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Old 08-08-2012, 07:22 AM   #1

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Default Science and technology harmful and make us athiest?
This question come to me after my best friend in college go to waterloo canada to do masters and she then sudden left. she is geek type and she very good in math so she study there but i ask her why u leave? she said it was making athiest thoughts. i thought maybe kuffar of canada is problem but she say no the subject itself make her think against islam and quran.. nauzubilla.. but this make me disturb.. science is make us go to kuffar thinking?? today all science is work of non muslim also yahood so this is reason?? my son in 7th class now he is bring biological textbook and it say thing like evolution and i tell this only theory of kuffar and he make fun of me.. say teacher right, i knowing nothing.. also technology lead us to kufr.. tv, iphone, internet spearding too much fitnah..

i one time go lecture by famous alim and he say that muslim only use technology in weapon and miltary.. i think this correct.. he say our missoin is ibadat of allah and not win noble prize.. so why muslim want to become leader in science.. for kuffar this is only janat so they enjoy here only, for muslim best tv, iphone in janat is waiting so we no need technology.. only to fight kuffar we need nukilear and plane and guns..

so i think good that not many muslim running after making technology.. kuffar celebrate car to MARS.. muslim dont have to because allah not say to send car to mars.. also allah didnt say to study how insan come how fish live in sea how make fast car.. may be to use car and plane ok but for strct halal thing only.. but avoid other kuffar technology and use only after ulama give permisson. this way is good i think muslim must only research miltary things, army etc and strong.. muslim hav barakat of allah we can buy anything kuffar make.. kuffar only religion is money for muslim money is dirt of body.. so if kuffar make some technology muslim need we should buy. first focus of muslim is IBADAT of allah. for kuffar they do ibadat of DUNIYA so no need competetion from them.

i serious think i stop send my son to school.. inshallah send to madarsah and do real science.. science to study quran pak, hadith, sahabah ikram. this is only science allah ask us to do. what u think?

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Old 08-08-2012, 07:44 AM   #2

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the truth is that science or education or technology does not make you an atheist, from the examples I have seen in my life those who were turned away from deen towards a more atheist point of view was mainly because their parents were from back home and not educated and were not really bothered or could not mould the childs love of science in school with that of islamic teaching, if you strike the balance as a parent then it can be done, the thing at this point your probably thinking either I can't educate myself on these matter to give my child the right tarbiyah or that I need to educate myself. If you decide to educate yourself then know that you yourself need to be careful where you take your knowedge from in case you come across wrong sources and it takes its toll on you.

Studying in a madrassa is also a way of educating your child though you have to be educated to know what madrassa to send your child to, it is easy to just send your child to the nearest or the most well known in the area madrassa, sending your child to a madrassa will have a huge effect on your child depending on the madrassa, different madrassa have different methods of tarbiyah, it is up to you to be educated on the madrassa.

the home tarbiyah of the child and the friend circle are the most important factors to consider.
You may have the wrong message, there is nothing wrong with the latest technology developments if you use them for deen, military planes only came after civilan use I think the same with many inventions and developments, water treatments systems for example are beneficial and are non military

what country are you from?
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:47 AM   #3

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السلاك عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته و مغفرته

بيم الله الرمن الرحيم

Science is not something which should make us doubt Islam but rather reinforce it. Science is a means to which we can appreciate the beauty of Allah SWT as Al-Khaaliq, The Creator. Science gives us another viewpoint, another way or really appreciating Allah SWT's Majesty and Divine Perfection.

Ibaadah of Allah SWT comes in many different forms: Tasbeeh, Salah, Zakat, Saum, Hajj are all acts of worship. But deeni pursuits are also acts of worship when the intention is correct. When the husband works and earns a halaal income with the intention of supporting himself and his family, he is doing ibaadah and being rewarded for it. When a student studies a subject with the intention of using his knowledge for halaal purposes he is rewarded. Worship is not just limited to the acts of worship such as praying.

Science if done with the correct intentions also falls under the category of ibaadah. Science in the form of medicine is ibaadah by helping treat people of diseases and increase their quality of life. Science in the form of mathematics, engineering and physics helps us to come up with technology that greatly simplifies our lives leaving more time for ibaadah. With the advent of cars and planes, journeys which would take days or months now take hours or days freeing up much time to spend doing other beneficial ibaadah. Science for the sake of increasing the knowledge of science is also important as it increases our appreciation of Allah SWT not to mention the possible uses it may have later on.

