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Old 08-26-2010, 06:19 AM   #1

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Default Dubai’s Grand Mufti calls for curb in marriage to foreigners
In otherwords, Grand Mufti is Re writing the sharia !

No one can make Haram what Allah made Halal...

The number of Emiratis marrying foreigners has risen by 10 per cent in the last four years, according to recent figures.Officials and religious leaders blame the rising costs of dowries and extravagant wedding ceremonies and parties for encouraging “ordinary” local men to seek foreign wives, who cost less to marry.

Dr Ahmad al-Haddad, Dubai's Grand Mufti, the country's most senior Islamic scholar, wants to restrict foreign marriages to allow only Muslim, Arab spouses, and a maximum age difference of 25 years. For men, it would have to be his first and only wife.

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Old 08-26-2010, 08:17 AM   #2

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i wonder whether this will apply to everyone?-probably not.
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Old 08-26-2010, 11:58 AM   #3

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I support this and long over due. Something similar has to be done in UK! It is not about nationalism but need to address a growing problem!!
I have seen many marriage problem relating to UK where muslimah and muslims are forced to opt for import option. When a suitable suiter is found, they should get married and not galavant across the world to get married. There are ofcourse genuine need but to some it is about customs. There 30000 muslimah of UAE national are unmarried. This has to be rectified. As for second marriage, there are too many perverts out there missusing the concept of polygomy!! Often they don't provide mantainance!! Plenty of such incident in UK!! I think I would have stated without certificate of some sort, one can not marry more then 1 wife.
Arabs tend to go for Labanises, Iranian and European option!

whatever for???? no offence to those from these countries but the dollied up ones look like drag artists ( and that's me being kind)
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Old 08-26-2010, 12:13 PM   #4

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I support this and long over due. Something similar has to be done in UK! It is not about nationalism but need to address a growing problem!!
I have seen many marriage problem relating to UK where muslimah and muslims are forced to opt for import option. When a suitable suiter is found, they should get married and not galavant across the world to get married. There are ofcourse genuine need but to some it is about customs. There 30000 muslimah of UAE national are unmarried. This has to be rectified. As for second marriage, there are too many perverts out there missusing the concept of polygomy!! Often they don't provide mantainance!! Plenty of such incident in UK!! I think I would have stated without certificate of some sort, one can not marry more then 1 wife.
Arabs tend to go for Labanises, Iranian and European option!
so to you Nationalism comes first before Islam right?
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Old 08-26-2010, 02:24 PM   #5

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ALL they need to do is lower the mahr. these Bedouins ask way too much & now their daughter cant get married. they need a social change. it is the same in South Africa with the african triditional religion. they ask for cows & we talking like 5,10,20 cows. whatever the girl is worth. as a result men move tio the city, find a girlfriend & live with her, make babies & act as if they married. some africans have become clever & give one cow as a down payment & makes a promise to pay off his debt in a few years & then he could marry the girl as normal.
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Old 08-26-2010, 02:50 PM   #6

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What do you mean that polygamy should not be allowed due to pervs??? I mean if there are 30000 non-married ladies what do you expect...I'm all for polygamy. Yes polygamy should not be abused but most of the men in the UAE are wealthy and can easily support more than 1 wife. Yes, in the UK there is an issue but then what would happen with all those divorced sisters who no-one wants to marry. Yes the harms of marrying non-muslims are very great. I mean if one looks at the children of such people then they turn out very messed up. But some arab men are very fascinated by white ladies for some reason. They worship everything white and hate everything indian/asian. Anyway these are the many social problems prevailent in the UAE. I mean there is also the issue of nannies. Non-muslim nannies looking after children. So whilst the mother goes shopping and shops till she drops (crazy consumerism) the child is looked after by the christian philipano Nanny. So instead of getting motherly love the child gets the tarbiyah done by the philipino christians (no disrespect intended towards christians of the phillipnes)...This is another reason for fasaad in the land. I mean instead of barking about salafis, sufis etc these are the social problems that need to get tackled. I mean the labourers get paid peaunuts and are forced to work in very bad conditions.
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Old 08-26-2010, 05:22 PM   #7

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I support this and long over due. Something similar has to be done in UK! It is not about nationalism but need to address a growing problem!!
I have seen many marriage problem relating to UK where muslimah and muslims are forced to opt for import option. When a suitable suiter is found, they should get married and not galavant across the world to get married. There are ofcourse genuine need but to some it is about customs. There 30000 muslimah of UAE national are unmarried. This has to be rectified. As for second marriage, there are too many perverts out there missusing the concept of polygomy!! Often they don't provide mantainance!! Plenty of such incident in UK!! I think I would have stated without certificate of some sort, one can not marry more then 1 wife.
Arabs tend to go for Labanises, Iranian and European option!

