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Old 08-08-2012, 02:34 AM   #1

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Default The next time you listen to any bayan, lecture, watch a video...

I feel its self explanatory:


Yet, once the spreadsheet is set up:

1. It shouldn't take more than 40-50 seconds to an-notify it, if its taking you more, you're wasting time.

2. This way you'll even remember the main points of the bayan - your bayan recall value goes up.

3. It'll always be on-line, so you can access it from anywhere.

4. If you need to refer to any masa'il or anything, you could always go back.

5. Share it! Share it here.

6. Download my template and use it, no need to create new one. Don't waste time unnecessary meddling with the spreadsheet. The main things are:

a) Lecture title,
b) Topics.

REMEMBER - do NOT change / edit the file-name of the lecture, keep it the way it is.

UPDATE Aug 10th 2012:
Last but not the least: Bookmark the link right on the browser tab for easy access - so you don't spend unnecessary time logging into Google drive and opening the spreadsheet and all that...

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Old 08-08-2012, 06:53 PM   #2

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Old 08-09-2012, 04:37 AM   #3

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It seems locked?

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Old 08-10-2012, 02:29 AM   #4

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So, where's yours bro?

It seems locked?

Yes, its only in view mode, you should be able to view the sheet, don't you?

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Old 08-10-2012, 02:50 AM   #5

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I was able to download it when you first put it up. I am able to make changes etc. on downloaded version.

wheettebott is offline

Old 08-10-2012, 04:16 AM   #6

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Yes, its only in view mode, you should be able to view the sheet, don't you?

I understand now; previously I thought you wanted us to add to your spreadsheet.

kucheravka is offline

Old 08-10-2012, 04:19 AM   #7

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assalamu alaikum,

isn't the title of that page a little inappropriate?
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Old 08-10-2012, 06:05 PM   #8

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assalamu alaikum,

isn't the title of that page a little inappropriate?
Sis, foghorn means as you may know: "A device making a loud, deep sound as a warning to ships in fog" - Ships can't or find it very difficult to navigate in fog, hence the necessity of a foghorn [is a device that uses sound to warn vehicles of hazards or boats of the presence of other vehicles in foggy conditions. The term is most often used in relation to marine transport. When visual navigation aids such as lighthouses are obscured[1], foghorns provide an audible warning of rocks[2], shoals[3], headlands[4], or other dangers[5] to shipping].

1. Our sense of what is Halal & Haram.
2. Kuffar & their machinations
3. Deviants sects within us [Ghayr muqallid & grave worshipping & miracle loving Barelwis, Fake sufi's, aiming to destroy Muslims from within, etc]
4. Modernists [Music is Halal, Hijab not necessary, mingling with opposite sex is OK in-fact need of the times]
5. Other fitnah's.

Ships are us.
Lighthouse are righteous scholars - ulamah's.
Sea is dunya & or the vagaries of living in dunya [being at sea].

Here the word 'fog' meant to convey the world without Deen, without Islam, without Truth, without guidance, darkness in which man will never be able to find guidance until he listens [heeds] to the warnings of the True Ulamah's or the efforts of Deen which means:

Fog: Non-Deeni atmosphere we live in, darkness, dunya.
Fog: Looks all white and cool yet is a climate where we need to exercise caution while traveling, just like 'dunya' looks all sweet & great with all its razzmatazz yet in essence is a place of test for the believers, if we fall for its glimmer, we are doomed.

Foghorn's: Ulamah's lectures, the work of Tabligh which leads to lighthouses - Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, Ulamah's, [advices & warnings based on the Quran, Hadith & Sunnah] we [the ships] need to heed to - to navigate while living in a mess called dunya [sea].

Freaky? Yes, because its not just ONE scholar, but almost every scholar warnings us again and again of an impending doom if we don't pay heed. So its all freaky 'coz 1 ulamah or 100 ulamah are all saying the same thing - warning us of D-day, of Adhaab, of Dajjal etc etc...

Sorry for 1 big lecture myself...could have in fewer words I think


If you still want me to change it, let me know and I'll do it - no problem.

I'm waiting for YOUR spreadsheets peoples....

Also, please see updated OP
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Old 08-10-2012, 06:06 PM   #9

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I was able to download it when you first put it up. I am able to make changes etc. on downloaded version.

You got it right sis..also wanted to let you know Google docs don't work proper in Opera :-/ but works superbly with Opera Mini and possibly even Opera Mobile...

I understand now; previously I thought you wanted us to add to your spreadsheet.

leyliana is offline

Old 08-10-2012, 07:28 PM   #10

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[No worries, I haven't tried uploading anything to Google docs using Opera but had no problem accessing the stuff you put up. Thanks for the heads-up though - I have noticed things like numbering/bullets in gmail and google sites do not work properly in Opera so I cheat and switch to google chrome whenever I need to work on those. Otherwise, I still find Opera is better.]
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:39 AM   #11

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@Br. pluto.

Sorry about that brother. I had thought that someone had maybe changed the spreadsheet title. I had no idea that you had such a deep reason for the name, ma'sha Allah. May Allah accept all of your efforts for deen, and make you a source of guidance for others. Ameen.
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