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Old 08-10-2012, 06:49 PM   #1

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Default Technology Watch
Technology has reached very mind numbing levels of sophistication.
And it is being used against you.
It is in your interest to keep yourself up to date on that.
And others of your brothers and sisters.
Please report significant advancements in this thread.
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Old 08-10-2012, 06:51 PM   #2

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Meshworm Video

BBC Meshworm report.

This is simply some material that can walk like a worm. Eerie!
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Old 08-10-2012, 06:57 PM   #3

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And it is being used against you.
Paranoid much..............
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Old 08-10-2012, 06:59 PM   #4

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Before going further, lets remind ourselves that technology, sophisticated or not, is simply asbaab [means] which the Sahabah [ra] didn't have:

@ Badr
@ Uhud
@ Tabouk

But they had very sophisticated Imaan and Allah's help for the believers is with...

We can go one up on the Pentagon in resorting to asbaab but without amal - we'd stand defeated.

Lets have faith in Allah's help, not on asbaab.
Just a reminder, hope bro Maripat doesn't mind.
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Old 08-10-2012, 07:06 PM   #5

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Paranoid much..............
I am forgiving my rights on you as a Muslim.
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Old 08-10-2012, 07:10 PM   #6

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I am forgiving my rights on you as a Muslim.
What the heck does that mean??
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Old 08-10-2012, 08:51 PM   #7

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What the heck does that mean??

A Muslim is he who keeps another Muslim safe from his hands and tongue. It is a Muslim's right to not be attacked by another Muslim via his hands and tongue. Brother Maripat has forsaken his right and has forgiven you if you hurt him with your tongue and hands.

If I am not mistaken he felt hurt by your comment and has decided to respond in this noble manner.

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Old 08-10-2012, 08:59 PM   #8

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A Muslim is he who keeps another Muslim safe from his hands and tongue. It is a Muslim's right to not be attacked by another Muslim via his hands and tongue. Brother Maripat has forsaken his right and has forgiven you if you hurt him with your tongue and hands.

If I am not mistaken he felt hurt by your comment and has decided to respond in this noble manner.
Then I apologize to Brother Maripat as it wasn't my intention to hurt him.
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Old 08-10-2012, 09:23 PM   #9

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Excellent and important thread to start - many people are blind to the level of sophistication that Governments have reached:
In general it is safe to assume the following:
All email you send is capable of being intercepted and is most likely analysed (electronically) by 1 or more governments
All telephone calls you engage in are also electronically analysed
Everyone already knows that - what isn't so known is the further capabilities govt's have:

1. Your Webcam is capable of being switched on remotely (without your knowledge) to monitor you - so if you're using laptop/desktop be aware of this. This also applies to microphones.

2. Dumb Mobile Phones can be tracked through last usage - triangulated through signal towers - this technology is common enough that regular police use it. (also of use to Ambulance Services)

3. Smart Phones - if your phone has GPS - rest assured govt can track you very easily - and if you download any software with GPS capability - how do you know govt has not infilitrated that 99p/free App you just bought?

4. Whenever you give authorisation to your smartphone for your contact details - govt can easily gain access to all the telephone numbers you have and use it to build social network models of who you interact with etc.

5. Your mobile phone speaker can be switched on remotely (even when you are not on a call) to monitor voices - this includes mobile camera

6. US is pumping in billions to create a metaphor analysis program:
"The study of language offers a strategic opportunity for improved counterterrorist intelligence, in that it enables the possibility of understanding of the Other's perceptions and motivations, be he friend or foe," the two authors of Computational Methods for Counterterrorism wrote. "As we have seen, linguistic expressions have levels of meaning beyond the literal, which it is critical to address. This is true especially when dealing with texts from a high-context traditionalist culture such as those of Islamic terrorists and insurgents."
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Old 08-10-2012, 09:35 PM   #10

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Surveillance technology is a double-edged sword. Check this.


