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Old 08-04-2012, 04:34 AM   #1

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Default 7 different readings (different Arabic dialects) of Quran
I am aware of Hafs and Warsh...what are the other 5? Is there somewhere we can hear and compare the different readings?
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Old 08-04-2012, 04:36 AM   #2

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I am aware of Hafs and Warsh...what are the other 5? Is there somewhere we can hear and compare the different readings?
Hafs and Warsh are Qiraats

Dialects - i think it doesnt exist today. The quran which we have is in Qureshi dialect
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Old 08-04-2012, 04:39 AM   #3

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So Qiraats are not dialects? and there are 7 Qiraats so what is Qiraats?
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Old 08-04-2012, 05:04 AM   #4

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there are 10 Qiraats in Quran.

My teacher knows 2.
copule of days ago he recited a verse in two ways

Wa ma adraaka ma Lail...
Wa ma adreyka ma lail...

Amazing, m a jahil.
Huffaz can help here
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Old 08-04-2012, 05:39 AM   #5

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Qiraah Sab'ah or 7 Qiraat / recitation was introduced by Ibn Mujahid (a well known authority of Qur'an in Baghdad in 322 A.H), in which he referred to the 7 types of qiraat popularised by 7 imams of qiraat.. ie

Qalun dan Warsy, narrated (the recitation) from Imam Nafi’ (in Madinah)
Qambul dan Al-Bazzi, narrated (the recitation) from Ibnu Katsir (in Makkah)
Ad-Duri dan Susi, narrated (the recitation) from Imam Abu Amr (in Basrah)
Syukbah dan Hafas, narrated (the recitation) from Imam Asim (in Kufah)
Kholafi dan Khollad, narrated (the recitation) from Imam Hamzah (in Kufah)
Hisyam dan Dzakwan, narrated (the recitation) from Imam Ibnu Amir (in Syam)
Abdul Haris dan Duri , narrated (the recitation) from Imam Ali Kisa’i (in Kufah)

wallaahu a'lam
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Old 08-04-2012, 05:49 AM   #6

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I am aware of Hafs and Warsh...what are the other 5? Is there somewhere we can hear and compare the different readings?

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Old 08-04-2012, 11:55 AM   #7

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Which one is read most commonly? Hafs right?

Also, why is one more common than the other 6?
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Old 08-04-2012, 02:39 PM   #8

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Which one is read most commonly? Hafs right?
Yes. The most commonly read is Qiraat Hafs from Imam Asim.

Also, why is one more common than the other 6? According to one 'alim in Qur'an, this is due to 3 factors :

  1. khilaf in the recitation in qiraat Hafs is much lesser compared to other riwayah
    eg. only 1 imalah ie in surah Hud, only 1 tashil ie in surah Fussilat, only 1 isymam / raum ie in surah Yusof, only 4 places where there are saktah ie in surah Kahfi, Yaasiin, alHaqqah and alMutaffifiin... and several other khilafs.
  2. the sanad riwayah is direct and continuous from Imam Hafs to Rasulullah s.a.w. without wasitah (ie intermediary or persons in between) compared to other riwayah such as Qunbul, alBazzi, Khalaf and Khallad
    ie meaning Imam Hafs learnt from Imam Asim who learnt from his teacher Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami, who learnt it from Ali ibn Abi Tolib, who learnt it from Rasulullah s.a.w.
  3. all the bearer of the sanad are very prominent ulama of Qur'an and were very much trusted during their period
    ie Ali ibn Abi Tolib, need no introduction to his well known and indepth knowledge of the Qur'an
    Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami, a trusted personality who was Hadrat Uthman ibn 'Affan r.a. envoy to the people of Kufah with the mushaf of Qur'an
    When Imam Abu Abdul Rahman passed away, Imam Asim Abu al-Najud became the reference for the people of Kufah

wallaahu a'lam
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Old 08-04-2012, 10:19 PM   #9

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I think there is some confusion.

Ahruf are not the same as the riwaayah of the qiraa'ah..

Ahruf are seven. There is difference in opinion as to whether the Uthmaani script preserved all seven or just one.

Riwaayah of qiraa'ah is not seven. The established ones are ten in number. But there are also other shadd qiraa'ah.