When it was discovered that a magnet when moved next to a circuit produces a current, scientists at the time though "ah that is nice. How interesting." The far reaching implications it had was not fully understood until later. Today almost every single piece of technology relies on the relationships of electromagnetism. In other words, scientific advancements which are just curiosities can develop into things which have far reaching consequences.

So you should not stop your child from going to school for the sake of not learning science, but rather encourage him to study science if he is good at it and enjoys it. However, an important issue you raised is something like evolution. It should be noted that science is always changing, and things which clearly contradict Islam should not be believed in as Islam does not change with the times. How this will be achieved, parents are better qualified here.

If you do want to send him to madrasah send him for the right reasons, not simple because you do not want him to learn science. Science is a gift that Allah SWT has given to us to help us in our lives and is ibaadah.

If you need further proof, do a google of the scientific advancements that occurred during the Muslim Khilafah.
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:54 AM   #4

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Assalam O Alaikum sister!

Read this book, you will get all of the answers.

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Old 08-08-2012, 07:58 AM   #5

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I doubt reading the book will of benefit as it is a random invention book, she either needs to educate herself on specific subjects for the tarbiyah of the child, educate herself on teaching child about islam and sorting out your childs outside environment alongside home environment.
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:58 AM   #6

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From an Islamic standpoint, science, the study of nature, is considered to be linked to the concept of Tawhid (the Oneness of God), as are all other branches of knowledge. In Islam, nature is not seen as a separate entity, but rather as an integral part of Islam’s holistic outlook on God, humanity, and the world. This link implies a sacred aspect to the pursuit of scientific knowledge by Muslims, as nature itself is viewed in the Qur'an as a compilation of signs pointing to the Divine. It was with this understanding that the pursuit of science was tolerated in Islamic civilizations, specifically during the eighth to sixteenth centuries, prior to the colonization of the Muslim world.

So when someone decides to drop out of school and stop learning, I feel like they want to remain ignorant and in the dark ages.

There was a thread here about Islamic civilization and science

will try to find it for you.
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:24 AM   #7

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Assalamu Alaikum,

You have to be very careful sister. Your son is already showing the wrong signs. You have to correct this right now or it will be too late. The seed of atheism has already been planted into his heart and it will be difficult to remove it if you leave it.

Science is the not the problem, it is how it is taught. Here in the West, if a child does not have deen taught properly, not just the praying but also the spiritual side, then the child will go towards atheism. This is the truth no matter how much we deny it. The youth either don't discuss with the parents because they think that their parents are jahil, or because their mother will cry and the father will fight. But in their hearts, they are no longer Muslim.

Maulana Yusuf Motala of UK had mentiones in one of the bayans, that the son of an alim became atheist (started believing humans came from monkeys), and another girl after studying philosophy in university told her parents that "prove to me that I am your daughter. You guys just picked me up from somewhere. I'm not your daughter." And there are so many more cases.

It will one of the best decisions of your life if you send your son to madrasa, but you have to choose a good one. There are two good ones in Canada. Don't let anyone make you think that a madrasa graduate is living in the dark ages and is not learning anymore, or that madrasa graduates don't make any money. these are not true. There are so many college and university graduates that are jahil, and don't study at all. they only want the degree to get a job and are still jobless.

I personally know a Muslim Neuropsychologist who can't read Quran properly, and a Psychiatrist who doesn't care if his daughter marries a muslim or not. these are normal. The other muslim I meet on a daily basis don't care if their children become muslim or not, or if they pray or not. All they is that they get degrees and have fame.

And I personally know 2 muftis who make multi millions per year through their business, and another who makes half a million pound a year, alhamdullillah. In the beginning it is tough when starting their business, but if they have your support then things becomes much easier.

And then there are also mureeds of Shaykh Zulfiqar who studied deen and then went on to university and studied medicine. And now they are doing work for deen and dunya, alhamdulillah.

The priority right now is deen. Whichever path you chose, make sure it is for your child's akhirah. If our children forsake Islam, then on the day of judgment, they will be the first ones to push us into Jahannam for not teaching them Islam.

And last point sister, it is very important that you sit with your children every day (without exception), and read for 10-15 minutes from an Islamic book. I cannot emphasize this. This has changed lives. Take Fazail Amal (one of the best books), or Riyad us Saliheen or other beneficial books.