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is touting the latest police state technology.The “Domain Awareness System,” aside from its blatantly Orwellian title, is a super surveillance database possible through a partnership between Microsoft and the city of New York. The system allows NYPD 24/7 access to closed-circuit TV feeds from around the city while simultaneously cross-checking criminal and terrorist database
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Old 08-10-2012, 09:40 PM   #11

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Genuine Muslims won't have anything to hide anyway as their outer and inner are equally pure and don't use taqiyya in some plotful manner.
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Old 08-10-2012, 10:17 PM   #12
Saad Khan

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New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is touting the latest police state technology.The “Domain Awareness System,” aside from its blatantly Orwellian title, is a super surveillance database possible through a partnership between Microsoft and the city of New York. The system allows NYPD 24/7 access to closed-circuit TV feeds from around the city while simultaneously cross-checking criminal and terrorist database
In the interest of public safety; I fail to see the down side of this being used by the police.
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Old 08-10-2012, 11:54 PM   #13

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In the interest of public safety; I fail to see the down side of this being used by the police.
public safety is always the great excuse for State terror and tyranny. During the French Revolution it was the Committee for Public Safety...which organized the killing of hundreds of thousands of people, before eventually Robespierre and St Just both members of the Committee also were killed by the same Committee. The enemy of the people are always a great excuse for increasing the power of the state.
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Old 08-11-2012, 01:06 AM   #14

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Genuine Muslims won't have anything to hide anyway as their outer and inner are equally pure and don't use taqiyya in some plotful manner.
Where do you live ? On the moon ?

Genuine Muslims need to know how to defend the borders of the Muslim lands.
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Old 08-11-2012, 01:38 AM   #15

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Where do you live ? On the moon ?

Genuine Muslims need to know how to defend the borders of the Muslim lands.
Am I ? Your over doing the islamification of American conspiracy nuts.

Satan has even more information on Muslims then America does. What now? Develop weapons to hide from Satan ?

Shia assassins and those who follow their path, have lot to hide because they operate with taqiyya, hideous plots and betrayal. Genuine Muslims don't act like headless chicken because of fear of what kaffirs might do. They know their on Haqq and have not rresponsible for something beyond their ability. Unfortunately, some instead fear America more than Allah. They worry more about what America might do to Muslims then themselves doing something for Muslims.

And from the other perspective, those who are in defence department of muslims countries would know enough what to do to keep their defense related information safe. Its only silly for some layman forumers to be breaking head's over it.
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Old 08-11-2012, 01:49 AM   #16

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Before going further, lets remind ourselves that technology, sophisticated or not, is simply asbaab [means] which the Sahabah [ra] didn't have:

@ Badr
@ Uhud
@ Tabouk

But they had very sophisticated Imaan and Allah's help for the believers is with...

We can go one up on the Pentagon in resorting to asbaab but without amal - we'd stand defeated.

Lets have faith in Allah's help, not on asbaab.
Just a reminder, hope bro Maripat doesn't mind.

SubhaanAllah, just today in Jumaa Bayaan (Asbaab v/s Aamaal) was reminded upon framing Badr... Alhamdulillah what a coincidence.

But at the same time I suppose that Bro. Maripats' concern cannot be ignored as well.

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Old 08-11-2012, 04:36 AM   #17

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Am I ? Your over doing the islamification of American conspiracy nuts.

Satan has even more information on Muslims then America does. What now? Develop weapons to hide from Satan ?

Shia assassins and those who follow their path, have lot to hide because they operate with taqiyya, hideous plots and betrayal. Genuine Muslims don't act like headless chicken because of fear of what kaffirs might do. They know their on Haqq and have not rresponsible for something beyond their ability. Unfortunately, some instead fear America more than Allah. They worry more about what America might do to Muslims then themselves doing something for Muslims.

And from the other perspective, those who are in defence department of muslims countries would know enough what to do to keep their defense related information safe. Its only silly for some layman forumers to be breaking head's over it.

