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08-12-2012, 06:01 AM | #1 |
08-12-2012, 06:03 AM | #2 |
08-12-2012, 06:24 AM | #3 |
08-12-2012, 07:15 AM | #6 |
to you its play. to many its not. lies about the wife of the prophet have been said and fitnah between muslims is caused. this is not play. Trust me because I have really good experience dealing with Shia, let them "protest" against eachother as much as they want... don't waste your time with them. |
08-14-2012, 03:44 AM | #7 |
Ya Jive when you realize that people like Khomeini and Majlisi said much worse things about `Aisha (ra), you'll know that what these fools are doing now is no more than an 8-bit Atari video game. |
08-14-2012, 04:00 AM | #8 |
"Grand Ayatollah" Muhammad Shahroudi is one of the Maraje’ (top scholars) of the Shia, and this is what he has to say about taqiyyah and cursing our mother A'isha and the companions of the Prophet :
Question 50: Is it permissible to curse some of the Mothers of the Believers, such as lady Aisha for her disobedience of the Prophet, declaring war upon the Imam of her time, and showing enmity towards Amir al-Mu’minin Ali ibn Abi Talib, either (cursing her) explicitly with her name or implicitly? الجواب : يجوز لعن كلّ من أعلن العداء لأميرالمؤمنين أو الزهراء أو الأئمة(عليهم السلام)فكيف بمن ظلمهم وحاربهم إلاّ مع خوف تلف النفس وقد ورد أنّ الإمام الصادق (عليه السلام) كان يلعن ثمانية بعد كلّ صلاته (أربعة من الرجال وأربعة من النساء ) . Answer: It is permissible to curse all those who showed enmity towards Amir al-Mu’minin (Ali), al-Zahra, or the Imams. And why not after the oppression (they faced) and the fighting against them? Except (do not curse them) if there is fear of being harmed. And it is also mentioned that Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) used to curse eight (of them) after all his prayers. سؤال 51 : أحببت السؤال عن مقطع اللعن الوارد في زيارة عاشوراء وأخص بالذكر هنا لعن الأوّل (أبي بكر ) والثاني ( عمر ) والثالث ( عثمان ) هل هو جزء من الزيارة وقد ورد عن المعصوم(عليه السلام) ؟ أم أنه خارج عنها ولم يرد على لسانه (عليه السلام) ؟ وهل كان الأئمة من آل البيت(عليهم السلام)يجيزون اللعن الثلاثة ويعتبرونه أمراً يثاب المرء عليه ؟ Question 51: My Habibi, my question is regarding the cursing that is found in the Dua’s of the Ziyarat of Ashura, and I talk in particular about the cursing of: the First (Abu Bakr), the Second (Umar), the Third (Uthman). Is it part of the Ziyarat and has it been reported by the Infallible (a.s)? Or has it been rejected? And did the Imams from Ahl al-Bayt allow the cursing of these three and did they say the person who does it is rewarded? الجواب : نعم اللعن جزء من زيارة عاشوراء ويكرر مئة مرّة وقد صدر اللعن من الأئمة (عليهم السلام) وليس لعن الظالمين مختصاً بزيارة عاشوراء ، بل الروايات في ذلك متواترة . نعم لابدّ أن يكون اللعن غير مناف للتقية. Answer: Yes, cursing is permissible in the Ziyarat of Ashura. Repeat it hundreds of times. It has been reported that the Imams cursed and this was not just the cursing of the oppressors of Ashura, but repeatedly (others as well). And this is found in a lot of similar Hadiths. And yes, the cursing must not be done in a matter to reveal the Taqiyyah. Don't be fooled. Yasir Habib is only being singled out because of his crass criticism of the Shi'i clergy, who he blames of being too soft on the Sahaba. They would never issue a statement like this against the blasphemies of more major Shi'ite figures like Khomeini and Shahroudi, |
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