And I kindly request all those members who do not live in the West, to not post their opinions. It is extremely different here that it is on the other side of the world. Only those who live here and grew up here going through the system know the situation.
And may Allah keep us all steadfast on His deen. Ameen
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:37 AM   #8

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This question come to me after my best friend in college go to waterloo canada to do masters and she then sudden left. she is geek type and she very good in math so she study there but i ask her why u leave? she said it was making athiest thoughts. i thought maybe kuffar of canada is problem but she say no the subject itself make her think against islam and quran.. nauzubilla.. but this make me disturb.. science is make us go to kuffar thinking?? today all science is work of non muslim also yahood so this is reason?? my son in 7th class now he is bring biological textbook and it say thing like evolution and i tell this only theory of kuffar and he make fun of me.. say teacher right, i knowing nothing.. also technology lead us to kufr.. tv, iphone, internet spearding too much fitnah..

i one time go lecture by famous alim and he say that muslim only use technology in weapon and miltary.. i think this correct.. he say our missoin is ibadat of allah and not win noble prize.. so why muslim want to become leader in science.. for kuffar this is only janat so they enjoy here only, for muslim best tv, iphone in janat is waiting so we no need technology.. only to fight kuffar we need nukilear and plane and guns..

so i think good that not many muslim running after making technology.. kuffar celebrate car to MARS.. muslim dont have to because allah not say to send car to mars.. also allah didnt say to study how insan come how fish live in sea how make fast car.. may be to use car and plane ok but for strct halal thing only.. but avoid other kuffar technology and use only after ulama give permisson. this way is good i think muslim must only research miltary things, army etc and strong.. muslim hav barakat of allah we can buy anything kuffar make.. kuffar only religion is money for muslim money is dirt of body.. so if kuffar make some technology muslim need we should buy. first focus of muslim is IBADAT of allah. for kuffar they do ibadat of DUNIYA so no need competetion from them.

i serious think i stop send my son to school.. inshallah send to madarsah and do real science.. science to study quran pak, hadith, sahabah ikram. this is only science allah ask us to do. what u think?

Genuine question: are you serious or just trolling? In the latter case you won't reply me anyway but couldn't refrain from asking...
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:58 AM   #9

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Genuine question: are you serious or just trolling? In the latter case you won't reply me anyway but couldn't refrain from asking...
At the moment we got to take her seriously.
Just think about the example of her best friend. We know science is marketed as value neutral but anti-religion bias is not difficult to notice. Just take the example of psychology where religion is taken as mental disease. This one is even better than evolution. Evolution stops at denying relevance to God.
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Old 08-08-2012, 01:21 PM   #10

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We know science is marketed as value neutral but anti-religion bias is not difficult to notice. Just take the example of psychology where religion is taken as mental disease. This one is even better than evolution. Evolution stops at denying relevance to God.
Completely agreed. This made the subject of another thread as it would be very interesting to discuss it.
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:52 PM   #11

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Why not get him home schooled? The whole Bio and Chem syllabus is based on evolution theory so i guess best course of action would be to emphasize on the absurdity of the whole concept to ur child, (thats what my mom did when i used to ask her back in 6th grade) Also keep mentioning the missing links. My bio teacher was a Pakistani Muslim doctor who insisted evolution occurred, it was not a good experience. But i was older and I did my own research, took part in debates where christian scientists would debunk the evo theory & read Harun Yahya's books. I was fine after that, now i find the theory a huge fraud and really close minded- education & science is the key with strong imaan that no matter what, Islam can never be wrong.
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Old 08-08-2012, 05:39 PM   #12

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This question come to me after my best friend in college go to waterloo canada to do masters and she then sudden left. she is geek type and she very good in math so she study there but i ask her why u leave? she said it was making athiest thoughts. i thought maybe kuffar of canada is problem but she say no the subject itself make her think against islam and quran.. nauzubilla.. but this make me disturb.. science is make us go to kuffar thinking?? today all science is work of non muslim also yahood so this is reason?? my son in 7th class now he is bring biological textbook and it say thing like evolution and i tell this only theory of kuffar and he make fun of me.. say teacher right, i knowing nothing.. also technology lead us to kufr.. tv, iphone, internet spearding too much fitnah..

i one time go lecture by famous alim and he say that muslim only use technology in weapon and miltary.. i think this correct.. he say our missoin is ibadat of allah and not win noble prize.. so why muslim want to become leader in science.. for kuffar this is only janat so they enjoy here only, for muslim best tv, iphone in janat is waiting so we no need technology.. only to fight kuffar we need nukilear and plane and guns..