Hafs 'an 'Aasim falls under riwaayah of Qiraa'ah. It is the most prevalent nowadays. Warsh 'an Naafi is arguably the second in terms of popularity - it was the recitation of the people of Madinah (preferred by Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad etc.)

For more details, refer to Sh. Yasir Qadhi's excellent book "Introduction to Quranic Sciences".

Many of the scholars reproached Imam Ibn Mujahid because he unintentionally caused this confusion between qiraa'ah and ahruf by restricting the qiraa'ah to seven.
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Old 08-05-2012, 09:17 AM   #10

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My ustad, Mufti Norman Limbada, may Allah(SWT) preserve him, is an expert in the ten Qiraats. MashaAllah.

there are 10 Qiraats in Quran.

My teacher knows 2.
copule of days ago he recited a verse in two ways

Wa ma adraaka ma Lail...
Wa ma adreyka ma lail...

Amazing, m a jahil.
Huffaz can help here
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Old 08-05-2012, 09:21 AM   #11

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What are Maqamat, then? Do they have anything to do with this?
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Old 08-05-2012, 06:15 PM   #12

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What are Maqamat, then? Do they have anything to do with this?
Maqaamaat are completely different from the 10 established recitals and the 7 ahruf in which the Quran was revealed. The individual maqaamaat are not something that's found in the Quran and Sunnah.

They are basically tune/musical/rhythmic patterns - nahawand, bayati, hijaaz etc. Some scholars are of the opinion that it is prohibited to apply them when reciting Quran.

Others, however, allow it under the condition that no tajweed rules are compromised. This is due to the hadith: "Whoever does not beautify the Quran, he is not of us." [Bukhari]. And they argue that whoever recites melodiously will automatically be reciting in one of the maqaamaat so there is no harm in categorisation. E.g. Sh. Shuraim recites in Maqaam Rast, Sh. Khaleel Husary primarily in Nahawand etc.

Obviously, if one compromises tajweed to recite Quran in a certain maqaam, this is haraam.

You can see an example here by Sh. Helbawy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6x56WW6P54

More info here: http://www.reciteintune.com/what-are-the-maqamat/
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Old 08-05-2012, 06:23 PM   #13

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Maqaamaat are completely different from the 10 established recitals and the 7 ahruf in which the Quran was revealed. The individual maqaamaat are not something that's found in the Quran and Sunnah.

They are basically tune/musical patterns - nahawand, bayati, hijaaz etc. Some scholars are of the opinion that it is prohibited to apply them when reciting Quran. Others, however, allow it under the condition that no tajweed rules are compromised.

You can see an example here by Sh. Helbawy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6x56WW6P54

More info here: http://www.reciteintune.com/what-are-the-maqamat/
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Old 08-05-2012, 06:35 PM   #14

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Barak Allahu Feek brother. FYI: I added some more info to Post # 12.

Malaysians and Egyptians are masters of Maqaamaat.
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Old 08-05-2012, 09:53 PM   #15

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While we are on the topic of the Quran, just wanted to share a reminder:

Quite often, you will see people debating about the "allegorical" verses in the Quran. You may also find some assessing how to pronounce a certain letter correctly or how to best imitate a famous Qari. Or they may be discussing the scientific miracles and the linguistic superiority of the Quran. Alhamdulillah, the Quran is such a comprehensive book that it allows such discussions to take place. However, are these the main reasons why the Quran was revealed? Or are we simply focusing too much on the peripheries while not paying attention to the core?

Syed Qutb (R.A) writes:

We must return to it (i.e. The Quran) with a sense of instruction for obedience and action, and not for academic discussion and enjoyment. We should return to it to find out what kind of person it asks us to be, and then be like that. During this process, we will also discover the artistic beauty in the Qur'an, the marvellous tales in the Qur'an, the scenes of the Day of Judgment in the Qur'an, the intuitive logic the Qur'an, and all other such benefits which are sought in the Qur'an by academic and literary people. We will enjoy all these other aspects, but these are not the main object of our study. Our primary purpose is to know what way of life is demanded of us by the Qur'an, the total view of the universe which the Qur'an wants us to have, what is the nature of our knowledge of God taught to us by the Qur'an, the kind of morals and manners which are enjoined by it, and the kind of legal and constitutional system it asks us to establish in the world. [MS]
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