Brother, I am not much into conspiracies - It is true -to see eyes everywhere can lead to paranoia which becomes very unhealthy and a form of waswisa (sp?). After all, there are many sadly deluded people in America who think the CIA is being in thoughts via satelites into their heads.. and so they were tinfoils - this isn't an urban myth - some people actually do that. However the complexity of today's technology should be known by people. The reason many innocent Muslims get picked up by the UK govt (and then released.. perhaps) is due to this surveillance. The problem is that 'they' can find it very difficult to decipher what we are talking about. For example, a member of the public, when they hear 'jihad', can quickly think terrorism. Ironically - after several failed sweeps of picking up and then releasing innocent muslims - I think the UK govt understands that jihad is much more complex than that and is central to most Muslims lives - and we do not view it as a method to kill innocents.
Also, I don't think the UK govt conducts entrapment policies - but it is well known the FBI in the US does - therefore all Muslims must be super-aware of this.
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Old 08-11-2012, 07:37 AM   #18

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The Intelligence Services send out spies with full beards and looking like real Muslims to recruit people for jihad. They find people who are not too bright and get them to agree to something dodgy, then they swipe down and arrest them saying they have stopped a al qaeda terror cell. It is pathetic...but it keeps them in jobs and all that government money (or tax payers money) goes towards their security apparatus. Conspiracies are real and they do happen. Muslim youth need to wake up and stop being so dumb, if someone comes up to and befriends you and starts talking about criminal activity of any kind...walk away from them and tell them to stay away from you. They are trying to trap you and arrest you.

Brother, I am not much into conspiracies - It is true -to see eyes everywhere can lead to paranoia which becomes very unhealthy and a form of waswisa (sp?). After all, there are many sadly deluded people in America who think the CIA is being in thoughts via satelites into their heads.. and so they were tinfoils - this isn't an urban myth - some people actually do that. However the complexity of today's technology should be known by people. The reason many innocent Muslims get picked up by the UK govt (and then released.. perhaps) is due to this surveillance. The problem is that 'they' can find it very difficult to decipher what we are talking about. For example, a member of the public, when they hear 'jihad', can quickly think terrorism. Ironically - after several failed sweeps of picking up and then releasing innocent muslims - I think the UK govt understands that jihad is much more complex than that and is central to most Muslims lives - and we do not view it as a method to kill innocents.
Also, I don't think the UK govt conducts entrapment policies - but it is well known the FBI in the US does - therefore all Muslims must be super-aware of this.
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Old 08-11-2012, 07:51 AM   #19

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The Intelligence Services send out spies with full beards and looking like real Muslims to recruit people for jihad. They find people who are not too bright and get them to agree to something dodgy, then they swipe down and arrest them saying they have stopped a al qaeda terror cell. It is pathetic...but it keeps them in jobs and all that government money (or tax payers money) goes towards their security apparatus. Conspiracies are real and they do happen. Muslim youth need to wake up and stop being so dumb, if someone comes up to and befriends you and starts talking about criminal activity of any kind...walk away from them and tell them to stay away from you. They are trying to trap you and arrest you.
And this is exactly why it is necessary to seek collective opinion of Muslims scholarship on any issues rather than being follower of lone shadow groups who hide their identity and self and claim to work for Islam or other one-man Islam doctrines.
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Old 08-11-2012, 07:54 AM   #20

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Brother, I am not much into conspiracies - It is true -to see eyes everywhere can lead to paranoia which becomes very unhealthy and a form of waswisa (sp?). After all, there are many sadly deluded people in America who think the CIA is being in thoughts via satelites into their heads.. and so they were tinfoils - this isn't an urban myth - some people actually do that. However the complexity of today's technology should be known by people. The reason many innocent Muslims get picked up by the UK govt (and then released.. perhaps) is due to this surveillance. The problem is that 'they' can find it very difficult to decipher what we are talking about. For example, a member of the public, when they hear 'jihad', can quickly think terrorism. Ironically - after several failed sweeps of picking up and then releasing innocent muslims - I think the UK govt understands that jihad is much more complex than that and is central to most Muslims lives - and we do not view it as a method to kill innocents.
Also, I don't think the UK govt conducts entrapment policies - but it is well known the FBI in the US does - therefore all Muslims must be super-aware of this.
I would have to agree with you on this that innocent Muslims would be falsely trapped and therefore should be cautious from this sense.
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