so i think good that not many muslim running after making technology.. kuffar celebrate car to MARS.. muslim dont have to because allah not say to send car to mars.. also allah didnt say to study how insan come how fish live in sea how make fast car.. may be to use car and plane ok but for strct halal thing only.. but avoid other kuffar technology and use only after ulama give permisson. this way is good i think muslim must only research miltary things, army etc and strong.. muslim hav barakat of allah we can buy anything kuffar make.. kuffar only religion is money for muslim money is dirt of body.. so if kuffar make some technology muslim need we should buy. first focus of muslim is IBADAT of allah. for kuffar they do ibadat of DUNIYA so no need competetion from them.

i serious think i stop send my son to school.. inshallah send to madarsah and do real science.. science to study quran pak, hadith, sahabah ikram. this is only science allah ask us to do. what u think?


Imaan, Islam are the greatest gifts of Allah to us, our elders the companians of prophet sacrificed everything for Islam and Imaan...!

Allah is the only creater and sustainer, he fufilles our needs, he gives us food and shelter no matter whether we are ignorant about it or not...!

Save imaan of your child, read Fadhail Aamal(Virtues of good deeds By Maulana Zakkriya Rh.A) daily at your home daily and it would be really great if you will make your child as a scholar or a haafiz or both since scholars of islam are heirs of prophet

Dont worry about future of your son, Allah is Raaziq (giver of food)....!

Our elders (companians of the prophet suhabah ) knew nothing about the world yet they ruled the whole world just because of internal power of imaan(power of heart), the conviction that Allah is our creater and sustainer...!

go ahead...

Anyway science is not against islam if studied within limits but generally science teachers go beyond limits as they dont know Allah Azza Wa Jal....!

Prevention is better than cure....prevent imaan of your child ...give him knowledge of islam.....
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Old 08-08-2012, 05:48 PM   #13

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The main cause of your friend and your son being this way it is because the environment and the friends around them. This has a big impact on the way you think and live.

How? lets say a boy sits in the gatherings of awliya Allah, he will himself become a wali.

I can relate soo many incidents that cause people to leave islam just by hanging or sitting with wrong people or became muslims with stronger iman by sitting with the right people despite being in western side. Thats why Tabligh teaches to bring muslims to the environment of the masjid.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:37 PM   #14

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It sounds like a troll...too much use of the word kuffar.

The word kafir I am told comes from to mean 'cover over'. So farmers who plant seeds and cover them over with soil can be called kuffar in Arabic. This means that most humans have differing levels of 'covering over' of their hearts, those of us who are Muslims have started on the path to uncovering the layers of heedlessness upon our hearts...some are very advanced, some are behind. Kafir is usually translated into English by people who hate Islam to mean infidel...this is a mistranslation....some Muslims do use the word in this way as well. The kuffar the Quran describes were hearing the message from the Prophet and were jejecting it in arrogance....we cannot use the same word for people who are not Muslim today because many have never heard the message of Islam. I would agree that some of the ruling elites are kuffar, if we speak generally.

Science and Technology are neutral generally....if we use halal methods and with an attitude of awe towards the creation we as Muslims would be ok. The problem is the methods are not halal, large sums of money going towards science research are based on riba and the attitude of Science generally is to profit from nature, to exploit it and to use the earths resources as if we own it all and we can do with it whatever we like. Extreme greed. We are so greedy that we are destroying the earths ecosystems and cultures....and we are blaming this on there being too many humans....when in fact the problem is greedy extremists using science and technology to make more for themselves. Muslims should study the sciences and their intention should be to bring humans back into balance with nature, to stop being so greedy and to leave the planet in a state where our grand children and future generations will not curse us.

I want to add the conception of corporations as written in western secular laws and the way they operate in scientific research and the way they exploit nature...can be described as the archetypal sociopathic personality:

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Old 08-08-2012, 08:59 PM   #15

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thankyou every body for ur response some comment also hurting.. some ppl have give good views that i thinking abt. i was very angry when my son talk for evolution so may be i say no need for science and techonology. i think we need some science like medicine and for making good to umma and also some competetion with kuffar (sorry mr ABU ZAKIR i call them non muslim??) i think yes it important to study math and science school level.. and i am from india but live in saudi. here they only have total arabi schooling good islamiyat but full arabi.. in hyderabad many madarsa now teach english math and science also.. so i thinking my son will get best of both DEEN and DUNIYA but inshallah he will become DEEN profession. my family not teach me so much relegion, not too mazabhi and also some bad things like dargah and urs.. but i want make my son full janati. and yes very imp to find good madarsa also some not good have wrong teacher with akheeda not correct.. i think very limited science education is good and help ppl in life and madarsa now hav more than minimum education also in india now my friend say they have madarsa board like CBSE board for manage exam so things very regulate. but i not fully agree muslim must give full time to research like non muslim.. yes in past muslim make too much invention but that time the scientist is also aalim and knowing religion fully not like now. may be we make compulsary deeni educatoin for all scientist this way they also find invention from quraan pak and hadith and other research also. only personnel opinion.. hurtful commenter dont mind
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:31 PM   #16

