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Old 08-07-2012, 08:47 AM   #21

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That my point all then are nothing but words of men not of Allahu Subhaanahu Wa Ta'Ala . If you knew the Qur'aan you would know this alread plus they're 1000's of Hadeeth from diffrent Sect of Muslims they're more then 82 diffrent sect of muslim so if you think you said something slick you didn't .
1) If God only wanted us to follow the Qur'an then why did he send the Prophet Salallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam?

2) Qur'an says pray five times a day, but it doesn't teach you how to pray 5 times a day, so what do you do?

3) If Hadeeth is the "word of man" then how do you think Qur'an was preserved and who do you think it was preserved by?

4) Does the Qur'an say don't follow the Sunnah? If so, can you support your claim for not following the Sunnah from the Qur'an? Because Qur'an says in 19 places "Atee'ullaha wa Atee'ur-Rasool" Obey Allah and Obey His messenger, so how do you obey the Prophet Salallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam?

"The Sunna is divided into two types. The first is the consensus transmitted from the masses to the masses. This is one of the proofs that leave no excuse for denial and there is no disagreement concerning them. Whoever rejects this consensus has rejected one of Allah's textual stipulations and committed apostasy. The second type of Sunna consists in the reports of established, trustworthy lone narrators with uninterrupted chains. The congregation of the ulamas of the Community have said that this second type makes practice obligatory. Some of them said that it makes both knowledge and practice obligatory."

{Ibn Abd al-Barr - Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm Volum 2, Page 33}
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Old 08-07-2012, 09:28 AM   #22

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1) If God only wanted us to follow the Qur'an then why did he send the Prophet Salallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam?

2) Qur'an says pray five times a day, but it doesn't teach you how to pray 5 times a day, so what do you do?

3) If Hadeeth is the "word of man" then how do you think Qur'an was preserved and who do you think it was preserved by?

4) Does the Qur'an say don't follow the Sunnah? If so, can you support your claim for not following the Sunnah from the Qur'an? Because Qur'an says in 19 places "Atee'ullaha wa Atee'ur-Rasool" Obey Allah and Obey His messenger, so how do you obey the Prophet Salallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam?

"The Sunna is divided into two types. The first is the consensus transmitted from the masses to the masses. This is one of the proofs that leave no excuse for denial and there is no disagreement concerning them. Whoever rejects this consensus has rejected one of Allah's textual stipulations and committed apostasy. The second type of Sunna consists in the reports of established, trustworthy lone narrators with uninterrupted chains. The congregation of the ulamas of the Community have said that this second type makes practice obligatory. Some of them said that it makes both knowledge and practice obligatory."

{Ibn Abd al-Barr - Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm Volum 2, Page 33}
Let me say this one more time ok

Hadeeth = Only Word's Men and not fron Allah , Any Hadeeth that are not back up by The Holy Qur'aan means nothing .

Holy Qur'aan ( Revealed In The Year 625 - 627 A.D. ) Al Nisaa ~ The Enosite Women ) . 4 ; 87 , Where It States ; The Source , Allah ; No Ilaaha ( Allahs ) Sources Would Exist , Except By Way Of Him -The Creative Force Of Will ) He Will Gather You All , Unto A Day Of Resurrection . There Is No Doubt In It , And Who Is More < Asadaqu - arabic > '' Truthful '' , Than Allahs ( Hadiyth -Tale , Not Man's Hadiyth ) .
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Old 08-07-2012, 09:32 AM   #23

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You need to stop with these copy-paste jobs because no one can understand what you're saying. The Quran did not come down in the form of a book from the sky. It was passed down to us by the same men who passed down the ahadith. Why do you trust one and not the other? And what do you even mean by "backed up by the Quran"?
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:46 PM   #24

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Let me say this one more time ok

Hadeeth = Only Word's Men and not fron Allah , Any Hadeeth that are not back up by The Holy Qur'aan means nothing .

Holy Qur'aan ( Revealed In The Year 625 - 627 A.D. ) Al Nisaa ~ The Enosite Women ) . 4 ; 87 , Where It States ; The Source , Allah ; No Ilaaha ( Allahs ) Sources Would Exist , Except By Way Of Him -The Creative Force Of Will ) He Will Gather You All , Unto A Day Of Resurrection . There Is No Doubt In It , And Who Is More < Asadaqu - arabic > '' Truthful '' , Than Allahs ( Hadiyth -Tale , Not Man's Hadiyth ) .
Please answer the questions. If you don't know the answer then do as the Qur'an says, if you are truthful
"If you do not know then ask those who have knowledge"
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Old 08-07-2012, 09:41 PM   #25

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Allah revealed the Quran in Arabic, if you don't know Arabic how can you access His words??? A translation are the words of men.... What did Allah say in sura 2:2??? Can you provide for me what Allah said???
Those men who written Hadeeth after the prophet Muhammad death , Didn't speak for Allah nor Muhammad , By the way that verse have nothing to do with hadeeth duh . It speaking of the Qur'aan . Muslims of the week
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Old 08-08-2012, 01:44 AM   #26

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It's NOT a duh... in Arabic it says, that is a book.... dhalika kitab.... How can "that is a book" mean "this is a book"???

Please explain.....

I am in the beginning stages of learning arabic.. If I don't rely on men, or hadith... how am I to understand that Quranic verse????

hadha means this
dhalika means that

In Sura 2:2 it says, dhalika kitab "That is a book." But everybody translates this verse as "this is a book." If Allah intended it to mean "this is a book", why didn't Allah say, "hadha kitab...." ????

What I am asking, if Quran 2:2 refer to the Quran, how can the word "that" (arabic: Dhalika) mean "This" (Arabic:hadha)???