Your comparison is incorrect. In UK it means that a person who has born and raised here goes and gets married to a person born and raised in a different culture which may be an issue of compatibility.

In UAE or SAUDIA it often means a UAE person cannot get married to another person resident in UAE or Saudia, simply due to passport issues.

Furthermore what is this restriction of “Muslim & Arab”? And age restrictions and first wife business? Surely that’s meddling into affairs which the Shariah has permitted.

The solution (as Mufti Taqi Usmani) has recommended is to put safe guards in place to ensure that the rights of women are not abused and NOT to change the Shariah.

A person can easily do Nikah (without civil marriage) and live life so this will just drive issues underground.

In both UAE & Saudia a person can get Nikah done “unofficially” and as long as the relevant witnesses are present it cannot be regarded as breaking the law.
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Old 08-26-2010, 10:37 PM   #8

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Dubai (Las Vegas)! what about the ''Salafi'' Kingdom Saudi Arabia i read that Saudi Women arent allowed to marry Non Saudi men!.
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Old 08-26-2010, 10:55 PM   #9

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How about the Mufti advocate or initiate a massive campaign decrying the practice of asking for huge dowries as well as highlighting the dangers of marrying a non-Muslim spouse?

Even so though I can still see it not solving the problem completely. It is 100% true that many men from Dubai do prefer to marry "light-skinned" women, Muslim or not. This is why you see, as one poster mentioned, a lot of them prefering to marry Lebanese and Syrian women (if they marry a Muslim at all). The sisters in Dubai will continue to suffer so long as this obsession with light skin, which is present in much of the Muslim world, continues to exist.
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Old 08-26-2010, 11:02 PM   #10

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How about the Mufti advocate or initiate a massive campaign decrying the practice of asking for huge dowries as well as highlighting the dangers of marrying a non-Muslim spouse?
That's probably one of the factors on why others are given preference.
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:08 AM   #11

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Dubai (Las Vegas)! what about the ''Salafi'' Kingdom Saudi Arabia i read that Saudi Women arent allowed to marry Non Saudi men!.
Arab Muslims racism perhaps?

Its a thorny issue and most wouldnt want to touch it

Its not even about Arab women from Saudi Arabia or UAE marrying non Muslims, its about Arab women not allowed to marry anyone who isnt from those countries. I take it they would rather see her non practicing Emarati than a practising from lets say....Pakistan or Tanzania.

In otherwords, race and nationalism comes first then Islam second, unless they are protesting Zionism and Israeli agression...well we all become brothers and sisters all of a sudden!

I'm not sure if Iranians have issues like what we currently see in Arab world
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:20 AM   #12

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I was in Saudi when this issue was brought up in the local newspapers and the problem that they are having in Saudi is saudi men marrying foreign women, which is making it more difficult for Saudi women to find husbands, on the other side of the coin, the Kingdom is relaxing laws on allowing saudi women to marry expatriates and foreigners though it is barred for any royal family and those who are in the military or government. The Kingdom is careful about protecting its sovereignity and I suppose we cant blame them for that as Alhamdulillah they are taking good care of the Haramain and the Hujjaaj, but really the problem can only be solved if they allow marriages to take place freely for both men and women in Saudi.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:00 AM   #13
Jon Woodgate

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I support this and long over due. Something similar has to be done in UK! It is not about nationalism but need to address a growing problem!!
I have seen many marriage problem relating to UK where muslimah and muslims are forced to opt for import option. When a suitable suiter is found, they should get married and not galavant across the world to get married. There are ofcourse genuine need but to some it is about customs. There 30000 muslimah of UAE national are unmarried. This has to be rectified. As for second marriage, there are too many perverts out there missusing the concept of polygomy!! Often they don't provide mantainance!! Plenty of such incident in UK!! I think I would have stated without certificate of some sort, one can not marry more then 1 wife.
Arabs tend to go for Labanises, Iranian and European option!
If the sisters in the UAE want to get married, they need to not ask for so much as dowry - its simple capatalism - they charge an exraordinary large amount for the same prodduct offered by foreign sisters - if they wisash to compete with foreign sisters, lower their prices.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:35 AM   #14