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i guess the better madrassa for your child in india would be shah walliyullah banglore or mazarul uloom sahrangpur or darul uloom deoband or maseehul uloom banglore...these madaris provide tarbiyat with knowledge of deen....!

And the best madrassa according to my opinion is Kashiful Uloom Bangle Wali Masjid Basti Nizamudin Delhi but addmission to kashiful uloom is much difficult...!

Anyway do mashwara with other members also...!
May Allah make your son a true muslim, an aabid, a zaahid, a mutaqi, a saadiq, a moomin, a great aalim, a mujtahid, and a mukhlis daaiee...!

Request For Duas...!
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Old 08-09-2012, 05:18 AM   #17

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we cannot use the same word for people who are not Muslim today because many have never heard the message of Islam. I would agree that some of the ruling elites are kuffar, if we speak generally.
Whoever isn't a Muslims is classified as "Kafir" in the Shari'ah.
Whether he may not know enough of Islam and may thus be "justified", is another issue, but is still a kafir according to Shari'ah definition.

As Hadrat Malangi Sahab put it:

Our prophet,peace and blessings be upon him,followed DIN E HANIF,ie Din of Ibrahim AS......and all the prophets before and after Ibrahim AS followed the same Din....and this is what we Muslims follow on the footsteps of ALL the Prophets in general and Muhammad sallallho alai he wa sallam in particular:
Inna (d) dine indallahel Islam
Quran divides humanity in Two categories Only :
1.Those who follow the Prophets,and
2.Those who follow Taghoot ie Iblees.
After Muhammad peace be upon him,the Only true followers of the Prophets are Muslims.All the rest are the followers of Taghoot (Iblees).
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Old 08-09-2012, 05:29 AM   #18

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It is very good that you posted here - it is good to share such things and seek knowledge - May I be bold enough to ask if in your area there are Muslim friends you have? Friends or family with who you can talk about Deen?
These things are good to discuss together with people of knowledge. How long does it take you to get to your nearest masjid? Do they have study classes for sisters there?

- i say this because Alhumdullilah you have a very high and Good aim - to make your son a devout Muslim - He will be using a lot of clever words soon and trying to make out he is clever and Islam isnt if he doesnt get back on the right track - he will try his clever words on you - Inshallah with study circles and things like this - you will be ready for his clever words and to keep him on the right track to janat!
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Old 08-09-2012, 09:15 AM   #19

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Well if a person knows basic maths, that draws one closer to Allah swt if done in proper way with wisdom.
Like if you see part 1:

Part 2:

And he said:
""On your second point, I would challenge you to produce similar patterns in any other book. I tried this exercise on Alice in Wonderland and Romeo & Juliet. I did not find even one example of repetition of any two similar words. Not one."
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Old 08-09-2012, 05:57 PM   #20

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Asalam Alaikum sis I really don't think science can make one kaffir. Infact the Quran is full of scientific signs and facts. From the sun, moon, stars to life in the womb. The Quran does not go against science at all. I was raised a Kaffur went to school and one of my favourite subjects was science. I embraced islam after finding many scientic miracles in it. SubHanAllah! Allah created everything including science. At one point muslim were ahead in science. You should read the Quran and Science by doctor zakir naik. It's a free book too. Muslims are away from science because we are away from the Quran these days. Once we embrace the Quran again we will be back on top. InshAllah. As for technology if used correctly it can be benefical. For example you could have your tv and watch movies, tv series or rubbish. Or you could watch instead islamic lectures, documentaries, news, talks, speeches, imams, learn Quran or learn about islamic history, watch movies about islam. For instance I have my ipod and on it I have this forum, hadiths, books, quran, medicines of the prophet etc. I could easy take it with me and read the Quran on the bus or listen to Quran whilst cooking. I could watch videos on you tube to learn arabic, salat and lectures. Allah gave us a brain and we should use it to use technology wisely. As muslims we should not sit in the dark ages but use technology to our advantage. InshAllah.
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