Please explain:

And don't quote any hadith or words from men... Explain it to me just using the Quran!!!! I just want the words of Allah....

thanks you...
As of yet you have not seen me quote any Hadeeth other then to tell you their only words of men not of Allah .

Being you cliam you know / learning Arabic ''Right '' Tell me what these Verse are speaking of ok Holy Qur'aan 82 ; 11-18 ,

Again those verse are speaking of the Qur'aan not Hadeeth .
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Old 08-08-2012, 02:43 AM   #27

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I didn't say those verses are talking about hadith... I don't think it is referring to hadith... My question is how can it be talking about Quran when it say, "That" in arabic and not "this..."

82:11-22... It is talking the day of judgment..

So how long have you been a nuwaubian, were you ever an ansaar, part of the nubian nation???
Again Holy Qur'aan 2 ; 2 , Is speaking of the Qur'aan it has nothing to do with word's of MEN = Hadeeth .

When did I say I was ever a nuwaubian . Stop trying label me ok
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:05 AM   #28

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You need to stop with these copy-paste jobs because no one can understand what you're saying. The Quran did not come down in the form of a book from the sky. It was passed down to us by the same men who passed down the ahadith. Why do you trust one and not the other? And what do you even mean by "backed up by the Quran"?
Funny thing about people like you , You always have some type of an excuse whenever someone disagree with you . Just what Say Hadeeth = to words of men Only not of Allah and any Hadeeth that not back up with the Qur'aan they're Only words of men which mean nothing .
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:19 AM   #29

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It is best to ignore him....
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:25 AM   #30

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It is best to ignore him....
ignore-ing someone not going change the Facts/ Truths . Facts/ Truths always find it way to the Top .
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:06 AM   #31

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Funny thing about people like you , You always have some type of an excuse whenever someone disagree with you . Just what Say Hadeeth = to words of men Only not of Allah and any Hadeeth that not back up with the Qur'aan they're Only words of men which mean nothing .
What excuse are you talking about? I presented a valid form of argument, demonstrating that your line of thinking leads to a logical inconsistency. But you wouldn't know anything about logic, seeing as how you can't even string two sentences together.
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:32 AM   #32

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What excuse are you talking about? I presented a valid form of argument, demonstrating that your line of thinking leads to a logical inconsistency. But you wouldn't know anything about logic, seeing as how you can't even string two sentences together.
Huwa min al jahiloon...
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:51 PM   #33

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What excuse are you talking about? I presented a valid form of argument, demonstrating that your line of thinking leads to a logical inconsistency. But you wouldn't know anything about logic, seeing as how you can't even string two sentences together.
Logic have nothing to do with Facts , Your looking for someone to tell you what you ( Believe ) . And the facts is that Hadeeth are nothing but word's of men , And not of Allah . And you think by attaking / insulting some one that it might go away . But all it does show how weak you are as a muslims .
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:16 PM   #34

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Logic have nothing to do with Facts , Your looking for someone to tell you what you ( Believe ) . And the facts is that Hadeeth are nothing but word's of men , And not of Allah . And you think by attaking / insulting some one that it might go away . But all it does show how weak you are as a muslims .
It's a fact that the same men who transmitted Hadith are the same men who transmitted the Quran...

It's a fact that both Hadith and the Quran were collected into single collections after the demise of the Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salaam...

It's a fact that the early Muslim community predominantly an oral tradition meaning the Quran was mainly transmitted through men and not paper books....

It's a fact that ten variant readings of Quran have reached us through men from the Prophet, sallahu alayhi WA salaam...

It is a fact that Hadith are a collection of saying of the Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salaam...

It's a fact that words of Allah are found in both the Quran and Hadith...

Its a fact that not every Hadith is true...

It's a fact that there are Hadith which are rigoriously authenticated (sahih), well authenticated (hasan), weak (daif), and fabricated (mawdo)...

It's a fact that Islam is not only based on Quran and Hadith. But tradition as well in which all three were transmitted by men...

It's a fact that not every sahih Hadith is acted upon by sunni muslims... So it is a fact we take into consideration the possibility of errors of men...

You keep on mentioning only one fact when there are many facts to be considered...
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:59 PM   #35

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It's a fact that the same men who transmitted Hadith are the same men who transmitted the Quran...

It's a fact that both Hadith and the Quran were collected into single collections after the demise of the Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salaam...

It's a fact that the early Muslim community predominantly an oral tradition meaning the Quran was mainly transmitted through men and not paper books....

It's a fact that ten variant readings of Quran have reached us through men from the Prophet, sallahu alayhi WA salaam...

It is a fact that Hadith are a collection of saying of the Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salaam...

It's a fact that words of Allah are found in both the Quran and Hadith...

Its a fact that not every Hadith is true...

It's a fact that there are Hadith which are rigoriously authenticated (sahih), well authenticated (hasan), weak (daif), and fabricated (mawdo)...

It's a fact that Islam is not only based on Quran and Hadith. But tradition as well in which all three were transmitted by men...

It's a fact that not every sahih Hadith is acted upon by sunni muslims... So it is a fact we take into consideration the possibility of errors of men...

You keep on mentioning only one fact when there are many facts to be considered...
The ( Fact ) that this post is speaking of ( Hadeeth ) Which were written ( After ) The Prophet Muhammad ( Death ) And not while he was a live ( Prove's ) That Allah had nothing to do with Man Made ( Hadeeth ) . And It A ( Fact ) that they're more
(Hadeeth / Verses ) then Qur'aan Verse . Also show these ( Hadeeth -Writer's ) see them as equal to the Qur'aan . ( When they are not equal ) to The Holy Qur'aan

So stop lying on Allah because no man is equal to Allah .
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