 2391)

8. Never sleep with an argument unsettled: Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) resolved his dispute with his wife over feeding the guest before going to bed.
(Bukhari 602)

9. At least, once every day, express your gratitude to your partner: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “Whoever does not show gratitude to the people has not shown gratitude to Allah.”
(Abu Dawud, Pg 662; Karachi)

10. When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “All the sons of Adam commit error, and the best of those who err are those who seek forgiveness.” (Tirmidhi 2499)

(Taken from Al-Mahmood)

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Luqman Hansrot,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:43 AM   #17

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Salam Alaikum brothers and sisters this may sound silly but could you explain about the madhabs?
They are just schools or traditions of education and understanding about what the Prophet (saws) told us was right behaviour and what was incorrect behaviour.

All four madhabs are basically the same, with only minor differences. These differences are just the product of slightly different methodologies but the goals are the same.

Who are they exactly and is it necessary to follow one? It is best to follow a Madhab because within them lies guidance and safety.

Outside of them exist many perils and pitfalls for the Muslim who is not a Mujtahid.

I am revert and only came to know about them recently. For reverts unless you ask seems no one explains this things or maybe a different meaning for the madhabs ive heard maybe I don't know. So my knowledge is that they are diffrent schools of thought. How does this work and not make sects? Sects in Islam are theologically deviated groups. All Sunni Muslims are united on basic Islamic beliefs and are Ashari/Maturidi or Athari in theology (all three of these schools are essentially correct and Allah knows best about their differences).

Madhabs have nothing to do with theology and everything with how we live our lives (for example how we pray etc).

Also my knowledge is that they follow different sets of sunnah if so which sets for which madhab? All four madhabs teach the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saws).
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:46 AM   #18

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Salams awww thats great info thanks alot oh I dunno what level I am maybe a level 2 hehe
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:46 AM   #19

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Muslims who fall into the category of a lay person i.e. one who is not qualified as a scholar, should be affiliated to a scholar that they deem reliable and trust-worthy. That scholar will be a follower of one of the madhabs and that should suffice for your needs
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Old 08-15-2012, 02:30 AM   #20

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That's not a Hanafi conclusion, it's what Allah said in the Holy Qur'an.
See olive-color fatwa in these two links:

Here we're again:

Doing without the apologetic fatawa of the "neo-traditionalists" around "seekers guidance" and their selective quoting of Islamic Fiqh, Allah in the Qur'an dictates the conditions after which one may resort to a not-harmful physical punishment.
Yet another proof, silencing the "traditionalists" apologetics and misquotings:

Wife Beating - Mufti Abdur Rahman Ibn Yusuf Mangera - http://www.zamzamacademy.com/2010/09/wife-beating/
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