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If the sisters in the UAE want to get married, they need to not ask for so much as dowry - its simple capatalism - they charge an exraordinary large amount for the same prodduct offered by foreign sisters - if they wisash to compete with foreign sisters, lower their prices.
Its a phenomenon in most Middle Eastern countries these days Egypt (North Africa) is no exception they ask enormous amounts of money for Mahr as well.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:37 AM   #15

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I was in Saudi when this issue was brought up in the local newspapers and the problem that they are having in Saudi is saudi men marrying foreign women, which is making it more difficult for Saudi women to find husbands, on the other side of the coin, the Kingdom is relaxing laws on allowing saudi women to marry expatriates and foreigners though it is barred for any royal family and those who are in the military or government. The Kingdom is careful about protecting its sovereignity and I suppose we cant blame them for that as Alhamdulillah they are taking good care of the Haramain and the Hujjaaj, but really the problem can only be solved if they allow marriages to take place freely for both men and women in Saudi.
They are taking good care of their awliya (USA,Europe) as well last time i checked the news there i saw King Saud awarding Bush & Obama with a necklace (award).
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Old 08-27-2010, 04:27 AM   #16

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Arab Muslims racism perhaps?

Its a thorny issue and most wouldnt want to touch it

Its not even about Arab women from Saudi Arabia or UAE marrying non Muslims, its about Arab women not allowed to marry anyone who isnt from those countries. I take it they would rather see her non practicing Emarati than a practising from lets say....Pakistan or Tanzania.

In otherwords, race and nationalism comes first then Islam second, unless they are protesting Zionism and Israeli agression...well we all become brothers and sisters all of a sudden!

I'm not sure if Iranians have issues like what we currently see in Arab world
The Arab world has no monopoly on racism, tribalism, etc. It is present in many Muslim countries.
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Old 08-27-2010, 07:30 PM   #17

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Have you checked the going rate of Mahr in UK!!
In Bangali community it is used to be maximum 5k and now it is 10K+. I guess the pakistanis are doing the same. It is ture the mahr is too high. Just go to Syria and lebanon, egypt. It is too high. Perhaps the Salaafi and Traditional scholar ought to speak out on these social issue.
The polygomy is also abused here in gulf. Guys marrying girl from here and there and get bored and devorce after some time passed. I remember this salaafi idiot who lectures in masjid married my salaafi niece and devorced her after 4 weeks and when confronted he cited some hadith. He left the locality. I am sure he is going to do the same to some other sister in UK and she will be impressed by his trouser above ankle and quoting Bukhari, muslim shareef and anti biddah stance. I think he is based in East London now.
i doubt any of the Pakistani girls would ever give me a second look if they new how much I paid $67
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Old 08-27-2010, 10:10 PM   #18

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Regarding the polygamy issue; if men are abusing this, then all that shows is that we need Sharia courts to protect the women.
Regarding mahr; as far as I'm aware, while it is the right of women to ask for any amount of mahr they want, it's sometimes the family's of these women demanding the extravagant amounts. Maybe the money doesn't even end up with the girl. Is that how it works down there?
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Old 08-27-2010, 10:59 PM   #19

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Have you checked the going rate of Mahr in UK!!
In Bangali community it is used to be maximum 5k and now it is 10K+. I guess the pakistanis are doing the same. It is ture the mahr is too high. Just go to Syria and lebanon, egypt. It is too high. Perhaps the Salaafi and Traditional scholar ought to speak out on these social issue.
The polygomy is also abused here in gulf. Guys marrying girl from here and there and get bored and devorce after some time passed. I remember this salaafi idiot who lectures in masjid married my salaafi niece and devorced her after 4 weeks and when confronted he cited some hadith. He left the locality. I am sure he is going to do the same to some other sister in UK and she will be impressed by his trouser above ankle and quoting Bukhari, muslim shareef and anti biddah stance. I think he is based in East London now.
It happens here aswell especially revert sisters being abused by so called ''Salafis'' they divorce sisters for silly shallow reasons.

Salafis are creating their own form of Mutah!
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Old 08-27-2010, 11:08 PM   #20

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Dude, what's with the extreme bias against Salafi's? Regarding your claim, I haven't seen this myself personally- can you back up your claim or at least elaborate a bit further?

What about the non Salafies that get their girlfriends to 'convert' due to family pressuring them to get married or whatever? Sometimes these marriages end in divorce, sometimes they don't. This is probably a bigger problem in the UK than your claim of Salafi's taking advantage of our revert sisters
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